resolve most recursive type warnings in generator (ssm still has 2)
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,6 +69,72 @@ fn generateServicesForFilePath(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, comptime terminato
defer file.close();
return try generateServices(allocator, terminator, file, writer);
fn addReference(id: []const u8, map: *std.StringHashMap(u64)) !void {
const res = try map.getOrPut(id);
if (res.found_existing) {
res.value_ptr.* += 1;
} else {
res.value_ptr.* = 1;
fn countAllReferences(shape_ids: [][]const u8, shapes: std.StringHashMap(smithy.ShapeInfo), shape_references: *std.StringHashMap(u64), stack: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) anyerror!void {
for (shape_ids) |id| {
try countReferences(shapes.get(id).?, shapes, shape_references, stack);
fn countTypeMembersReferences(type_members: []smithy.TypeMember, shapes: std.StringHashMap(smithy.ShapeInfo), shape_references: *std.StringHashMap(u64), stack: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) anyerror!void {
for (type_members) |m| {
try countReferences(shapes.get(, shapes, shape_references, stack);
fn countReferences(shape: smithy.ShapeInfo, shapes: std.StringHashMap(smithy.ShapeInfo), shape_references: *std.StringHashMap(u64), stack: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) anyerror!void {
// Add ourselves as a reference, then we will continue down the tree
try addReference(, shape_references);
// Put ourselves on the stack. If we come back to ourselves, we want to end.
for (stack.items) |i| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8,, i))
try stack.append(;
defer _ = stack.pop();
// Well, this is a fun read:
// Looks like recursion has special rules in the spec to accomodate Java.
// This is silly and we will ignore
switch (shape.shape) {
// We don't care about these primitives - they don't have children
=> {},
.document, .member, .resource => {}, // less sure about these?
.list => |i| try countReferences(shapes.get(i.member_target).?, shapes, shape_references, stack),
.set => |i| try countReferences(shapes.get(i.member_target).?, shapes, shape_references, stack),
.map => |i| {
try countReferences(shapes.get(i.key).?, shapes, shape_references, stack);
try countReferences(shapes.get(i.value).?, shapes, shape_references, stack);
.structure => |m| try countTypeMembersReferences(m.members, shapes, shape_references, stack),
.uniontype => |m| try countTypeMembersReferences(m.members, shapes, shape_references, stack),
.service => |i| try countAllReferences(i.operations, shapes, shape_references, stack),
.operation => |op| {
if (op.input) |i| try countReferences(shapes.get(i).?, shapes, shape_references, stack);
if (op.output) |i| try countReferences(shapes.get(i).?, shapes, shape_references, stack);
if (op.errors) |i| try countAllReferences(i, shapes, shape_references, stack);
fn generateServices(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, comptime _: []const u8, file: std.fs.File, writer: anytype) ![][]const u8 {
const json = try file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
@ -85,8 +151,29 @@ fn generateServices(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, comptime _: []const u8, file:
else => {},
// At this point we want to generate a graph of shapes, starting
// services -> operations -> other shapes. This will allow us to get
// a reference count in case there are recursive data structures
var shape_references = std.StringHashMap(u64).init(allocator);
defer shape_references.deinit();
var stack = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
defer stack.deinit();
for (services.items) |service|
try countReferences(service, shapes, &shape_references, &stack);
var constant_names = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
defer constant_names.deinit();
var unresolved = std.ArrayList(smithy.ShapeInfo).init(allocator);
defer unresolved.deinit();
var generated = std.StringHashMap(void).init(allocator);
defer generated.deinit();
var state = FileGenerationState{
.shape_references = shape_references,
.additional_types_to_generate = &unresolved,
.additional_types_generated = &generated,
.shapes = shapes,
for (services.items) |service| {
var sdk_id: []const u8 = undefined;
var version: []const u8 = service.shape.service.version;
@ -136,10 +223,33 @@ fn generateServices(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, comptime _: []const u8, file:
// Operations
for (service.shape.service.operations) |op|
try generateOperation(allocator, shapes.get(op).?, shapes, writer);
try generateOperation(allocator, shapes.get(op).?, state, writer);
try generateAdditionalTypes(allocator, state, writer);
return constant_names.toOwnedSlice();
fn generateAdditionalTypes(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, file_state: FileGenerationState, writer: anytype) !void {
// More types may be added during processing
while (file_state.additional_types_to_generate.popOrNull()) |t| {
if (file_state.additional_types_generated.getEntry( != null) continue;
//"\t\t{s}", .{});
var type_stack = std.ArrayList(*const smithy.ShapeInfo).init(allocator);
defer type_stack.deinit();
const state = GenerationState{
.type_stack = &type_stack,
.file_state = file_state,
.allocator = allocator,
.indent_level = 0,
const type_name = avoidReserved(;
try writer.print("\npub const {s} = ", .{type_name});
try file_state.additional_types_generated.putNoClobber(, {});
_ = try generateTypeFor(, writer, state, true);
_ = try writer.write(";\n");
fn constantName(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, id: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
// There are some ids that don't follow consistent rules, so we'll
// look for the exceptions and, if not found, revert to the snake case
@ -161,19 +271,25 @@ fn constantName(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, id: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
return try snake.fromPascalCase(allocator, id);
const FileGenerationState = struct {
shapes: std.StringHashMap(smithy.ShapeInfo),
shape_references: std.StringHashMap(u64),
additional_types_to_generate: *std.ArrayList(smithy.ShapeInfo),
additional_types_generated: *std.StringHashMap(void),
const GenerationState = struct {
type_stack: *std.ArrayList(*const smithy.ShapeInfo),
file_state: FileGenerationState,
// we will need some sort of "type decls needed" for recursive structures
allocator: *std.mem.Allocator,
indent_level: u64,
all_required: bool,
fn outputIndent(state: GenerationState, writer: anytype) !void {
const n_chars = 4 * state.indent_level;
try writer.writeByteNTimes(' ', n_chars);
fn generateOperation(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, operation: smithy.ShapeInfo, shapes: std.StringHashMap(smithy.ShapeInfo), writer: anytype) !void {
fn generateOperation(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, operation: smithy.ShapeInfo, file_state: FileGenerationState, writer: anytype) !void {
const snake_case_name = try snake.fromPascalCase(allocator,;
@ -181,9 +297,9 @@ fn generateOperation(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, operation: smithy.ShapeInfo,
defer type_stack.deinit();
const state = GenerationState{
.type_stack = &type_stack,
.file_state = file_state,
.allocator = allocator,
.indent_level = 1,
.all_required = false,
var child_state = state;
child_state.indent_level += 1;
@ -211,7 +327,7 @@ fn generateOperation(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, operation: smithy.ShapeInfo,
try outputIndent(state, writer);
_ = try writer.write("Request: type = ");
if (operation.shape.operation.input) |member| {
if (try generateTypeFor(member, shapes, writer, state, false)) unreachable; // we expect only structs here
if (try generateTypeFor(member, writer, state, false)) unreachable; // we expect only structs here
_ = try writer.write("\n");
try generateMetadataFunction(operation_name, state, writer);
} else {
@ -222,7 +338,7 @@ fn generateOperation(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, operation: smithy.ShapeInfo,
try outputIndent(state, writer);
_ = try writer.write("Response: type = ");
if (operation.shape.operation.output) |member| {
if (try generateTypeFor(member, shapes, writer, state, true)) unreachable; // we expect only structs here
if (try generateTypeFor(member, writer, state, true)) unreachable; // we expect only structs here
} else _ = try writer.write("struct {}"); // we want to maintain consistency with other ops
_ = try writer.write(",\n");
@ -230,7 +346,7 @@ fn generateOperation(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, operation: smithy.ShapeInfo,
try outputIndent(state, writer);
_ = try writer.write("ServiceError: type = error{\n");
for (errors) |err| {
const err_name = getErrorName(shapes.get(err).?.name); // need to remove "exception"
const err_name = getErrorName(file_state.shapes.get(err).?.name); // need to remove "exception"
try outputIndent(child_state, writer);
try writer.print("{s},\n", .{err_name});
@ -276,16 +392,42 @@ fn endsWith(item: []const u8, str: []const u8) bool {
if (str.len < item.len) return false;
return std.mem.eql(u8, item, str[str.len - item.len ..]);
/// return type is anyerror!void as this is a recursive function, so the compiler cannot properly infer error types
fn generateTypeFor(shape_id: []const u8, shapes: std.StringHashMap(smithy.ShapeInfo), writer: anytype, state: GenerationState, end_structure: bool) anyerror!bool {
fn reuseCommonType(shape: smithy.ShapeInfo, writer: anytype, state: GenerationState) !bool {
// We want to return if we're at the top level of the stack. There are three
// reasons for this:
// 1. For operations, we have a request that includes a metadata function
// to enable aws.zig eventually to find the action based on a request.
// This could be considered a hack and maybe we should remove that
// caller convenience ability.
// 2. Given the state of zig compiler tooling, "intellisense" or whatever
// we're calling it these days, isn't real mature, so we end up looking
// at the models quite a bit. Leaving the top level alone here reduces
// the need for users to hop around too much looking at types as they
// can at least see the top level.
// 3. When we come through at the end, we want to make sure we're writing
// something or we'll have an infinite loop!
if (state.type_stack.items.len == 1) return false;
var rc = false;
if (shapes.get(shape_id) == null) {
std.debug.print("Shape ID not found. This is most likely a bug. Shape ID: {s}\n", .{shape_id});
return error.InvalidType;
if (state.file_state.shape_references.get( |r| {
if (r > 1 and (shape.shape == .structure or shape.shape == .uniontype)) {
rc = true;
_ = try writer.write(avoidReserved(; // This can't possibly be this easy...
if (state.file_state.additional_types_generated.getEntry( == null)
try state.file_state.additional_types_to_generate.append(shape);
return rc;
/// return type is anyerror!void as this is a recursive function, so the compiler cannot properly infer error types
fn generateTypeFor(shape_id: []const u8, writer: anytype, state: GenerationState, end_structure: bool) anyerror!bool {
var rc = false;
// We assume it must exist
const shape_info = shapes.get(shape_id).?;
const shape_info = state.file_state.shapes.get(shape_id) orelse {
std.debug.print("Shape ID not found. This is most likely a bug. Shape ID: {s}\n", .{shape_id});
return error.InvalidType;
const shape = shape_info.shape;
// Check for ourselves up the stack
var self_occurences: u8 = 0;
@ -324,30 +466,34 @@ fn generateTypeFor(shape_id: []const u8, shapes: std.StringHashMap(smithy.ShapeI
defer _ = state.type_stack.pop();
switch (shape) {
.structure => {
try generateComplexTypeFor(shape_id, shape.structure.members, "struct", shapes, writer, state);
if (end_structure) {
if (!try reuseCommonType(shape_info, writer, state)) {
try generateComplexTypeFor(shape_id, shape.structure.members, "struct", writer, state);
if (end_structure) {
// epilog
try outputIndent(state, writer);
_ = try writer.write("}");
.uniontype => {
if (!try reuseCommonType(shape_info, writer, state)) {
try generateComplexTypeFor(shape_id, shape.uniontype.members, "union", writer, state);
// epilog
try outputIndent(state, writer);
_ = try writer.write("}");
.uniontype => {
try generateComplexTypeFor(shape_id, shape.uniontype.members, "union", shapes, writer, state);
// epilog
try outputIndent(state, writer);
_ = try writer.write("}");
.string => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "[]const u8", writer),
.integer => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "i64", writer),
.list => {
_ = try writer.write("[]");
// The serializer will have to deal with the idea we might be an array
return try generateTypeFor(shape.list.member_target, shapes, writer, state, true);
return try generateTypeFor(shape.list.member_target, writer, state, true);
.set => {
_ = try writer.write("[]");
// The serializer will have to deal with the idea we might be an array
return try generateTypeFor(shape.set.member_target, shapes, writer, state, true);
return try generateTypeFor(shape.set.member_target, writer, state, true);
.timestamp => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "i64", writer),
.blob => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "[]const u8", writer),
@ -364,14 +510,14 @@ fn generateTypeFor(shape_id: []const u8, shapes: std.StringHashMap(smithy.ShapeI
try writeOptional(, writer, null);
var sub_maps = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(state.allocator);
defer sub_maps.deinit();
if (try generateTypeFor(, shapes, writer, child_state, true))
if (try generateTypeFor(, writer, child_state, true))
try sub_maps.append("key");
try writeOptional(, writer, " = null");
_ = try writer.write(",\n");
try outputIndent(child_state, writer);
_ = try writer.write("value: ");
try writeOptional(, writer, null);
if (try generateTypeFor(, shapes, writer, child_state, true))
if (try generateTypeFor(, writer, child_state, true))
try sub_maps.append("value");
try writeOptional(, writer, " = null");
_ = try writer.write(",\n");
@ -396,7 +542,7 @@ fn generateTypeFor(shape_id: []const u8, shapes: std.StringHashMap(smithy.ShapeI
fn generateSimpleTypeFor(_: anytype, type_name: []const u8, writer: anytype) !void {
_ = try writer.write(type_name); // This had required stuff but the problem was elsewhere. Better to leave as function just in case
fn generateComplexTypeFor(shape_id: []const u8, members: []smithy.TypeMember, type_type_name: []const u8, shapes: std.StringHashMap(smithy.ShapeInfo), writer: anytype, state: GenerationState) anyerror!void {
fn generateComplexTypeFor(shape_id: []const u8, members: []smithy.TypeMember, type_type_name: []const u8, writer: anytype, state: GenerationState) anyerror!void {
_ = shape_id;
const Mapping = struct { snake: []const u8, json: []const u8 };
var json_field_name_mappings = try std.ArrayList(Mapping).initCapacity(state.allocator, members.len);
@ -459,7 +605,7 @@ fn generateComplexTypeFor(shape_id: []const u8, members: []smithy.TypeMember, ty
const member_name = avoidReserved(snake_case_member);
try writer.print("{s}: ", .{member_name});
try writeOptional(member.traits, writer, null);
if (try generateTypeFor(, shapes, writer, child_state, true))
if (try generateTypeFor(, writer, child_state, true))
try map_fields.append(try std.fmt.allocPrint(state.allocator, "{s}", .{member_name}));
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, "union", type_type_name))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user