const std = @import("std"); pub const key_size = 256 / 8; const test_key = [_]u8{ 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, }; /// Get key from password. The symmetric key will be derived using PBKDF2 /// Salt can be anything, including empty if a salt is not to be used. /// Function execution is slow by design. Memory allocated for key will be /// owned by the caller. pub fn keyFromPassword(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, password: []const u8, salt: []const u8) !*[key_size]u8 { var key = try allocator.alloc(u8, key_size); const rounds = 4096; try std.crypto.pwhash.pbkdf2(key, password, salt, rounds, std.crypto.auth.hmac.HmacSha1); return key[0..key_size]; } /// Symmetric encryption with a key. Key size is defined as a public constant. /// Key can be provided directly or through the use of the keyFromPassword /// function. /// /// Encryption currently AES 256, though this should be considered an implementation /// detail. Padding performed with PKCS#7. /// /// Example: /// /// const str = "0123456789ABCDEFG"; /// var buf: [str.len]u8 = undefined; /// var data = std.mem.copy(u8, buf, str); /// var key = try keyFromPassword(allocator, "foo", ""); // reuse key - this is slow /// defer; /// const encrypted = try encryptWithKey(allocator, key.*, data); /// pub fn encryptWithKey(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, key: [key_size]u8, data: []u8) ![]const u8 { const block_size = 16; var in: *[block_size]u8 = undefined; var out: [block_size]u8 = undefined; var ctx = std.crypto.core.aes.Aes256.initEnc(key); const total_blocks = data.len / block_size; var current_block: usize = 0; var encrypted = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, block_size * (total_blocks + 1)); defer encrypted.deinit(); while (current_block < total_blocks) { in = @ptrCast(*[block_size]u8, data[(current_block * block_size)..(((current_block + 1) * block_size) - 1)]); ctx.encrypt(out[0..], in.*[0..]); encrypted.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(out[0..]); current_block += 1; } // deal with final block, PKCS#7 padding { const padding: u8 = @intCast(u8, block_size - (data.len % block_size)); var inx: u8 = 0; for (data[(total_blocks * block_size)..]) |b| { in[inx] = b; inx += 1; } while (inx < out.len) { in[inx] = padding; inx += 1; } ctx.encrypt(out[0..], in[0..]); encrypted.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(out[0..]); } return encrypted.toOwnedSlice(); } /// Symmetric decryption with a key. Key size is defined as a public constant. /// Key can be provided directly or through the use of the keyFromPassword /// function. /// /// Decryption currently AES 256, though this should be considered an implementation /// detail. Padding assumed to be PKCS#7. /// /// Example: /// /// const str = "0123456789ABCDEFG"; /// var buf: [str.len]u8 = undefined; /// var data = std.mem.copy(u8, buf, str); /// var key = try keyFromPassword(allocator, "foo", ""); // reuse key - this is slow /// defer; /// const encrypted = try encryptWithKey(allocator, key.*, data); /// pub fn decryptWithKey(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, key: [key_size]u8, data: []const u8) ![]const u8 { const block_size = 16; var in: *const [block_size]u8 = undefined; var out: [block_size]u8 = undefined; var ctx = std.crypto.core.aes.Aes256.initDec(key); const total_blocks = data.len / block_size; var current_block: usize = 0; var decrypted = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, block_size * (total_blocks - 1)); defer decrypted.deinit(); while (current_block < total_blocks - 1) { in = @ptrCast(*const [block_size]u8, data[(current_block * block_size)..(((current_block + 1) * block_size) - 1)]); ctx.decrypt(out[0..], in.*[0..]); decrypted.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(out[0..]); current_block += 1; } // deal with final block, PKCS#7 padding in = @ptrCast(*const [block_size]u8, data[(current_block * block_size)..(((current_block + 1) * block_size) - 1)]); ctx.decrypt(out[0..], in.*[0..]); std.debug.assert(out[block_size - 1] <= block_size); try decrypted.appendSlice(out[0 .. block_size - out[block_size - 1]]); return decrypted.toOwnedSlice(); } test "Appendix C.3" { var in = [_]u8{ 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff }; // const exp_out = [_]u8{ 0x8e, 0xa2, 0xb7, 0xca, 0x51, 0x67, 0x45, 0xbf, 0xea, 0xfc, 0x49, 0x90, 0x4b, 0x49, 0x60, 0x89 }; var allocator = std.testing.allocator; const encrypted = try encryptWithKey(allocator, test_key, in[0..]); defer; const size: usize = 32; try std.testing.expectEqual(size, encrypted.len); } test "correct size, even block" { const str = "0123456789ABCDEF"; var allocator = std.testing.allocator; var buf: [str.len]u8 = undefined; var data = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, str, .{}); const encrypted = try encryptWithKey(allocator, test_key, data); defer; const size: usize = 32; try std.testing.expectEqual(size, encrypted.len); } test "round trip, even block" { const str = "0123456789ABCDEF"; var allocator = std.testing.allocator; var buf: [str.len]u8 = undefined; var data = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, str, .{}); const encrypted = try encryptWithKey(allocator, test_key, data); defer; const decrypted = try decryptWithKey(allocator, test_key, encrypted); defer; try std.testing.expectEqual(str.len, decrypted.len); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(str, decrypted); } test "round trip, uneven block" { const str = "0123456789ABCDEFG"; var allocator = std.testing.allocator; var buf: [str.len]u8 = undefined; var data = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, str, .{}); const encrypted = try encryptWithKey(allocator, test_key, data); defer; const decrypted = try decryptWithKey(allocator, test_key, encrypted); defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(str, decrypted); } test "round trip, uneven block, using password" { const str = "0123456789ABCDEFG"; var allocator = std.testing.allocator; var buf: [str.len]u8 = undefined; var data = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, str, .{}); var key = try keyFromPassword(allocator, "foo", ""); defer; const encrypted = try encryptWithKey(allocator, key.*, data); defer; const decrypted = try decryptWithKey(allocator, key.*, encrypted); defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(str, decrypted); }