populate root config from access_keys.csv
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,21 +10,35 @@ const Self = @This();
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
root_account_key: *[encryption.key_length]u8,
pub var root_key_mapping: ?std.StringHashMap([]const u8) = null;
pub fn accountForId(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, account_id: []const u8) !Self {
// TODO: Allow environment variables to house encoded keys. If not in the
// environment, check with LocalDB table to get it. We're
// building LocalDB, though, so we need that working first...
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, account_id, "1234")) {
log.err("Got account id '{s}', but only '1234' is valid right now", .{account_id});
return error.NotImplemented;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, account_id, "1234")) {
var key = try allocator.alloc(u8, encryption.key_length);
errdefer allocator.free(key);
try encryption.decodeKey(key[0..encryption.key_length], test_account_key.*);
return Self{
.allocator = allocator,
.root_account_key = key[0..encryption.key_length],
var key = try allocator.alloc(u8, encryption.key_length);
errdefer allocator.free(key);
try encryption.decodeKey(key[0..encryption.key_length], test_account_key.*);
return Self{
.allocator = allocator,
.root_account_key = key[0..encryption.key_length],
// Check our root mappings (populated elsewhere)
if (root_key_mapping) |m| {
if (m.get(account_id)) |k| {
var key = try allocator.alloc(u8, encryption.key_length);
errdefer allocator.free(key);
try encryption.decodeKey(key[0..encryption.key_length], @constCast(k[0..encryption.encoded_key_length]).*);
return Self{
.allocator = allocator,
.root_account_key = key[0..encryption.key_length],
// TODO: Check STS
log.err("Got account id '{s}', but could not find this ('1234' is test account). STS GetAccessKeyInfo not implemented", .{account_id});
return error.NotImplemented;
pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const universal_lambda_interface = @import("universal_lambda_interface");
const universal_lambda_options = @import("universal_lambda_build_options");
const signing = @import("aws-signing");
const AuthenticatedRequest = @import("AuthenticatedRequest.zig");
const Account = @import("Account.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.dynamodb);
@ -95,6 +96,11 @@ fn authenticateUser(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, context: universal_lambda_inte
.target = target,
.headers = headers,
if (root_creds == null) {
root_creds = std.StringHashMap(signing.Credentials).init(allocator);
root_account_mapping = std.StringHashMap([]const u8).init(allocator);
Account.root_key_mapping = std.StringHashMap([]const u8).init(allocator);
const auth_bypass =
@import("builtin").mode == .Debug and try std.process.hasEnvVar(allocator, "DEBUG_AUTHN_BYPASS");
const is_authenticated = auth_bypass or
@ -118,17 +124,144 @@ fn authenticateUser(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, context: universal_lambda_inte
// TODO: Get hook these functions up to IAM for great good
var test_credential: signing.Credentials = undefined;
var root_creds: ?std.StringHashMap(signing.Credentials) = null;
var root_account_mapping: std.StringHashMap([]const u8) = undefined;
var creds_buf: [8192]u8 = undefined;
fn getCreds(access: []const u8) ?signing.Credentials {
// We have 3 levels of access here
// 1. Test creds, used strictly for debugging
// 2. Creds from the root file, ideally used only for bootstrapping
// 3. Creds from STS GetAccessKeyInfo API call, which should be 99%+ of ops
if (std.mem.eql(u8, access, "ACCESS")) return test_credential;
fillRootCreds() catch |e| {
log.err("Error filling root creds. Base authentication will not work until this is fixed: {}", .{e});
return null;
log.debug("Creds for access key {s}: {any}", .{ access, root_creds.?.get(access) != null });
if (root_creds.?.get(access)) |c| return c;
log.err("Creds not found in store. STS GetAccessKeyInfo call is not yet implemented", .{});
return null;
fn fillRootCreds() !void {
if (root_creds.?.count() > 0) return;
var fb_allocator = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&creds_buf);
const allocator = fb_allocator.allocator();
var file = std.fs.cwd().openFile("access_keys.csv", .{}) catch |e| {
log.err("Could not open access_keys.csv to access root creds: {}", .{e});
return e;
defer file.close();
var buf_reader = std.io.bufferedReader(file.reader());
const reader = buf_reader.reader();
var file_buf: [8192]u8 = undefined; // intentionally kept small here...this should be used sparingly
var file_fb_allocator = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&file_buf);
const file_allocator = file_fb_allocator.allocator();
var line = std.ArrayList(u8).init(file_allocator);
defer line.deinit();
const line_writer = line.writer();
var line_num: usize = 1;
while (reader.streamUntilDelimiter(line_writer, '\n', null)) : (line_num += 1) {
defer line.clearRetainingCapacity();
var relevant_line = line.items[0 .. std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, line.items, '#') orelse line.items.len];
const relevant_line_trimmed = std.mem.trim(u8, relevant_line, " \t");
var value_iterator = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, relevant_line_trimmed, ',');
if (std.mem.trim(u8, value_iterator.peek().?, " \t").len == 0) continue;
var val_num: usize = 0;
var access_key: []const u8 = undefined;
var secret_key: []const u8 = undefined;
var account_id: []const u8 = undefined;
var existing_key: []const u8 = undefined;
var new_key: []const u8 = undefined;
while (value_iterator.next()) |val| : (val_num += 1) {
const actual_val = std.mem.trim(u8, val, " \t");
switch (val_num) {
0 => access_key = actual_val,
1 => secret_key = actual_val,
2 => account_id = actual_val,
3 => existing_key = actual_val,
4 => new_key = actual_val,
else => {
log.err("access_keys.csv Error on line {d}: too many values", .{line_num});
return error.TooManyValues;
if (val_num < 4) {
log.err("access_keys.csv Error on line {d}: too few values", .{line_num});
return error.TooFewValues;
const global_access_key = try allocator.dupe(u8, access_key);
try root_creds.?.put(global_access_key, .{
.access_key = global_access_key, // we need to copy all these into our global buffer
.secret_key = try allocator.dupe(u8, secret_key),
.session_token = null,
.allocator = NullAllocator.init(),
const global_account_id = try allocator.dupe(u8, account_id);
try root_account_mapping.put(global_access_key, global_account_id);
try Account.root_key_mapping.?.put(global_account_id, try allocator.dupe(u8, existing_key));
// TODO: key rotation will need another hash map, can be triggered on val_num == 5
} else |e| switch (e) {
error.EndOfStream => {}, // will this work without \n at the end of file?
else => return e,
const NullAllocator = struct {
const thing = 0;
const vtable = std.mem.Allocator.VTable{
.alloc = alloc,
.resize = resize,
.free = free,
fn alloc(ctx: *anyopaque, len: usize, ptr_align: u8, ret_addr: usize) ?[*]u8 {
_ = ctx;
_ = len;
_ = ptr_align;
_ = ret_addr;
return null;
fn resize(ctx: *anyopaque, buf: []u8, buf_align: u8, new_len: usize, ret_addr: usize) bool {
_ = ctx;
_ = buf;
_ = buf_align;
_ = new_len;
_ = ret_addr;
return false;
fn free(ctx: *anyopaque, buf: []u8, buf_align: u8, ret_addr: usize) void {
_ = ctx;
_ = buf;
_ = buf_align;
_ = ret_addr;
pub fn init() std.mem.Allocator {
return .{
.ptr = @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(&thing)),
.vtable = &vtable,
fn accountForAccessKey(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, access_key: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
_ = allocator;
log.debug("Finding account for access key: '{s}'", .{access_key});
return "1234";
// Since this happens after authentication, we can assume our root creds store
// is populated
if (root_account_mapping.get(access_key)) |account| return account;
log.err("Creds not found in store. STS GetAccessKeyInfo call is not yet implemented", .{});
return error.NotImplemented;
/// Function assumes an authenticated request, so signing.verify must be called
/// and returned true before calling this function. If authentication header
Reference in New Issue
Block a user