+++ title = "Holy videos, batman!" slug = "2008-09-17-holy-videos-batman" published = 2008-09-17T09:26:00-07:00 author = "Emil" tags = [] +++ Ok - so we've been really slow in getting videos on the web. Needless to say, things are pretty crazy with two little ones, and Kelly is now back at work - yikes! I got some time a little while ago, so I've posted several months worth of videos (50+ total!). I won't bother to describe them all, but they are up on [our youtube channel](http://www.youtube.com/lerchfamily) for your enjoyment. The first video is "Kathryn and Megan Play" (from back in March!), and the last video is "Kathryn shovels sand", taken on labor day at [OMSI](http://www.omsi.edu/) when grandma Lerch visited the family. Some other videos, taken by [Paul](http://pdockter.blogspot.com/), are up on qik.com: Lots of pictures have been posted on [our shutterfly site](http://thelerchs.shutterfly.com/), with more to come. There are now some more [July pictures](http://thelerchs.shutterfly.com/8), as well as some of the [professional pictures](http://thelerchs.shutterfly.com/820) that were taken at the [Rose Garden](http://www.rosegardenstore.org/thegardensoverview.cfm). Paul also has more pictures on [his picassa site](http://picasaweb.google.com/pdockter/2007MiscKathryn?authkey=cZY_AbWyaVc#). There are more photos still in my email/hard drive waiting to be posted, so stay tuned!