as opposed to earlier threats, BerkDB was not entirely dropped; i suppose the isync 0.7 -> 0.8 change had a reason, so i added an alternative UID storage scheme. note that BDB 4.0 is not sufficient, as the db->open function changed in an incompatible way ... i updated the debian packaging except for a changelog entry. note that i removed the upgrade blurb, as upstream now has a smooth upgrade path down to at least isync 0.4.
9 lines
175 B
9 lines
175 B
bin_PROGRAMS = isync
isync_SOURCES = main.c config.c convert.c util.c
isync_LDADD = -ldb
noinst_HEADERS = isync.h
man_MANS = isync.1
EXTRA_DIST = isyncrc.sample $(man_MANS)