clean up test code in prep for other main stuff
All checks were successful
AWS-Zig Build / build-zig-0.11.0-amd64-host (push) Successful in 5m18s

This commit is contained in:
Emil Lerch 2023-08-27 18:12:32 -07:00
parent 06429e0853
commit 17ff6d3e82
Signed by: lobo
GPG Key ID: A7B62D657EF764F8

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@ -1435,10 +1435,68 @@ fn serve(options: *TestOptions, res: *std.http.Server.Response) ![]const u8 {
// a previous run of src/main.zig, with redactions
const TestSetup = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
request_options: TestOptions,
server_thread: std.Thread = undefined,
creds: aws_auth.Credentials = undefined,
client: *Client = undefined,
started: bool = false,
const Self = @This();
const aws_creds = @import("aws_credentials.zig");
const aws_auth = @import("aws_authentication.zig");
fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, options: TestOptions) Self {
return .{
.allocator = allocator,
.request_options = options,
fn start(self: *Self) !Options {
self.server_thread = try std.Thread.spawn(
self.started = true;
try self.request_options.waitForReady();
awshttp.endpoint_override = self.request_options.test_server_runtime_uri;
self.creds = aws_auth.Credentials.init(
try self.allocator.dupe(u8, "ACCESS"),
try self.allocator.dupe(u8, "SECRET"),
aws_creds.static_credentials = self.creds;
var client = try Client.init(self.allocator, .{});
self.client = &client;
return .{
.region = "us-west-2",
.client = client,
fn stop(self: *Self) void {
fn deinit(self: Self) void {
if (!self.started) return;
awshttp.endpoint_override = null;
// creds.deinit(); Creds will get deinited in the course of the call. We don't want to do it twice
aws_creds.static_credentials = null; // we do need to reset the static creds for the next user though
test "sts get_caller_identity comptime" {
// std.testing.log_level = .debug;
const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
var requestOptions: TestOptions = .{
var test_harness = TestSetup.init(allocator, .{
.allocator = allocator,
.server_response =
@ -1447,47 +1505,17 @@ test "sts get_caller_identity comptime" {
.{ "Content-Type", "application/json" },
.{ "x-amzn-RequestId", "8f0d54da-1230-40f7-b4ac-95015c4b84cd" },
defer requestOptions.deinit();
// Needs to go away: .request_body: []u8 = "",
const server_thread = try std.Thread.spawn(
try requestOptions.waitForReady();
awshttp.endpoint_override = requestOptions.test_server_runtime_uri;
defer awshttp.endpoint_override = null;
const creds = @import("aws_authentication.zig").Credentials.init(
try allocator.dupe(u8, "ACCESS"),
try allocator.dupe(u8, "SECRET"),
const aws_creds = @import("aws_credentials.zig");
aws_creds.static_credentials = creds;
defer {
// creds.deinit(); Creds will get deinited in the course of the call. We don't want to do it twice
aws_creds.static_credentials = null; // we do need to reset the static creds for the next user though
var client = try Client.init(allocator, .{});
const options = Options{
.region = "us-west-2",
.client = client,
defer client.deinit();
defer test_harness.deinit();
const options = try test_harness.start();
const sts = (Services(.{.sts}){}).sts;
const call = try Request(sts.get_caller_identity).call(.{}, options);
// const call = try{}, options);
defer call.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
, requestOptions.request_body);
, test_harness.request_options.request_body);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(