diff --git a/src/lambdabuild.zig b/src/lambdabuild.zig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d99b4b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lambdabuild.zig @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +const std = @import("std"); +const builtin = @import("builtin"); + +fn fileExists(file_name: []const u8) bool { + const file = std.fs.openFileAbsolute(file_name, .{}) catch return false; + defer file.close(); + return true; +} +fn addArgs(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, original: []const u8, args: [][]const u8) ![]const u8 { + var rc = original; + for (args) |arg| { + rc = try std.mem.concat(allocator, u8, &.{ rc, " ", arg }); + } + return rc; +} + +/// lambdaBuildOptions will add three build options to the build (if compiling +/// the code on a Linux host): +/// +/// * package: Packages the function for deployment to Lambda +/// (dependencies are the zip executable and a shell) +/// * iam: Gets an IAM role for the Lambda function, and creates it if it does not exist +/// (dependencies are the AWS CLI, grep and a shell) +/// * deploy: Deploys the lambda function to a live AWS environment +/// (dependencies are the AWS CLI, and a shell) +/// * remoterun: Runs the lambda function in a live AWS environment +/// (dependencies are the AWS CLI, and a shell) +/// +/// remoterun depends on deploy +/// deploy depends on iam and package +/// +/// iam and package do not have any dependencies +pub fn lambdaBuildOptions(b: *std.build.Builder, exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile) !void { + // The rest of this function is currently reliant on the use of Linux + // system being used to build the lambda function + // + // It is likely that much of this will work on other Unix-like OSs, but + // we will work this out later + // + // TODO: support other host OSs + if (builtin.os.tag != .linux) return; + + // Package step + const package_step = b.step("package", "Package the function"); + const function_zip = b.getInstallPath(.bin, "function.zip"); + + // TODO: Avoid use of system-installed zip, maybe using something like + // https://github.com/hdorio/hwzip.zig/blob/master/src/hwzip.zig + const zip = if (std.mem.eql(u8, "bootstrap", exe.out_filename)) + try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, + \\zip -qj9 {s} {s} + , .{ + function_zip, + b.getInstallPath(.bin, "bootstrap"), + }) + else + // We need to copy stuff around + try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, + \\cp {s} {s} && \ + \\zip -qj9 {s} {s} && \ + \\rm {s} + , .{ + b.getInstallPath(.bin, exe.out_filename), + b.getInstallPath(.bin, "bootstrap"), + function_zip, + b.getInstallPath(.bin, "bootstrap"), + b.getInstallPath(.bin, "bootstrap"), + }); + // std.debug.print("\nzip cmdline: {s}", .{zip}); + defer b.allocator.free(zip); + var zip_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "/bin/sh", "-c", zip }); + zip_cmd.step.dependOn(b.getInstallStep()); + package_step.dependOn(&zip_cmd.step); + + // Deployment + const deploy_step = b.step("deploy", "Deploy the function"); + var deal_with_iam = true; + if (b.args) |args| { + for (args) |arg| { + if (std.mem.eql(u8, "--role", arg)) { + deal_with_iam = false; + break; + } + } + } + + // TODO: Allow custom lambda role names + var iam_role: []u8 = &.{}; + const iam_step = b.step("iam", "Create/Get IAM role for function"); + deploy_step.dependOn(iam_step); // iam_step will either be a noop or all the stuff below + if (deal_with_iam) { + // if someone adds '-- --role arn...' to the command line, we don't + // need to do anything with the iam role. Otherwise, we'll create/ + // get the IAM role and stick the name in a file in our destination + // directory to be used later + const iam_role_name_file = b.getInstallPath(.bin, "iam_role_name"); + iam_role = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, "--role $(cat {s})", .{iam_role_name_file}); + // defer b.allocator.free(iam_role); + if (!fileExists(iam_role_name_file)) { + // Role get/creation command + const ifstatement_fmt = + \\ if aws iam get-role --role-name lambda_basic_execution 2>&1 |grep -q NoSuchEntity; then aws iam create-role --output text --query Role.Arn --role-name lambda_basic_execution --assume-role-policy-document '{ + \\ "Version": "2012-10-17", + \\ "Statement": [ + \\ { + \\ "Sid": "", + \\ "Effect": "Allow", + \\ "Principal": { + \\ "Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com" + \\ }, + \\ "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" + \\ } + \\ ]}' > /dev/null; fi && \ + \\ aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaExecute --role-name lambda_basic_execution && \ + \\ aws iam get-role --role-name lambda_basic_execution --query Role.Arn --output text > + ; + + const ifstatement = try std.mem.concat(b.allocator, u8, &[_][]const u8{ ifstatement_fmt, iam_role_name_file }); + defer b.allocator.free(ifstatement); + iam_step.dependOn(&b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "/bin/sh", "-c", ifstatement }).step); + } + } + const function_name = b.option([]const u8, "function-name", "Function name for Lambda [zig-fn]") orelse "zig-fn"; + const function_name_file = b.getInstallPath(.bin, function_name); + const ifstatement = "if [ ! -f {s} ] || [ {s} -nt {s} ]; then if aws lambda get-function --function-name {s} 2>&1 |grep -q ResourceNotFoundException; then echo not found > /dev/null; {s}; else echo found > /dev/null; {s}; fi; fi"; + // The architectures option was introduced in 2.2.43 released 2021-10-01 + // We want to use arm64 here because it is both faster and cheaper for most + // Amazon Linux 2 is the only arm64 supported option + const not_found = "aws lambda create-function --architectures arm64 --runtime provided.al2 --function-name {s} --zip-file fileb://{s} --handler not_applicable {s} && touch {s}"; + const not_found_fmt = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, not_found, .{ function_name, function_zip, iam_role, function_name_file }); + defer b.allocator.free(not_found_fmt); + const found = "aws lambda update-function-code --function-name {s} --zip-file fileb://{s} && touch {s}"; + const found_fmt = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, found, .{ function_name, function_zip, function_name_file }); + defer b.allocator.free(found_fmt); + var found_final: []const u8 = undefined; + var not_found_final: []const u8 = undefined; + if (b.args) |args| { + found_final = try addArgs(b.allocator, found_fmt, args); + not_found_final = try addArgs(b.allocator, not_found_fmt, args); + } else { + found_final = found_fmt; + not_found_final = not_found_fmt; + } + const cmd = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, ifstatement, .{ + function_name_file, + std.fs.path.dirname(exe.root_src.?.path).?, + function_name_file, + function_name, + not_found_fmt, + found_fmt, + }); + + defer b.allocator.free(cmd); + + // std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{cmd}); + deploy_step.dependOn(package_step); + deploy_step.dependOn(&b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd }).step); + + // TODO: Looks like IquanaTLS isn't playing nicely with payloads this small + // const payload = b.option([]const u8, "payload", "Lambda payload [{\"foo\":\"bar\"}]") orelse + // \\ {"foo": "bar"}" + // ; + const payload = b.option([]const u8, "payload", "Lambda payload [{\"foo\":\"bar\", \"baz\": \"qux\"}]") orelse + \\ {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}" + ; + + const run_script = + \\ f=$(mktemp) && \ + \\ logs=$(aws lambda invoke \ + \\ --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \ + \\ --invocation-type RequestResponse \ + \\ --function-name {s} \ + \\ --payload '{s}' \ + \\ --log-type Tail \ + \\ --query LogResult \ + \\ --output text "$f" |base64 -d) && \ + \\ cat "$f" && rm "$f" && \ + \\ echo && echo && echo "$logs" + ; + const run_script_fmt = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, run_script, .{ function_name, payload }); + defer b.allocator.free(run_script_fmt); + const run_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "/bin/sh", "-c", run_script_fmt }); + run_cmd.step.dependOn(deploy_step); + if (b.args) |args| { + run_cmd.addArgs(args); + } + + const run_step = b.step("remoterun", "Run the app in AWS lambda"); + run_step.dependOn(&run_cmd.step); +}