const std = @import("std"); const aws = @import("aws").aws; const Iam = @This(); step: std.Build.Step, options: Options, /// resolved_arn will be set only after make is run resolved_arn: []const u8 = undefined, arn_buf: [2048]u8 = undefined, // has 2k limit const base_id: std.Build.Step.Id = .custom; pub const Options = struct { name: []const u8 = "", role_name: []const u8, role_arn: ?[]const u8, }; pub fn create(owner: *std.Build, options: Options) *Iam { const name = owner.dupe(; const step_name = owner.fmt("{s} {s}{s}", .{ "aws lambda", "iam", name, }); const self = owner.allocator.create(Iam) catch @panic("OOM"); self.* = .{ .step = std.Build.Step.init(.{ .id = base_id, .name = step_name, .owner = owner, .makeFn = make, }), .options = options, }; return self; } /// gets an IamArn from the name in cache. If not in cache, null is returned /// Note that cache is not account specific, so if you're banging around multiple /// accounts, you'll want to use different local zig caches for each pub fn getIamArnFromName(step: *std.Build.Step, name: []const u8) !?[]const u8 { try step.owner.cache_root.handle.makePath("iam"); // we should be able to use the role name, as only the following characters // are allowed: _+=,.@-. const iam_file = try std.fmt.allocPrint( step.owner.allocator, "iam{s}{s}", .{ std.fs.path.sep_str, name }, ); const buff = try step.owner.allocator.alloc(u8, 64); const arn = step.owner.cache_root.handle.readFile(iam_file, buff) catch return null; return arn; } fn make(step: *std.Build.Step, node: std.Progress.Node) anyerror!void { _ = node; const self: *Iam = @fieldParentPtr("step", step); if (try getIamArnFromName(step, self.options.role_name)) |a| { step.result_cached = true; @memcpy(self.arn_buf[0..a.len], a); self.resolved_arn = self.arn_buf[0..a.len]; return; // exists in cache - nothing to do } var client = aws.Client.init(self.step.owner.allocator, .{}); defer client.deinit(); const services = aws.Services(.{.iam}){}; var arn = blk: { var diagnostics = aws.Diagnostics{ .http_code = undefined, .response_body = undefined, .allocator = self.step.owner.allocator, }; const options = aws.Options{ .client = client, .diagnostics = &diagnostics, }; const call = aws.Request(services.iam.get_role).call(.{ .role_name = self.options.role_name, // TODO: if we have a role_arn, we should use it and skip }, options) catch |e| { defer diagnostics.deinit(); if (diagnostics.http_code == 404) break :blk null; return "Unknown error {} from IAM GetRole. HTTP code {}, message: {s}", .{ e, diagnostics.http_code, diagnostics.response_body }, ); }; defer call.deinit(); break :blk try step.owner.allocator.dupe(u8, call.response.role.arn); }; // Now ARN will either be null (does not exist), or a value if (arn == null) { // we need to create the role before proceeding const options = aws.Options{ .client = client, }; const create_call = try aws.Request(services.iam.create_role).call(.{ .role_name = self.options.role_name, .assume_role_policy_document = \\{ \\ "Version": "2012-10-17", \\ "Statement": [ \\ { \\ "Sid": "", \\ "Effect": "Allow", \\ "Principal": { \\ "Service": "" \\ }, \\ "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" \\ } \\ ] \\} , }, options); defer create_call.deinit(); arn = try step.owner.allocator.dupe(u8, create_call.response.role.arn); const attach_call = try aws.Request(services.iam.attach_role_policy).call(.{ .policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaExecute", .role_name = self.options.role_name, }, options); defer attach_call.deinit(); } @memcpy(self.arn_buf[0..arn.?.len], arn.?); self.resolved_arn = self.arn_buf[0..arn.?.len]; // NOTE: This must match getIamArnFromName const iam_file = try std.fmt.allocPrint( step.owner.allocator, "iam{s}{s}", .{ std.fs.path.sep_str, self.options.role_name }, ); try step.owner.cache_root.handle.writeFile(.{ .sub_path = iam_file, .data = arn.?, }); }