Event processor
This project creates a web server, listening on port 9090, that will capture all requests and send the path, method, headers and body in JSON format asynchronously to a program called "event-processor", which can then do whatever it wants with it.
Install zig 0.7.1 from https://ziglang.org/download/. Once downloaded, you can unpackage the download and get the main executable in your path (zig figures out the other files it needs based on where the main executable lies).
You can either run "make" using the Makefile provided, or run zig build
Doing the latter will land the binary in ./zig-cache/bin. The makefile uses
-Drelease-safe=true to provide a small, statically-linked reproducible binary,
which is then stripped and copied to "event-processor-backend" in the
current directory.