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title = "Wow it's time for an update!"
slug = "2008-07-26-wow-its-time-for-an-update"
published = 2008-07-26T13:36:00-07:00
author = "Emil"
tags = []
So to say it's been a while since the Lerch family has posted to the
blog is an understatement. In our defense though having two kids under
the age of two (which was the case until recently) is just a bit on the
busy side. :-)
Kathryn is currently 2 years and 1 month old! She had a great little
pool party to celebrate her birthday on June 28th. Her friends Zach,
Maren, and Megan were in attendance and we all ate the cake I made. This
was very low key and lots of fun!
Kathryn weighs 28 lbs 10 oz and is 2 feet 10 inches high. This puts her
in about the 50% for both weight and height. To quote the doctor "it's
so average it's not even worth talking about."
Kathryn knows \*tons\* of words now and is into parroting things folks
say. A common stream of words heard is
"Daddy...work...car...money...food". This means "Daddy is at work and he
took the car. He is working to make money to buy food." She says this
every weekday morning. Kathryn isn't speaking in full sentences yet, but
that is likely just around the corner.
Without a doubt her favorite thing is to go to the park. She loves to
swing and slide down the slide. She also really likes planes - pointing
them out as they fly overhead and saying "bye, bye plane." She also
often speaks of the beach and the waves. She learned aboout these in
Hawaii in June. She tells them to "come on" and wash over her. Her
favorite toy is her baby doll. She pushes it in the stroller, feeds it
in Jack's swing, and rocks it in the cradle. "Baby" provides lots of
entertainment. :-) Mom and Dad love Baby.
Probably the most fun thing about Kathryn is her big crazy laugh. She
gets so excited about things - espeically all things with water - she
just laughes and laughes. She turns heads with her excitement!
As for Jack - he's gigantic!! Jack is now 7 months old. At his 6 month
appointment he weighed 20 lbs and was 29.5" long. This puts him the 90%
for weight and the 97% for height. He's a big boy! Jack just had a big
weekend recently. On July 12th he got his two bottom teeth and
officially mastered sitting up!
Jack is a really easy going wonderful baby. He's always been a great
sleeper - yet he still doesn't make it through the night consistenly
like his sister did at this age. He currently goes down arouond 7:00 PM
and wakes for a 3:30 AM feeding. When Jack does wake up...wow...you'll
know it because he has some lungs on him! However, most of the time he
is just a super smiley easy going baby.
It should be noted that of course Jack has presented us with some
challenges over the last 7 months. When he was very little he liked to
be swaddled \*tight\* or else he would hit himself in the head with his
left hand and wake up (queue screaming). Jack also likes to eat. He
decided that breastfeeding was to slow for him so at 4 months, on a
plane flight to Chicago, he threw in the towel. (Luckily I did have a
backup bottle and formula with me as I feared this could happen.) I'm
serious about the towel throwing...his favorite item in the world is a
blue and white burb cloth that he snuggles with every night. Any piece
of fabric will work for him, but the cloth is his favorite.
So a common question I hear is how are Kathryn and Jack doing together?
Overall I would say great. Kathryn does have her jealous moments. For
some reason when I change Jack's diaper she can get upset. But in
general Kathryn loves her "Jacky". Sometimes, a bit too much, as she
also enjoys trying to give him the bottle, put the pacifier in his
mouth, and nuzzle him. "Gentle, Kathryn" is heard a lot in the Lerch
In general I would say March was one of the hardest months for our
family. Jack was still very little, Emil had started a new job, my
parents had returned to Chicago after months of much appreciated help,
and Kathryn hit a real defiant streak. Since then things have only
gotten better. I think we are on easy street at the moment actually as
the kids have the same afternoon nap time (2 hours!) and now that Jack
can sit up but can't go anywhere!
I have returned to work after a 7 month leave. This transition has been
made much easier due to our nanny! She is wonderful!
There are tons of pics to check out! We consolidated our pictures at
- [January](http://thelerchs.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b3427acd659a)
- [February](http://thelerchs.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b3427ad36584)
- [March](http://thelerchs.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b3427af965ae)
(and our [professional
- [April](http://thelerchs.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b341fbd1458a)
- [May](http://thelerchs.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b341fbfec495)
(and [more
- [June](http://thelerchs.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b3478006c451)
- [July](http://thelerchs.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b34567abc48f)
Also, [videos on YouTube](http://youtube.com/user/kellyemil) are up to
date as of February. We'll be posting more videos shortly!