lambda-zig: A Custom Runtime for AWS Lambda =========================================== This is a sample custom runtime built in zig (0.13). Simple projects will execute in <1ms, with a cold start init time of approximately 11ms. Some custom build steps have been added to build.zig, which will only currently appear if compiling from a linux operating system: * `zig build awslambda_iam`: Deploy and record a default IAM role for the lambda function * `zig build awslambda_package`: Package the lambda function for upload * `zig build awslambda_deploy`: Deploy the lambda function * `zig build awslambda_run`: Run the lambda function Custom options: * **function-name**: set the name of the AWS Lambda function * **payload**: Use this to set the payload of the function when run using `zig build awslambda_run` * **region**: Use this to set the region for the function deployment/run * **function-role**: Name of the role to use for the function. The system will look up the arn from this name, and create if it does not exist * **function-arn**: Role arn to use with the function. This must exist The AWS Lambda function can be compiled as a linux x86_64 or linux aarch64 executable. The build script will set the architecture appropriately Caveats: * Building on Windows will not yet work, as the package step still uses system commands due to the need to create a zip file, and the current lack of zip file creation capabilities in the standard library (you can read, but not write, zip files with the standard library). A TODO exists with more information should you wish to file a PR. A sample project using this runtime can be found at Using the zig package manager ----------------------------- The zig package manager [works just fine]( in build.zig, which works well for use of this runtime. To add lambda package/deployment steps to another project: 1. `zig build init-exe` 2. Add a `build.zig.zon` similar to the below 3. Add a line to build.zig to add necessary build options, etc. Not the build function return type should be changed from `void` to `!void` `build.zig`: ```zig try @import("lambda-zig").lambdaBuildOptions(b, exe); ``` `build.zig.zon`: ```zig .{ .name = "lambda-zig", .version = "0.1.0", .dependencies = .{ .@"lambda-zig" = .{ .url = "", .hash = "122037c357f834ffddf7b3a514f55edd5a4d7a3cde138a4021b6ac51be8fd2926000", }, }, } ``` That's it! Now you should have the 4 custom build steps