
207 lines
9.7 KiB

# decompyle3 version 3.9.0
# Python bytecode version base 3.7.0 (3394)
# Decompiled from: Python 3.7.16 (default, Mar 30 2023, 01:25:49)
# [GCC 12.2.1 20220924]
# Embedded file name: pylink/
import ctypes
class IDCodeRegisterBits(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
__doc__ = 'This class holds the different bit masks for the IDCode register.\n\n Attributes:\n valid: validity bit, should always be ``0``.\n manufactuer: the JEDEC Manufacturer ID.\n part_no: the part number defined by the manufacturer.\n version_code: the version code.\n '
_fields_ = [
'valid', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'manufacturer', ctypes.c_uint32, 11),
'part_no', ctypes.c_uint32, 16),
'version_code', ctypes.c_uint32, 4)]
class IDCodeRegisterFlags(ctypes.Union):
__doc__ = 'Mask for the IDCode register bits.\n\n Attributes:\n value: the value stored in the mask.\n '
_anonymous_ = ('bit', )
_fields_ = [
'bit', IDCodeRegisterBits),
'value', ctypes.c_uint32)]
class AbortRegisterBits(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
__doc__ = 'This class holds the different bit mask for the Abort Register.\n\n Attributes:\n DAPABORT: write ``1`` to trigger a DAP abort.\n STKCMPCLR: write ``1`` to clear the ``STICKYCMP`` sticky compare flag\n (only supported on SW-DP).\n STKERRCLR: write ``1`` to clear the ``STICKYERR`` sticky error flag\n (only supported on SW-DP).\n WDERRCLR: write ``1`` to clear the ``WDATAERR`` write data error flag\n (only supported on SW-DP).\n ORUNERRCLR: write ``1`` to clear the ``STICKYORUN`` overrun error flag\n (only supported on SW-DP).\n '
_fields_ = [
'DAPABORT', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'STKCMPCLR', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'STKERRCLR', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'WDERRCLR', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'ORUNERRCLR', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'RESERVED', ctypes.c_uint32, 27)]
class AbortRegisterFlags(ctypes.Union):
__doc__ = 'Mask for the abort register bits.\n\n Attributes:\n value: the value stored in the mask.\n '
_anonymous_ = ('bit', )
_fields_ = [
'bit', AbortRegisterBits),
'value', ctypes.c_uint32)]
class ControlStatusRegisterBits(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
__doc__ = 'This class holds the different bit masks for the DP Control / Status\n Register bit assignments.\n\n Attributes:\n ORUNDETECT: if set, enables overrun detection.\n STICKYORUN: if overrun is enabled, is set when overrun occurs.\n TRNMODE: transfer mode for acess port operations.\n STICKYCMP: is set when a match occurs on a pushed compare or verify\n operation.\n STICKYERR: is set when an error is returned by an access port\n transaction.\n READOK: is set when the response to a previous access port or ``RDBUFF``\n was ``OK``.\n WDATAERR: set to ``1`` if a Write Data Error occurs.\n MASKLANE: bytes to be masked in pushed compare and verify operations.\n TRNCNT: transaction counter.\n RESERVED: reserved.\n CDBGRSTREQ: debug reset request.\n CDBGRSTACK: debug reset acknowledge.\n CDBGPWRUPREQ: debug power-up request.\n CDBGPWRUPACK: debug power-up acknowledge.\n CSYSPWRUPREQ: system power-up request\n CSYSPWRUPACK: system power-up acknowledge.\n\n See also:\n See the ARM documentation on the significance of these masks\n `here <>`_.\n '
_fields_ = [
'ORUNDETECT', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'STICKYORUN', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'TRNMODE', ctypes.c_uint32, 2),
'STICKYCMP', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'STICKYERR', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'READOK', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'WDATAERR', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'MASKLANE', ctypes.c_uint32, 4),
'TRNCNT', ctypes.c_uint32, 12),
'RESERVED', ctypes.c_uint32, 2),
'CDBGRSTREQ', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'CDBGRSTACK', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'CDBGPWRUPREQ', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'CDBGPWRUPACK', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'CSYSPWRUPREQ', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'CSYSPWRUPACK', ctypes.c_uint32, 1)]
class ControlStatusRegisterFlags(ctypes.Union):
__doc__ = 'Mask for the control/status register bits.\n\n Attributes:\n value: the value stored in the mask.\n '
_anonymous_ = ('bit', )
_fields_ = [
'bit', ControlStatusRegisterBits),
'value', ctypes.c_uint32)]
class SelectRegisterBits(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
__doc__ = 'This class holds the different bit masks for the AP Select Register.\n\n Attributes:\n CTRLSEL: SW-DP debug port address bank select.\n RESERVED_A: reserved.\n APBANKSEL: selects the active four-word register window on the current\n access port.\n RESERVED_B: reserved.\n APSEL: selects the current access port.\n '
_fields_ = [
'CTRLSEL', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'RESERVED_A', ctypes.c_uint32, 3),
'APBANKSEL', ctypes.c_uint32, 4),
'RESERVED_B', ctypes.c_uint32, 16),
'APSEL', ctypes.c_uint32, 8)]
class SelectRegisterFlags(ctypes.Union):
__doc__ = 'Mask for the select register bits.\n\n Attributes:\n value: the value stored in the mask.\n '
_anonymous_ = ('bit', )
_fields_ = [
'bit', SelectRegisterBits),
'value', ctypes.c_uint32)]
class MDMAPControlRegisterBits(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
__doc__ = 'This class holds the different bit masks for the MDM-AP Control\n Register.\n\n Attributes:\n flash_mass_erase: set to cause a mass erase, this is cleared\n automatically when a mass erase finishes.\n debug_disable: set to disable debug, clear to allow debug.\n debug_request: set to force the core to halt.\n sys_reset_request: set to force a system reset.\n core_hold_reset: set to suspend the core in reset at the end of reset\n sequencing.\n VLLDBGREQ: set to hold the system in reset after the next recovery from\n VLLSx (Very Low Leakage Stop).\n VLLDBGACK: set to release a system held in reset following a VLLSx\n (Very Low Leakage Stop) recovery.\n VLLSTATACK: set to acknowledge that the DAP LLS (Low Leakage Stop) and\n VLLS (Very Low Leakage Stop) status bits have read.\n '
_fields_ = [
'flash_mass_erase', ctypes.c_uint8, 1),
'debug_disable', ctypes.c_uint8, 1),
'debug_request', ctypes.c_uint8, 1),
'sys_reset_request', ctypes.c_uint8, 1),
'core_hold_reset', ctypes.c_uint8, 1),
'VLLDBGREQ', ctypes.c_uint8, 1),
'VLLDBGACK', ctypes.c_uint8, 1),
'VLLSTATACK', ctypes.c_uint8, 1)]
class MDMAPControlRegisterFlags(ctypes.Union):
__doc__ = 'Mask for the MDM-AP control register bits.\n\n Attributes:\n value: the value stored in the mask.\n '
_anonymous_ = ('bit', )
_fields_ = [
'bit', MDMAPControlRegisterBits),
'value', ctypes.c_uint8)]
class MDMAPStatusRegisterBits(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
__doc__ = 'Holds the bit masks for the MDM-AP Status Register.\n\n Attributes:\n flash_mass_erase_ack: cleared after a system reset, indicates that a\n flash mass erase was acknowledged.\n flash_ready: indicates that flash has been initialized and can be\n configured.\n system_security: if set, system is secure and debugger cannot access the\n memory or system bus.\n system_reset: ``1`` if system is in reset, otherwise ``0``.\n mass_erase_enabled: ``1`` if MCU can be mass erased, otherwise ``0``.\n low_power_enabled: ``1`` if low power stop mode is enabled, otherwise ``0``.\n very_low_power_mode: ``1`` if device is in very low power mode.\n LLSMODEEXIT: indicates an exit from LLS mode has occurred.\n VLLSxMODEEXIT: indicates an exit from VLLSx mode has occured.\n core_halted; indicates core has entered debug halt mode.\n core_deep_sleep: indicates core has entered a low power mode.\n core_sleeping: indicates the core has entered a low power mode.\n\n Note:\n if ``core_sleeping & !core_deep_sleep``, then the core is in VLPW (very\n low power wait) mode, otherwise if ``core_sleeping & core_deep_sleep``,\n then it is in VLPS (very low power stop) mode.\n '
_fields_ = [
'flash_mass_erase_ack', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'flash_ready', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'system_security', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'system_reset', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'RESERVED_A', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'mass_erase_enabled', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'backdoor_access_enabled', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'low_power_enabled', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'very_low_power_mode', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'LLSMODEEXIT', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'VLLSxMODEEXIT', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'RESERVED_B', ctypes.c_uint32, 5),
'core_halted', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'core_deep_sleep', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'core_sleeping', ctypes.c_uint32, 1),
'RESERVED_C', ctypes.c_uint32, 13)]
class MDMAPStatusRegisterFlags(ctypes.Union):
__doc__ = 'Mask for the MDM-AP status register bits.\n\n Attributes:\n value: the value stored in the mask.\n '
_anonymous_ = ('bit', )
_fields_ = [
'bit', MDMAPStatusRegisterBits),
'value', ctypes.c_uint32)]
# okay decompiling ./pylink/registers.pyc