clean up output

This commit is contained in:
Emil Lerch 2023-04-03 13:52:15 -07:00
parent 9ca7fd0864
commit 91fc37d30a
Signed by: lobo
GPG Key ID: A7B62D657EF764F8

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@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ fn sendPixelsThroughI2CDriver(pixels: []const u8, file: [*:0]const u8, device_id
defer bw.flush() catch unreachable; // don't forget to flush!
try stdout.print("Connecting to I2CDriver on {s}. If progress stalls, unplug device and re-insert.\n", .{c_file});
try bw.flush();
try stdout.print("Sending pixels to display...", .{});
c.i2c_connect(&i2c, c_file);
try stdout.print("Device connected\n", .{});
if (i2c.connected != 1) return error.I2CConnectionFailed;
@ -194,9 +195,11 @@ fn sendPixelsThroughI2CDriver(pixels: []const u8, file: [*:0]const u8, device_id
// Write data to device
try i2cWrite(&i2c, &pixels_write_command);
for (0..HEIGHT) |i| {
std.debug.print("{d:0>2}: {s}\n", .{ i, fmtSliceGreyscaleImage(pixels[(i * WIDTH)..((i + 1) * WIDTH)]) });
// Leaving this here because we'll need it later I think
// for (0..HEIGHT) |i| {
// std.log.debug("{d:0>2}: {s}\n", .{ i, fmtSliceGreyscaleImage(pixels[(i * WIDTH)..((i + 1) * WIDTH)]) });
// }
try stdout.print("done\n", .{});
fn packPixelsToDeviceFormat(pixels: []const u8, packed_pixels: []u8) void {
@ -314,13 +317,13 @@ fn convertImage(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, filename: [:0]u8, pixels: *[WIDTH * HE
const w = c.MagickGetImageWidth(mw);
const h = c.MagickGetImageHeight(mw);
std.debug.print("Original dimensions: {d}x{d}\n", .{ w, h });
std.log.debug("Original dimensions: {d}x{d}\n", .{ w, h });
// This should be 48x64 with our test
// Command line resize works differently than this. Here we need to find
// new width and height based on the input aspect ratio ourselves
const resize_dimensions = getNewDimensions(w, h, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
std.debug.print("Dimensions for resize: {d}x{d}\n", .{ resize_dimensions.width, resize_dimensions.height });
std.log.debug("Dimensions for resize: {d}x{d}\n", .{ resize_dimensions.width, resize_dimensions.height });
status = c.MagickResizeImage(mw, resize_dimensions.width, resize_dimensions.height, c.UndefinedFilter);
if (status == c.MagickFalse)
@ -367,7 +370,6 @@ fn convertImage(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, filename: [:0]u8, pixels: *[WIDTH * HE
std.debug.print("left_spaces: {d}. Text: \"{s}\"\n", .{ left_spaces, text });
x += (FONT_WIDTH * left_spaces);
mw = try drawString(mw, text[@intCast(usize, left_spaces)..], x, y);