fake async drivers more convincingly
instead of delaying the callback, delay the actual driver call. this is in line with how the IMAP driver would behave, as since commit 6c08f568 it queues the socket writes (the network upstream latency goes on top, but that doesn't alter the result). amends 4423a932.
This commit is contained in:
@ -128,9 +128,8 @@ static_assert_bits(F, msg_data_t, flags);
#define DRV_CANCELED 4
/* All memory belongs to the driver's user, unless stated otherwise. */
// If the driver is NOT DRV_ASYNC, memory owned by the driver returned
// through callbacks MUST remain valid until a related subsequent command
// is invoked, as the proxy driver may deliver these pointers with delay.
// All memory passed to driver functions must remain valid until the
// respective result callback is invoked.
This flag says that the driver CAN store messages with CRLFs,
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ typedef union proxy_store {
uint ref_count;
driver_t *real_driver;
store_t *real_store;
gen_cmd_t *done_cmds, **done_cmds_append;
gen_cmd_t *pending_cmds, **pending_cmds_append;
gen_cmd_t *check_cmds, **check_cmds_append;
wakeup_t wakeup;
@ -51,17 +51,6 @@ struct gen_cmd {
#define GEN_STS_CMD \
int sts;
typedef union {
gen_cmd_t gen;
struct {
} gen_sts_cmd_t;
static gen_cmd_t *
proxy_cmd_new( proxy_store_t *ctx, uint sz )
@ -87,10 +76,10 @@ proxy_wakeup( void *aux )
proxy_store_t *ctx = (proxy_store_t *)aux;
gen_cmd_t *cmd = ctx->done_cmds;
gen_cmd_t *cmd = ctx->pending_cmds;
assert( cmd );
if (!(ctx->done_cmds = cmd->next))
ctx->done_cmds_append = &ctx->done_cmds;
if (!(ctx->pending_cmds = cmd->next))
ctx->pending_cmds_append = &ctx->pending_cmds;
conf_wakeup( &ctx->wakeup, 0 );
cmd->queued_cb( cmd );
@ -98,22 +87,22 @@ proxy_wakeup( void *aux )
static void
proxy_invoke_cb( gen_cmd_t *cmd, void (*cb)( gen_cmd_t * ), int checked, const char *name )
proxy_invoke( gen_cmd_t *cmd, int checked, const char *name )
if (DFlags & FORCEASYNC) {
debug( "%s[% 2d] Callback queue %s%s\n", cmd->ctx->label, cmd->tag, name, checked ? " (checked)" : "" );
cmd->queued_cb = cb;
proxy_store_t *ctx = cmd->ctx;
debug( "%s[% 2d] Queue %s%s\n", ctx->label, cmd->tag, name, checked ? " (checked)" : "" );
cmd->next = NULL;
if (checked) {
*cmd->ctx->check_cmds_append = cmd;
cmd->ctx->check_cmds_append = &cmd->next;
*ctx->check_cmds_append = cmd;
ctx->check_cmds_append = &cmd->next;
} else {
*cmd->ctx->done_cmds_append = cmd;
cmd->ctx->done_cmds_append = &cmd->next;
conf_wakeup( &cmd->ctx->wakeup, 0 );
*ctx->pending_cmds_append = cmd;
ctx->pending_cmds_append = &cmd->next;
conf_wakeup( &ctx->wakeup, 0 );
} else {
cb( cmd );
cmd->queued_cb( cmd );
proxy_cmd_done( cmd );
@ -122,8 +111,8 @@ static void
proxy_flush_checked_cmds( proxy_store_t *ctx )
if (ctx->check_cmds) {
*ctx->done_cmds_append = ctx->check_cmds;
ctx->done_cmds_append = ctx->check_cmds_append;
*ctx->pending_cmds_append = ctx->check_cmds;
ctx->pending_cmds_append = ctx->check_cmds_append;
ctx->check_cmds_append = &ctx->check_cmds;
ctx->check_cmds = NULL;
conf_wakeup( &ctx->wakeup, 0 );
@ -131,15 +120,14 @@ proxy_flush_checked_cmds( proxy_store_t *ctx )
static void
proxy_cancel_checked_cmds( proxy_store_t *ctx )
proxy_cancel_queued_cmds( proxy_store_t *ctx )
gen_cmd_t *cmd;
while ((cmd = ctx->check_cmds)) {
if (!(ctx->check_cmds = cmd->next))
ctx->check_cmds_append = &ctx->check_cmds;
((gen_sts_cmd_t *)cmd)->sts = DRV_CANCELED;
cmd->queued_cb( cmd );
if (ctx->pending_cmds || ctx->check_cmds) {
// This would involve directly invoking the result callbacks with
// DRV_CANCEL, for which we'd need another set of dispatch functions.
// The autotest doesn't need that, so save the effort.
error( "Fatal: Faking asynchronous cancelation is not supported.\n" );
@ -185,34 +173,39 @@ static @type@proxy_@name@( store_t *gctx@decl_args@ )
typedef union {
@gen_cmd_t@ gen;
gen_cmd_t gen;
struct {
void (*callback)( @decl_cb_args@void *aux );
void *callback_aux;
} @name@_cmd_t;
static void
proxy_do_@name@_cb( gen_cmd_t *gcmd )
@name@_cmd_t *cmd = (@name@_cmd_t *)gcmd;
debug( "%s[% 2d] Callback enter @name@@print_fmt_cb_args@\n", cmd->ctx->label, cmd->tag@print_pass_cb_args@ );
cmd->callback( @pass_cb_args@cmd->callback_aux );
debug( "%s[% 2d] Callback leave @name@\n", cmd->ctx->label, cmd->tag );
static void
proxy_@name@_cb( @decl_cb_args@void *aux )
@name@_cmd_t *cmd = (@name@_cmd_t *)aux;
proxy_store_t *ctx = cmd->ctx;
proxy_invoke_cb( @gen_cmd@, proxy_do_@name@_cb, @checked@, "@name@" );
debug( "%s[% 2d] Callback enter @name@@print_fmt_cb_args@\n", ctx->label, cmd->tag@print_pass_cb_args@ );
cmd->callback( @pass_cb_args@cmd->callback_aux );
debug( "%s[% 2d] Callback leave @name@\n", ctx->label, cmd->tag );
proxy_cmd_done( &cmd->gen );
static void
proxy_do_@name@( gen_cmd_t *gcmd )
@name@_cmd_t *cmd = (@name@_cmd_t *)gcmd;
proxy_store_t *ctx = cmd->ctx;
debug( "%s[% 2d] Enter @name@@print_fmt_args@\n", ctx->label, cmd->tag@print_pass_args@ );
ctx->real_driver->@name@( ctx->real_store@pass_args@, proxy_@name@_cb, cmd );
debug( "%s[% 2d] Leave @name@\n", ctx->label, cmd->tag );
static @type@proxy_@name@( store_t *gctx@decl_args@, void (*cb)( @decl_cb_args@void *aux ), void *aux )
@ -220,23 +213,19 @@ static @type@proxy_@name@( store_t *gctx@decl_args@, void (*cb)( @decl_cb_args@v
proxy_store_t *ctx = (proxy_store_t *)gctx;
@name@_cmd_t *cmd = (@name@_cmd_t *)proxy_cmd_new( ctx, sizeof(@name@_cmd_t) );
cmd->queued_cb = proxy_do_@name@;
cmd->callback = cb;
cmd->callback_aux = aux;
debug( "%s[% 2d] Enter @name@@print_fmt_args@\n", ctx->label, cmd->tag@print_pass_args@ );
ctx->real_driver->@name@( ctx->real_store@pass_args@, proxy_@name@_cb, cmd );
debug( "%s[% 2d] Leave @name@\n", ctx->label, cmd->tag );
proxy_cmd_done( @gen_cmd@ );
proxy_invoke( &cmd->gen, @checked@, "@name@" );
//# END
//# UNDEFINE list_store_print_fmt_cb_args
//# UNDEFINE list_store_print_pass_cb_args
//# DEFINE list_store_print_cb_args
if (cmd->sts == DRV_OK) {
for (string_list_t *box = cmd->boxes; box; box = box->next)
if (sts == DRV_OK) {
for (string_list_t *box = boxes; box; box = box->next)
debug( " %s\n", box->string );
//# END
@ -250,46 +239,40 @@ static @type@proxy_@name@( store_t *gctx@decl_args@, void (*cb)( @decl_cb_args@v
char ubuf[12];
//# END
//# DEFINE load_box_print_fmt_args , [%u,%s] (find >= %u, paired <= %u, new > %u)
//# DEFINE load_box_print_pass_args , minuid, (maxuid == UINT_MAX) ? "inf" : (nfsnprintf( ubuf, sizeof(ubuf), "%u", maxuid ), ubuf), finduid, pairuid, newuid
//# DEFINE load_box_print_pass_args , cmd->minuid, (cmd->maxuid == UINT_MAX) ? "inf" : (nfsnprintf( ubuf, sizeof(ubuf), "%u", cmd->maxuid ), ubuf), cmd->finduid, cmd->pairuid, cmd->newuid
//# DEFINE load_box_print_args
if (excs.size) {
if (cmd->excs.size) {
debugn( " excs:" );
for (uint t = 0; t < excs.size; t++)
debugn( " %u", excs.data[t] );
for (uint t = 0; t < cmd->excs.size; t++)
debugn( " %u", cmd->excs.data[t] );
debug( "\n" );
//# END
//# DEFINE load_box_print_fmt_cb_args , sts=%d, total=%d, recent=%d
//# DEFINE load_box_print_pass_cb_args , cmd->sts, cmd->total_msgs, cmd->recent_msgs
//# DEFINE load_box_print_pass_cb_args , sts, total_msgs, recent_msgs
//# DEFINE load_box_print_cb_args
if (cmd->sts == DRV_OK) {
for (message_t *msg = cmd->msgs; msg; msg = msg->next)
if (sts == DRV_OK) {
for (message_t *msg = msgs; msg; msg = msg->next)
debug( " uid=%-5u flags=%-4s size=%-6u tuid=%." stringify(TUIDL) "s\n",
msg->uid, (msg->status & M_FLAGS) ? fmt_flags( msg->flags ).str : "?", msg->size, *msg->tuid ? msg->tuid : "?" );
//# END
//# DEFINE find_new_msgs_print_fmt_cb_args , sts=%d
//# DEFINE find_new_msgs_print_pass_cb_args , cmd->sts
//# DEFINE find_new_msgs_print_pass_cb_args , sts
//# DEFINE find_new_msgs_print_cb_args
if (cmd->sts == DRV_OK) {
for (message_t *msg = cmd->msgs; msg; msg = msg->next)
if (sts == DRV_OK) {
for (message_t *msg = msgs; msg; msg = msg->next)
debug( " uid=%-5u tuid=%." stringify(TUIDL) "s\n", msg->uid, msg->tuid );
//# END
//# DEFINE fetch_msg_decl_state
msg_data_t *data;
//# END
//# DEFINE fetch_msg_assign_state
cmd->data = data;
//# END
//# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_fmt_args , uid=%u, want_flags=%s, want_date=%s
//# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_pass_args , msg->uid, !(msg->status & M_FLAGS) ? "yes" : "no", data->date ? "yes" : "no"
//# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_pass_args , cmd->msg->uid, !(cmd->msg->status & M_FLAGS) ? "yes" : "no", cmd->data->date ? "yes" : "no"
//# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_fmt_cb_args , flags=%s, date=%lld, size=%u
//# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_pass_cb_args , fmt_flags( cmd->data->flags ).str, (long long)cmd->data->date, cmd->data->len
//# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_cb_args
if (cmd->sts == DRV_OK && (DFlags & DEBUG_DRV_ALL)) {
if (sts == DRV_OK && (DFlags & DEBUG_DRV_ALL)) {
printf( "%s=========\n", cmd->ctx->label );
fwrite( cmd->data->data, cmd->data->len, 1, stdout );
printf( "%s=========\n", cmd->ctx->label );
@ -298,40 +281,40 @@ static @type@proxy_@name@( store_t *gctx@decl_args@, void (*cb)( @decl_cb_args@v
//# END
//# DEFINE store_msg_print_fmt_args , flags=%s, date=%lld, size=%u, to_trash=%s
//# DEFINE store_msg_print_pass_args , fmt_flags( data->flags ).str, (long long)data->date, data->len, to_trash ? "yes" : "no"
//# DEFINE store_msg_print_pass_args , fmt_flags( cmd->data->flags ).str, (long long)cmd->data->date, cmd->data->len, cmd->to_trash ? "yes" : "no"
//# DEFINE store_msg_print_args
if (DFlags & DEBUG_DRV_ALL) {
printf( "%s>>>>>>>>>\n", ctx->label );
fwrite( data->data, data->len, 1, stdout );
fwrite( cmd->data->data, cmd->data->len, 1, stdout );
printf( "%s>>>>>>>>>\n", ctx->label );
fflush( stdout );
//# END
//# DEFINE set_msg_flags_checked 1
//# DEFINE set_msg_flags_print_fmt_args , uid=%u, add=%s, del=%s
//# DEFINE set_msg_flags_print_pass_args , uid, fmt_flags( add ).str, fmt_flags( del ).str
//# DEFINE set_msg_flags_checked sts == DRV_OK
//# DEFINE set_msg_flags_print_pass_args , cmd->uid, fmt_flags( cmd->add ).str, fmt_flags( cmd->del ).str
//# DEFINE trash_msg_print_fmt_args , uid=%u
//# DEFINE trash_msg_print_pass_args , msg->uid
//# DEFINE trash_msg_print_pass_args , cmd->msg->uid
//# DEFINE commit_cmds_print_args
proxy_flush_checked_cmds( ctx );
//# END
//# DEFINE cancel_cmds_print_cb_args
proxy_cancel_checked_cmds( cmd->ctx );
proxy_cancel_queued_cmds( ctx );
//# END
//# DEFINE free_store_print_args
proxy_cancel_checked_cmds( ctx );
proxy_cancel_queued_cmds( ctx );
//# END
//# DEFINE free_store_action
proxy_store_deref( ctx );
//# END
//# DEFINE cancel_store_print_args
proxy_cancel_checked_cmds( ctx );
proxy_cancel_queued_cmds( ctx );
//# END
//# DEFINE cancel_store_action
proxy_store_deref( ctx );
@ -369,7 +352,7 @@ proxy_alloc_store( store_t *real_ctx, const char *label )
ctx->gen.conf = real_ctx->conf;
ctx->ref_count = 1;
ctx->label = label;
ctx->done_cmds_append = &ctx->done_cmds;
ctx->pending_cmds_append = &ctx->pending_cmds;
ctx->check_cmds_append = &ctx->check_cmds;
ctx->real_driver = real_ctx->driver;
ctx->real_store = real_ctx;
@ -134,38 +134,37 @@ for (@ptypes) {
$template = "GETTER";
$replace{'fmt'} = type_to_format($cmd_type);
} else {
my $pass_args;
if ($cmd_type eq "void " && $cmd_args =~ s/, void \(\*cb\)\( (.*)void \*aux \), void \*aux$//) {
my $cmd_cb_args = $1;
if (length($cmd_cb_args)) {
$replace{'decl_cb_args'} = $cmd_cb_args;
my $r_cmd_cb_args = $cmd_cb_args;
$r_cmd_cb_args =~ s/^int sts, // or die("Callback arguments of $cmd_name don't start with sts.\n");
$replace{'decl_cb_state'} = $r_cmd_cb_args =~ s/, /\;\n/gr;
my $pass_cb_args = make_args($cmd_cb_args);
$replace{'save_cb_args'} = $pass_cb_args =~ s/([^,]+), /cmd->$1 = $1\;\n/gr;
$pass_cb_args =~ s/([^, ]+)/cmd->$1/g;
$replace{'pass_cb_args'} = $pass_cb_args;
$replace{'print_pass_cb_args'} = $pass_cb_args =~ s/(.*), $/, $1/r;
$replace{'print_fmt_cb_args'} = make_format($cmd_cb_args =~ s/(.*), $/, $1/r);
$replace{'gen_cmd_t'} = "gen_sts_cmd_t";
$replace{'GEN_CMD'} = "GEN_STS_CMD\n";
$replace{'gen_cmd'} = "&cmd->gen.gen";
} else {
$replace{'gen_cmd_t'} = "gen_cmd_t";
$replace{'GEN_CMD'} = "GEN_CMD\n";
$replace{'gen_cmd'} = "&cmd->gen";
$replace{'decl_cb_args'} = $cmd_cb_args;
$replace{'pass_cb_args'} = make_args($cmd_cb_args);
my $cmd_print_cb_args = $cmd_cb_args =~ s/(.*), $/, $1/r;
$replace{'print_pass_cb_args'} = make_args($cmd_print_cb_args);
$replace{'print_fmt_cb_args'} = make_format($cmd_print_cb_args);
$pass_args = make_args($cmd_args);
$pass_args =~ s/([^, ]+)/cmd->$1/g;
my $r_cmd_args = $cmd_args =~ s/, (.*)$/$1, /r;
$replace{'decl_state'} = $r_cmd_args =~ s/, /\;\n/gr;
my $r_pass_args = make_args($r_cmd_args);
$replace{'assign_state'} = $r_pass_args =~ s/([^,]+), /cmd->$1 = $1\;\n/gr;
$replace{'checked'} = '0';
$template = "CALLBACK";
} elsif ($cmd_type eq "void ") {
$template = "REGULAR_VOID";
} else {
$template = "REGULAR";
$replace{'print_fmt_ret'} = type_to_format($cmd_type);
$replace{'print_pass_ret'} = "rv";
$pass_args = make_args($cmd_args);
if ($cmd_type eq "void ") {
$template = "REGULAR_VOID";
} else {
$template = "REGULAR";
$replace{'print_fmt_ret'} = type_to_format($cmd_type);
$replace{'print_pass_ret'} = "rv";
$replace{'decl_args'} = $cmd_args;
$replace{'print_pass_args'} = $replace{'pass_args'} = make_args($cmd_args);
$replace{'print_pass_args'} = $replace{'pass_args'} = $pass_args;
$replace{'print_fmt_args'} = make_format($cmd_args);
for (keys %defines) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user