+++ title = "Kathryn Marie Sloan Lerch Born 4:54PM Pacific" slug = "2006-06-28-kathryn-marie-sloan-lerch-born-4-54pm-pacific" published = 2006-06-28T18:17:00-07:00 author = "Emil" tags = [] +++ [![](/posts/2006-06-28/thumbnails/2006-06-28-kathryn-marie-sloan-lerch-born-4-54pm-pacific-IMAGE_030.jpg)](/posts/2006-06-28/2006-06-28-kathryn-marie-sloan-lerch-born-4-54pm-pacific-IMAGE_030.jpg) [![](/posts/2006-06-28/thumbnails/2006-06-28-kathryn-marie-sloan-lerch-born-4-54pm-pacific-IMAGE_029.jpg)](/posts/2006-06-28/2006-06-28-kathryn-marie-sloan-lerch-born-4-54pm-pacific-IMAGE_029.jpg) 7lbs, 13oz 20in length Mom went into labor at 9:30AM today. At 11AM Kelly was checked out and was 6cm dialated, 90% effaced. We were admitted to the hospital at noon and things went pretty well. Mom and baby girl are doing great!! Here are a couple low-res photos from the camera phone (Emil forgot the thing to transfer pictures from the normal camera). Kathryn is 30 min old here. Lots more pictures to come!