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2022-12-30 20:25:23 +00:00
title = "Third Trimester!"
slug = "2006-05-14-third-trimester"
published = 2006-05-14T13:08:00-07:00
author = "Anonymous"
tags = []
Things are moving right along! It's hard to believe we only have about 7
weeks left until we welcome a new member of the family. Emil and I have
been busy in the last several months finishing the nursery and attending
birthing classes. Here's a recap!
April and May have been big growth months for the baby. I'm definately
looking pregnant now! The baby has been pretty active, mostly kicking my
right ribcage and hitting my left lower side area. As we discovered
during our May 5th appointment this is because the baby is in the heads
down position already. The doctor also commented during this visit that
I'm "all baby in there!"
The baby tends to move early in the morning between 5:00 - 8:00 AM and
later in the evening after dinner, generally 8:00 - 11:00 PM. Emil loves
resting his hand on my tummy in the morning to feel the baby kick!
In early April I went in for my glucose test. As many know since I'm
terrified of basically every medical procedure I was not looking forward
to the test. As it turns out the needle was not the issue. My stomach
couldn't handle the high dose of sugar, and about 10 minutes after the
blood draw I ended up throwing up in the doctor's sink! Very
embarassing!! Luckily, the test results came back great.
We have attended 2 of our 4 birthing classes. The first one was pretty
basic third trimester type stuff. What Emil took away from that class is
that every other couple (about 14 others) knew the sex of their baby! He
isn't letting me forget it either! The second class was mostly around
pain management. I barely made it through without passing out listening
to the whole epidural process. The next class we will watch an actual
I've doing really well. Up until very recently could do almost
everything without issue. In the last week I've had a bit more
difficulty with bending over, longer walks, and general tiredness at the
end of the day. All in all though everything is going great!
FYI...for those of you who believe in old wives tales the heart rate is
around 134, which means it leans towards being a boy, but I crave sweets
(like ice cream and cake) which mean it could be a girl!