query_no_input working (intermittent failure?)
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
This commit is contained in:
@ -112,33 +112,55 @@ pub const AwsHttp = struct {
/// HttpResult currently contains the body only. The addition of Headers
/// and return code would be a relatively minor change
pub fn makeRequest(self: Self, endpoint: EndPoint, request: HttpRequest, signing_config: ?signing.Config) !HttpResult {
log.debug("Path: {s}", .{request.path});
log.debug("Query: {s}", .{request.query});
log.debug("Method: {s}", .{request.method});
log.debug("body length: {d}", .{request.body.len});
log.debug("Body\n====\n{s}\n====", .{request.body});
var request_cp = request;
log.debug("Path: {s}", .{request_cp.path});
log.debug("Query: {s}", .{request_cp.query});
log.debug("Method: {s}", .{request_cp.method});
log.debug("body length: {d}", .{request_cp.body.len});
log.debug("Body\n====\n{s}\n====", .{request_cp.body});
// End CreateRequest. This should return a struct with a deinit function that can do
// destroys, etc
var request_headers = std.ArrayList(base.Header).init(self.allocator);
defer request_headers.deinit();
const len = try addHeaders(self.allocator, &request_headers, endpoint.host, request_cp.body, request_cp.content_type, request_cp.headers);
defer if (len) |l| self.allocator.free(l);
request_cp.headers = request_headers.items;
// defer self.allocator.free(request_cp.headers);
log.debug("All Request Headers (before signing. Count: {d}):", .{request_cp.headers.len});
for (request_cp.headers) |h|
log.debug("\t{s}: {s}", .{ h.name, h.value });
// Signing will alter request headers
if (signing_config) |opts| try signing.signRequest(self.allocator, &request_cp, opts);
log.debug("All Request Headers (after signing):", .{});
for (request_cp.headers) |h|
log.debug("\t{s}: {s}", .{ h.name, h.value });
defer {
if (signing_config) |opts| {
signing.freeSignedRequest(self.allocator, &request_cp, opts);
try zfetch.init(); // This only does anything on Windows. Not sure how performant it is to do this on every request
defer zfetch.deinit();
var headers = zfetch.Headers.init(self.allocator);
defer headers.deinit();
for (request.headers) |header|
for (request_cp.headers) |header|
try headers.appendValue(header.name, header.value);
try addHeaders(self.allocator, &headers, endpoint.host, request.body, request.content_type, request.headers);
log.debug("All Request Headers:", .{});
log.debug("All Request Headers (zfetch):", .{});
for (headers.list.items) |h|
log.debug("\t{s}: {s}", .{ h.name, h.value });
if (signing_config) |opts| try signing.signRequest(self.allocator, request, opts);
// TODO: Construct URL with endpoint and request info
var req = try zfetch.Request.init(self.allocator, "https://httpbin.org/post", null);
// TODO: We need the certificate trust chain
var req = try zfetch.Request.init(self.allocator, "https://sts.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/", null);
defer req.deinit();
const method = std.meta.stringToEnum(zfetch.Method, request.method).?;
try req.do(method, headers, if (request.body.len == 0) null else request.body);
const method = std.meta.stringToEnum(zfetch.Method, request_cp.method).?;
try req.do(method, headers, if (request_cp.body.len == 0) null else request_cp.body);
// TODO: Timeout - is this now above us?
log.debug("request_complete. Response code {d}: {s}", .{ req.status.code, req.status.reason });
@ -182,18 +204,18 @@ pub const AwsHttp = struct {
fn addHeaders(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, z_headers: *zfetch.Headers, host: []const u8, body: []const u8, content_type: []const u8, additional_headers: []Header) !void {
try z_headers.appendValue("Accept", "application/json");
try z_headers.appendValue("Host", host);
try z_headers.appendValue("User-Agent", "zig-aws 1.0, Powered by the AWS Common Runtime.");
try z_headers.appendValue("Content-Type", content_type);
for (additional_headers) |h|
try z_headers.appendValue(h.name, h.value);
fn addHeaders(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, headers: *std.ArrayList(base.Header), host: []const u8, body: []const u8, content_type: []const u8, additional_headers: []Header) !?[]const u8 {
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Accept", .value = "application/json" });
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Host", .value = host });
try headers.append(.{ .name = "User-Agent", .value = "zig-aws 1.0, Powered by the AWS Common Runtime." });
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Content-Type", .value = content_type });
try headers.appendSlice(additional_headers);
if (body.len > 0) {
const len = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{d}", .{body.len});
defer allocator.free(len);
try z_headers.appendValue("Content-Length", len);
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Content-Length", .value = len });
return len;
return null;
fn regionSubDomain(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, service: []const u8, region: []const u8, useDualStack: bool) !EndPoint {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const date = @import("date.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.aws_signing);
// see https://github.com/awslabs/aws-c-auth/blob/ace1311f8ef6ea890b26dd376031bed2721648eb/include/aws/auth/signing_config.h#L186-L207
const ConfigFlags = packed struct {
pub const ConfigFlags = packed struct {
// We assume the uri will be encoded once in preparation for transmission. Certain services
// do not decode before checking signature, requiring us to actually double-encode the uri in the canonical
// request in order to pass a signature check.
@ -101,6 +101,29 @@ pub const SigningError = error{
} || std.fmt.AllocPrintError;
const forbidden_headers = .{
.{ .name = "x-amz-content-sha256", .err = SigningError.XAmzContentSha256HeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "Authorization", .err = SigningError.AuthorizationHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Signature", .err = SigningError.XAmzSignatureHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Algorithm", .err = SigningError.XAmzAlgorithmHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Credential", .err = SigningError.XAmzCredentialHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Date", .err = SigningError.XAmzDateHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-SignedHeaders", .err = SigningError.XAmzSignedHeadersHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Security-Token", .err = SigningError.XAmzSecurityTokenHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Expires", .err = SigningError.XAmzExpiresHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Region-Set", .err = SigningError.XAmzRegionSetHeaderInRequest },
const skipped_headers = .{
/// Signs a request. Only header signing is currently supported. Note that
/// This adds two headers to the request, which will need to be freed by the
/// caller. Use freeSignedRequest with the same parameters to free
@ -131,12 +154,24 @@ pub fn signRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: *base.Request, config:
errdefer freeSignedRequest(allocator, request, config);
request.headers = allocator.resize(request.headers, request.headers.len + 1).?;
errdefer freeSignedRequest(allocator, request, config);
request.headers[request.headers.len - 1] = base.Header{
const newheaders = try allocator.alloc(base.Header, request.headers.len + 2);
errdefer allocator.free(newheaders);
const oldheaders = request.headers;
errdefer {
freeSignedRequest(allocator, request, config);
request.headers = oldheaders;
std.mem.copy(base.Header, newheaders, oldheaders);
newheaders[newheaders.len - 2] = base.Header{
.name = "X-Amz-Date",
.value = signing_iso8601,
std.log.debug("oldheaders len: {d}, newheaders len: {d}, request.headers len: {d}", .{ oldheaders.len, newheaders.len, request.headers.len });
// for (newheaders) |h, i|
// std.log.debug("{d}: {d}/{d}", .{ i, h.name.len, h.value.len });
request.headers = newheaders[0 .. newheaders.len - 1];
for (request.headers) |h|
std.log.debug("{d}/{d}", .{ h.name.len, h.value.len });
log.debug("Signing with access key: {s}", .{config.credentials.access_key});
const canonical_request = try createCanonicalRequest(allocator, request.*, config);
defer {
@ -145,6 +180,8 @@ pub fn signRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: *base.Request, config:
log.debug("Canonical request:\n{s}", .{canonical_request.arr});
log.debug("Canonical request hash: {s}", .{canonical_request.hash});
const scope = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
@ -157,6 +194,7 @@ pub fn signRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: *base.Request, config:
defer allocator.free(scope);
log.debug("Scope: {s}", .{scope});
//Algorithm + \n +
//RequestDateTime + \n +
@ -178,12 +216,15 @@ pub fn signRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: *base.Request, config:
defer allocator.free(string_to_sign);
log.debug("String to sign:\n{s}", .{string_to_sign});
const signing_key = try getSigningKey(allocator, scope[0..8], config);
defer allocator.free(signing_key);
log.debug("key:{s}", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(signing_key)});
request.headers = allocator.resize(request.headers, request.headers.len + 1).?;
request.headers[request.headers.len - 1] = base.Header{
const signature = try hmac(allocator, signing_key, string_to_sign);
defer allocator.free(signature);
newheaders[newheaders.len - 1] = base.Header{
.name = "Authorization",
.value = try std.fmt.allocPrint(
@ -192,12 +233,15 @@ pub fn signRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: *base.Request, config:
std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(hmac(signing_key, string_to_sign)),
request.headers = newheaders;
//return SigningError.NotImplemented;
/// Frees allocated resources for the request, including the headers array
pub fn freeSignedRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: *base.Request, config: Config) void {
validateConfig(config) catch |e| {
log.err("Signing validation failed during signature free: {}", .{e});
@ -214,7 +258,10 @@ pub fn freeSignedRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: *base.Request, c
remove_len += 1;
request.headers = allocator.resize(request.headers, request.headers.len - remove_len).?;
if (remove_len > 0)
request.headers = allocator.resize(request.headers, request.headers.len - remove_len).?;
fn getSigningKey(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, signing_date: []const u8, config: Config) ![]const u8 {
@ -224,15 +271,26 @@ fn getSigningKey(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, signing_date: []const u8, config:
// kRegion = HMAC(kDate, Region)
// kService = HMAC(kRegion, Service)
// kSigning = HMAC(kService, "aws4_request")
\\signing key params:
\\ key: (you wish)
\\ date: {s}
\\ region: {s}
\\ service: {s}
, .{ signing_date, config.region, config.service });
var secret = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "AWS4{s}", .{config.credentials.secret_key});
defer {
for (secret) |_, i| secret[i] = 0; // zero our copy of secret
const k_date = hmac(secret, signing_date);
const k_region = hmac(k_date, config.region);
const k_service = hmac(k_region, config.service);
const k_signing = hmac(k_service, "aws4_request");
// log.debug("secret: {s}", .{secret});
const k_date = try hmac(allocator, secret, signing_date);
defer allocator.free(k_date);
const k_region = try hmac(allocator, k_date, config.region);
defer allocator.free(k_region);
const k_service = try hmac(allocator, k_region, config.service);
defer allocator.free(k_service);
const k_signing = try hmac(allocator, k_service, "aws4_request");
return k_signing;
fn validateConfig(config: Config) SigningError!void {
@ -246,12 +304,10 @@ fn validateConfig(config: Config) SigningError!void {
return SigningError.NotImplemented;
fn hmac(key: []const u8, data: []const u8) []const u8 {
fn hmac(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, key: []const u8, data: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
var out: [std.crypto.auth.hmac.sha2.HmacSha256.mac_length]u8 = undefined;
std.crypto.auth.hmac.sha2.HmacSha256.create(&out, data, key);
return out[0..];
// const hasher = std.crypto.auth.hmac.sha2.HmacSha256.init(key);
// hasher.
std.crypto.auth.hmac.sha2.HmacSha256.create(out[0..], data, key);
return try allocator.dupe(u8, out[0..]);
const Hashed = struct {
arr: []const u8,
@ -280,6 +336,7 @@ fn createCanonicalRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: base.Request, c
const canonical_method = canonicalRequestMethod(request.method);
const canonical_url = try canonicalUri(allocator, request.path, config.flags.use_double_uri_encode);
defer allocator.free(canonical_url);
log.debug("final uri: {s}", .{canonical_url});
const canonical_query = try canonicalQueryString(allocator, request.path);
defer allocator.free(canonical_query);
const canonical_headers = try canonicalHeaders(allocator, request.headers);
@ -295,6 +352,7 @@ fn createCanonicalRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: base.Request, c
errdefer allocator.free(canonical_request);
log.debug("Canonical_request (just calculated):\n{s}", .{canonical_request});
const hashed = try hash(allocator, canonical_request, config.signed_body_header);
return Hashed{
.arr = canonical_request,
@ -332,11 +390,14 @@ fn canonicalUri(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, path: []const u8, double_encode: b
return SigningError.S3NotImplemented;
if (path.len == 0 or path[0] == '?' or path[0] == '#')
return try allocator.dupe(u8, "/");
log.debug("encoding path: {s}", .{path});
const encoded_once = try encodeUri(allocator, path);
log.debug("encoded path (1): {s}", .{encoded_once});
if (!double_encode)
return encoded_once[0 .. std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, encoded_once, "?") orelse encoded_once.len];
defer allocator.free(encoded_once);
const encoded_twice = try encodeUri(allocator, encoded_once);
log.debug("encoded path (2): {s}", .{encoded_twice});
return encoded_twice[0 .. std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, encoded_twice, "?") orelse encoded_twice.len];
@ -686,11 +747,6 @@ test "canonical request" {
.method = "GET",
.headers = headers.items,
// TODO: Remove block
std.testing.log_level = .debug;
_ = try std.io.getStdErr().write("\n");
const request = try createCanonicalRequest(allocator, req, .{
.region = "us-west-2", // us-east-1
.service = "sts", // service
@ -705,8 +761,6 @@ test "canonical request" {
defer allocator.free(request.hash);
defer allocator.free(request.headers.str);
defer allocator.free(request.headers.signed_headers);
log.debug("canonical request:\n{s}", .{request.arr});
log.debug("canonical request hash: {s}", .{request.hash});
const expected =
@ -743,15 +797,13 @@ test "can sign" {
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var headers = try std.ArrayList(base.Header).initCapacity(allocator, 5);
defer headers.deinit();
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Content-Type", .value = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" });
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Content-Length", .value = "43" });
try headers.append(.{ .name = "User-Agent", .value = "zig-aws 1.0, Powered by the AWS Common Runtime." });
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Host", .value = "sts.us-west-2.amazonaws.com" });
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Accept", .value = "application/json" });
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Content-Type", .value = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" });
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Content-Length", .value = "13" });
try headers.append(.{ .name = "Host", .value = "example.amazonaws.com" });
var req = base.Request{
.path = "/",
.query = "",
.body = "Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15",
.body = "Param1=value1",
.method = "POST",
.content_type = "application/json",
.headers = headers.items,
@ -779,31 +831,13 @@ test "can sign" {
// TODO: There is an x-amz-content-sha256. Investigate
try signRequest(allocator, &req, config);
defer freeSignedRequest(allocator, &req, config);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("X-Amz-Date", req.headers[req.headers.len - 2].name);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("20150830T123600Z", req.headers[req.headers.len - 2].value);
log.debug("{s}", .{req.headers[req.headers.len - 1].value});
log.debug("{s}", .{req.headers[req.headers.len - 1].value});
const forbidden_headers = .{
.{ .name = "x-amz-content-sha256", .err = SigningError.XAmzContentSha256HeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "Authorization", .err = SigningError.AuthorizationHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Signature", .err = SigningError.XAmzSignatureHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Algorithm", .err = SigningError.XAmzAlgorithmHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Credential", .err = SigningError.XAmzCredentialHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Date", .err = SigningError.XAmzDateHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-SignedHeaders", .err = SigningError.XAmzSignedHeadersHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Security-Token", .err = SigningError.XAmzSecurityTokenHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Expires", .err = SigningError.XAmzExpiresHeaderInRequest },
.{ .name = "X-Amz-Region-Set", .err = SigningError.XAmzRegionSetHeaderInRequest },
const skipped_headers = .{
const expected_auth = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIDEXAMPLE/20150830/us-east-1/service/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature=1a72ec8f64bd914b0e42e42607c7fbce7fb2c7465f63e3092b3b0d39fa77a6fe";
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("Authorization", req.headers[req.headers.len - 1].name);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected_auth, req.headers[req.headers.len - 1].value);
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ pub fn timestampToDateTime(timestamp: i64) DateTime {
return DateTime{ .day = day, .month = month, .year = year, .hour = hours, .minute = minutes, .second = seconds };
pub fn printDateTime(dt: DateTime) void {
fn printDateTime(dt: DateTime) void {
std.log.debug("{:0>4}-{:0>2}-{:0>2}T{:0>2}:{:0>2}:{:0<2}Z", .{
Reference in New Issue
Block a user