out with AWS cli/in with the SDK
Some checks failed
Generic zig build / build (push) Failing after 44s
Some checks failed
Generic zig build / build (push) Failing after 44s
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
lambda-zig: A Custom Runtime for AWS Lambda
This is a sample custom runtime built in zig (0.12). Simple projects will execute
This is a sample custom runtime built in zig (0.13). Simple projects will execute
in <1ms, with a cold start init time of approximately 11ms.
Some custom build steps have been added to build.zig, which will only currently appear if compiling from a linux operating system:
* `zig build iam`: Deploy and record a default IAM role for the lambda function
* `zig build package`: Package the lambda function for upload
* `zig build deploy`: Deploy the lambda function
* `zig build remoterun`: Run the lambda function
* `zig build awslambda_iam`: Deploy and record a default IAM role for the lambda function
* `zig build awslambda_package`: Package the lambda function for upload
* `zig build awslambda_deploy`: Deploy the lambda function
* `zig build awslambda_run`: Run the lambda function
Custom options:
* **function-name**: set the name of the AWS Lambda function
* **payload**: Use this to set the payload of the function when run using `zig build remoterun`
* **payload**: Use this to set the payload of the function when run using `zig build awslambda_run`
* **region**: Use this to set the region for the function deployment/run
* **function-role**: Name of the role to use for the function. The system will
look up the arn from this name, and create if it does not exist
* **function-arn**: Role arn to use with the function. This must exist
Additionally, a custom IAM role can be used for the function by appending ``-- --role myawesomerole``
to the `zig build deploy` command. This has not really been tested. The role name
is cached in zig-out/bin/iam_role_name, so you can also just set that to the full
arn of your iam role if you'd like.
The AWS Lambda function is compiled as a linux ARM64 executable. Since the build.zig
calls out to the shell for AWS operations, you will need the AWS CLI. v2.2.43 has been tested.
The AWS Lambda function can be compiled as a linux x86_64 or linux aarch64
executable. The build script will set the architecture appropriately
* Unhandled invocation errors seem to be causing timeouts
* zig build options only appear if compiling using linux, although it should be trivial
to make it work on other Unix-like operating systems (e.g. macos, freebsd). In fact,
it will likely work with just a change to the operating system check
* There are a **ton** of TODO's in this code. Current state is more of a proof of
concept. PRs are welcome!
* Building on Windows will not yet work, as the package step still uses
system commands due to the need to create a zip file, and the current lack
of zip file creation capabilities in the standard library (you can read, but
not write, zip files with the standard library). A TODO exists with more
information should you wish to file a PR.
* Caching is not yet implemented in the package or deployment steps, so the
function will be deployed on every build
A sample project using this runtime can be found at https://git.lerch.org/lobo/lambda-zig-sample
@ -7,6 +7,12 @@
// This field is optional.
// This is currently advisory only; Zig does not yet do anything
// with this value.
.dependencies = .{
.aws = .{
.url = "https://git.lerch.org/api/packages/lobo/generic/aws-sdk-with-models/908c9d2d429b1f38c835363db566aa17bf1742fd/908c9d2d429b1f38c835363db566aa17bf1742fd-with-models.tar.gz",
.hash = "122022770a177afb2ee46632f88ad5468a5dea8df22170d1dea5163890b0a881399d",
.minimum_zig_version = "0.12.0",
// Specifies the set of files and directories that are included in this package.
@ -20,6 +26,7 @@
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Package = @import("lambdabuild/Package.zig");
const Iam = @import("lambdabuild/Iam.zig");
const Deploy = @import("lambdabuild/Deploy.zig");
const Invoke = @import("lambdabuild/Invoke.zig");
fn fileExists(file_name: []const u8) bool {
const file = std.fs.openFileAbsolute(file_name, .{}) catch return false;
@ -40,159 +44,122 @@ pub fn configureBuild(b: *std.Build, exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile, function_name
// TODO: support other host OSs
if (builtin.os.tag != .linux) return;
// Package step
const package_step = b.step("awslambda_package", "Package the function");
const function_zip = b.getInstallPath(.bin, "function.zip");
@import("aws").aws.globalLogControl(.info, .warn, .info, false);
const package_step = Package.create(b, .{ .exe = exe });
// TODO: Avoid use of system-installed zip, maybe using something like
// https://github.com/hdorio/hwzip.zig/blob/master/src/hwzip.zig
const zip = if (std.mem.eql(u8, "bootstrap", exe.out_filename))
try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator,
\\zip -qj9 {s} {s}
, .{
b.getInstallPath(.bin, "bootstrap"),
// We need to copy stuff around
try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator,
\\cp {s} {s} && \
\\zip -qj9 {s} {s} && \
\\rm {s}
, .{
b.getInstallPath(.bin, exe.out_filename),
b.getInstallPath(.bin, "bootstrap"),
b.getInstallPath(.bin, "bootstrap"),
b.getInstallPath(.bin, "bootstrap"),
// std.debug.print("\nzip cmdline: {s}", .{zip});
defer b.allocator.free(zip);
var zip_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "/bin/sh", "-c", zip });
const step = b.step("awslambda_package", "Package the function");
// Deployment
const deploy_step = b.step("awslambda_deploy", "Deploy the function");
// Doing this will require that the aws dependency be added to the downstream
// build.zig.zon
// const lambdabuild = b.addExecutable(.{
// .name = "lambdabuild",
// .root_source_file = .{
// // we use cwd_relative here because we need to compile this relative
// // to whatever directory this file happens to be. That is likely
// // in a cache directory, not the base of the build.
// .cwd_relative = try std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8{
// std.fs.path.dirname(@src().file).?,
// "lambdabuild/src/main.zig",
// }),
// },
// .target = b.host,
// });
// const aws_dep = b.dependency("aws", .{
// .target = b.host,
// .optimize = lambdabuild.root_module.optimize orelse .Debug,
// });
// const aws_module = aws_dep.module("aws");
// lambdabuild.root_module.addImport("aws", aws_module);
const iam_role_name = b.option(
[]const u8,
"IAM role name for function (will create if it does not exist) [lambda_basic_execution]",
) orelse "lambda_basic_execution";
) orelse "lambda_basic_execution_blah2";
const iam_role_arn = b.option(
[]const u8,
"Preexisting IAM role arn for function",
const iam_step = b.step("awslambda_iam", "Create/Get IAM role for function");
deploy_step.dependOn(iam_step); // iam_step will either be a noop or all the stuff below
const iam_role_param: []u8 = blk: {
if (iam_role_arn != null)
break :blk try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, "--role {s}", .{iam_role_arn.?});
if (iam_role_name.len == 0)
@panic("Either function-role or function-arn must be specified. function-arn will allow deployment without creating a role");
// Now we have an iam role name to use, but no iam role arn. Let's go hunting
// Once this is done once, we'll have a file with the arn in "cache"
// The iam arn will reside in an 'iam_role' file in the bin directory
// Build system command to create the role if necessary and get the role arn
const iam_role_file = b.getInstallPath(.bin, "iam_role");
if (!fileExists(iam_role_file)) {
// std.debug.print("file does not exist", .{});
// Our cache file does not exist on disk, so we'll create/get the role
// arn using the AWS CLI and dump to disk here
const ifstatement_fmt =
\\ if aws iam get-role --role-name {s} 2>&1 |grep -q NoSuchEntity; then aws iam create-role --output text --query Role.Arn --role-name {s} --assume-role-policy-document '{{
\\ "Version": "2012-10-17",
\\ "Statement": [
\\ {{
\\ "Sid": "",
\\ "Effect": "Allow",
\\ "Principal": {{
\\ "Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com"
\\ }},
\\ "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
\\ }}
\\ ]}}' > /dev/null; fi && \
\\ aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaExecute --role-name lambda_basic_execution && \
\\ aws iam get-role --role-name lambda_basic_execution --query Role.Arn --output text > {s}
const ifstatement = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
.{ iam_role_name, iam_role_name, iam_role_file },
iam_step.dependOn(&b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "/bin/sh", "-c", ifstatement }).step);
break :blk try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, "--role \"$(cat {s})\"", .{iam_role_file});
const function_name_file = b.getInstallPath(.bin, function_name);
const ifstatement = "if [ ! -f {s} ] || [ {s} -nt {s} ]; then if aws lambda get-function --function-name {s} 2>&1 |grep -q ResourceNotFoundException; then echo not found > /dev/null; {s}; else echo found > /dev/null; {s}; fi; fi";
// The architectures option was introduced in 2.2.43 released 2021-10-01
// We want to use arm64 here because it is both faster and cheaper for most
// Amazon Linux 2 is the only arm64 supported option
// TODO: This should determine compilation target and use x86_64 if needed
const not_found = "aws lambda create-function --architectures arm64 --runtime provided.al2 --function-name {s} --zip-file fileb://{s} --handler not_applicable {s} && touch {s}";
const not_found_fmt = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, not_found, .{ function_name, function_zip, iam_role_param, function_name_file });
defer b.allocator.free(not_found_fmt);
const found = "aws lambda update-function-code --function-name {s} --zip-file fileb://{s} && touch {s}";
const found_fmt = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, found, .{ function_name, function_zip, function_name_file });
defer b.allocator.free(found_fmt);
var found_final: []const u8 = undefined;
var not_found_final: []const u8 = undefined;
if (b.args) |args| {
found_final = try addArgs(b.allocator, found_fmt, args);
not_found_final = try addArgs(b.allocator, not_found_fmt, args);
} else {
found_final = found_fmt;
not_found_final = not_found_fmt;
const cmd = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, ifstatement, .{
b.getInstallPath(.bin, exe.out_filename),
const iam = Iam.create(b, .{
.role_name = iam_role_name,
.role_arn = iam_role_arn,
const iam_step = b.step("awslambda_iam", "Create/Get IAM role for function");
defer b.allocator.free(cmd);
const region = b.option([]const u8, "region", "Region to use [default is autodetect from environment/config]") orelse try findRegionFromSystem(b.allocator);
// std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{cmd});
deploy_step.dependOn(&b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd }).step);
// Deployment
const deploy = Deploy.create(b, .{
.name = function_name,
.package = package_step.packagedFileLazyPath(),
.arch = exe.root_module.resolved_target.?.result.cpu.arch,
.iam_step = iam,
.region = region,
const deploy_step = b.step("awslambda_deploy", "Deploy the function");
const payload = b.option([]const u8, "payload", "Lambda payload [{\"foo\":\"bar\", \"baz\": \"qux\"}]") orelse
\\ {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}"
const run_script =
\\ f=$(mktemp) && \
\\ logs=$(aws lambda invoke \
\\ --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
\\ --invocation-type RequestResponse \
\\ --function-name {s} \
\\ --payload '{s}' \
\\ --log-type Tail \
\\ --query LogResult \
\\ --output text "$f" |base64 -d) && \
\\ cat "$f" && rm "$f" && \
\\ echo && echo && echo "$logs"
const run_script_fmt = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, run_script, .{ function_name, payload });
defer b.allocator.free(run_script_fmt);
const run_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "/bin/sh", "-c", run_script_fmt });
if (b.args) |args| {
const invoke = Invoke.create(b, .{
.name = function_name,
.payload = payload,
.region = region,
const run_step = b.step("awslambda_run", "Run the app in AWS lambda");
// AWS_CONFIG_FILE (default is ~/.aws/config
fn findRegionFromSystem(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]const u8 {
const env_map = try std.process.getEnvMap(allocator);
if (env_map.get("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION")) |r| return r;
const config_file_path = env_map.get("AWS_CONFIG_FILE") orelse
try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{
env_map.get("HOME") orelse env_map.get("USERPROFILE").?,
const config_file = try std.fs.openFileAbsolute(config_file_path, .{});
defer config_file.close();
const config_bytes = try config_file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, 1024 * 1024);
const profile = env_map.get("AWS_PROFILE") orelse "default";
var line_iterator = std.mem.split(u8, config_bytes, "\n");
var in_profile = false;
while (line_iterator.next()) |line| {
const trimmed = std.mem.trim(u8, line, " \t\r");
if (trimmed.len == 0 or trimmed[0] == '#') continue;
if (!in_profile) {
if (trimmed[0] == '[' and trimmed[trimmed.len - 1] == ']') {
// this is a profile directive!
// std.debug.print("profile: {s}, in file: {s}\n", .{ profile, trimmed[1 .. trimmed.len - 1] });
if (std.mem.eql(u8, profile, trimmed[1 .. trimmed.len - 1])) {
in_profile = true;
continue; // we're only looking for a profile at this point
// look for our region directive
if (trimmed[0] == '[' and trimmed[trimmed.len - 1] == ']')
return error.RegionNotFound; // we've hit another profile without getting our region
if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, trimmed, "region")) continue;
var equalityiterator = std.mem.split(u8, trimmed, "=");
_ = equalityiterator.next() orelse return error.RegionNotFound;
const raw_val = equalityiterator.next() orelse return error.RegionNotFound;
return try allocator.dupe(u8, std.mem.trimLeft(u8, raw_val, " \t"));
return error.RegionNotFound;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
const std = @import("std");
const aws = @import("aws").aws;
const Deploy = @This();
step: std.Build.Step,
options: Options,
const base_id: std.Build.Step.Id = .custom;
pub const Options = struct {
/// Function name to be used for the function
name: []const u8,
/// LazyPath for the function package (zip file)
package: std.Build.LazyPath,
/// Architecture for Lambda function
arch: std.Target.Cpu.Arch,
/// Iam step. This will be a dependency of the deployment
iam_step: *@import("Iam.zig"),
/// Region for deployment
region: []const u8,
pub fn create(owner: *std.Build, options: Options) *Deploy {
const name = owner.dupe(options.name);
const step_name = owner.fmt("{s} {s}{s}", .{
"aws lambda",
const self = owner.allocator.create(Deploy) catch @panic("OOM");
self.* = .{
.step = std.Build.Step.init(.{
.id = base_id,
.name = step_name,
.owner = owner,
.makeFn = make,
.options = options,
return self;
/// gets the last time we deployed this function from the name in cache.
/// If not in cache, null is returned. Note that cache is not account specific,
/// so if you're banging around multiple accounts, you'll want to use different
/// local zig caches for each
fn getlastDeployedTime(step: *std.Build.Step, name: []const u8) !?[]const u8 {
try step.owner.cache_root.handle.makePath("iam");
// we should be able to use the role name, as only the following characters
// are allowed: _+=,.@-.
const cache_file = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
.{ std.fs.path.sep_str, name },
const buff = try step.owner.allocator.alloc(u8, 64);
const time = step.owner.cache_root.handle.readFile(cache_file, buff) catch return null;
return time;
fn make(step: *std.Build.Step, node: std.Progress.Node) anyerror!void {
_ = node;
const self: *Deploy = @fieldParentPtr("step", step);
if (self.options.arch != .aarch64 and self.options.arch != .x86_64)
return step.fail("AWS Lambda can only deploy aarch64 and x86_64 functions ({} not allowed)", .{self.options.arch});
// TODO: Work out cache. HOWEVER...this cannot be done until the caching
// for the Deploy command works properly. Right now, it regenerates
// the zip file every time
// if (try getIamArnFromName(step, self.options.role_name)) |_| {
// step.result_cached = true;
// return; // exists in cache - nothing to do
// }
var client = aws.Client.init(self.step.owner.allocator, .{});
defer client.deinit();
const services = aws.Services(.{.lambda}){};
const function = blk: {
var diagnostics = aws.Diagnostics{
.http_code = undefined,
.response_body = undefined,
.allocator = self.step.owner.allocator,
const options = aws.Options{
.client = client,
.diagnostics = &diagnostics,
.region = self.options.region,
aws.globalLogControl(.info, .warn, .info, true);
defer aws.globalLogControl(.info, .warn, .info, false);
const call = aws.Request(services.lambda.get_function).call(.{
.function_name = self.options.name,
}, options) catch |e| {
// There seems an issue here, but realistically, we have an arena
// so there's no leak leaving this out
defer diagnostics.deinit();
if (diagnostics.http_code == 404) break :blk null;
return step.fail(
"Unknown error {} from Lambda GetFunction. HTTP code {}, message: {s}",
.{ e, diagnostics.http_code, diagnostics.response_body },
defer call.deinit();
// TODO: Write call.response.configuration.last_modified to cache
// std.debug.print("Function found. Last modified: {s}, revision id: {s}\n", .{ call.response.configuration.?.last_modified.?, call.response.configuration.?.revision_id.? });
break :blk .{
.last_modified = try step.owner.allocator.dupe(u8, call.response.configuration.?.last_modified.?),
.revision_id = try step.owner.allocator.dupe(u8, call.response.configuration.?.revision_id.?),
const encoder = std.base64.standard.Encoder;
const file = try std.fs.openFileAbsolute(self.options.package.getPath2(step.owner, step), .{});
defer file.close();
const bytes = try file.readToEndAlloc(step.owner.allocator, 100 * 1024 * 1024);
const base64_buf = try step.owner.allocator.alloc(u8, encoder.calcSize(bytes.len));
const base64_bytes = encoder.encode(base64_buf, bytes);
const options = aws.Options{
.client = client,
.region = self.options.region,
const arm64_arch = [_][]const u8{"arm64"};
const x86_64_arch = [_][]const u8{"x86_64"};
const architectures = (if (self.options.arch == .aarch64) arm64_arch else x86_64_arch);
const arches: [][]const u8 = @constCast(architectures[0..]);
if (function) |f| {
// TODO: make sure our zipfile newer than the lambda function
const update_call = try aws.Request(services.lambda.update_function_code).call(.{
.function_name = self.options.name,
.architectures = arches,
.revision_id = f.revision_id,
.zip_file = base64_bytes,
}, options);
defer update_call.deinit();
// TODO: Write call.response.last_modified to cache
// TODO: Write call.response.revision_id to cache?
} else {
// New function - we need to create from scratch
const create_call = try aws.Request(services.lambda.create_function).call(.{
.function_name = self.options.name,
.architectures = arches,
.code = .{ .zip_file = base64_bytes },
.handler = "not_applicable",
.package_type = "Zip",
.runtime = "provided.al2",
.role = self.options.iam_step.resolved_arn,
}, options);
defer create_call.deinit();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
const std = @import("std");
const aws = @import("aws").aws;
const Iam = @This();
step: std.Build.Step,
options: Options,
/// resolved_arn will be set only after make is run
resolved_arn: []const u8 = undefined,
arn_buf: [2048]u8 = undefined, // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/APIReference/API_Role.html has 2k limit
const base_id: std.Build.Step.Id = .custom;
pub const Options = struct {
name: []const u8 = "",
role_name: []const u8,
role_arn: ?[]const u8,
pub fn create(owner: *std.Build, options: Options) *Iam {
const name = owner.dupe(options.name);
const step_name = owner.fmt("{s} {s}{s}", .{
"aws lambda",
const self = owner.allocator.create(Iam) catch @panic("OOM");
self.* = .{
.step = std.Build.Step.init(.{
.id = base_id,
.name = step_name,
.owner = owner,
.makeFn = make,
.options = options,
return self;
/// gets an IamArn from the name in cache. If not in cache, null is returned
/// Note that cache is not account specific, so if you're banging around multiple
/// accounts, you'll want to use different local zig caches for each
pub fn getIamArnFromName(step: *std.Build.Step, name: []const u8) !?[]const u8 {
try step.owner.cache_root.handle.makePath("iam");
// we should be able to use the role name, as only the following characters
// are allowed: _+=,.@-.
const iam_file = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
.{ std.fs.path.sep_str, name },
const buff = try step.owner.allocator.alloc(u8, 64);
const arn = step.owner.cache_root.handle.readFile(iam_file, buff) catch return null;
return arn;
fn make(step: *std.Build.Step, node: std.Progress.Node) anyerror!void {
_ = node;
const self: *Iam = @fieldParentPtr("step", step);
if (try getIamArnFromName(step, self.options.role_name)) |a| {
step.result_cached = true;
@memcpy(self.arn_buf[0..a.len], a);
self.resolved_arn = self.arn_buf[0..a.len];
return; // exists in cache - nothing to do
var client = aws.Client.init(self.step.owner.allocator, .{});
defer client.deinit();
const services = aws.Services(.{.iam}){};
var arn = blk: {
var diagnostics = aws.Diagnostics{
.http_code = undefined,
.response_body = undefined,
.allocator = self.step.owner.allocator,
const options = aws.Options{
.client = client,
.diagnostics = &diagnostics,
const call = aws.Request(services.iam.get_role).call(.{
.role_name = self.options.role_name, // TODO: if we have a role_arn, we should use it and skip
}, options) catch |e| {
defer diagnostics.deinit();
if (diagnostics.http_code == 404) break :blk null;
return step.fail(
"Unknown error {} from IAM GetRole. HTTP code {}, message: {s}",
.{ e, diagnostics.http_code, diagnostics.response_body },
defer call.deinit();
break :blk try step.owner.allocator.dupe(u8, call.response.role.arn);
// Now ARN will either be null (does not exist), or a value
if (arn == null) {
// we need to create the role before proceeding
const options = aws.Options{
.client = client,
const create_call = try aws.Request(services.iam.create_role).call(.{
.role_name = self.options.role_name,
.assume_role_policy_document =
\\ "Version": "2012-10-17",
\\ "Statement": [
\\ {
\\ "Sid": "",
\\ "Effect": "Allow",
\\ "Principal": {
\\ "Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com"
\\ },
\\ "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
\\ }
\\ ]
}, options);
defer create_call.deinit();
arn = try step.owner.allocator.dupe(u8, create_call.response.role.arn);
const attach_call = try aws.Request(services.iam.attach_role_policy).call(.{
.policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaExecute",
.role_name = self.options.role_name,
}, options);
defer attach_call.deinit();
@memcpy(self.arn_buf[0..arn.?.len], arn.?);
self.resolved_arn = self.arn_buf[0..arn.?.len];
// NOTE: This must match getIamArnFromName
const iam_file = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
.{ std.fs.path.sep_str, self.options.role_name },
try step.owner.cache_root.handle.writeFile(.{
.sub_path = iam_file,
.data = arn.?,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
const std = @import("std");
const aws = @import("aws").aws;
const Invoke = @This();
step: std.Build.Step,
options: Options,
const base_id: std.Build.Step.Id = .custom;
pub const Options = struct {
/// Function name to invoke
name: []const u8,
/// Payload to send to the function
payload: []const u8,
/// Region for deployment
region: []const u8,
pub fn create(owner: *std.Build, options: Options) *Invoke {
const name = owner.dupe(options.name);
const step_name = owner.fmt("{s} {s}{s}", .{
"aws lambda",
const self = owner.allocator.create(Invoke) catch @panic("OOM");
self.* = .{
.step = std.Build.Step.init(.{
.id = base_id,
.name = step_name,
.owner = owner,
.makeFn = make,
.options = options,
return self;
fn make(step: *std.Build.Step, node: std.Progress.Node) anyerror!void {
_ = node;
const self: *Invoke = @fieldParentPtr("step", step);
var client = aws.Client.init(self.step.owner.allocator, .{});
defer client.deinit();
const services = aws.Services(.{.lambda}){};
const options = aws.Options{
.client = client,
.region = self.options.region,
const call = try aws.Request(services.lambda.invoke).call(.{
.function_name = self.options.name,
.payload = self.options.payload,
.log_type = "Tail",
.invocation_type = "RequestResponse",
}, options);
defer call.deinit();
std.debug.print("{?s}\n", .{call.response.payload});
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
const std = @import("std");
const Package = @This();
step: std.Build.Step,
lambda_zipfile: []const u8,
const base_id: std.Build.Step.Id = .install_file;
pub const Options = struct {
name: []const u8 = "",
exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile,
zipfile_name: []const u8 = "function.zip",
pub fn create(owner: *std.Build, options: Options) *Package {
const name = owner.dupe(options.name);
const step_name = owner.fmt("{s} {s}{s}", .{
"aws lambda",
const package = owner.allocator.create(Package) catch @panic("OOM");
package.* = .{
.step = std.Build.Step.init(.{
.id = base_id,
.name = step_name,
.owner = owner,
.makeFn = make,
.lambda_zipfile = options.zipfile_name,
// TODO: For Windows, tar.exe can actually do zip files. tar -a -cf function.zip file1 [file2...]
// https://superuser.com/questions/201371/create-zip-folder-from-the-command-line-windows#comment2725283_898508
// We'll want two system commands here. One for the exe itself, and one for
// other files (TODO: what does this latter one look like? maybe it's an option?)
var zip_cmd = owner.addSystemCommand(&.{ "zip", "-qj9X" });
zip_cmd.has_side_effects = true; // TODO: move these to makeFn as we have little cache control here...
zip_cmd.setCwd(.{ .src_path = .{
.owner = owner,
.sub_path = owner.getInstallPath(.prefix, "."),
} });
const zipfile = zip_cmd.addOutputFileArg(options.zipfile_name);
zip_cmd.addArg(owner.getInstallPath(.bin, "bootstrap"));
// std.debug.print("\nzip cmdline: {s}", .{zip});
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, "bootstrap", options.exe.out_filename)) {
// We need to copy stuff around
// TODO: should this be installing bootstrap binary in .bin directory?
const cp_cmd = owner.addSystemCommand(&.{ "cp", owner.getInstallPath(.bin, options.exe.out_filename) });
cp_cmd.has_side_effects = true;
const copy_output = cp_cmd.addOutputFileArg("bootstrap");
const install_copy = owner.addInstallFileWithDir(copy_output, .bin, "bootstrap");
// might as well leave this bootstrap around for caching purposes
// const rm_cmd = owner.addSystemCommand(&.{ "rm", owner.getInstallPath(.bin, "bootstrap"), });
const install_zipfile = owner.addInstallFileWithDir(zipfile, .prefix, options.zipfile_name);
return package;
pub fn packagedFilePath(self: Package) []const u8 {
return self.step.owner.getInstallPath(.prefix, self.options.zipfile_name);
pub fn packagedFileLazyPath(self: Package) std.Build.LazyPath {
return .{ .src_path = .{
.owner = self.step.owner,
.sub_path = self.step.owner.getInstallPath(.prefix, self.lambda_zipfile),
} };
fn make(step: *std.Build.Step, node: std.Progress.Node) anyerror!void {
// Make here doesn't actually do anything. But we want to set up this
// step this way, so that when (if) zig stdlib gains the abiltity to write
// zip files in addition to reading them, we can skip all the system commands
// and just do all the things here instead
// TODO: The caching plan will be:
// get a hash of the bootstrap and whatever other files we put into the zip
// file (because a zip is not really reproducible). If the cache directory
// has the hash as its latest hash, we have nothing to do, so we can exit
// at that point
// Otherwise, store that hash in our cache, and copy our bootstrap, zip
// things up and install the file into zig-out
_ = node;
_ = step;
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user