package main import ( "bytes" "" "encoding/json" "encoding/gob" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "os" "" ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BatchWriteItem Structs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type batchWriteItemRequest struct { tables map[string]batchWriteItemTable // TODO: Support ReturnConsumedCapacity // TODO: Support ReturnItemCollectionMetrics } type batchWriteItemTable struct { tableName string requests []writeRequest } type writeRequest struct { deleteRequest []attributeInfo // Key putRequest []attributeInfo // Item } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BatchGetItem Structs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // {"RequestItems": {"etags": {"Keys": [{"PK": {"S": "my key"}}]}}} type batchGetItemRequest struct { tables map[string]batchGetItemTable // TODO: Support ReturnConsumedCapacity } type batchGetItemTable struct { tableName string // TODO: Support AttributesToGet // TODO: Support ConsistentRead // TODO: Support ExpressionAttributeNames keys [][]attributeInfo // TODO: Support ProjectionExpression } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Common structs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type attributeInfo struct { AttributeName string AttributeType string AttributeValue interface{} } type httpErrorStruct struct { msg string statusCode int } // newHttpError is used for when we need to return a specific error // back to the customer. Examples are the table not found, which returns // a 400 status code along with a JSON body to describe the table(s) that // were missing func newHttpError(msg string, statusCode int) error { return &httpErrorStruct { msg: msg, statusCode: statusCode, } } func (errorStruct *httpErrorStruct) Error() string { return errorStruct.msg } func (errorStruct *httpErrorStruct) StatusCode() int { return errorStruct.statusCode } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CreateTable Structs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type createTableRequest struct { TableName string KeySchema []keySchemaInfo AttributeDefinitions map[string]string } type keySchemaInfo struct { AttributeName string KeyType string } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Common functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // getCompositeKey creates a hash from the key information that can be used // to read/write from the bucket (DDB calls this a table). Keys in DDB // can be composed of multiple attributes, so we leverage the metadata captured // in a CreateTable call to lookup the KeySchema, find all the attributes, and // concatenate the hashes of each attribute value. There are limitations to // the implementation below. First, we're only currently supporting string // values. This is probably not that big of a deal to expand. Secondly, we // only support a single hash implementation, hardcoded to ShakeSum256. Third, // we only support HASH keys - if a range comes along, this will return an // error. Lastly, there's no coverage for the case where a client fails to // send in the whole key. In this case, a hash will be generated for only // part of the key, and likely no data will be found (read) or an orphan will // be created (write) func getCompositeKey(tableName string, db *bolt.DB, key []attributeInfo) ([]byte, error){ var rc []byte var metadata createTableRequest err := db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { b := tx.Bucket([]byte("_m")) if b == nil { log.Printf("Metadata bucket not found!\n") return errors.New("Metadata bucket '_m' not found") } v := b.Get([]byte(tableName)) if v == nil { msg := fmt.Sprintf("No metadata found for table '%s'\n") log.Printf(msg) return errors.New(msg) } buf := bytes.NewReader(v) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) err := dec.Decode(&metadata) if err != nil { log.Println(`failed gob Decode`, err); return err } return nil }) if err != nil { log.Println("Error getting metadata: %s", err) return rc, err } if len(metadata.KeySchema) == 0 { return rc, errors.New("Error getting metadata: key schema length 0") } rc = make([]byte, 512 / 8 * len(metadata.KeySchema)) for i, keypart := range metadata.KeySchema { if keypart.KeyType != "HASH" { return rc, errors.New("Unsupported key type " + keypart.KeyType + " for attribute " + keypart.AttributeName) } // TODO: Determine how we could support (if we want to support) other hash types // We're simply going to stitch together hashes of these attributes for _, attribute := range key { if attribute.AttributeName == keypart.AttributeName { var buf []byte switch attribute.AttributeType { case "S": buf = []byte(attribute.AttributeValue.(string)) default: return rc, errors.New("Unsupported attribute type " + attribute.AttributeType + " for attribute " + keypart.AttributeName) } h := make([]byte, 64) sha3.ShakeSum256(h, buf) copy(rc[(i * 64):], h) break; } } } return rc, err } // parseAttributes is useful for anything that is a set of objects of the form // { // "attribute1": { "S": "foo" }, // "attribute2": { "S": "bar" } // } // This pattern occurs all over the place in DDB. In the above example, // "attribute1" is the attribute name, "S" is the type, and "foo" is the value func parseAttributes(attributes map[string]interface{}) []attributeInfo { rc := make([]attributeInfo, len(attributes)) jnx := 0 for attributename, attributeValueInt := range attributes { // { PK: {"S": "url"}} var attributetype string var attributevalue interface{} for attributetype, attributevalue = range attributeValueInt.(map[string]interface{}) { // {"S": "url"} // Should only be one value - if it's more, do we care? } rc[jnx] = attributeInfo{ AttributeName: attributename, AttributeType: attributetype, AttributeValue: attributevalue, } jnx++ } return rc } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BatchGetItem implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // We don't use the built-in parse-to-struct mechanism as the REST API // structures aren't really aligned with what go needs here. We also don't // need quite the complexity that DDB is using, so we make a few shortcuts func parseBatchGetItem(event map[string]interface{}) (req batchGetItemRequest, err error) { defer func() { // recover from panic if one occured. Set err to nil otherwise. if paniced := recover(); paniced != nil { log.Printf("Parse error: %v", paniced) err = errors.New("Error parsing request for batchGetItemRequest") } }() req = batchGetItemRequest { tables: map[string]batchGetItemTable{}, } for table, requestInt := range event["RequestItems"].(map[string]interface{}) { request := requestInt.(map[string]interface{}) keys := request["Keys"].([]interface{}) req.tables[table] = batchGetItemTable{ tableName: table, keys: make([][]attributeInfo, len(keys)), } // TODO: Support AttributesToGet // TODO: Support ConsistentRead // TODO: Support ExpressionAttributeNames for inx, keyInt := range keys { // [{ "PK": {"S": "url"}}, {"PK": {"S": "url2"}}] attributes := keyInt.(map[string]interface{}) req.tables[table].keys[inx] = parseAttributes(attributes) } // TODO: Support ProjectionExpression } // TODO: Support ReturnConsumedCapacity return req, nil } // batchGetItem does the heavy lifting. We'll get parseBatchGetItem to parse // out the request, then loop through tables to get data. For each key // (collection of attributes), we'll get the compositeKey hash, then go to // bolt to find the data. If there is data in the DB, we use gob to decode it. // Gob will provide us with an []attributeInfo, so we need to coerce that // structure into what the response should look like, then json.Marshal that // to the correct string. From there, it's basically a bunch of error // handling and string concatenation. func batchGetItem(event map[string]interface{}, db *bolt.DB) (string, error) { req, err := parseBatchGetItem(event) if err != nil { log.Println("Error parsing") return "", err } consumedCapacity := "" response := "" prefix := "" for _, table := range req.tables { log.Printf("got request for table %s\n", table.tableName) keyResponses := "" keyPrefix := "" err = db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { b := tx.Bucket([]byte(table.tableName)) if b == nil { log.Printf("Table '%s' does not exist", table.tableName) msg := fmt.Sprintf("{\"__type\":\"com.amazonaws.dynamodb.v20120810#ResourceNotFoundException\",\"message\":\"Requested resource not found: Table: %s not found\"}", table.tableName) return newHttpError(msg, 400) } for _, key := range table.keys { compositeKey, err := getCompositeKey(table.tableName, db, key) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error getting composite key: %s", err) return err } v := b.Get(compositeKey) if v != nil { buf := bytes.NewReader(v) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) var attributes []attributeInfo err = dec.Decode(&attributes) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error decoding value for key: %x", compositeKey) return err } respObj := map[string]interface{}{} for _, attribute := range attributes { typedVal := map[string]interface{}{} typedVal[attribute.AttributeType] = attribute.AttributeValue respObj[attribute.AttributeName] = typedVal } respStr, err := json.Marshal(respObj) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error marshalling value to json for key: %x", compositeKey) return err } // This is only useful for debugging and we probably don't // want all our values showing up in logs // log.Printf("Got value '%s' for key '%s' with hash '%x'", respStr, key, compositeKey) // We're expecting the value to be a json doc, so this becomes simple keyResponses = fmt.Sprintf(`%s%s%s`, keyResponses, prefix, respStr) keyPrefix = "," }else{ log.Printf("No value found for key '%s' with hash '%x'", key, compositeKey) } } return nil }) if err != nil { return "", err } response = fmt.Sprintf(`%s%s"%s": [ %s ]`, response, prefix, table.tableName, keyResponses) consumedCapacity = fmt.Sprintf(`%s%s{"TableName": "%s", "CapacityUnits": 1 }`, consumedCapacity, prefix, table.tableName) prefix = "," } // TODO: I think this implementation is incomplete msg := fmt.Sprintf(` { "Responses": { %s }, "UnprocessedKeys": {}, "ConsumedCapacity": [ %s ] } `, response, consumedCapacity) return msg, nil } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CreateTable implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// func parseCreateTable(event map[string]interface{}) (req createTableRequest, err error) { // {"TableName": "etags", "AttributeDefinitions": [{"AttributeName": "PK", "AttributeType": "S"}], "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "PK", "KeyType": "HASH"}]} defer func() { // recover from panic if one occured. Set err to nil otherwise. if paniced := recover(); paniced != nil { log.Printf("Parse error: %v", paniced) err = errors.New("Error parsing request for batchGetItemRequest") } }() req = createTableRequest {} // TODO: Support everything else req.TableName = event["TableName"].(string) keySchema := event["KeySchema"].([]interface{}) req.KeySchema = make([]keySchemaInfo, len(keySchema)) req.AttributeDefinitions = map[string]string{} for _, definitionInfo := range event["AttributeDefinitions"].([]interface{}) { definition := definitionInfo.(map[string]interface{}) req.AttributeDefinitions[definition["AttributeName"].(string)] = definition["AttributeType"].(string) } for inx, definitionInfo := range keySchema { definition := definitionInfo.(map[string]interface{}) req.KeySchema[inx] = keySchemaInfo { AttributeName: definition["AttributeName"].(string), KeyType: definition["KeyType"].(string), } } return req, nil } // We need a metadata bucket to hold key information from this request, as // DDB supports composite keys (keys with > 1 attribute). Note that multiple // attribute keys have not been tested. The metadata bucket will be created // if it doesn't already exist func createTableMetadata(req createTableRequest, db *bolt.DB) error { return db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { var err error b := tx.Bucket([]byte("_m")) if b == nil { log.Printf("Metadata bucket doesn't exist - creating") b, err = tx.CreateBucket([]byte("_m")) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error creating metadata bucket: %s", req.TableName, err.Error()) return err } } // Insert data into metadata bucket buf := bytes.Buffer{} enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buf) err = enc.Encode(req) if err != nil { log.Println(`failed gob Encode`, err); return err } err = b.Put([]byte(req.TableName), buf.Bytes()) return err }) } // createTable. This is fairly straightforward, with a bolt bucket = DDB table func createTable(event map[string]interface{}, db *bolt.DB) (string, error) { req, err := parseCreateTable(event) if err != nil { log.Println("Error parsing") return "", err } if err = createTableMetadata(req, db); err != nil { log.Printf("Error creating metadata for bucket '%s'\n", err.Error()) return "", err } // Use the transaction... // we only care about table name, and table = bucket in bolt // Start a writable transaction. tx, err := db.Begin(true) if err != nil { return "", err } defer tx.Rollback() _, err = tx.CreateBucket([]byte(req.TableName)) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error creating bucket '%s': %s", req.TableName, err.Error()) return "", err } // Commit the transaction and check for error. if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil { return "", err } msg := fmt.Sprintf(`{ "AttributeDefinitions": [], "TableName": "%s", "KeySchema": [], "LocalSecondaryIndexes": [] "ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": 5000, "WriteCapacityUnits": 5000 }, "Tags": [] } `, req.TableName) return msg, nil } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BatchWriteItem implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// func parseBatchWriteItem(event map[string]interface{}) (req batchWriteItemRequest, err error) { defer func() { // recover from panic if one occured. Set err to nil otherwise. if paniced := recover(); paniced != nil { log.Printf("Parse error: %v", paniced) err = errors.New("Error parsing request for batchWriteItemRequest") } }() req = batchWriteItemRequest { tables: map[string]batchWriteItemTable{}, } for table, tableInt := range event["RequestItems"].(map[string]interface{}) { requests := tableInt.([]interface{}) req.tables[table] = batchWriteItemTable{ tableName: table, requests: make([]writeRequest, len(requests)), } log.Println("parsing writeitem request for table: " + table) for inx, requestInt := range requests { // [{{ "DeleteRequest": {...}, {"PutRequest": {...}}}] request := requestInt.(map[string]interface{}) putRequest, putok := request["PutRequest"] deleteRequest, delok := request["DeleteRequest"] if putok { req.tables[table].requests[inx].putRequest = parseAttributes(putRequest.(map[string]interface{})["Item"].(map[string]interface{})) } if delok { req.tables[table].requests[inx].deleteRequest = parseAttributes(deleteRequest.(map[string]interface{})["Key"].(map[string]interface{})) } } // TODO: Support ProjectionExpression } // TODO: Support ReturnConsumedCapacity return req, nil } // {"RequestItems": {"etags": [{"PutRequest": {"Item": {"PK": {"S": "foo"}, "etag": {"S": "bar"}}}}]}} // batchWriteItem gets the parsed event, loops through each table and processes // any requests that might exist. This DOES NOT CURRENTLY DO DELETES, although // that should be a trivial implementation. The key is the compositekey hash, // and the value is the gob-encoded []attributeInfo for the passed in data func batchWriteItem(event map[string]interface{}, db *bolt.DB) (string, error) { req, err := parseBatchWriteItem(event) if err != nil { log.Println("Could not parse BatchWriteItem: " + err.Error()) return "", err } for tablename, table := range req.tables { log.Println("Processing request for table " + tablename) for _, request := range table.requests { if request.putRequest != nil && len(request.putRequest) > 0 { key, err := getCompositeKey(tablename, db, request.putRequest) if err != nil { log.Println("Error getting composite key: " + err.Error()) return "", err } log.Printf("Put request for hashkey %x", key) err = db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { var err error b := tx.Bucket([]byte(tablename)) if b == nil { log.Printf("Table '%s' does not exist", table.tableName) msg := fmt.Sprintf("{\"__type\":\"com.amazonaws.dynamodb.v20120810#ResourceNotFoundException\",\"message\":\"Requested resource not found: Table: %s not found\"}", table.tableName) return newHttpError(msg, 400) } // Insert data into bucket buf := bytes.Buffer{} enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buf) err = enc.Encode(request.putRequest) if err != nil { log.Println(`failed gob Encode`, err); return err } err = b.Put([]byte(key), buf.Bytes()) return err }) if err != nil { log.Println("Error updating database: " + err.Error()) return "", err } log.Printf("Put update succeeded for key %x", key) } if request.deleteRequest != nil && len(request.deleteRequest) > 0 { return "", errors.New("Delete requests not yet supported") } } } msg := fmt.Sprintf(` { "ConsumedCapacity": [], "ItemCollectionMetrics": {}, "UnprocessedItems": {} }`) return msg, nil } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Web goo ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // postCommand handles routing requests to the appropriate function based // on the command (X-Amz-Target http header) func postCommand(command string, rawEvent []byte, db *bolt.DB) (string, error) { // Probably better as map[string, func] var event map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(rawEvent, &event); err !=nil { return "", err } switch command { case "DynamoDB_20120810.BatchGetItem": return batchGetItem(event, db) case "DynamoDB_20120810.CreateTable": return createTable(event, db) case "DynamoDB_20120810.BatchWriteItem": return batchWriteItem(event, db) default: return "", errors.New("unrecognized command: " + command) } return "", errors.New("unreachable") } // main - setup http listener and marshall all posts to postCommand for // processing. Will also open up/create our bolt db func main() { port := os.Getenv("PORT") if port == "" { port = ":8080" } else { port = ":" + port } filename := os.Getenv("FILE") if filename == "" { filename = "ddb.db" } db, err := bolt.Open(filename, 0600, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer db.Close() fmt.Printf("listening on port %s\n", port) http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { switch r.Method { case "POST": body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) if err != nil { http.Error(w, "Could not read body", 400) return } target := r.Header.Get("X-Amz-Target") log.Println(target) // Dump headers (if needed) // for k, v := range r.Header { // log.Println(k) // log.Println(v) // } if os.Getenv("DEBUG") == "true" { // This could include sensitive data log.Println(string(body[:])) } var resp = "" if resp, err = postCommand(target, body, db); err != nil { switch err.(type) { case *httpErrorStruct: httpError := err.(*httpErrorStruct) w.WriteHeader(httpError.StatusCode()) if _, err = w.Write([]byte(httpError.Error())); err != nil { http.Error(w, "Could not write response", 400) return } default: http.Error(w, "Bad request", 400) } return } if _, err = w.Write([]byte(resp)); err != nil { http.Error(w, "Could not write response", 400) } default: fmt.Printf("invalid request, method %s\n", r.Method) http.Error(w, "Not found", 404) return } }) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(port, nil)) }