# Global configuration section # Values here are used as defaults for any following Channel section that # doesn't specify them. Expunge None Create Both MaildirStore local Path ~/Mail/ Trash Trash IMAPStore work Host work.host.com User tehuser Pass xxxxxxxx # Fetch password from gnome-keyring: #PassCmd "gnome-keyring-query get mail_pw" # Fetch password from .netrc: #PassCmd "sed -n -e 's,^machine work\.host\.com login tehuser password \(.*\),\1,p' < $HOME/.netrc" # Fetch password from a gpg-encrypted file: #PassCmd "gpg --quiet --for-your-eyes-only --decrypt $HOME/imappassword.gpg" # Fetch password from pwmd (http://pwmd.sourceforge.net/): #PassCmd "echo -ne 'GET myIsp\tpassword' | pwmc datafile" # On Mac OS X, run "KeyChain Access" -- File->New Password Item. Fill out form using # "Keychain Item Name" http://IMAPSERVER (note: the "http://" is a hack) # "Account Name" USERNAME # "Password" PASSWORD #PassCmd "/usr/bin/security find-internet-password -w -a USERNAME -s IMAPSERVER ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain" CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt Channel work Master :work: Slave :local:work Expunge Slave Sync PullNew Push IMAPStore personal Host host.play.com Port 6789 RequireSSL no Channel personal Master :personal: Slave :local:personal Expunge Both MaxMessages 150 MaxSize 200k IMAPStore remote Tunnel "ssh -q host.remote.com /usr/sbin/imapd" Channel remote Master :remote: Slave :local:remote Group boxes Channels work personal remote IMAPStore st1 Host st1.domain.com RequireCRAM yes CertificateFile ~/.st1-certificate.crt IMAPStore st2 Host imap.another-domain.com Path non-standard/ RequireSSL no UseTLSv1 no Channel rst Master :st1:somebox Slave :st2: IMAPAccount server Host imaps:foo.bar.com CertificateFile ~/.server-certificate.crt IMAPStore server Account server MapInbox inbox Trash ~/trash TrashRemoteNew yes MaildirStore mirror Path ~/Maildir/ Channel o2o Master :server: Slave :mirror: Patterns % Group partial o2o:inbox,sent-mail,foobar # INBOX => server, INBOX.foo => server.foo, etc. Channel inbox Master :server:INBOX Slave :mirror:server Patterns *