Emil Lerch dfa0be60b9
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
update code generation without containing struct
Instead we will rely here on the implicit struct provided by the file
itself. This means that when the service_manifest.zig import is
assigned, we don't end up with a construct like "manifest.sts.sts" to
get to the sts service. This simplifies greatly the way that
servicemodel.zig needs to behave.

One down side, however, is that the structure does not seem
accessible with the current zig language, making metaInfo unable
to access itself as it did before. Or maybe it can, I just can't find
it. So, this change also adds a new "service_metadata" public constant
with the same declarations being published at the file level, and
that is the new return from the metaInfo function. Our aws.zig
only really needs the action and that metadata, so we're ok with that
even if there is some duplication (we could codegen pointers over, and
maybe should to save a little bit of space).
2021-06-30 13:40:20 -07:00

351 lines
17 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const smithy = @import("smithy");
const snake = @import("snake.zig");
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = &arena.allocator;
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args);
const stdout =;
const manifest_file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile("service_manifest.zig", .{});
defer manifest_file.close();
const manifest = manifest_file.writer();
var inx: u32 = 0;
for (args) |arg| {
if (inx == 0) {
inx = inx + 1;
try processFile(arg, stdout, manifest);
inx = inx + 1;
if (args.len == 0)
_ = try generateServices(allocator, ";",, stdout);
fn processFile(arg: []const u8, stdout: anytype, manifest: anytype) !void {
// It's probably best to create our own allocator here so we can deint at the end and
// toss all allocations related to the services in this file
// I can't guarantee we're not leaking something, and at the end of the
// day I'm not sure we want to track down leaks
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = &arena.allocator;
var writer = &stdout;
var file: std.fs.File = undefined;
const filename = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}.zig", .{arg});
file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile(filename, .{ .truncate = true });
errdefer file.close();
writer = &file.writer();
_ = try writer.write("const smithy = @import(\"smithy\");\n\n");"Processing file: {s}", .{arg});
const service_names = generateServicesForFilePath(allocator, ";", arg, writer) catch |err| {
std.log.crit("Error processing file: {s}", .{arg});
return err;
defer {
for (service_names) |name|;;
for (service_names) |name| {
try manifest.print("pub const {s} = @import(\"{s}\");\n", .{ name, std.fs.path.basename(filename) });
fn generateServicesForFilePath(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, comptime terminator: []const u8, path: []const u8, writer: anytype) ![][]const u8 {
const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(path, .{ .read = true, .write = false });
defer file.close();
return try generateServices(allocator, terminator, file, writer);
fn generateServices(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, comptime _: []const u8, file: std.fs.File, writer: anytype) ![][]const u8 {
const json = try file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
const model = try smithy.parse(allocator, json);
defer model.deinit();
const ShapeInfo = @TypeOf(model.shapes[0]); // assume we have at least one shape
var shapes = std.StringHashMap(ShapeInfo).init(allocator);
defer shapes.deinit();
var services = std.ArrayList(ShapeInfo).init(allocator);
defer services.deinit();
for (model.shapes) |shape| {
try shapes.put(, shape);
switch (shape.shape) {
.service => try services.append(shape),
else => {},
var constant_names = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
defer constant_names.deinit();
for (services.items) |service| {
var sdk_id: []const u8 = undefined;
var version: []const u8 = service.shape.service.version;
var arn_namespace: []const u8 = undefined;
var sigv4_name: []const u8 = undefined;
var endpoint_prefix: []const u8 = undefined;
var aws_protocol: smithy.AwsProtocol = undefined;
for (service.shape.service.traits) |trait| {
// need the info/get the info
switch (trait) {
.aws_api_service => {
arn_namespace = trait.aws_api_service.arn_namespace;
sdk_id = trait.aws_api_service.sdk_id;
endpoint_prefix = trait.aws_api_service.endpoint_prefix;
.aws_auth_sigv4 => sigv4_name =,
.aws_protocol => aws_protocol = trait.aws_protocol,
else => {},
// Service struct
// name of the field will be snake_case of whatever comes in from
// sdk_id. Not sure this will simple...
const constant_name = try snake.fromPascalCase(allocator, sdk_id);
try constant_names.append(constant_name);
try writer.print("const Self = @This();\n", .{});
try writer.print("pub const version: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{version});
try writer.print("pub const sdk_id: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{sdk_id});
try writer.print("pub const arn_namespace: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{arn_namespace});
try writer.print("pub const endpoint_prefix: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{endpoint_prefix});
try writer.print("pub const sigv4_name: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{sigv4_name});
// TODO: This really should just be ".whatevs". We're fully qualifying here, which isn't typical
try writer.print("pub const aws_protocol: smithy.AwsProtocol = smithy.{s};\n\n", .{aws_protocol});
_ = try writer.write("pub const service_metadata : struct {\n");
try writer.print(" version: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{version});
try writer.print(" sdk_id: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{sdk_id});
try writer.print(" arn_namespace: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{arn_namespace});
try writer.print(" endpoint_prefix: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{endpoint_prefix});
try writer.print(" sigv4_name: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{sigv4_name});
// TODO: This really should just be ".whatevs". We're fully qualifying here, which isn't typical
try writer.print(" aws_protocol: smithy.AwsProtocol = smithy.{s},\n", .{aws_protocol});
_ = try writer.write("} = .{};\n");
// Operations
for (service.shape.service.operations) |op|
try generateOperation(allocator, shapes.get(op).?, shapes, writer, constant_name);
return constant_names.toOwnedSlice();
fn generateOperation(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, operation: smithy.ShapeInfo, shapes: anytype, writer: anytype, service: []const u8) !void {
const snake_case_name = try snake.fromPascalCase(allocator,;
const prefix = " ";
var type_stack = std.ArrayList(*const smithy.ShapeInfo).init(allocator);
defer type_stack.deinit();
// indent should start at 4 spaces here
const operation_name = avoidReserved(snake_case_name);
try writer.print("pub const {s}: struct ", .{operation_name});
_ = try writer.write("{\n");
try writer.print(" action_name: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{});
_ = try writer.write(" Request: type = ");
if (operation.shape.operation.input) |member| {
try generateTypeFor(allocator, member, shapes, writer, prefix, false, &type_stack, false);
_ = try writer.write("\n");
try generateMetadataFunction(service, operation_name, prefix, writer);
} else {
_ = try writer.write("struct {\n");
try generateMetadataFunction(service, operation_name, prefix, writer);
_ = try writer.write(",\n");
_ = try writer.write(" Response: type = ");
if (operation.shape.operation.output) |member| {
try generateTypeFor(allocator, member, shapes, writer, " ", true, &type_stack, true);
} else _ = try writer.write("struct {}"); // we want to maintain consistency with other ops
_ = try writer.write(",\n");
if (operation.shape.operation.errors) |errors| {
_ = try writer.write(" ServiceError: type = error{\n");
for (errors) |err| {
const err_name = getErrorName(shapes.get(err).?.name); // need to remove "exception"
try writer.print(" {s},\n", .{err_name});
_ = try writer.write(" },\n");
_ = try writer.write("} = .{};\n");
fn generateMetadataFunction(_: []const u8, operation_name: []const u8, comptime prefix: []const u8, writer: anytype) !void {
// TODO: Shove these lines in here, and also the else portion
// pub fn metaInfo(self: @This()) struct { service: @TypeOf(sts), action: @TypeOf(sts.get_caller_identity) } {
// return .{ .service = sts, .action = sts.get_caller_identity };
// }
// We want to add a short "get my parents" function into the response
try writer.print("{s} ", .{prefix});
_ = try writer.write("pub fn metaInfo(_: @This()) struct { ");
try writer.print("service_metadata: @TypeOf(service_metadata), action: @TypeOf({s})", .{operation_name});
_ = try writer.write(" } {\n" ++ prefix ++ " return .{ .service_metadata = service_metadata, ");
try writer.print(".action = {s}", .{operation_name});
_ = try writer.write(" };\n" ++ prefix ++ " }\n" ++ prefix ++ "}");
fn getErrorName(err_name: []const u8) []const u8 {
if (endsWith("Exception", err_name))
return err_name[0 .. err_name.len - "Exception".len];
if (endsWith("Fault", err_name))
return err_name[0 .. err_name.len - "Fault".len];
return err_name;
fn endsWith(item: []const u8, str: []const u8) bool {
if (str.len < item.len) return false;
return std.mem.eql(u8, item, str[str.len - item.len ..]);
/// return type is anyerror!void as this is a recursive function, so the compiler cannot properly infer error types
fn generateTypeFor(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, shape_id: []const u8, shapes: anytype, writer: anytype, prefix: []const u8, all_required: bool, type_stack: anytype, end_structure: bool) anyerror!void {
if (shapes.get(shape_id) == null) {
std.debug.print("Shape ID not found. This is most likely a bug. Shape ID: {s}\n", .{shape_id});
return error.InvalidType;
// We assume it must exist
const shape_info = shapes.get(shape_id).?;
const shape = shape_info.shape;
// Check for ourselves up the stack
var self_occurences: u8 = 0;
for (type_stack.items) |i| {
// NOTE: shapes.get isn't providing a consistent pointer - is it allocating each time?
// we will therefore need to compare ids
if (std.mem.eql(u8, i.*.id,
self_occurences = self_occurences + 1;
// Debugging
// if (std.mem.eql(u8,, "Expression")) {
//" Type stack len: {d}, occurences: {d}\n", .{ type_stack.items.len, self_occurences });
// if (type_stack.items.len > 15) {
//" Type stack:\n", .{});
// for (type_stack.items) |i|
//" {s}: {*}", .{ i.*.id, i });
// return error.BugDetected;
// }
// }
// End Debugging
if (self_occurences > 2) { // TODO: What's the appropriate number here?
// TODO: Determine if this warrants the creation of another public
// type to properly reference. Realistically, AWS or the service
// must be blocking deep recursion somewhere or this would be a great
// DOS attack
try generateSimpleTypeFor("nothing", "[]const u8", writer, all_required);
std.log.warn("Type cycle detected, limiting depth. Type: {s}", .{shape_id});
//" Type stack:\n", .{});
// for (type_stack.items) |i|
//" {s}", .{i.*.id});
try type_stack.append(&shape_info);
switch (shape) {
.structure => {
try generateComplexTypeFor(allocator, shape.structure.members, "struct", shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack);
if (end_structure) {
// epilog
try writer.print("{s}", .{prefix});
_ = try writer.write("}");
.uniontype => {
try generateComplexTypeFor(allocator, shape.uniontype.members, "union", shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack);
// epilog
try writer.print("{s}", .{prefix});
_ = try writer.write("}");
.string => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "[]const u8", writer, all_required),
.integer => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "i64", writer, all_required),
.list => {
_ = try writer.write("[]");
try generateTypeFor(allocator, shape.list.member_target, shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack, true);
.set => {
_ = try writer.write("[]");
try generateTypeFor(allocator, shape.set.member_target, shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack, true);
.timestamp => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "i64", writer, all_required),
.blob => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "[]const u8", writer, all_required),
.boolean => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "bool", writer, all_required),
.double => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "f64", writer, all_required),
.float => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "f32", writer, all_required),
.long => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "i64", writer, all_required),
.map => {
_ = try writer.write("[]struct {\n");
const new_prefix = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, " {s}", .{prefix});
try writer.print("{s} key: ", .{prefix});
if (!all_required) try writeOptional(, writer, null);
try generateTypeFor(allocator,, shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack, true);
if (!all_required) try writeOptional(, writer, " = null");
_ = try writer.write(",\n");
try writer.print("{s} value: ", .{prefix});
if (!all_required) try writeOptional(, writer, null);
try generateTypeFor(allocator,, shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack, true);
if (!all_required) try writeOptional(, writer, " = null");
_ = try writer.write(",\n");
_ = try writer.write(prefix);
_ = try writer.write("}");
else => {
std.log.err("encountered unimplemented shape type {s} for shape_id {s}. Generated code will not compile", .{ @tagName(shape), shape_id });
// Not sure we want to return here - I think we want an exhaustive list
// return error{UnimplementedShapeType}.UnimplementedShapeType;
_ = type_stack.pop();
// fn generateSimpleTypeFor(shape: anytype, type_name: []const u8, writer: anytype, _: bool) !void {
fn generateSimpleTypeFor(_: anytype, type_name: []const u8, writer: anytype, all_required: bool) !void {
// current compiler checks unused variables, but can't handle multiple unused
// function parameters. We don't want to change the signature in case we need to work with
// these in the future, so this stupid code is only here to trick the compiler
if (all_required or !all_required)
_ = try writer.write(type_name); // This had required stuff but the problem was elsewhere. Better to leave as function just in case
fn generateComplexTypeFor(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, members: []smithy.TypeMember, type_type_name: []const u8, shapes: anytype, writer: anytype, prefix: []const u8, all_required: bool, type_stack: anytype) anyerror!void {
// prolog. We'll rely on caller to get the spacing correct here
_ = try writer.write(type_type_name);
_ = try writer.write(" {\n");
for (members) |member| {
const new_prefix = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, " {s}", .{prefix});
const snake_case_member = try snake.fromPascalCase(allocator,;
try writer.print("{s} {s}: ", .{ prefix, avoidReserved(snake_case_member) });
if (!all_required) try writeOptional(member.traits, writer, null);
try generateTypeFor(allocator,, shapes, writer, new_prefix, all_required, type_stack, true);
if (!all_required and !std.mem.eql(u8, "union", type_type_name))
try writeOptional(member.traits, writer, " = null");
_ = try writer.write(",\n");
fn writeOptional(traits: ?[]smithy.Trait, writer: anytype, value: ?[]const u8) !void {
if (traits) |ts| {
for (ts) |t|
if (t == .required) return;
// not required
if (value) |v| {
_ = try writer.write(v);
} else _ = try writer.write("?");
fn camelCase(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, name: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
const first_letter = name[0] + ('a' - 'A');
return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{c}{s}", .{ first_letter, name[1..] });
fn avoidReserved(snake_name: []const u8) []const u8 {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "error")) return "@\"error\"";
if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "return")) return "@\"return\"";
if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "not")) return "@\"not\"";
if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "and")) return "@\"and\"";
if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "or")) return "@\"or\"";
if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "test")) return "@\"test\"";
if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "null")) return "@\"null\"";
return snake_name;