instead of doing two runs for each journal entry, do one run for each
"write" operation, be it a journal entry or a writing driver call. this
saves runs between which no visible change occurred, which yields a 33%
improvement in runtime.
we now also exclude the final entry purge from the test, as it's really
kinda pointless, and we'd have to jump through additional hoops
(simulate an atomic commit of the state) to make it reliable in all
note that this also adds a few steps, which actually uncovered a bug in
the expunge sequencing.
amends efd72b85
214 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File
214 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2022 Oswald Buddenhagen <ossi@users.sf.net>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# mbsync - mailbox synchronizer
use strict;
use warnings;
die("Usage: $0 driver.h drv_proxy.c drv_proxy.inc\n")
if ($#ARGV != 2);
my ($in_header, $in_source, $out_source) = @ARGV;
my %templates;
my %defines;
my %excluded;
my %special;
open(my $ins, $in_source) or die("Cannot open $in_source: $!\n");
my $template;
my $define;
my $conts;
while (<$ins>) {
if ($template) {
if (/^\/\/\# END$/) {
$templates{$template} = $conts;
$template = undef;
} else {
$conts .= $_;
} elsif ($define) {
if (/^\/\/\# END$/) {
$defines{$define} = $conts;
$define = undef;
} else {
($_ eq "\n") or s/^\t// or die("DEFINE content is not indented: $_");
$conts .= $_;
} else {
if (/^\/\/\# TEMPLATE (\w+)$/) {
$template = $1;
$conts = "";
} elsif (/^\/\/\# DEFINE (\w+)$/) {
$define = $1;
$conts = "";
} elsif (/^\/\/\# DEFINE (\w+) (.*)$/) {
$defines{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^\/\/\# UNDEFINE (\w+)$/) {
$defines{$1} = "";
} elsif (/^\/\/\# EXCLUDE (\w+)$/) {
$excluded{$1} = 1;
} elsif (/^\/\/\# SPECIAL (\w+)$/) {
$special{$1} = 1;
open(my $inh, $in_header) or die("Cannot open $in_header: $!\n");
my $sts = 0;
my $cont = "";
while (<$inh>) {
if ($sts == 0) {
if (/^struct driver \{$/) {
$sts = 1;
} elsif ($sts == 1) {
if (/^\};$/) {
$sts = 0;
} else {
$cont .= $_;
$cont =~ s,(?://.*)?\n, ,g;
$cont =~ s,/\*.*?\*/, ,g;
$cont =~ s,\h+, ,g;
my @ptypes = map { s,^ ,,r } split(/;/, $cont);
pop @ptypes; # last one is empty
my @cmd_table;
sub make_args($)
$_ = shift;
s/(?:^|(?<=, ))(?:const )?\w+ \*?//g;
return $_;
sub type_to_format($)
$_ = shift;
s/xint /\%\#x/g;
s/uint /\%u/g;
s/int /\%d/g;
s/const char \*/\%s/g;
return $_;
sub make_format($)
$_ = type_to_format(shift);
s/, (\%\#?.)(\w+)/, $2=$1/g;
return $_;
sub indent($$)
my ($str, $indent) = @_;
return $str =~ s,^(?=.),$indent,smgr;
open(my $outh, ">".$out_source) or die("Cannot create $out_source: $!\n");
for (@ptypes) {
/^([\w* ]+)\(\*(\w+)\)\( (.*) \)$/ or die("Cannot parse prototype '$_'\n");
my ($cmd_type, $cmd_name, $cmd_args) = ($1, $2, $3);
if (defined($excluded{$cmd_name})) {
push @cmd_table, "NULL";
push @cmd_table, "proxy_$cmd_name";
next if (defined($special{$cmd_name}));
my $inc_tpl = "";
my %replace;
$replace{'name'} = $cmd_name;
$replace{'type'} = $cmd_type;
$cmd_args =~ s/^store_t \*ctx// or die("Arguments '$cmd_args' don't start with 'store_t *ctx'\n");
if ($cmd_name =~ /^get_/) {
$template = "GETTER";
$replace{'fmt'} = type_to_format($cmd_type);
} else {
my $pass_args;
if ($cmd_type eq "void " && $cmd_args =~ s/, void \(\*cb\)\( (.*)void \*aux \), void \*aux$//) {
my $cmd_cb_args = $1;
$replace{'decl_cb_args'} = $cmd_cb_args;
$replace{'pass_cb_args'} = make_args($cmd_cb_args);
if (length($cmd_cb_args)) {
my $r_cmd_cb_args = $cmd_cb_args;
$r_cmd_cb_args =~ s/^int sts, // or die("Callback arguments of $cmd_name don't start with sts.\n");
$r_cmd_cb_args =~ s/^(.*), $/, $1/;
$replace{'print_pass_cb_args'} = make_args($r_cmd_cb_args);
$replace{'print_fmt_cb_args'} = make_format($r_cmd_cb_args);
$inc_tpl = 'CALLBACK_STS';
} else {
$inc_tpl = 'CALLBACK_VOID';
$pass_args = make_args($cmd_args);
$pass_args =~ s/([^, ]+)/cmd->$1/g;
my $r_cmd_args = $cmd_args =~ s/, (.*)$/$1, /r;
$replace{'decl_state'} = $r_cmd_args =~ s/, /\;\n/gr;
my $r_pass_args = make_args($r_cmd_args);
$replace{'assign_state'} = $r_pass_args =~ s/([^,]+), /cmd->$1 = $1\;\n/gr;
$replace{'checked'} = '0';
$template = "CALLBACK";
} else {
$pass_args = make_args($cmd_args);
if ($cmd_type eq "void ") {
$template = "REGULAR_VOID";
} else {
$template = "REGULAR";
$replace{'print_fmt_ret'} = type_to_format($cmd_type);
$replace{'print_pass_ret'} = "rv";
$replace{'decl_args'} = $cmd_args;
$replace{'print_pass_args'} = $replace{'pass_args'} = $pass_args;
$replace{'print_fmt_args'} = make_format($cmd_args);
for (keys %defines) {
next if (!/^${cmd_name}_(.*)$/);
my ($key, $val) = ($1, delete $defines{$_});
if ($key eq 'counted') {
$replace{count_step} = "countStep();\n";
} else {
$replace{$key} = $val;
my %used;
my $text = $templates{$template};
if ($inc_tpl) {
if ($inc_tpl eq 'CALLBACK_STS') {
if ($replace{print_fmt_cb_args}) {
$inc_tpl .= '_FMT';
} else {
if ($replace{print_cb_args}) {
$inc_tpl .= '_PRN';
# These may be defined but empty; that's not an error.
delete $replace{print_fmt_cb_args};
delete $replace{print_pass_cb_args};
$text =~ s/^\t\@print_cb_args_tpl\@\n/$templates{$inc_tpl}/sm;
$text =~ s/^(\h*)\@(\w+)\@\n/$used{$2} = 1; indent($replace{$2} \/\/ "", $1)/smeg;
$text =~ s/\@(\w+)\@/$used{$1} = 1; $replace{$1} \/\/ ""/eg;
print $outh $text."\n";
my @not_used = grep { !defined($used{$_}) } keys %replace;
die("Fatal: unconsumed replacements in $cmd_name: ".join(" ", @not_used)."\n") if (@not_used);
die("Fatal: unconsumed DEFINEs: ".join(" ", keys %defines)."\n") if (%defines);
print $outh "struct driver proxy_driver = {\n".join("", map { "\t$_,\n" } @cmd_table)."};\n";
close $outh;