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2022-12-30 20:25:23 +00:00
title = "More pictures of Jack"
slug = "2007-12-23-more-pictures-of-jack"
published = 2007-12-23T22:38:00-08:00
author = "Emil"
tags = []
[Photos from the
First set of new Shutterfly pictures:
Jack's new Shutterfly site: <http://jackemil.shutterfly.com>
An update on our progress:
> Kelly pushed for all of 16 minutes. Half of that was spent waiting for
> the Dr to arrive! We were discharged 30 hours after arriving. This was
> an induced labor...with Kelly at 6-7cm for 2 weeks the Dr. was worried
> we wouldn't make it to the hospital. We think it was the right call.
> After we got home, though, things did not go so smoothly. Saturday
> morning Emil jumped in the car as early as possible and went to urgent
> care because a persistent sore throat. They thought it was a cold, but
> ran a test for strep throat just to be sure. Ten minutes later, the
> doctor comes into the room with a prescription in hand for Amoxocillin
> and says not to go anywhere near the kids for 48 hours...I had <span
> id="st" class="st" name="st">strep</span> throat.
> Kelly called the pediatrician to find out what to do, and the
> pediatrician counteracts the instructions a bit. It turns out the real
> problem with <span id="st" class="st" name="st">strep</span> in kids
> is the possibility of rheumatic fever, and they don't get that until
> age 3, so they should be safe should they get the bacteria. Of course,
> it still wouldn't be fun, so stay very, very clean for the next 24
> hours.
> Well, Kelly and her mom have also been feeling miserable, and Kathryn
> has had a cold for what seems like forever, so Saturday was spent
> taking everyone except Jack to the doctor. Bottom line is that Kelly
> has a cold, Kelly's mom and Emil both have <span id="st" class="st"
> name="st">strep</span> throat, and Kathryn has a cold but it's
> triggered an ear infection. Three out of the 5 of us are now taking
> Amoxocillin. Kelly's mom and I are both feeling a \*TON\* better,
> although she has something else on top of the <span id="st" class="st"
> name="st">strep</span>, so I'm feeling the best right now. Kelly
> should be over her cold soon, although she still thinks there's a
> possibility of her having <span id="st" class="st"
> name="st">strep</span> (and she does have some symptoms which could
> point to cold or <span id="st" class="st" name="st">strep</span>, and
> they only did the fast anitbody test at urgent care...they don't do
> the slower test). Jack still seems fine, and Kathryn has always seemed
> normal, just a very drippy nose and a cough, but I'm sure she's on the
> mend too.
> What a weekend! We've been using this alcohol-based hand sanitizer
> before touching Kathryn or Jack or handling anything that might make
> it to their mouths.