Oswald Buddenhagen c8f402e43f deprecate master/slave terminology
the underlying metaphor refers to an inhumane practice, so using it
casually is rightfully offensive to many people. it isn't even a
particularly apt metaphor, as it suggests a strict hierarchy that is
counter to mbsync's highly symmetrical mode of operation.

the far/near terminology has been chosen as the replacement, as it is a
natural fit for the push/pull terminology. on the downside, due to these
not being nouns, a few uses are a bit awkward, and several others had to
be amended to include 'side'. also, it's conceptually quite close to
remote/local, which matches the typical use case, but is maybe a bit too
suggestive of actually non-existing limitations.

the new f/n suffixes of the -C/-R/-X options clash with pre-existing
options, so direct concatenation of short options is even less practical
than before (some suffixes of -D already clashed), but doing that leads
to unreadable command lines anyway.

as with previous deprecations, all pre-existing command line and config
options keep working, but yield a warning. the state files are silently
2020-08-04 17:16:03 +02:00

98 lines
1.7 KiB

# Global configuration section
# Values here are used as defaults for any following Channel section that
# doesn't specify them.
Expunge None
Create Both
MaildirStore local
Path ~/Mail/
Trash Trash
IMAPStore work
User tehuser
Pass xxxxxxxx
# Fetch password from gnome-keyring:
#PassCmd "gnome-keyring-query get mail_pw"
# Fetch password from .netrc:
#PassCmd "sed -n -e 's,^machine work\\.host\\.com login tehuser password \\(.*\\),\\1,p' < $HOME/.netrc"
# Fetch password from a gpg-encrypted file:
#PassCmd "gpg --quiet --for-your-eyes-only --decrypt $HOME/imappassword.gpg"
# Fetch password from pwmd (
#PassCmd "echo -ne 'GET myIsp\\tpassword' | pwmc datafile"
Channel work
Far :work:
Near :local:work
Expunge Near
Sync PullNew Push
IMAPStore personal
Port 6789
RequireSSL no
Channel personal
Far :personal:
Near :local:personal
Expunge Both
MaxMessages 150
MaxSize 200k
IMAPStore remote
Tunnel "ssh -q /usr/sbin/imapd"
Channel remote
Far :remote:
Near :local:remote
Group boxes
Channels work personal remote
IMAPStore st1
RequireCRAM yes
CertificateFile ~/.st1-certificate.crt
IMAPStore st2
Path non-standard/
RequireSSL no
UseTLSv1 no
Channel rst
Far :st1:somebox
Near :st2:
IMAPAccount server
CertificateFile ~/.server-certificate.crt
IMAPStore server
Account server
MapInbox inbox
Trash ~/trash
TrashRemoteNew yes
MaildirStore mirror
Path ~/Maildir/
SubFolders Verbatim
Channel o2o
Far :server:
Near :mirror:
Patterns %
Group partial o2o:inbox,sent-mail,foobar
# INBOX => server, =>, etc.
Channel inbox
Far :server:INBOX
Near :mirror:server
Patterns *