# Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The binaries to build (just the basenames). BINS := etags # Where to push the docker image. REGISTRY ?= r-push.lerch.org # This version-strategy uses git tags to set the version string VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty) # # This version-strategy uses a manual value to set the version string #VERSION ?= 1.2.3 ### ### These variables should not need tweaking. ### DKR := $(shell if command -v docker > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "docker"; else echo "podman"; fi) # Rootless podman, "root" in the shell will be the uid of the user UID ?= $(shell if [ "$(DKR)" = "podman" ]; then echo 0; else id -u; fi) GID ?= $(shell if [ "$(DKR)" = "podman" ]; then echo 0; else id -g; fi) SRC_DIRS := cmd pkg # directories which hold app source (not vendored) # Windows not working atm #ALL_PLATFORMS := linux/amd64 linux/arm linux/arm64 linux/ppc64le linux/s390x # Unlikely I'll run on ppc or s390x anytime soon ALL_PLATFORMS := linux/amd64 linux/arm linux/arm64 # Used internally. Users should pass BUILDOS and/or BUILDARCH. # guess if go isn't installed on the host OS := $(if $(BUILDOS),$(BUILDOS),$(shell go env BUILDOS 2>/dev/null || uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')) HOSTARCH := $(shell uname -m) HOSTARCH := $(if $(findstring armv5,$(HOSTARCH)),armv5,$(HOSTARCH)) HOSTARCH := $(if $(findstring armv5,$(HOSTARCH)),armv5,$(HOSTARCH)) HOSTARCH := $(if $(findstring armv6,$(HOSTARCH)),armv6,$(HOSTARCH)) HOSTARCH := $(if $(findstring armv7,$(HOSTARCH)),armv7,$(HOSTARCH)) HOSTARCH := $(if $(subst aarch64,,$(HOSTARCH)),$(HOSTARCH),arm64) HOSTARCH := $(if $(subst x86,,$(HOSTARCH)),$(HOSTARCH),386) HOSTARCH := $(if $(subst x86_64,,$(HOSTARCH)),$(HOSTARCH),amd64) HOSTARCH := $(if $(subst i686,,$(HOSTARCH)),$(HOSTARCH),386) HOSTARCH := $(if $(subst i386,,$(HOSTARCH)),$(HOSTARCH),386) ARCH := $(if $(BUILDARCH),$(BUILDARCH),$(HOSTARCH)) TAG := $(VERSION)__$(OS)_$(ARCH) BUILD_IMAGE ?= python:3.8.7-alpine3.12 # For the following OS/ARCH expansions, we transform OS/ARCH into OS_ARCH # because make pattern rules don't match with embedded '/' characters. container-%: @$(MAKE) container \ --no-print-directory \ GOOS=$(firstword $(subst _, ,$*)) \ GOARCH=$(lastword $(subst _, ,$*))\ BUILDOS=$(firstword $(subst _, ,$*)) \ BUILDARCH=$(lastword $(subst _, ,$*)) push-%: @$(MAKE) push \ --no-print-directory \ BUILDOS=$(firstword $(subst _, ,$*)) \ BUILDARCH=$(lastword $(subst _, ,$*)) all-container: # @HELP builds containers for all platforms all-container: $(addprefix container-, $(subst /,_, $(ALL_PLATFORMS))) all-push: # @HELP pushes containers for all platforms to the defined registry all-push: $(addprefix push-, $(subst /,_, $(ALL_PLATFORMS))) CONTAINER_DOTFILES = $(foreach bin,$(BINS),.container-$(subst /,_,$(REGISTRY)/$(bin))-$(TAG)) container containers: # @HELP builds containers for one platform ($OS/$ARCH) container containers: $(CONTAINER_DOTFILES) @for bin in $(BINS); do \ echo "container: $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(TAG)"; \ done lambda-package: # @HELP creates a lambda package zipfile "lambda.zip" suitable for uploading lambda-package: lambda.zip # Python - mostly not compiled, and deps that are, are linux/amd64 SOURCES = $(foreach bin,$(BINS),$(bin).py) lambda.zip: requirements.txt $(SOURCES) @cid=$$($(DKR) create amazonlinux:2 /bin/sh -c ' \ amazon-linux-extras enable python3.8; \ yum install -y python38 zip; \ alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.8 1; \ alternatives --install /usr/bin/pip pip /usr/bin/pip3.8 1; \ cd /src && pip install --target ./package -r requirements.txt; \ rm lambda.zip 2>/dev/null; \ zip -r -9 lambda.zip ./package; \ zip -g lambda.zip *.py; \ '); \ $(DKR) cp . $$cid:/src/; \ $(DKR) start -a $$cid; \ $(DKR) cp $$cid:/src/lambda.zip .; \ $(DKR) rm $$cid # Each container-dotfile target can reference a $(BIN) variable. # This is done in 2 steps to enable target-specific variables. $(foreach bin,$(BINS),$(eval $(strip \ .container-$(subst /,_,$(REGISTRY)/$(bin))-$(TAG): BIN = $(bin) \ ))) $(foreach bin,$(BINS),$(eval \ .container-$(subst /,_,$(REGISTRY)/$(bin))-$(TAG): Dockerfile \ )) # This is the target definition for all container-dotfiles. # These are used to track build state in hidden files. $(CONTAINER_DOTFILES): @sed \ -e 's|{ARG_BIN}|$(BIN)|g' \ -e 's|{ARG_ARCH}|$(ARCH)|g' \ -e 's|{ARG_OS}|$(OS)|g' \ Dockerfile > .dockerfile-$(BIN)-$(OS)_$(ARCH) @export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled && \ if $(DKR) --version | grep -q podman; then \ [ "$(HOSTARCH)" != "$(ARCH)" ] && \ echo "Podman build on different arch is likely broken" && \ echo "See: https://github.com/containers/buildah/issues/1590"; \ $(DKR) build --platform $(OS)/$(ARCH) -t $(REGISTRY)/$(BIN):$(TAG) \ -f .dockerfile-$(BIN)-$(OS)_$(ARCH) .; \ else \ $(DKR) build --pull --no-cache \ -t $(REGISTRY)/$(BIN):$(TAG) -f .dockerfile-$(BIN)-$(OS)_$(ARCH) \ --platform $(OS)/$(ARCH) \ . ; \ fi @$(DKR) images -q $(REGISTRY)/$(BIN):$(TAG) > $@ @echo push: # @HELP pushes the container for one platform ($OS/$ARCH) to the defined registry push: $(CONTAINER_DOTFILES) @for bin in $(BINS); do \ $(DKR) push $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(TAG); \ done # TODO: podman and docker are pretty different wrt manifests and workflow here # docker is experimental CLI and requires pushed images (which then should probably # be untagged on the server), podman can push everything at once when the manifest # is cleaned manifest-list: # @HELP builds a manifest list of containers for all platforms manifest-list: all-container @export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled && \ if $(DKR) --version | grep -q podman; then \ for bin in $(BINS); do \ $(DKR) manifest create $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION); \ for platform in $(ALL_PLATFORMS); do \ $(DKR) manifest add --arch $$(echo $$platform | cut -d/ -f2) \ $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION) \ $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)__$$(echo $$platform | sed 's#/#_#g'); \ done; \ $(DKR) manifest push --all $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION) \ docker://$(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION); \ done; \ else \ for bin in $(BINS); do \ cmd="$(DKR) manifest create $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)"; \ for platform in $(ALL_PLATFORMS); do \ cmd="$$cmd $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)__$$(echo $$platform | sed 's#/#_#g')"; \ $(DKR) push $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)__$$(echo $$platform | sed 's#/#_#g'); \ done; \ eval "$$cmd"; \ for platform in $(ALL_PLATFORMS); do \ $(DKR) manifest annotate --arch $$(echo $$platform | cut -d/ -f2) \ $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION) \ $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)__$$(echo $$platform | sed 's#/#_#g'); \ done; \ $(DKR) manifest push $(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION); \ done; \ fi version: # @HELP outputs the version string version: @echo $(VERSION) test: # @HELP runs tests, as defined in ./build/test.sh (not yet implemented) test: $(BUILD_DIRS) @$(DKR) run \ -i \ --rm \ -u $(UID):$(GID) \ -v $$(pwd):/src \ -w /src \ --env HTTP_PROXY=$(HTTP_PROXY) \ --env HTTPS_PROXY=$(HTTPS_PROXY) \ $(BUILD_IMAGE) \ /bin/sh -c " \ ARCH=$(ARCH) \ OS=$(OS) \ VERSION=$(VERSION) \ ./build/test.sh $(SRC_DIRS) \ " $(BUILD_DIRS): @mkdir -p $@ clean: # @HELP removes built binaries and temporary files clean: container-clean bin-clean container-clean: @rm -rf .container-* .dockerfile-*; \ for bin in $(BINS); do \ if $(DKR) --version |grep -q podman; then \ $(DKR) image exists "$(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)" && \ $(DKR) image rm "$(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)"; \ else \ $(DKR) image rm "$(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)"; \ fi; \ for platform in $(ALL_PLATFORMS); do \ if $(DKR) --version |grep -q podman; then \ $(DKR) image exists \ "$(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)__$$(echo $$platform | sed 's#/#_#g')" && \ $(DKR) image rm \ "$(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)__$$(echo $$platform | sed 's#/#_#g')"; \ else \ $(DKR) image rm \ "$(REGISTRY)/$$bin:$(VERSION)__$$(echo $$platform | sed 's#/#_#g')"; \ fi; \ done; \ done; true bin-clean: rm -rf .go bin help: # @HELP prints this message help: @echo "NOTE: Use BUILDARCH/BUILDOS variables to override OS/ARCH" @echo @echo "VARIABLES:" @echo " BINS = $(BINS)" @echo " OS = $(OS)" @echo " ARCH = $(ARCH)" @echo " REGISTRY = $(REGISTRY)" @echo " HOSTARCH = $(HOSTARCH)" @echo @echo "TARGETS:" @grep -E '^.*: *# *@HELP' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) \ | awk ' \ BEGIN {FS = ": *# *@HELP"}; \ { printf " %-30s %s\n", $$1, $$2 }; \ '