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+++ title = "Oh My - Another One!" slug = "2007-08-04-oh-my-another-one" published = 2007-08-04T10:09:00-07:00 author = "Emil" tags = [] +++ It's been a long time since our last post, and we have some exciting news to share! We are expecting our second baby! The approximate due date is December 17th, which puts me at about 20 weeks right now. In fact Emil and I have our ultrasound this upcoming Friday, but are still on fence as to if we find out the gender or not. (Ok, *I'm* on the fence, Emil definitely wants to know.) As you may recall we did not find out with Kathryn.

Based on the due date our newest little one and Kathryn will be almost exactly 18 months apart. Several folks have asked if we had planned this, and the answer is not exactly. We always wanted the kids close together, but 18 months was a bit sooner than we had expected. Yikes! This is Kathryn when we told her the news....

We found out we were pregnant on Tuesday April 10th, after watching a TIVO'ed episode of '24'. I just had this strong feeling I was pregnant - and sure enough! Needless to say Emil and I were both more than a little surprised!

So far the pregnancy has gone fairly well, but I was much more nauseous with this one than Kathryn. It was worst from 4:00 - 8:00 PM. This made taking care of Kathryn at night a bit tough. Even the thought of baby food made my stomach turn (still does actually). And changing poopy diapers...forget it! Poor Emil had to do much of the child care himself for about 14 weeks. But now that I'm about half-way there I'm doing great!

I really started to feel the baby move last week, around 18 weeks along. It's very cool. At first this one was only active at night, but now I feel it in the afternoon and when I go to bed around 10 PM. At times I'm a bit sad, knowing this is likely the last time I'll be pregnant. Emil and I are very excited, but our big concern right now is where to put the new baby! Kathryn won't quite be old enough for a 'big girl' bed, and I'm not sure I want to do two nurseries.... hmmm..

Here are a few pictures from our first ultrasound!