2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
// TODO: validate this matches the schema
pub const Smithy = struct {
version: []const u8,
metadata: ModelMetadata,
shapes: []ShapeInfo,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
2024-01-13 17:34:41 +01:00
json_source: std.json.Parsed(std.json.Value),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
const Self = @This();
2024-01-13 17:34:41 +01:00
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, version: []const u8, metadata: ModelMetadata, shapeinfo: []ShapeInfo, json_source: std.json.Parsed(std.json.Value)) Smithy {
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
return .{
.version = version,
.metadata = metadata,
.shapes = shapeinfo,
.allocator = allocator,
2024-01-13 17:34:41 +01:00
.json_source = json_source,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {
for (self.shapes) |s| {
switch (s.shape) {
=> |v| self.allocator.free(v.traits),
.structure => |v| {
for (v.members) |m| self.allocator.free(m.traits);
.uniontype => |v| {
for (v.members) |m| self.allocator.free(m.traits);
.service => |v| {
.operation => |v| {
if (v.errors) |e| self.allocator.free(e);
.list => |v| {
.set => |v| {
.map => |v| {
2024-02-29 13:35:32 -08:00
.@"enum" => |v| {
for (v.members) |m| self.allocator.free(m.traits);
.unit => |v| {
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
2024-01-13 17:34:41 +01:00
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
pub const ShapeInfo = struct {
id: []const u8,
namespace: []const u8,
name: []const u8,
member: ?[]const u8,
shape: Shape,
const ModelMetadata = struct {
suppressions: []struct {
id: []const u8,
namespace: []const u8,
pub const TraitType = enum {
2024-02-29 13:39:07 -08:00
required, // required on the server
client_optional, // optional as far as the client is concerned
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
2024-02-29 13:39:07 -08:00
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
pub const Trait = union(TraitType) {
aws_api_service: struct {
sdk_id: []const u8,
2024-02-29 13:36:45 -08:00
arn_namespace: ?[]const u8,
cloudformation_name: ?[]const u8,
cloudtrail_event_source: ?[]const u8,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
endpoint_prefix: []const u8,
aws_auth_sigv4: struct {
name: []const u8,
aws_protocol: AwsProtocol,
ec2_query_name: []const u8,
http: struct {
method: []const u8,
uri: []const u8,
code: i64 = 200,
http_header: []const u8,
http_label: []const u8,
http_query: []const u8,
http_payload: struct {},
2024-04-02 10:57:42 -07:00
json_name: []const u8,
xml_name: []const u8,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
required: struct {},
2024-02-29 13:39:07 -08:00
client_optional: void,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
documentation: []const u8,
pattern: []const u8,
range: struct { // most data is actually integers, but as some are floats, we'll use that here
min: ?f64,
max: ?f64,
length: struct {
min: ?f64,
max: ?f64,
box: struct {},
sparse: struct {},
2024-02-29 13:39:07 -08:00
enum_value: []const u8,
aws_query_error: struct {
http_response_code: i64,
code: []const u8,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
const ShapeType = enum {
2024-02-29 13:35:32 -08:00
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
const TraitsOnly = struct {
traits: []Trait,
pub const TypeMember = struct {
name: []const u8,
target: []const u8,
traits: []Trait,
const Shape = union(ShapeType) {
blob: TraitsOnly,
boolean: TraitsOnly,
string: TraitsOnly,
byte: TraitsOnly,
short: TraitsOnly,
integer: TraitsOnly,
long: TraitsOnly,
float: TraitsOnly,
double: TraitsOnly,
bigInteger: TraitsOnly,
bigDecimal: TraitsOnly,
timestamp: TraitsOnly,
document: TraitsOnly,
member: TraitsOnly,
list: struct {
member_target: []const u8,
traits: []Trait,
set: struct {
member_target: []const u8,
traits: []Trait,
map: struct {
key: []const u8,
value: []const u8,
traits: []Trait,
structure: struct {
members: []TypeMember,
traits: []Trait,
uniontype: struct {
members: []TypeMember,
traits: []Trait,
service: struct {
version: []const u8,
operations: [][]const u8,
resources: [][]const u8,
traits: []Trait,
operation: struct {
input: ?[]const u8,
output: ?[]const u8,
errors: ?[][]const u8,
traits: []Trait,
resource: TraitsOnly,
2024-02-29 13:35:32 -08:00
@"enum": struct {
members: []TypeMember,
traits: []Trait,
unit: TraitsOnly,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
// https://awslabs.github.io/smithy/1.0/spec/aws/index.html
pub const AwsProtocol = enum {
pub fn parse(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, json_model: []const u8) !Smithy {
2024-01-13 17:34:41 +01:00
// construct a parser. We're not copying strings here
// Instead, we keep the original json string around
// This might be bad if we only need a small fraction of the original json source
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
var vt = try std.json.parseFromSlice(std.json.Value, allocator, json_model, .{});
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
return Smithy.init(
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
// TODO: implement
.suppressions = &.{},
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
try shapes(allocator, vt.value.object.get("shapes").?.object),
2024-01-13 17:34:41 +01:00
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
// anytype: HashMap([]const u8, std.json.Value...)
// list must be deinitialized by caller
fn shapes(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, map: anytype) ![]ShapeInfo {
var list = try std.ArrayList(ShapeInfo).initCapacity(allocator, map.count());
defer list.deinit();
var iterator = map.iterator();
while (iterator.next()) |kv| {
const id_info = try parseId(kv.key_ptr.*);
try list.append(.{
.id = id_info.id,
.namespace = id_info.namespace,
.name = id_info.name,
.member = id_info.member,
2024-02-29 13:37:27 -08:00
.shape = getShape(allocator, kv.value_ptr.*) catch |e| {
std.log.err("Caught error parsing shape with name {s}: {}", .{ id_info.name, e });
return e;
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
// This seems to be a synonym for the simple type "string"
// https://awslabs.github.io/smithy/1.0/spec/core/model.html#simple-types
// But I don't see it in the spec. We might need to preload other similar
// simple types?
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#String",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "String",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.string = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#Boolean",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "Boolean",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.boolean = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#Integer",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "Integer",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.integer = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#Double",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "Double",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.double = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#Timestamp",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "Timestamp",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.timestamp = .{
.traits = &.{},
2024-02-29 13:38:12 -08:00
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#Blob",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "Blob",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.blob = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#Unit",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "Unit",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.unit = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#Long",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "Long",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.long = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#Float",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "Float",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.float = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#Document",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "Document",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.document = .{
.traits = &.{},
// These "Primitive" versions only appear to differ in that they have defaults
// defined. Not currently handled:
// byte PrimitiveByte
// short PrimitiveShort
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#PrimitiveBoolean",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "PrimitiveBoolean",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.boolean = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#PrimitiveInteger",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "PrimitiveInteger",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.integer = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#PrimitiveDouble",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "PrimitiveDouble",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.double = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#PrimitiveLong",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "PrimitiveLong",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.long = .{
.traits = &.{},
try list.append(.{
.id = "smithy.api#PrimitiveFloat",
.namespace = "smithy.api",
.name = "PrimitiveFloat",
.member = null,
.shape = Shape{
.float = .{
.traits = &.{},
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
return list.toOwnedSlice();
fn getShape(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, shape: std.json.Value) SmithyParseError!Shape {
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
const shape_type = shape.object.get("type").?.string;
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "service"))
return Shape{
.service = .{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.version = shape.object.get("version").?.string,
.operations = if (shape.object.get("operations")) |ops|
try parseTargetList(allocator, ops.array)
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
&.{}, // this doesn't make much sense, but it's happening
// TODO: implement. We need some sample data tho
.resources = &.{},
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.traits = try parseTraits(allocator, shape.object.get("traits")),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "structure"))
return Shape{
.structure = .{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.members = try parseMembers(allocator, shape.object.get("members")),
.traits = try parseTraits(allocator, shape.object.get("traits")),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "union"))
return Shape{
.uniontype = .{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.members = try parseMembers(allocator, shape.object.get("members")),
.traits = try parseTraits(allocator, shape.object.get("traits")),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "operation"))
return Shape{
.operation = .{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.input = if (shape.object.get("input")) |member| member.object.get("target").?.string else null,
.output = if (shape.object.get("output")) |member| member.object.get("target").?.string else null,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
.errors = blk: {
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
if (shape.object.get("errors")) |e| {
break :blk try parseTargetList(allocator, e.array);
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
break :blk null;
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.traits = try parseTraits(allocator, shape.object.get("traits")),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "list"))
return Shape{
.list = .{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.member_target = shape.object.get("member").?.object.get("target").?.string,
.traits = try parseTraits(allocator, shape.object.get("traits")),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "set"))
return Shape{
.set = .{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.member_target = shape.object.get("member").?.object.get("target").?.string,
.traits = try parseTraits(allocator, shape.object.get("traits")),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "map"))
return Shape{
.map = .{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.key = shape.object.get("key").?.object.get("target").?.string,
.value = shape.object.get("value").?.object.get("target").?.string,
.traits = try parseTraits(allocator, shape.object.get("traits")),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "string"))
return Shape{ .string = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "byte"))
return Shape{ .byte = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "short"))
return Shape{ .short = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "integer"))
return Shape{ .integer = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "long"))
return Shape{ .long = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "float"))
return Shape{ .float = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "double"))
return Shape{ .double = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "bigInteger"))
return Shape{ .bigInteger = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "bigDecimal"))
return Shape{ .bigDecimal = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "boolean"))
return Shape{ .boolean = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "blob"))
return Shape{ .blob = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "timestamp"))
return Shape{ .timestamp = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "document"))
return Shape{ .document = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "member"))
return Shape{ .member = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "resource"))
return Shape{ .resource = try parseTraitsOnly(allocator, shape) };
2024-02-29 13:35:32 -08:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape_type, "enum"))
return Shape{
.@"enum" = .{
.members = try parseMembers(allocator, shape.object.get("members")),
.traits = try parseTraits(allocator, shape.object.get("traits")),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
std.debug.print("Invalid Type: {s}", .{shape_type});
return SmithyParseError.InvalidType;
fn parseMembers(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, shape: ?std.json.Value) SmithyParseError![]TypeMember {
2024-01-13 17:34:41 +01:00
const rc: []TypeMember = &.{};
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (shape == null)
return rc;
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
const map = shape.?.object;
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
var list = std.ArrayList(TypeMember).initCapacity(allocator, map.count()) catch return SmithyParseError.OutOfMemory;
defer list.deinit();
var iterator = map.iterator();
while (iterator.next()) |kv| {
try list.append(TypeMember{
.name = kv.key_ptr.*,
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.target = kv.value_ptr.*.object.get("target").?.string,
.traits = try parseTraits(allocator, kv.value_ptr.*.object.get("traits")),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
return list.toOwnedSlice();
// ArrayList of std.Json.Value
fn parseTargetList(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, list: anytype) SmithyParseError![][]const u8 {
var array_list = std.ArrayList([]const u8).initCapacity(allocator, list.items.len) catch return SmithyParseError.OutOfMemory;
defer array_list.deinit();
for (list.items) |i| {
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
try array_list.append(i.object.get("target").?.string);
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
return array_list.toOwnedSlice();
fn parseTraitsOnly(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, shape: std.json.Value) SmithyParseError!TraitsOnly {
return TraitsOnly{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.traits = try parseTraits(allocator, shape.object.get("traits")),
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
fn parseTraits(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, shape: ?std.json.Value) SmithyParseError![]Trait {
2024-01-13 17:34:41 +01:00
const rc: []Trait = &.{};
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (shape == null)
return rc;
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
const map = shape.?.object;
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
var list = std.ArrayList(Trait).initCapacity(allocator, map.count()) catch return SmithyParseError.OutOfMemory;
defer list.deinit();
var iterator = map.iterator();
while (iterator.next()) |kv| {
if (try getTrait(kv.key_ptr.*, kv.value_ptr.*)) |t|
try list.append(t);
return list.toOwnedSlice();
fn getTrait(trait_type: []const u8, value: std.json.Value) SmithyParseError!?Trait {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "aws.api#service"))
return Trait{
.aws_api_service = .{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.sdk_id = value.object.get("sdkId").?.string,
2024-02-29 13:36:45 -08:00
.arn_namespace = if (value.object.get("arnNamespace")) |a| a.string else null,
.cloudformation_name = if (value.object.get("cloudFormationName")) |n| n.string else null,
.cloudtrail_event_source = if (value.object.get("cloudTrailEventSource")) |s| s.string else null,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
// what good is a service without an endpoint? I don't know - ask amp
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.endpoint_prefix = if (value.object.get("endpointPrefix")) |endpoint| endpoint.string else "",
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "aws.auth#sigv4"))
return Trait{
.aws_auth_sigv4 = .{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.name = value.object.get("name").?.string,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#required"))
return Trait{ .required = .{} };
2024-02-29 13:39:07 -08:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#clientOptional"))
return Trait{ .client_optional = {} };
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#sparse"))
return Trait{ .sparse = .{} };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#box"))
return Trait{ .box = .{} };
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#range"))
return Trait{
.range = .{
.min = getOptionalNumber(value, "min"),
.max = getOptionalNumber(value, "max"),
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#length"))
return Trait{
.length = .{
.min = getOptionalNumber(value, "min"),
.max = getOptionalNumber(value, "max"),
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "aws.protocols#restJson1"))
return Trait{
.aws_protocol = .rest_json_1,
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "aws.protocols#awsJson1_0"))
return Trait{
.aws_protocol = .json_1_0,
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "aws.protocols#awsJson1_1"))
return Trait{
.aws_protocol = .json_1_1,
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "aws.protocols#restXml"))
return Trait{
.aws_protocol = .rest_xml,
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "aws.protocols#awsQuery"))
return Trait{
.aws_protocol = .query,
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "aws.protocols#ec2Query"))
return Trait{
.aws_protocol = .ec2_query,
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#documentation"))
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
return Trait{ .documentation = value.string };
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#pattern"))
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
return Trait{ .pattern = value.string };
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "aws.protocols#ec2QueryName"))
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
return Trait{ .ec2_query_name = value.string };
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#http")) {
var code: i64 = 200;
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
if (value.object.get("code")) |v| {
if (v == .integer)
code = v.integer;
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
return Trait{ .http = .{
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.method = value.object.get("method").?.string,
.uri = value.object.get("uri").?.string,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
.code = code,
} };
2024-02-29 13:39:07 -08:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "aws.protocols#awsQueryError")) {
return Trait{
.aws_query_error = .{
.code = value.object.get("code").?.string, // code is required
.http_response_code = value.object.get("httpResponseCode").?.integer,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#jsonName"))
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
return Trait{ .json_name = value.string };
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#xmlName"))
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
return Trait{ .xml_name = value.string };
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#httpQuery"))
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
return Trait{ .http_query = value.string };
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#httpHeader"))
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
return Trait{ .http_header = value.string };
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#httpPayload"))
return Trait{ .http_payload = .{} };
// TODO: Maybe care about these traits?
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#title"))
return null;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#xmlNamespace"))
return null;
2024-02-29 13:39:07 -08:00
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, "smithy.api#enumValue"))
return Trait{ .enum_value = value.string };
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
// TODO: win argument with compiler to get this comptime
const list =
2024-02-29 13:34:09 -08:00
; // NOTE: inputs/outputs are not used in AWS models, but default is and might be handy
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
var iterator = std.mem.split(u8, list, "\n");
while (iterator.next()) |known_but_unimplemented| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, trait_type, known_but_unimplemented))
return null;
// Totally unknown type
std.log.err("Invalid Trait Type: {s}", .{trait_type});
return null;
fn getOptionalNumber(value: std.json.Value, key: []const u8) ?f64 {
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
if (value.object.get(key)) |v|
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
return switch (v) {
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
.integer => @as(f64, @floatFromInt(v.integer)),
.float => v.float,
.null, .bool, .number_string, .string, .array, .object => null,
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
return null;
const IdInfo = struct { id: []const u8, namespace: []const u8, name: []const u8, member: ?[]const u8 };
const SmithyParseError = error{
fn parseId(id: []const u8) SmithyParseError!IdInfo {
var hashtag: ?usize = null;
var dollar: ?usize = null;
var inx: usize = 0;
for (id) |ch| {
switch (ch) {
'#' => hashtag = inx,
'$' => dollar = inx,
else => {},
inx = inx + 1;
if (hashtag == null) {
std.debug.print("no hashtag found on id: {s}\n", .{id});
return SmithyParseError.NoHashtagFound;
const namespace = id[0..hashtag.?];
var end = id.len;
var member: ?[]const u8 = null;
if (dollar) |d| {
member = id[dollar.? + 1 .. end];
end = d;
const name = id[hashtag.? + 1 .. end];
return IdInfo{
.id = id,
.namespace = namespace,
.name = name,
.member = member,
fn read_file_to_string(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, file_name: []const u8, max_bytes: usize) ![]const u8 {
const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(file_name, std.fs.File.OpenFlags{});
defer file.close();
return file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, max_bytes);
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
const test_data: []const u8 = @embedFile("test.json");
2024-03-30 08:59:14 -07:00
const intrinsic_type_count: usize = 15; // 15 intrinsic types are added to every model (see shapes() function)
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
test "parse string" {
const test_string =
\\ {
\\ "smithy": "1.0",
\\ "shapes": {
\\ "com.amazonaws.sts#AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615": {
\\ "type": "service",
\\ "version": "2011-06-15",
\\ "operations": [
\\ {
\\ "target": "op"
\\ }
\\ ]
\\ }
\\ }
\\ }
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
const model = try parse(allocator, test_string);
defer model.deinit();
try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, model.version, "1.0"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(intrinsic_type_count + 1, model.shapes.len);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("com.amazonaws.sts#AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", model.shapes[0].id);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("com.amazonaws.sts", model.shapes[0].namespace);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", model.shapes[0].name);
try std.testing.expect(model.shapes[0].member == null);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("2011-06-15", model.shapes[0].shape.service.version);
test "parse shape with member" {
const test_string =
\\ {
\\ "smithy": "1.0",
\\ "shapes": {
\\ "com.amazonaws.sts#AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615$member": {
\\ "type": "service",
\\ "version": "2011-06-15",
\\ "operations": [
\\ {
\\ "target": "op"
\\ }
\\ ]
\\ }
\\ }
\\ }
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
const model = try parse(allocator, test_string);
defer model.deinit();
try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, model.version, "1.0"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(intrinsic_type_count + 1, model.shapes.len);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("com.amazonaws.sts#AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615$member", model.shapes[0].id);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("com.amazonaws.sts", model.shapes[0].namespace);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", model.shapes[0].name);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("2011-06-15", model.shapes[0].shape.service.version);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("member", model.shapes[0].member.?);
test "parse file" {
2023-08-04 16:07:27 -07:00
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
const model = try parse(allocator, test_data);
2023-08-04 15:39:10 -07:00
defer model.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(model.version, "1.0");
// metadata expectations
// try expect(std.mem.eql(u8, model.version, "version 1.0"));
// shape expectations
try std.testing.expectEqual(intrinsic_type_count + 81, model.shapes.len);
var optsvc: ?ShapeInfo = null;
for (model.shapes) |shape| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, shape.id, "com.amazonaws.sts#AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615")) {
optsvc = shape;
try std.testing.expect(optsvc != null);
const svc = optsvc.?;
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("com.amazonaws.sts#AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", svc.id);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("com.amazonaws.sts", svc.namespace);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("AWSSecurityTokenServiceV20110615", svc.name);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("2011-06-15", svc.shape.service.version);
// Should be 6, but we don't handle title or xml namespace
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), svc.shape.service.traits.len);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 8), svc.shape.service.operations.len);