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1# This file should be used sparingly. We should probably have a mechanism
2# built in to decrypt it with PKCS#11 or something, because it's the keys
3# to everything (this file -> database metadata -> table level keys).
5# Normal operation is to allow LocalDb to get Account ID from LocalIAM
6# (actually I think this is LocalSTS) with Account ID in hand, LocalDb will
7# retrieve (or generate/retrieve) the encryption key from LocalDb
9# This is, of course, a recursive operation, so at some point we need the base
10# case, which is a key that's not stored in the database (or the source code)
12# That...is the purpose of this file. The existing/new is intended to enable
13# key rotations. This system uses envelope encryption, so table data is
14# encrypted with a key that is stored in the ddbLocal metadata table. On
15# request for rotation, the table metadata will use the existing encoded
16# encryption key to read, then re-encrypt the metadata with the new encoded
17# encryption key. Key rotation, however, remains a TODO in the code
19# To generate a line for this file, use `zig build generate_credentials`
21# Access Key,Secret key,Account Id,Existing encoded encryption key, New encoded encryption key