+++ title = "Timeline" slug = "2006-02-20-timeline" published = 2006-02-20T20:15:00-08:00 author = "Anonymous" tags = [] +++ - October 21st, 2005 - We find out we are pregnant! - December 2nd, 2005 - First Doctor's Appointment - December 16th, 2005 - Our First Ultrasound - December 30th, 2005 - Second Doctor's Appointment - January 21st, 2006 - Kelly feels the baby move for the first time! - January 26th, 2006 - Third Doctor's Appointment - February 7th, 2006 - Emil feels the baby move for the first time! - February 10th, 2006 - Second Ultrasound - March 10th, 2006 - Fourth Doctor's Appointment - April 6th, 2006 - Glucose Test - April 21st, 2006 - Sixth Doctor's Appointment - May 5th, 2006 - Seventh Doctor's Appointment