
670 lines
26 KiB

//! Implements the standard credential chain:
//! 1. Environment variables
//! 2. Web identity token from STS
//! 3. Credentials/config files
//! 4. ECS Container credentials, using AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI
//! 5. EC2 instance profile credentials
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const auth = @import("aws_authentication.zig");
const zfetch = @import("zfetch");
const log = std.log.scoped(.aws_credentials);
pub const Profile = struct {
/// Credential file. Defaults to AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE or ~/.aws/credentials
credential_file: ?[]const u8 = null,
/// Config file. Defaults to AWS_CONFIG_FILE or ~/.aws/config
config_file: ?[]const u8 = null,
/// Config file. Defaults to AWS_PROFILE or default
profile_name: ?[]const u8 = null,
pub const Options = struct {
profile: Profile = .{},
pub fn getCredentials(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, options: Options) !auth.Credentials {
if (try getEnvironmentCredentials(allocator)) |cred| {
log.debug("Found credentials in environment. Access key: {s}", .{cred.access_key});
return cred;
// Note that boto and Java disagree on where this fits in the order
// GetWebIdentity is not currently implemented. The rest are tested and gtg
// Note: Lambda just sets environment variables
if (try getWebIdentityToken(allocator)) |cred| return cred;
if (try getProfileCredentials(allocator, options.profile)) |cred| return cred;
if (try getContainerCredentials(allocator)) |cred| return cred;
// I don't think we need v1 at all?
if (try getImdsv2Credentials(allocator)) |cred| return cred;
return error.CredentialsNotFound;
fn getEnvironmentCredentials(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !?auth.Credentials {
const secret_key = (try getEnvironmentVariable(allocator, "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")) orelse return null;
defer; //yes, we're not zeroing. But then, the secret key is in an environment var anyway
// Use cross-platform API (requires allocation)
return auth.Credentials.init(
(try getEnvironmentVariable(allocator, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")) orelse return null,
try allocator.dupe(u8, secret_key),
(try getEnvironmentVariable(allocator, "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN")) orelse
try getEnvironmentVariable(allocator, "AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN"), // Security token is backward compat only
fn getEnvironmentVariable(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, key: []const u8) !?[]const u8 {
return std.process.getEnvVarOwned(allocator, key) catch |e| switch (e) {
std.process.GetEnvVarOwnedError.EnvironmentVariableNotFound => return null,
else => return e,
fn getWebIdentityToken(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !?auth.Credentials {
_ = allocator;
// This API does not require signing. We can just use zfetch to
// shoot a raw request over.
// TODO: implement
return null;
fn getContainerCredentials(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !?auth.Credentials {
// A note on testing: The best way I have found to test this process is
// the following. Setup an ECS Fargate cluster and create a task definition
// with the command ["/bin/bash","-c","while true; do sleep 10; done"].
// In the console, this would be represented as:
// /bin/bash,-c,while true; do sleep 10; done
// Then we run the task with ECS exec-command enabled. The cli for this
// will look something like the following:
// aws ecs run-task --enable-execute-command \
// --cluster Fargate \
// --network-configuration "awsvpcConfiguration={subnets=[subnet-1f3f4278],securityGroups=[sg-0aab58c6b2bde2105],assignPublicIp=ENABLED}" \
// --launch-type FARGATE \
// --task-definition zig-demo:3
// Of course, subnets and security groups will be different. Public
// IP is necessary or you won't be able to pull the image. I used
// AL2 from the ECR public image:
// With the task running, now we need to execute it. I used CloudShell
// from the AWS console because everything is already installed and
// configured, ymmv. You need AWS CLI v2 with the session manager extension.
// It's good to do a pre-flight check to make sure you can run the
// execute command. I used this tool to do so:
// A couple yellows were ok, but no red.
// From there, get your task id and Bob's your uncle:
// aws ecs execute-command --cluster Fargate --command "/bin/bash" --interactive --task ec65b4d9887b429cba5d45ec70a8afa1
// Compile code, copy to S3, install AWS CLI within the session, download
// from s3 and run
const container_relative_uri = (try getEnvironmentVariable(allocator, "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI")) orelse return null;
try zfetch.init();
defer zfetch.deinit();
const container_uri = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}", .{container_relative_uri});
var req = try zfetch.Request.init(allocator, container_uri, null);
defer req.deinit();
try, null, null);
if (req.status.code != 200 and req.status.code != 404) {
log.warn("Bad status code received from container credentials endpoint: {}", .{req.status.code});
return null;
if (req.status.code == 404) return null;
const reader = req.reader();
var buf: [2048]u8 = undefined;
const read = try;
if (read == 2048) {
log.warn("Unexpected long response from container credentials endpoint: {s}", .{buf});
return null;
log.debug("Read {d} bytes from container credentials endpoint", .{read});
if (read == 0) return null;
const CredsResponse = struct {
AccessKeyId: []const u8,
Expiration: []const u8,
RoleArn: []const u8,
SecretAccessKey: []const u8,
Token: []const u8,
const creds_response = blk: {
var stream = std.json.TokenStream.init(buf[]);
const res = std.json.parse(CredsResponse, &stream, .{ .allocator = allocator }) catch |e| {
log.err("Unexpected Json response from container credentials endpoint: {s}", .{buf});
log.err("Error parsing json: {}", .{e});
if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| {
return null;
break :blk res;
defer std.json.parseFree(CredsResponse, creds_response, .{ .allocator = allocator });
return auth.Credentials.init(
try allocator.dupe(u8, creds_response.AccessKeyId),
try allocator.dupe(u8, creds_response.SecretAccessKey),
try allocator.dupe(u8, creds_response.Token),
fn getImdsv2Credentials(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !?auth.Credentials {
try zfetch.init();
defer zfetch.deinit();
var token: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var len: usize = undefined;
// Get token
var headers = zfetch.Headers.init(allocator);
defer headers.deinit();
try headers.appendValue("X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds", "21600");
var req = try zfetch.Request.init(allocator, "", null);
defer req.deinit();
try, headers, "");
if (req.status.code != 200) {
log.warn("Bad status code received from IMDS v2: {}", .{req.status.code});
return null;
const reader = req.reader();
const read = try;
if (read == 0 or read == 1024) {
log.warn("Unexpected zero or long response from IMDS v2: {s}", .{token});
return null;
len = read;
log.debug("Got token from IMDSv2", .{});
const role_name = try getImdsRoleName(allocator, token[0..len]);
if (role_name == null) {"No role is associated with this instance", .{});
return null;
log.debug("Got role name '{s}'", .{role_name});
return getImdsCredentials(allocator, role_name.?, token[0..len]);
fn getImdsRoleName(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, imds_token: []u8) !?[]const u8 {
// {
// "Code" : "Success",
// "LastUpdated" : "2022-02-09T05:42:09Z",
// "InstanceProfileArn" : "arn:aws:iam::550620852718:instance-profile/ec2-dev",
// "InstanceProfileId" : "AIPAYAM4POHXCFNKZ7HU2"
// }
var buf: [255]u8 = undefined;
var headers = zfetch.Headers.init(allocator);
defer headers.deinit();
try headers.appendValue("X-aws-ec2-metadata-token", imds_token);
var req = try zfetch.Request.init(allocator, "", null);
defer req.deinit();
try, headers, null);
if (req.status.code != 200 and req.status.code != 404) {
log.warn("Bad status code received from IMDS iam endpoint: {}", .{req.status.code});
return null;
if (req.status.code == 404) return null;
const reader = req.reader();
const read = try;
if (read == 255) {
log.warn("Unexpected zero or long response from IMDS endpoint post token: {s}", .{buf});
return null;
if (read == 0) return null;
const ImdsResponse = struct {
Code: []const u8,
LastUpdated: []const u8,
InstanceProfileArn: []const u8,
InstanceProfileId: []const u8,
const imds_response = blk: {
var stream = std.json.TokenStream.init(buf[]);
const res = std.json.parse(ImdsResponse, &stream, .{ .allocator = allocator }) catch |e| {
log.err("Unexpected Json response from IMDS endpoint: {s}", .{buf});
log.err("Error parsing json: {}", .{e});
if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| {
return null;
break :blk res;
defer std.json.parseFree(ImdsResponse, imds_response, .{ .allocator = allocator });
const role_arn = imds_response.InstanceProfileArn;
const first_slash = std.mem.indexOf(u8, role_arn, "/"); // I think this is valid
if (first_slash == null) {
log.err("Could not find role name in arn '{s}'", .{role_arn});
return null;
return try allocator.dupe(u8, role_arn[first_slash.? + 1 ..]);
/// Note - this internal function assumes zfetch is initialized prior to use
fn getImdsCredentials(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, role_name: []const u8, imds_token: []u8) !?auth.Credentials {
var buf: [2048]u8 = undefined;
var headers = zfetch.Headers.init(allocator);
defer headers.deinit();
try headers.appendValue("X-aws-ec2-metadata-token", imds_token);
const url = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}/", .{role_name});
var req = try zfetch.Request.init(allocator, url, null);
defer req.deinit();
try, headers, null);
if (req.status.code != 200) {
log.warn("Bad status code received from IMDS role endpoint: {}", .{req.status.code});
return null;
const reader = req.reader();
const read = try;
if (read == 0 or read == 2048) {
log.warn("Unexpected zero or long response from IMDS role endpoint: {s}", .{buf});
return null;
// log.debug("Read {d} bytes from imds v2 credentials endpoint", .{read});
const ImdsResponse = struct {
Code: []const u8,
LastUpdated: []const u8,
Type: []const u8,
AccessKeyId: []const u8,
SecretAccessKey: []const u8,
Token: []const u8,
Expiration: []const u8,
const imds_response = blk: {
var stream = std.json.TokenStream.init(buf[]);
const res = std.json.parse(ImdsResponse, &stream, .{ .allocator = allocator }) catch |e| {
log.err("Unexpected Json response from IMDS endpoint: {s}", .{buf});
log.err("Error parsing json: {}", .{e});
if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| {
return null;
break :blk res;
defer std.json.parseFree(ImdsResponse, imds_response, .{ .allocator = allocator });
const ret = auth.Credentials.init(
try allocator.dupe(u8, imds_response.AccessKeyId),
try allocator.dupe(u8, imds_response.SecretAccessKey),
try allocator.dupe(u8, imds_response.Token),
log.debug("IMDSv2 credentials found. Access key: {s}", .{ret.access_key});
return ret;
// {
// "Code" : "Success",
// "LastUpdated" : "2022-02-08T23:49:02Z",
// "Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
// "AccessKeyId" : "ASEXAMPLE",
// "SecretAccessKey" : "example",
// "Token" : "IQoJb==",
// "Expiration" : "2022-02-09T06:02:23Z"
// }
fn getProfileCredentials(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, options: Profile) !?auth.Credentials {
var default_path: ?[]const u8 = null;
defer if (default_path) |p|;
const creds_file_path = try filePath(
default_path = default_path orelse creds_file_path.home;
const config_file_path = try filePath(
default_path = default_path orelse config_file_path.home;
// Get active profile
const profile = (try getEnvironmentVariable(allocator, "AWS_PROFILE")) orelse
try allocator.dupe(u8, "default");
log.debug("Looking for file credentials using profile '{s}'", .{profile});
log.debug("Checking credentials file: {s}", .{creds_file_path.evaluated_path});
const credentials_file = std.fs.openFileAbsolute(creds_file_path.evaluated_path, .{}) catch null;
defer if (credentials_file) |f| f.close();
// It's much more likely that we'll find credentials in the credentials file
// so we'll try that first
const creds_file_creds = try credsForFile(allocator, credentials_file, profile);
var conf_file_creds = PartialCredentials{};
if (creds_file_creds.access_key == null or creds_file_creds.secret_key == null) {
log.debug("Checking config file: {s}", .{config_file_path.evaluated_path});
const config_file = std.fs.openFileAbsolute(creds_file_path.evaluated_path, .{}) catch null;
defer if (config_file) |f| f.close();
conf_file_creds = try credsForFile(allocator, config_file, profile);
const access_key = keyFrom(allocator, creds_file_creds.access_key, conf_file_creds.access_key);
const secret_key = keyFrom(allocator, creds_file_creds.secret_key, conf_file_creds.secret_key);
defer if (secret_key) |k|;
if (access_key == null or secret_key == null) {
const partial = access_key != null or secret_key != null;
if (partial) {
log.warn("Could not find credentials in file (partial creds detected)", .{});
} else {"Could not find credentials in file", .{});
if (access_key) |k|;
return null;
log.debug("Got full credentials from filesystem. Access key: {s}", .{access_key.?});
return auth.Credentials.init(
try allocator.dupe(u8, secret_key.?),
fn keyFrom(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, priority_1: ?[]const u8, priority_2: ?[]const u8) ?[]const u8 {
if (priority_1) |p1| {
if (priority_2) |p2|;
return p1;
return priority_2;
// We could conceivably find different portions of the creds in different
// files, so let's be super-loose here
const PartialCredentials = struct {
access_key: ?[]const u8 = null,
secret_key: ?[]const u8 = null,
fn credsForFile(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, file: ?std.fs.File, profile: []const u8) !PartialCredentials {
if (file == null) return PartialCredentials{};
const text = try file.?.readToEndAlloc(allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize));
const partial_creds = try credsForText(text, profile);
var ak: ?[]const u8 = null;
if (partial_creds.access_key) |k|
ak = try allocator.dupe(u8, k);
var sk: ?[]const u8 = null;
if (partial_creds.secret_key) |k|
sk = try allocator.dupe(u8, k);
return PartialCredentials{
.access_key = ak,
.secret_key = sk,
const LineIterator = struct {
text: []const u8,
inx: usize = 0,
const Self = @This();
pub fn init(text: []const u8) Self {
return .{
.text = text,
.inx = 0,
pub fn next(self: *Self) ?[]const u8 {
if (self.inx >= self.text.len) return null;
var current = self.inx;
var start = self.inx;
for (self.text[self.inx..], 0..) |c, i| {
if (c == '\n') {
// log.debug("got \\n: {d}", .{i});
current += i + 1;
// log.debug("{d}:{d}", .{ current, self.inx });
if (current != self.inx) {
self.inx = current;
} else { // no \n found
self.inx = self.text.len + 1; // add one to capture the last char in return
return self.text[start .. self.inx - 1];
fn credsForText(text: []const u8, profile: []const u8) !PartialCredentials {
var lines = LineIterator.init(text);
var is_in_profile = false;
var was_in_profile = false;
var done = false;
var creds: [2]?[]const u8 = [_]?[]const u8{ null, null };
while ( |line| {
// log.debug("line: {s}", .{line});
var section_start: ?usize = 0;
for (line, 0..) |c, i| {
switch (c) {
'#' => break,
'[' => section_start = i + 1,
']' => {
if (section_start) |s| {
const current_section = line[s..i];
log.debug("got section: {s}", .{current_section});
is_in_profile = std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(current_section, profile);
if (was_in_profile and !is_in_profile) {
done = true;
was_in_profile = is_in_profile;
break; // got what we need from this line
'=' => {
if (!is_in_profile) continue;
const key = std.mem.trim(u8, line[0..i], " \t"); // other whitespace we care about?
log.debug("got key: {s}", .{key});
for (&[_][]const u8{
}, 0..) |needle, inx| {
if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(key, needle)) {
// TODO: Trim this out
creds[inx] = trim(line[i + 1 ..]);
else => {},
if (done) {
log.debug("no longer in target section: bailing", .{});
log.debug("done parsing text", .{});
return PartialCredentials{
.access_key = creds[0],
.secret_key = creds[1],
fn trim(text: []const u8) []const u8 {
// " myval # yo";
var start: ?usize = null;
var end: ?usize = null;
for (text, 0..) |c, i| switch (c) {
' ', '\t' => {},
'#' => return trimmed(text, start, end),
else => {
if (start == null) start = i;
end = i + 1;
return trimmed(text, start, end);
fn trimmed(text: []const u8, start: ?usize, end: ?usize) []const u8 {
if (start == null) return "";
if (end == null) return text[start.?..];
return text[start.?..end.?];
fn filePath(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
specified_path: ?[]const u8,
env_var_name: []const u8,
config_dir: ?[]const u8,
config_file_name: []const u8,
) !EvaluatedPath {
if (specified_path) |p| return EvaluatedPath{ .evaluated_path = try allocator.dupe(u8, p) };
// Not specified. Check environment variable, otherwise, hard coded default
if (try getEnvironmentVariable(allocator, env_var_name)) |v| return EvaluatedPath{ .evaluated_path = v };
// Not in environment variable either. Go fish
return try getDefaultPath(allocator, config_dir, ".aws", config_file_name);
const EvaluatedPath = struct {
home: ?[]const u8 = null,
evaluated_path: []const u8,
fn getDefaultPath(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, home_dir: ?[]const u8, dir: []const u8, file: []const u8) !EvaluatedPath {
var home = home_dir orelse try getHomeDir(allocator);
log.debug("Home directory: {s}", .{home});
const rc = try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ home, dir, file });
log.debug("Path evaluated as: {s}", .{rc});
return EvaluatedPath{ .home = home, .evaluated_path = rc };
fn getHomeDir(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]const u8 {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => {
var dir_path_ptr: [*:0]u16 = undefined;
const FOLDERID_Profile ="{5E6C858F-0E22-4760-9AFE-EA3317B67173}");
switch (
)) { => {
defer*anyopaque, @ptrCast(dir_path_ptr)));
const global_dir = std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8Alloc(allocator, std.mem.sliceTo(dir_path_ptr, 0)) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UnexpectedSecondSurrogateHalf => return error.HomeDirUnavailable,
error.ExpectedSecondSurrogateHalf => return error.HomeDirUnavailable,
error.DanglingSurrogateHalf => return error.HomeDirUnavailable,
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
return global_dir;
// defer;
}, => return error.OutOfMemory,
else => return error.HomeDirUnavailable,
.macos, .linux, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd, .solaris => {
const home_dir = std.os.getenv("HOME") orelse {
// TODO look in /etc/passwd
return error.HomeDirUnavailable;
return allocator.dupe(u8, home_dir);
// Code from
// be_user_settings magic number is probably different for home directory
// .haiku => {
// var dir_path_ptr: [*:0]u8 = undefined;
// // TODO look into directory_which
// const be_user_settings = 0xbbe;
// const rc = os.system.find_directory(be_user_settings, -1, true, dir_path_ptr, 1);
// const settings_dir = try allocator.dupeZ(u8, mem.sliceTo(dir_path_ptr, 0));
// defer;
// switch (rc) {
// 0 => return fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ settings_dir, appname }),
// else => return error.AppDataDirUnavailable,
// }
// },
else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"),
test "filePath" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
std.testing.log_level = .debug;
log.debug("\n", .{});
const path = try filePath(allocator, null, "NOTHING", null, "hello");
try std.testing.expect(path.evaluated_path.len > 10);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("hello", path.evaluated_path[path.evaluated_path.len - 5 ..]);
try std.testing.expect(path.home != null);
test "ini to creds" {
std.testing.log_level = .debug;
log.debug("\n", .{});
const partial_creds = try credsForText(
\\# Amazon Web Services Credentials File used by AWS CLI, SDKs, and tools
\\# This file was created by the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code extension.
\\# Your AWS credentials are represented by access keys associated with IAM users.
\\# For information about how to create and manage AWS access keys for a user, see:
\\# This credential file can store multiple access keys by placing each one in a
\\# named "profile". For information about how to change the access keys in a
\\# profile or to add a new profile with a different access key, see:
\\access_key_id = NOTYOURACCESSKEY
\\ [default]
\\ # The access key and secret key pair identify your account and grant access to AWS.
\\aws_access_key_id = AKIDEXAMPLE # access key
, "default");
try std.testing.expect(partial_creds.access_key != null);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("AKIDEXAMPLE", partial_creds.access_key.?);
try std.testing.expect(partial_creds.secret_key == null);