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+++ title = "Baby #2 Game!" slug = "2007-11-27-baby-2-game" published = 2007-11-27T16:52:00-08:00 author = "Anonymous" tags = [] +++ Well, we are getting into the final countdown for Baby Lerch #2! Emil and I are both excited and still in a state of disbelief/denial that there are going to be two babies to care for now. What a big job - yikes!

Emil has decided to run the stats game again - so please do visit our website at http://www.lerch.org/baby and input your guesses for gender/weight/length and date of birth. You do not need to register, but do need to provide a phone number so we can call you! For additional fun Emil has decided to let folks enter in a name they would like to suggest for the baby. We could pick your name since we still haven't decided!

To give everyone an even playing field on which to base their guess I'll provide a few facts about this pregnancy:

It's pretty much the same as when I was pregnant with Kathryn except for me hurting my back (I'm much better now!) I still crave ice cream like before. The only new thing is an addiction to root beer. I would say I was a bit more nausous in the begining with this one.

The heart rate is slower at around 136 beats per minute than Kathryn's was in utero.

This baby moves significantly less than Kathryn did.

I think I am carrying the baby the same as before.

Regarding the due date - when I was pregnant with Kathryn I was in labor for a grand total of 8 hours (very fast for first pregnancy) and I was 4 cm for about a week before her estimated due date. With this pregnancy I am at 4 cm right now! Seeing as Kathryn was 1 day early and I'm already progressing the doctor does not think I'll deliver after December 19th. That being said she has been wrong with my friend twice! :-) Regardless of due date there doesn't seem to be any debate that this labor will be very fast!

Happy guessing!