+++ title = "Better pictures" slug = "2006-06-28-better-pictures" published = 2006-06-28T22:54:00-07:00 author = "Emil" tags = [] +++ Paul brought over a PCMCIA adapter so I could upload a real photo. This is Kathryn at 20 minutes. The doctor is still stitching Kelly (only a couple stitches) at the time the picture was taken... [![](/posts/2006-06-28/thumbnails/2006-06-28-better-pictures-IMG_0816.jpg)](/posts/2006-06-28/2006-06-28-better-pictures-IMG_0816.jpg) The next picture is Kathryn being weighed. I hope I don't get in trouble for posting nude photos. ;-) [![](/posts/2006-06-28/thumbnails/2006-06-28-better-pictures-IMG_0817.jpg)](/posts/2006-06-28/2006-06-28-better-pictures-IMG_0817.jpg)