/* * mbsync - mailbox synchronizer * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Michael R. Elkins * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Oswald Buddenhagen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * * As a special exception, mbsync may be linked with the OpenSSL library, * despite that library's more restrictive license. */ #include "isync.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char *str_ms[] = { "master", "slave" }, *str_hl[] = { "push", "pull" }; void Fclose( FILE *f ) { if (fclose( f ) == EOF) { perror( "cannot close file" ); exit( 1 ); } } void Fprintf( FILE *f, const char *msg, ... ) { int r; va_list va; va_start( va, msg ); r = vfprintf( f, msg, va ); va_end( va ); if (r < 0) { perror( "cannot write file" ); exit( 1 ); } } static const char Flags[] = { 'D', 'F', 'R', 'S', 'T' }; static int parse_flags( const char *buf ) { unsigned flags, i, d; for (flags = i = d = 0; i < as(Flags); i++) if (buf[d] == Flags[i]) { flags |= (1 << i); d++; } return flags; } static int make_flags( int flags, char *buf ) { unsigned i, d; for (i = d = 0; i < as(Flags); i++) if (flags & (1 << i)) buf[d++] = Flags[i]; buf[d] = 0; return d; } #define S_DEAD (1<<0) #define S_DONE (1<<1) #define S_DEL(ms) (1<<(2+(ms))) #define S_EXPIRED (1<<4) #define S_EXPIRE (1<<5) #define S_NEXPIRE (1<<6) #define S_EXP_S (1<<7) #define mvBit(in,ib,ob) ((unsigned char)(((unsigned)in) * (ob) / (ib))) typedef struct sync_rec { struct sync_rec *next; /* string_list_t *keywords; */ int uid[2]; message_t *msg[2]; unsigned char status, flags, aflags[2], dflags[2]; char tuid[TUIDL]; } sync_rec_t; static int findmsgs( sync_rec_t *srecs, store_t *ctx[], int t, FILE *jfp ) { sync_rec_t *srec, *nsrec = 0; message_t *msg; const char *diag; int uid; char fbuf[16]; /* enlarge when support for keywords is added */ if (jfp) { /* * Alternatively, the TUIDs could be fetched into the messages and * looked up here. This would make the search faster (probably) and * save roundtrips. On the downside, quite some additional data would * have to be fetched for every message and the IMAP driver would be * more complicated. This is a corner case anyway, so why bother. */ debug( "finding previously copied messages\n" ); for (srec = srecs; srec; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & S_DEAD) continue; if (srec->uid[t] == -2 && srec->tuid[0]) { debug( " pair(%d,%d): lookup %s, TUID %." stringify(TUIDL) "s\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], str_ms[t], srec->tuid ); switch (ctx[t]->conf->driver->find_msg( ctx[t], srec->tuid, &uid )) { case DRV_STORE_BAD: return SYNC_BAD(t); case DRV_OK: debug( " -> new UID %d\n", uid ); Fprintf( jfp, "%c %d %d %d\n", "<>"[t], srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], uid ); srec->uid[t] = uid; srec->tuid[0] = 0; break; default: debug( " -> TUID lost\n" ); Fprintf( jfp, "& %d %d\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); srec->flags = 0; srec->tuid[0] = 0; break; } } } } /* * Mapping msg -> srec (this variant) is dog slow for new messages. * Mapping srec -> msg is dog slow for deleted messages. * One solution would be using binary search on an index array. * msgs are already sorted by UID, srecs would have to be sorted by uid[t]. */ debug( "matching messages against sync records\n" ); for (msg = ctx[t]->msgs; msg; msg = msg->next) { uid = msg->uid; if (DFlags & DEBUG) { make_flags( msg->flags, fbuf ); printf( ctx[t]->opts & OPEN_SIZE ? " message %5d, %-4s, %6d: " : " message %5d, %-4s: ", uid, fbuf, msg->size ); } for (srec = nsrec; srec; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & S_DEAD) continue; if (srec->uid[t] == uid) { diag = srec == nsrec ? "adjacently" : "after gap"; goto found; } } for (srec = srecs; srec != nsrec; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & S_DEAD) continue; if (srec->uid[t] == uid) { diag = "after reset"; goto found; } } msg->srec = 0; debug( "new\n" ); continue; found: msg->srec = srec; srec->msg[t] = msg; nsrec = srec->next; debug( "pairs %5d %s\n", srec->uid[1-t], diag ); } return SYNC_OK; } static int copy_msg( store_t *ctx[], int t, message_t *tmsg, const char *tuid, int *uid ) { msg_data_t msgdata; char *fmap, *buf; int i, len, extra, cra, crd, scr, tcr; int start, sbreak = 0, ebreak = 0; char c; msgdata.flags = tmsg->flags; switch (ctx[1-t]->conf->driver->fetch_msg( ctx[1-t], tmsg, &msgdata )) { case DRV_STORE_BAD: return SYNC_BAD(1-t); case DRV_BOX_BAD: return SYNC_FAIL; case DRV_MSG_BAD: return SYNC_NOGOOD; } tmsg->flags = msgdata.flags; scr = (ctx[1-t]->conf->driver->flags / DRV_CRLF) & 1; tcr = (ctx[t]->conf->driver->flags / DRV_CRLF) & 1; if (tuid || scr != tcr) { fmap = msgdata.data; len = msgdata.len; cra = crd = 0; if (scr > tcr) crd = -1; else if (scr < tcr) crd = 1; extra = 0, i = 0; if (tuid) { extra += 8 + TUIDL + 1 + tcr; nloop: start = i; while (i < len) { c = fmap[i++]; if (c == '\r') extra += crd; else if (c == '\n') { extra += cra; if (i - 2 + !scr == start) { sbreak = ebreak = i - 2 + !scr; // precalc this! goto oke; } if (!memcmp( fmap + start, "X-TUID: ", 8 )) { extra -= (ebreak = i) - (sbreak = start); goto oke; } goto nloop; } } /* invalid message */ free( fmap ); return SYNC_NOGOOD; } oke: if (cra || crd) for (; i < len; i++) { c = fmap[i]; if (c == '\r') extra += crd; else if (c == '\n') extra += cra; } msgdata.len = len + extra; buf = msgdata.data = nfmalloc( msgdata.len ); i = 0; if (tuid) { if (cra) { for (; i < sbreak; i++) { if (fmap[i] == '\n') *buf++ = '\r'; *buf++ = fmap[i]; } } else if (crd) { for (; i < sbreak; i++) if (fmap[i] != '\r') *buf++ = fmap[i]; } else { memcpy( buf, fmap, sbreak ); buf += sbreak; } memcpy( buf, "X-TUID: ", 8 ); buf += 8; memcpy( buf, tuid, TUIDL ); buf += TUIDL; if (tcr) *buf++ = '\r'; *buf++ = '\n'; i = ebreak; } if (cra) { for (; i < len; i++) { if (fmap[i] == '\n') *buf++ = '\r'; *buf++ = fmap[i]; } } else if (crd) { for (; i < len; i++) if (fmap[i] != '\r') *buf++ = fmap[i]; } else memcpy( buf, fmap + i, len - i ); free( fmap ); } switch (ctx[t]->conf->driver->store_msg( ctx[t], &msgdata, uid )) { case DRV_STORE_BAD: return SYNC_BAD(t); case DRV_OK: return SYNC_OK; default: return SYNC_FAIL; } } /* cases: a) both non-null b) only master null b.1) uid[M] 0 b.2) uid[M] -1 b.3) master not scanned b.4) master gone c) only slave null c.1) uid[S] 0 c.2) uid[S] -1 c.3) slave not scanned c.4) slave gone d) both null d.1) both gone d.2) uid[M] 0, slave not scanned d.3) uid[M] -1, slave not scanned d.4) master gone, slave not scanned d.5) uid[M] 0, slave gone d.6) uid[M] -1, slave gone d.7) uid[S] 0, master not scanned d.8) uid[S] -1, master not scanned d.9) slave gone, master not scanned d.10) uid[S] 0, master gone d.11) uid[S] -1, master gone impossible cases: both uid[M] & uid[S] 0 or -1, both not scanned */ static char * clean_strdup( const char *s ) { char *cs; int i; cs = nfstrdup( s ); for (i = 0; cs[i]; i++) if (cs[i] == '/') cs[i] = '!'; return cs; } #define JOURNAL_VERSION "2" int sync_boxes( store_t *ctx[], const char *names[], channel_conf_t *chan ) { driver_t *driver[2]; message_t *tmsg; sync_rec_t *recs, *srec, **srecadd, *nsrec, **osrecadd; char *dname, *jname, *nname, *lname, *s, *cmname, *csname; FILE *dfp, *jfp, *nfp; int opts[2]; int nom, nos, del[2], ex[2], nex; int muidval, suidval, smaxxuid, maxuid[2], minwuid, maxwuid; int t1, t2, t3, t, uid, nmsgs; int lfd, ret, line, sline, todel, *mexcs, nmexcs, rmexcs; unsigned char nflags, sflags, aflags, dflags; struct stat st; struct flock lck; char fbuf[16]; /* enlarge when support for keywords is added */ char buf[64]; ret = SYNC_OK; recs = 0, srecadd = &recs; for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { ctx[t]->name = (!names[t] || (ctx[t]->conf->map_inbox && !strcmp( ctx[t]->conf->map_inbox, names[t] ))) ? "INBOX" : names[t]; ctx[t]->uidvalidity = 0; driver[t] = ctx[t]->conf->driver; driver[t]->prepare_paths( ctx[t] ); } if (!strcmp( chan->sync_state ? chan->sync_state : global_sync_state, "*" )) { if (!ctx[S]->path) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: store '%s' does not support in-box sync state\n", chan->stores[S]->name ); return SYNC_BAD(S); } nfasprintf( &dname, "%s/." EXE "state", ctx[S]->path ); } else { csname = clean_strdup( ctx[S]->name ); if (chan->sync_state) nfasprintf( &dname, "%s%s", chan->sync_state, csname ); else { cmname = clean_strdup( ctx[M]->name ); nfasprintf( &dname, "%s:%s:%s_:%s:%s", global_sync_state, chan->stores[M]->name, cmname, chan->stores[S]->name, csname ); free( cmname ); } free( csname ); } nfasprintf( &jname, "%s.journal", dname ); nfasprintf( &nname, "%s.new", dname ); nfasprintf( &lname, "%s.lock", dname ); muidval = suidval = smaxxuid = maxuid[M] = maxuid[S] = 0; memset( &lck, 0, sizeof(lck) ); #if SEEK_SET != 0 lck.l_whence = SEEK_SET; #endif #if F_WRLCK != 0 lck.l_type = F_WRLCK; #endif line = 0; if ((lfd = open( lname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666 )) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) { lferr: fprintf( stderr, "Error: cannot create lock file %s: %s\n", lname, strerror(errno) ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail2; } goto skiprd; } if (fcntl( lfd, F_SETLK, &lck )) { lckerr: fprintf( stderr, "Error: channel :%s:%s-:%s:%s is locked\n", chan->stores[M]->name, ctx[M]->name, chan->stores[S]->name, ctx[S]->name ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail1; } if ((dfp = fopen( dname, "r" ))) { debug( "reading sync state %s ...\n", dname ); if (!fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), dfp ) || !(t = strlen( buf )) || buf[t - 1] != '\n') { fprintf( stderr, "Error: incomplete sync state header in %s\n", dname ); fclose( dfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } if (sscanf( buf, "%d:%d %d:%d:%d", &muidval, &maxuid[M], &suidval, &smaxxuid, &maxuid[S]) != 5) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: invalid sync state header in %s\n", dname ); fclose( dfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } sline = 1; while (fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), dfp )) { sline++; if (!(t = strlen( buf )) || buf[t - 1] != '\n') { fprintf( stderr, "Error: incomplete sync state entry at %s:%d\n", dname, sline ); fclose( dfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } fbuf[0] = 0; if (sscanf( buf, "%d %d %15s", &t1, &t2, fbuf ) < 2) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: invalid sync state entry at %s:%d\n", dname, sline ); fclose( dfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } srec = nfmalloc( sizeof(*srec) ); srec->uid[M] = t1; srec->uid[S] = t2; s = fbuf; if (*s == 'X') { s++; srec->status = S_EXPIRE | S_EXPIRED; } else srec->status = 0; srec->flags = parse_flags( s ); debug( " entry (%d,%d,%u,%s)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], srec->flags, srec->status & S_EXPIRED ? "X" : "" ); srec->msg[M] = srec->msg[S] = 0; srec->tuid[0] = 0; srec->next = 0; *srecadd = srec; srecadd = &srec->next; } fclose( dfp ); } else { if (errno != ENOENT) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: cannot read sync state %s\n", dname ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } } if ((jfp = fopen( jname, "r" ))) { if (!stat( nname, &st ) && fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), jfp )) { debug( "recovering journal ...\n" ); if (!(t = strlen( buf )) || buf[t - 1] != '\n') { fprintf( stderr, "Error: incomplete journal header in %s\n", jname ); fclose( jfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } if (memcmp( buf, JOURNAL_VERSION "\n", strlen(JOURNAL_VERSION) + 1 )) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: incompatible journal version " "(got %.*s, expected " JOURNAL_VERSION ")\n", t - 1, buf ); fclose( jfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } srec = 0; line = 1; while (fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), jfp )) { line++; if (!(t = strlen( buf )) || buf[t - 1] != '\n') { fprintf( stderr, "Error: incomplete journal entry at %s:%d\n", jname, line ); fclose( jfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } if (buf[0] == '#' ? (t3 = 0, (sscanf( buf + 2, "%d %d %n", &t1, &t2, &t3 ) < 2) || !t3 || (t - t3 != TUIDL + 3)) : buf[0] == '(' || buf[0] == ')' ? (sscanf( buf + 2, "%d", &t1 ) != 1) : buf[0] == '+' || buf[0] == '&' || buf[0] == '-' || buf[0] == '|' || buf[0] == '/' || buf[0] == '\\' ? (sscanf( buf + 2, "%d %d", &t1, &t2 ) != 2) : (sscanf( buf + 2, "%d %d %d", &t1, &t2, &t3 ) != 3)) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: malformed journal entry at %s:%d\n", jname, line ); fclose( jfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } if (buf[0] == '(') maxuid[M] = t1; else if (buf[0] == ')') maxuid[S] = t1; else if (buf[0] == '|') { muidval = t1; suidval = t2; } else if (buf[0] == '+') { srec = nfmalloc( sizeof(*srec) ); srec->uid[M] = t1; srec->uid[S] = t2; debug( " new entry(%d,%d)\n", t1, t2 ); srec->msg[M] = srec->msg[S] = 0; srec->status = 0; srec->flags = 0; srec->tuid[0] = 0; srec->next = 0; *srecadd = srec; srecadd = &srec->next; } else { for (nsrec = srec; srec; srec = srec->next) if (srec->uid[M] == t1 && srec->uid[S] == t2) goto syncfnd; for (srec = recs; srec != nsrec; srec = srec->next) if (srec->uid[M] == t1 && srec->uid[S] == t2) goto syncfnd; fprintf( stderr, "Error: journal entry at %s:%d refers to non-existing sync state entry\n", jname, line ); fclose( jfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; syncfnd: debug( " entry(%d,%d,%u) ", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], srec->flags ); switch (buf[0]) { case '-': debug( "killed\n" ); srec->status = S_DEAD; break; case '#': debug( "TUID now %." stringify(TUIDL) "s\n", buf + t3 + 2 ); memcpy( srec->tuid, buf + t3 + 2, TUIDL ); break; case '&': debug( "TUID %." stringify(TUIDL) "s lost\n", srec->tuid ); srec->flags = 0; srec->tuid[0] = 0; break; case '<': debug( "master now %d\n", t3 ); srec->uid[M] = t3; srec->tuid[0] = 0; break; case '>': debug( "slave now %d\n", t3 ); srec->uid[S] = t3; srec->tuid[0] = 0; break; case '*': debug( "flags now %d\n", t3 ); srec->flags = t3; break; case '~': debug( "expire now %d\n", t3 ); if (t3) srec->status |= S_EXPIRE; else srec->status &= ~S_EXPIRE; break; case '\\': t3 = (srec->status & S_EXPIRED); debug( "expire back to %d\n", t3 / S_EXPIRED ); if (t3) srec->status |= S_EXPIRE; else srec->status &= ~S_EXPIRE; break; case '/': t3 = (srec->status & S_EXPIRE); debug( "expired now %d\n", t3 / S_EXPIRE ); if (t3) { if (smaxxuid < srec->uid[S]) smaxxuid = srec->uid[S]; srec->status |= S_EXPIRED; } else srec->status &= ~S_EXPIRED; break; default: fprintf( stderr, "Error: unrecognized journal entry at %s:%d\n", jname, line ); fclose( jfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } } } } fclose( jfp ); } else { if (errno != ENOENT) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: cannot read journal %s\n", jname ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } } skiprd: opts[M] = opts[S] = 0; for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { if (chan->ops[t] & (OP_DELETE|OP_FLAGS)) { opts[t] |= OPEN_SETFLAGS; opts[1-t] |= OPEN_OLD; if (chan->ops[t] & OP_FLAGS) opts[1-t] |= OPEN_FLAGS; } if (chan->ops[t] & (OP_NEW|OP_RENEW)) { opts[t] |= OPEN_APPEND; if (chan->ops[t] & OP_RENEW) opts[1-t] |= OPEN_OLD; if (chan->ops[t] & OP_NEW) opts[1-t] |= OPEN_NEW; if (chan->ops[t] & OP_EXPUNGE) opts[1-t] |= OPEN_FLAGS; if (chan->stores[t]->max_size) opts[1-t] |= OPEN_SIZE; } if (chan->ops[t] & OP_EXPUNGE) { opts[t] |= OPEN_EXPUNGE; if (chan->stores[t]->trash) { if (!chan->stores[t]->trash_only_new) opts[t] |= OPEN_OLD; opts[t] |= OPEN_NEW|OPEN_FLAGS; } else if (chan->stores[1-t]->trash && chan->stores[1-t]->trash_remote_new) opts[t] |= OPEN_NEW|OPEN_FLAGS; } if (chan->ops[t] & OP_CREATE) opts[t] |= OPEN_CREATE; } if ((chan->ops[S] & (OP_NEW|OP_RENEW)) && chan->max_messages) opts[S] |= OPEN_OLD|OPEN_NEW|OPEN_FLAGS; if (line) for (srec = recs; srec; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & S_DEAD) continue; if ((mvBit(srec->status, S_EXPIRE, S_EXPIRED) ^ srec->status) & S_EXPIRED) opts[S] |= OPEN_OLD|OPEN_FLAGS; if (srec->tuid[0]) { if (srec->uid[M] == -2) opts[M] |= OPEN_OLD|OPEN_FIND; else if (srec->uid[S] == -2) opts[S] |= OPEN_OLD|OPEN_FIND; } } driver[M]->prepare_opts( ctx[M], opts[M] ); driver[S]->prepare_opts( ctx[S], opts[S] ); if (ctx[S]->opts & OPEN_NEW) maxwuid = INT_MAX; else if (ctx[S]->opts & OPEN_OLD) { maxwuid = 0; for (srec = recs; srec; srec = srec->next) if (!(srec->status & S_DEAD) && srec->uid[S] > maxwuid) maxwuid = srec->uid[S]; } else maxwuid = 0; info( "Selecting slave %s... ", ctx[S]->name ); debug( maxwuid == INT_MAX ? "selecting slave [1,inf]\n" : "selecting slave [1,%d]\n", maxwuid ); switch (driver[S]->select( ctx[S], (ctx[S]->opts & OPEN_OLD) ? 1 : maxuid[S] + 1, maxwuid, 0, 0 )) { case DRV_STORE_BAD: ret = SYNC_BAD(S); goto bail; case DRV_BOX_BAD: ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } if (suidval && suidval != ctx[S]->uidvalidity) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: UIDVALIDITY of slave changed\n" ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } info( "%d messages, %d recent\n", ctx[S]->count, ctx[S]->recent ); s = strrchr( dname, '/' ); *s = 0; mkdir( dname, 0700 ); *s = '/'; if (lfd < 0) { if ((lfd = open( lname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666 )) < 0) goto lferr; if (fcntl( lfd, F_SETLK, &lck )) goto lckerr; } if (!(nfp = fopen( nname, "w" ))) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: cannot write new sync state %s\n", nname ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } if (!(jfp = fopen( jname, "a" ))) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: cannot write journal %s\n", jname ); fclose( nfp ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto bail; } setlinebuf( jfp ); if (!line) Fprintf( jfp, JOURNAL_VERSION "\n" ); if ((ret = findmsgs( recs, ctx, S, line ? jfp : 0 )) != SYNC_OK) goto finish; mexcs = 0; nmexcs = rmexcs = 0; minwuid = INT_MAX; if (smaxxuid) { debug( "preparing master selection - max expired slave uid is %d\n", smaxxuid ); for (srec = recs; srec; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & S_DEAD) continue; if (srec->status & S_EXPIRED) { if (!srec->uid[S] || ((ctx[S]->opts & OPEN_OLD) && !srec->msg[S])) { srec->status |= S_EXP_S; continue; } } else { if (smaxxuid >= srec->uid[S]) continue; } if (minwuid > srec->uid[M]) minwuid = srec->uid[M]; } debug( " min non-orphaned master uid is %d\n", minwuid ); for (srec = recs; srec; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & S_DEAD) continue; if (srec->status & S_EXP_S) { if (minwuid > srec->uid[M] && maxuid[M] >= srec->uid[M]) { debug( " -> killing (%d,%d)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); srec->status = S_DEAD; Fprintf( jfp, "- %d %d\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); } else if (srec->uid[S]) { debug( " -> orphaning (%d,[%d])\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); Fprintf( jfp, "> %d %d 0\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); srec->uid[S] = 0; } } else if (minwuid > srec->uid[M]) { if (srec->uid[S] < 0) { if (maxuid[M] >= srec->uid[M]) { debug( " -> killing (%d,%d)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); srec->status = S_DEAD; Fprintf( jfp, "- %d %d\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); } } else if (srec->uid[M] > 0 && srec->uid[S] && (ctx[M]->opts & OPEN_OLD) && (!(ctx[M]->opts & OPEN_NEW) || maxuid[M] >= srec->uid[M])) { if (nmexcs == rmexcs) { rmexcs = rmexcs * 2 + 100; mexcs = nfrealloc( mexcs, rmexcs * sizeof(int) ); } mexcs[nmexcs++] = srec->uid[M]; } } } debug( " exception list is:" ); for (t = 0; t < nmexcs; t++) debug( " %d", mexcs[t] ); debug( "\n" ); } else if (ctx[M]->opts & OPEN_OLD) minwuid = 1; if (ctx[M]->opts & OPEN_NEW) { if (minwuid > maxuid[M] + 1) minwuid = maxuid[M] + 1; maxwuid = INT_MAX; } else if (ctx[M]->opts & OPEN_OLD) { maxwuid = 0; for (srec = recs; srec; srec = srec->next) if (!(srec->status & S_DEAD) && srec->uid[M] > maxwuid) maxwuid = srec->uid[M]; } else maxwuid = 0; info( "Selecting master %s... ", ctx[M]->name ); debug( maxwuid == INT_MAX ? "selecting master [%d,inf]\n" : "selecting master [%d,%d]\n", minwuid, maxwuid ); switch (driver[M]->select( ctx[M], minwuid, maxwuid, mexcs, nmexcs )) { case DRV_STORE_BAD: ret = SYNC_BAD(M); goto finish; case DRV_BOX_BAD: ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto finish; } if (muidval && muidval != ctx[M]->uidvalidity) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: UIDVALIDITY of master changed\n" ); ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto finish; } info( "%d messages, %d recent\n", ctx[M]->count, ctx[M]->recent ); if ((ret = findmsgs( recs, ctx, M, line ? jfp : 0 )) != SYNC_OK) goto finish; if (!muidval || !suidval) { muidval = ctx[M]->uidvalidity; suidval = ctx[S]->uidvalidity; Fprintf( jfp, "| %d %d\n", muidval, suidval ); } info( "Synchronizing...\n" ); debug( "synchronizing new entries\n" ); osrecadd = srecadd; for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { for (nmsgs = 0, tmsg = ctx[1-t]->msgs; tmsg; tmsg = tmsg->next) if (tmsg->srec ? tmsg->srec->uid[t] < 0 && (tmsg->srec->uid[t] == -1 ? (chan->ops[t] & OP_RENEW) : (chan->ops[t] & OP_NEW)) : (chan->ops[t] & OP_NEW)) { debug( "new message %d on %s\n", tmsg->uid, str_ms[1-t] ); if ((chan->ops[t] & OP_EXPUNGE) && (tmsg->flags & F_DELETED)) debug( " -> not %sing - would be expunged anyway\n", str_hl[t] ); else { if (tmsg->srec) { srec = tmsg->srec; srec->status |= S_DONE; debug( " -> pair(%d,%d) exists\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); } else { srec = nfmalloc( sizeof(*srec) ); srec->next = 0; *srecadd = srec; srecadd = &srec->next; srec->status = S_DONE; srec->flags = 0; srec->tuid[0] = 0; srec->uid[1-t] = tmsg->uid; srec->uid[t] = -2; Fprintf( jfp, "+ %d %d\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); debug( " -> pair(%d,%d) created\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); } if ((tmsg->flags & F_FLAGGED) || !chan->stores[t]->max_size || tmsg->size <= chan->stores[t]->max_size) { if (!nmsgs) info( t ? "Pulling new messages..." : "Pushing new messages..." ); else infoc( '.' ); nmsgs++; if (tmsg->flags) { srec->flags = tmsg->flags; Fprintf( jfp, "* %d %d %u\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], srec->flags ); debug( " -> updated flags to %u\n", tmsg->flags ); } for (t1 = 0; t1 < TUIDL; t1++) { t2 = arc4_getbyte() & 0x3f; srec->tuid[t1] = t2 < 26 ? t2 + 'A' : t2 < 52 ? t2 + 'a' - 26 : t2 < 62 ? t2 + '0' - 52 : t2 == 62 ? '+' : '/'; } Fprintf( jfp, "# %d %d %." stringify(TUIDL) "s\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], srec->tuid ); debug( " -> %sing message, TUID %." stringify(TUIDL) "s\n", str_hl[t], srec->tuid ); switch ((ret = copy_msg( ctx, t, tmsg, srec->tuid, &uid ))) { case SYNC_OK: break; case SYNC_NOGOOD: /* The error is either transient or the message is gone. */ debug( " -> killing (%d,%d)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); srec->status = S_DEAD; Fprintf( jfp, "- %d %d\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); continue; default: goto finish; } } else { if (tmsg->srec) { debug( " -> not %sing - still too big\n", str_hl[t] ); continue; } debug( " -> not %sing - too big\n", str_hl[t] ); uid = -1; } if (srec->uid[t] != uid) { debug( " -> new UID %d\n", uid ); Fprintf( jfp, "%c %d %d %d\n", "<>"[t], srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], uid ); srec->uid[t] = uid; srec->tuid[0] = 0; } if (!tmsg->srec) { tmsg->srec = srec; if (maxuid[1-t] < tmsg->uid) { maxuid[1-t] = tmsg->uid; Fprintf( jfp, "%c %d\n", ")("[t], tmsg->uid ); } } } } if (nmsgs) info( " %d messages\n", nmsgs ); } debug( "finding just copied messages\n" ); for (srec = recs; srec; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & S_DEAD) continue; if (srec->tuid[0]) { t = (srec->uid[M] == -2) ? M : S; debug( " pair(%d,%d): lookup %s, TUID %." stringify(TUIDL) "s\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], str_ms[t], srec->tuid ); switch (driver[t]->find_msg( ctx[t], srec->tuid, &uid )) { case DRV_STORE_BAD: ret = SYNC_BAD(t); goto finish; case DRV_OK: debug( " -> new UID %d\n", uid ); break; default: warn( "Warning: cannot find newly stored message %." stringify(TUIDL) "s on %s.\n", srec->tuid, str_ms[t] ); uid = 0; break; } Fprintf( jfp, "%c %d %d %d\n", "<>"[t], srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], uid ); srec->uid[t] = uid; srec->tuid[0] = 0; } } debug( "synchronizing old entries\n" ); for (srec = recs; srec != *osrecadd; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & (S_DEAD|S_DONE)) continue; debug( "pair (%d,%d)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); nom = !srec->msg[M] && (ctx[M]->opts & OPEN_OLD); nos = !srec->msg[S] && (ctx[S]->opts & OPEN_OLD); if (nom && nos) { debug( " vanished\n" ); /* d.1) d.5) d.6) d.10) d.11) */ srec->status = S_DEAD; Fprintf( jfp, "- %d %d\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); } else { del[M] = nom && (srec->uid[M] > 0); del[S] = nos && (srec->uid[S] > 0); for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { srec->aflags[t] = srec->dflags[t] = 0; if (srec->msg[t] && (srec->msg[t]->flags & F_DELETED)) srec->status |= S_DEL(t); /* excludes (push) c.3) d.2) d.3) d.4) / (pull) b.3) d.7) d.8) d.9) */ if (!srec->uid[t]) { /* b.1) / c.1) */ debug( " no more %s\n", str_ms[t] ); } else if (del[1-t]) { /* c.4) d.9) / b.4) d.4) */ if (srec->msg[t] && (srec->msg[t]->status & M_FLAGS) && srec->msg[t]->flags != srec->flags) info( "Info: conflicting changes in (%d,%d)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); if (chan->ops[t] & OP_DELETE) { debug( " %sing delete\n", str_hl[t] ); switch (driver[t]->set_flags( ctx[t], srec->msg[t], srec->uid[t], F_DELETED, 0 )) { case DRV_STORE_BAD: ret = SYNC_BAD(t); goto finish; case DRV_BOX_BAD: ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto finish; default: /* ok */ break; case DRV_OK: srec->status |= S_DEL(t); Fprintf( jfp, "%c %d %d 0\n", "><"[t], srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); srec->uid[1-t] = 0; } } else debug( " not %sing delete\n", str_hl[t] ); } else if (!srec->msg[1-t]) /* c.1) c.2) d.7) d.8) / b.1) b.2) d.2) d.3) */ ; else if (srec->uid[t] < 0) /* b.2) / c.2) */ ; /* handled above */ else if (!del[t]) { /* a) & b.3) / c.3) */ if (chan->ops[t] & OP_FLAGS) { sflags = srec->msg[1-t]->flags; if ((srec->status & (S_EXPIRE|S_EXPIRED)) && !t) sflags &= ~F_DELETED; srec->aflags[t] = sflags & ~srec->flags; srec->dflags[t] = ~sflags & srec->flags; if (DFlags & DEBUG) { char afbuf[16], dfbuf[16]; /* enlarge when support for keywords is added */ make_flags( srec->aflags[t], afbuf ); make_flags( srec->dflags[t], dfbuf ); debug( " %sing flags: +%s -%s\n", str_hl[t], afbuf, dfbuf ); } } else debug( " not %sing flags\n", str_hl[t] ); } /* else b.4) / c.4) */ } } } if ((chan->ops[S] & (OP_NEW|OP_RENEW|OP_FLAGS)) && chan->max_messages) { /* Flagged and not yet synced messages older than the first not * expired message are not counted. */ todel = ctx[S]->count - chan->max_messages; debug( "scheduling %d excess messages for expiration\n", todel ); for (tmsg = ctx[S]->msgs; tmsg && todel > 0; tmsg = tmsg->next) if (!(tmsg->status & M_DEAD) && (srec = tmsg->srec) && ((tmsg->flags | srec->aflags[S]) & ~srec->dflags[S] & F_DELETED) && !(srec->status & (S_EXPIRE|S_EXPIRED))) todel--; debug( "%d non-deleted excess messages\n", todel ); for (tmsg = ctx[S]->msgs; tmsg; tmsg = tmsg->next) { if (tmsg->status & M_DEAD) continue; if (!(srec = tmsg->srec) || srec->uid[M] <= 0) todel--; else { nflags = (tmsg->flags | srec->aflags[S]) & ~srec->dflags[S]; if (!(nflags & F_DELETED) || (srec->status & (S_EXPIRE|S_EXPIRED))) { if (nflags & F_FLAGGED) todel--; else if (!(tmsg->status & M_RECENT) && (todel > 0 || ((srec->status & (S_EXPIRE|S_EXPIRED)) == (S_EXPIRE|S_EXPIRED)) || ((srec->status & (S_EXPIRE|S_EXPIRED)) && (tmsg->flags & F_DELETED)))) { srec->status |= S_NEXPIRE; debug( " pair(%d,%d)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); todel--; } } } } debug( "%d excess messages remain\n", todel ); for (srec = recs; srec; srec = srec->next) { if ((srec->status & (S_DEAD|S_DONE)) || !srec->msg[S]) continue; nex = (srec->status / S_NEXPIRE) & 1; if (nex != ((srec->status / S_EXPIRED) & 1)) { if (nex != ((srec->status / S_EXPIRE) & 1)) { Fprintf( jfp, "~ %d %d %d\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], nex ); debug( " pair(%d,%d): %d (pre)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], nex ); srec->status = (srec->status & ~S_EXPIRE) | (nex * S_EXPIRE); } else debug( " pair(%d,%d): %d (pending)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], nex ); } } } debug( "synchronizing flags\n" ); for (srec = recs; srec != *osrecadd; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & (S_DEAD|S_DONE)) continue; for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { aflags = srec->aflags[t]; dflags = srec->dflags[t]; if (t && ((mvBit(srec->status, S_EXPIRE, S_EXPIRED) ^ srec->status) & S_EXPIRED)) { if (srec->status & S_NEXPIRE) aflags |= F_DELETED; else dflags |= F_DELETED; } if ((chan->ops[t] & OP_EXPUNGE) && (((srec->msg[t] ? srec->msg[t]->flags : 0) | aflags) & ~dflags & F_DELETED) && (!ctx[t]->conf->trash || ctx[t]->conf->trash_only_new)) { srec->aflags[t] &= F_DELETED; aflags &= F_DELETED; srec->dflags[t] = dflags = 0; } if (srec->msg[t] && (srec->msg[t]->status & M_FLAGS)) { aflags &= ~srec->msg[t]->flags; dflags &= srec->msg[t]->flags; } switch ((aflags | dflags) ? driver[t]->set_flags( ctx[t], srec->msg[t], srec->uid[t], aflags, dflags ) : DRV_OK) { case DRV_STORE_BAD: ret = SYNC_BAD(t); goto finish; case DRV_BOX_BAD: ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto finish; default: /* ok */ srec->aflags[t] = srec->dflags[t] = 0; break; case DRV_OK: if (aflags & F_DELETED) srec->status |= S_DEL(t); else if (dflags & F_DELETED) srec->status &= ~S_DEL(t); if (t) { nex = (srec->status / S_NEXPIRE) & 1; if (nex != ((srec->status / S_EXPIRED) & 1)) { if (nex && (smaxxuid < srec->uid[S])) smaxxuid = srec->uid[S]; Fprintf( jfp, "/ %d %d\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); debug( " pair(%d,%d): expired %d (commit)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], nex ); srec->status = (srec->status & ~S_EXPIRED) | (nex * S_EXPIRED); } else if (nex != ((srec->status / S_EXPIRE) & 1)) { Fprintf( jfp, "\\ %d %d\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); debug( " pair(%d,%d): expire %d (cancel)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], nex ); srec->status = (srec->status & ~S_EXPIRE) | (nex * S_EXPIRE); } } } } nflags = (srec->flags | srec->aflags[M] | srec->aflags[S]) & ~(srec->dflags[M] | srec->dflags[S]); if (srec->flags != nflags) { debug( " pair(%d,%d): updating flags (%u -> %u)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], srec->flags, nflags ); srec->flags = nflags; Fprintf( jfp, "* %d %d %u\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], nflags ); } } for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { ex[t] = 0; if (chan->ops[t] & OP_EXPUNGE) { info( "Expunging %s\n", str_ms[t] ); debug( "expunging %s\n", str_ms[t] ); for (tmsg = ctx[t]->msgs; tmsg; tmsg = tmsg->next) if (tmsg->flags & F_DELETED) { if (ctx[t]->conf->trash) { if (!ctx[t]->conf->trash_only_new || !tmsg->srec || tmsg->srec->uid[1-t] < 0) { debug( " trashing message %d\n", tmsg->uid ); switch (driver[t]->trash_msg( ctx[t], tmsg )) { case DRV_OK: break; case DRV_STORE_BAD: ret = SYNC_BAD(t); goto finish; default: ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto nexex; } } else debug( " not trashing message %d - not new\n", tmsg->uid ); } else if (ctx[1-t]->conf->trash && ctx[1-t]->conf->trash_remote_new) { if (!tmsg->srec || tmsg->srec->uid[1-t] < 0) { if (!ctx[1-t]->conf->max_size || tmsg->size <= ctx[1-t]->conf->max_size) { debug( " remote trashing message %d\n", tmsg->uid ); switch ((ret = copy_msg( ctx, 1 - t, tmsg, 0, 0 ))) { case SYNC_OK: break; case SYNC_NOGOOD: ret = SYNC_FAIL; goto nexex; case SYNC_FAIL: goto nexex; default: goto finish; } } else debug( " not remote trashing message %d - too big\n", tmsg->uid ); } else debug( " not remote trashing message %d - not new\n", tmsg->uid ); } } switch (driver[t]->close( ctx[t] )) { case DRV_OK: ex[t] = 1; break; case DRV_STORE_BAD: ret = SYNC_BAD(t); goto finish; default: break; } } nexex: ; } if (ex[M] || ex[S]) { /* This cleanup is not strictly necessary, as the next full sync would throw out the dead entries anyway. But ... */ minwuid = INT_MAX; if (smaxxuid) { debug( "preparing entry purge - max expired slave uid is %d\n", smaxxuid ); for (srec = recs; srec; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & S_DEAD) continue; if (!((srec->uid[S] <= 0 || ((srec->status & S_DEL(S)) && ex[S])) && (srec->uid[M] <= 0 || ((srec->status & S_DEL(M)) && ex[M]) || (srec->status & S_EXPIRED))) && smaxxuid < srec->uid[S] && minwuid > srec->uid[M]) minwuid = srec->uid[M]; } debug( " min non-orphaned master uid is %d\n", minwuid ); } for (srec = recs; srec; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & S_DEAD) continue; if (srec->uid[S] <= 0 || ((srec->status & S_DEL(S)) && ex[S])) { if (srec->uid[M] <= 0 || ((srec->status & S_DEL(M)) && ex[M]) || ((srec->status & S_EXPIRED) && maxuid[M] >= srec->uid[M] && minwuid > srec->uid[M])) { debug( " -> killing (%d,%d)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); srec->status = S_DEAD; Fprintf( jfp, "- %d %d\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); } else if (srec->uid[S] > 0) { debug( " -> orphaning (%d,[%d])\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); Fprintf( jfp, "> %d %d 0\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); srec->uid[S] = 0; } } else if (srec->uid[M] > 0 && ((srec->status & S_DEL(M)) && ex[M])) { debug( " -> orphaning ([%d],%d)\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); Fprintf( jfp, "< %d %d 0\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S] ); srec->uid[M] = 0; } } } Fprintf( nfp, "%d:%d %d:%d:%d\n", muidval, maxuid[M], suidval, smaxxuid, maxuid[S] ); for (srec = recs; srec; srec = srec->next) { if (srec->status & S_DEAD) continue; make_flags( srec->flags, fbuf ); Fprintf( nfp, "%d %d %s%s\n", srec->uid[M], srec->uid[S], srec->status & S_EXPIRED ? "X" : "", fbuf ); } Fclose( nfp ); Fclose( jfp ); if (!(DFlags & KEEPJOURNAL)) { /* order is important! */ rename( nname, dname ); unlink( jname ); } bail: for (srec = recs; srec; srec = nsrec) { nsrec = srec->next; free( srec ); } unlink( lname ); bail1: close( lfd ); bail2: free( lname ); free( nname ); free( jname ); free( dname ); return ret; finish: Fclose( nfp ); Fclose( jfp ); goto bail; }