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const std = @import("std");
const service_list = @import("models/service_manifest.zig");
const expectEqualStrings = std.testing.expectEqualStrings;
pub fn Services(service_imports: anytype) type {
if (service_imports.len == 0)
return service_list;
// From here, the fields of our structure can be generated at comptime...
var fields: [serviceCount(service_imports)]std.builtin.TypeInfo.StructField = undefined;
// This is run at comptime with multiple nested loops and a large (267 at
// time of writing) number of services. 4 was chosen by trial and error,
// but otherwise the branch count will be the product of field length,
// service list length and the number of imports requested
// @setEvalBranchQuota(4 * fields.len * service_list.len * std.math.min(service_imports.len, 1));
for (fields) |*item, i| {
const import_service = @field(service_list, @tagName(service_imports[i]));
const import_field = @field(import_service, @tagName(service_imports[i]));
item.* = .{
.name = @tagName(service_imports[i]),
.field_type = @TypeOf(import_field),
.default_value = import_field,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = 0,
// finally, generate the type
return @Type(.{
.Struct = .{
.layout = .Auto,
.fields = &fields,
.decls = &[_]std.builtin.TypeInfo.Declaration{},
.is_tuple = false,
fn serviceCount(desired_services: anytype) usize {
if (desired_services.len == 0) return @TypeOf(service_list).Struct.fields.len;
return desired_services.len;
/// Using this constant may blow up build times. Recommed using Services()
/// function directly, e.g. const services = Services(.{.sts, .ec2, .s3, .ddb}){};
pub const services = Services(.{}){};
test "services includes sts" {
try expectEqualStrings("2011-06-15", services.sts.version);
test "sts includes get_caller_identity" {
try expectEqualStrings("GetCallerIdentity", services.sts.get_caller_identity.action_name);
test "can get service and action name from request" {
// get request object. This call doesn't have parameters
const req = services.sts.get_caller_identity.Request{};
// const metadata = @TypeOf(req).metaInfo();
const metadata = req.metaInfo();
try expectEqualStrings("2011-06-15", metadata.service.version);
// expectEqualStrings("GetCallerIdentity", metadata.action.action_name);
test "can filter services" {
const filtered_services = Services(.{ .sts, .waf_v2 }){};
// const filtered_services = Services(.{.sts}){};
try expectEqualStrings("2011-06-15", filtered_services.sts.version);