step 1 complete
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ Until we're better
1. Add `accountid.txt` to `src/` with the CloudFlare account id
2. Add `worker_name.txt` to `src/` with CloudFlare worker name
3. `zig build run`
3. `zig build run`. Make sure that CF_X_AUTH_EMAIL and CF_X_AUTH_KEY environment
variables are set with the correct authentication parameters
Getting new index.js
@ -1,12 +1,34 @@
const std = @import("std");
// TODO: All this stuff needs to be different
const index = @embedFile("index.js");
const wasm = @embedFile("demo.wasm");
const accountid = @embedFile("accountid.txt");
const worker_name = @embedFile("worker_name.txt");
var x_auth_email: [:0]const u8 = undefined;
var x_auth_key: [:0]const u8 = undefined;
pub fn main() !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = arena.allocator();
var client = std.http.Client{ .allocator = allocator };
x_auth_email = std.os.getenv("CF_X_AUTH_EMAIL").?;
x_auth_key = std.os.getenv("CF_X_AUTH_KEY").?;
// TODO: All this stuff needs to be different
// TODO: We need to break index.js into the wrangler-generated bundling thing
// and the actual code we're using to run the wasm file.
// We might actually want a "run this wasm" upload vs a "these are my
// js files" upload. But for now we'll optimize for wasm
const index = @embedFile("index.js");
const wasm = @embedFile("demo.wasm");
const memfs = @embedFile("dist/memfs.wasm");
const accountid = @embedFile("accountid.txt");
const worker_name = @embedFile("worker_name.txt");
const deploy_request = @embedFile("deploy_request.txt");
_ = deploy_request;
const put_script = "{s}/workers/scripts/{s}?include_subdomain_availability=true&excludeScript=true";
_ = put_script;
const get_subdomain = "{s}/workers/scripts/{s}/subdomain";
_ = get_subdomain;
// stdout is for the actual output of your application, for example if you
// are implementing gzip, then only the compressed bytes should be sent to
// stdout, not any debugging messages.
@ -16,12 +38,35 @@ pub fn main() !void {
try stdout.print("Index bytes: {d}\n", .{index.len});
try stdout.print("Wasm bytes: {d}\n", .{wasm.len});
try stdout.print("Memfs bytes: {d}\n", .{memfs.len});
try stdout.print("Account: {s}\n", .{accountid});
try stdout.print("Worker name: {s}\n", .{worker_name});
const worker_exists = try workerExists(allocator, &client, accountid, worker_name);
try stdout.print(
"Worker exists: {}\n",
try bw.flush(); // don't forget to flush!
fn workerExists(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, client: *std.http.Client, account_id: []const u8, name: []const u8) !bool {
const existence_check = "{s}/workers/services/{s}";
const url = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, existence_check, .{ account_id, name });
var headers = std.http.Headers.init(allocator);
defer headers.deinit();
try headers.append("X-Auth-Email", x_auth_email);
try headers.append("X-Auth-Key", x_auth_key);
var req = try client.request(.GET, try std.Uri.parse(url), headers, .{});
defer req.deinit();
try req.start();
try req.wait();
// std.debug.print("Status is {}\n", .{req.response.status});
// std.debug.print("Url is {s}\n", .{url});
return req.response.status == .ok;
test "simple test" {
var list = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer list.deinit(); // try commenting this out and see if zig detects the memory leak!
Reference in New Issue
Block a user