+++ title = "2007 is Here!" slug = "2007-01-20-2007-is-here" published = 2007-01-20T09:23:00-08:00 author = "Anonymous" tags = [] +++ It's been a whirlwind holiday season! The Lerch family was in Chicago to celebrate Kathryn's first Christmas! Kathryn did great on the flights back and forth. She loved the airport as she is facinated by all the people. She was definetly a head turner hanging out in her Bjorn carrier wearing her little Santa cap. She gave and received lots of smiles. As this was Kathryn's second plane flight she felt she was a pro and wanted to hand over her own boarding pass to the gate agent. Needless to say this was unbelieveably cute. Kathryn loved opening her presents, and as expected was generally more facinated by the paper than the gift. She definetly made out like a bandit in the gift department this year! Check her out in her 'First Christmas' hat from Aunt Karyn and Uncle Nick. Developmentally there have been lots of changes! Probably most exciting is that Kathryn has mastered sitting up! She can reach and grab toys around her and is definetly into playing with anything within her grasp. As she also likes faces you are likely to get your nose and lips grabbed when you list expect it. Kathryn has also discovered she can play ball with Mom and Dad, which resulted in lots of giggles! She grabs her feet on the changing table and will sometimes put them in her mouth. Kathryn has also discovered her voice, resulting in lots of loud 'aaaahhhhhh' and squeals. Some of the most fun, and definetly messy, times we've had have been feeding Kathryn food. After rice cereal, and then peas (not her favorite), we've had all sorts of stuff including oatmeal, peaches, bananas (loves them!), apples, apricots, squash, and sweet potatoes. She always takes the first bit and then scrunches up her face like she doesn't like it, yet always wants more! On January 8th Kathryn had her 6-month doctor's appointment. She is 26.75 inches long, 15 pounds 1 ounce, head circumfrance 17 inches. This puts her roughly in the 25% for weight and 75% for height. The latest pictures are Kathryn in the snow in Portland. She even got daycare cancelled for two days, so she got to hang at home with Mom and Dad! Here's all the pictures and videos posted since the last update. Pictures: - From our [photo session](http://www.kathrynmarie.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b3268984a41b) to get just the right [picture for our Christmas card](http://www.kathrynmarie.shutterfly.com/action/slideshow?a=67b0de21b3268984a41b&auto=0&idx=46&m=1&d=1169328159937) - The [biggest set of pictures ever posted](http://www.kathrynmarie.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b3240203a4d9). Taken between Thanksgiving and January 2007 - Pictures taken with [Kathryn and our neighbor's snowman](http://www.kathrynmarie.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b32401f2e4b1) Videos: - Kathryn [starts to sit](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vqGmuz0Dj0) unsupported - Kathryn [eats solid food](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C34WZCX3rw4) for the first time. These are the peas...she remains not a huge fan - Dad and Kathryn [play together](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFr4MhzP2Jo) - Kathryn loves it when the toad in her bath [spits at her](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ak_80X2gkg) - Kathryn does her [Princess Leia](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVzYwt4OyFM) impression - Kathryn gets in her [activity saucer](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx-1v8M-vak) for the first time - Seth and Kathryn get a chance to [play togther](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvzUZOtz3Ks) - [Pushing the saddle](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTL4QdOijco) makes sounds... - Baby's [first Christmas presents](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dQmHRtnTAY)