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const std = @import("std");
const base = @import("aws_http_base.zig");
const auth = @import("aws_authentication.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.aws_signing);
// see
const ConfigFlags = packed struct {
// We assume the uri will be encoded once in preparation for transmission. Certain services
// do not decode before checking signature, requiring us to actually double-encode the uri in the canonical
// request in order to pass a signature check.
use_double_uri_encode: bool = true,
// Controls whether or not the uri paths should be normalized when building the canonical request
should_normalize_uri_path: bool = true,
// Controls whether "X-Amz-Security-Token" is omitted from the canonical request.
// "X-Amz-Security-Token" is added during signing, as a header or
// query param, when credentials have a session token.
// If false (the default), this parameter is included in the canonical request.
// If true, this parameter is still added, but omitted from the canonical request.
omit_session_token: bool = true,
pub const Config = struct {
// These two should be all you need to set most of the time
service: []const u8,
credentials: auth.Credentials,
region: []const u8 = "aws-global",
algorithm: enum { v4, v4a } = .v4,
// config_type: ?? // CRT only has one value. We'll ignore for now
signature_type: enum {
headers, // we only support this
request_event, // not implemented by CRT
} = .headers,
signing_time: ?i64 = null, // Used for testing. If null, will use current time
// In the CRT, should_sign_header is a function to allow header filtering.
// The _ud would be a anyopaque user defined data for the function to use
// .should_sign_header = null,
// .should_sign_header_ud = null,
// In the CRT, this is only used if the body has been precalculated. We don't have
// this use case, and we'll ignore
// .signed_body_value = c.aws_byte_cursor_from_c_str(""),
signed_body_header: enum { sha256, none } = .sha256, //
// This is more complex in the CRT. We'll just take the creds. Someone
// else can use a provider and get them in advance
// If non-zero and the signing transform is query param, then signing will add X-Amz-Expires to the query
// string, equal to the value specified here. If this value is zero or if header signing is being used then
// this parameter has no effect.
expiration_in_seconds: u64 = 0,
pub const SigningError = error{
pub fn signRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, http_request: base.Request, config: Config) SigningError!void {
_ = allocator;
_ = http_request;
try validateConfig(config);
log.debug("Signing with access key: {s}", .{config.credentials.access_key});
fn validateConfig(config: Config) SigningError!void {
_ = config;
return SigningError.NotImplemented;