# decompyle3 version 3.9.0 # Python bytecode version base 3.7.0 (3394) # Decompiled from: Python 3.7.16 (default, Mar 30 2023, 01:25:49) # [GCC 12.2.1 20220924] # Embedded file name: pylink/jlink.py from . import binpacker from . import decorators from . import enums from . import errors from . import jlock from . import library from . import structs from . import unlockers from . import util import ctypes, datetime, functools, itertools, logging, math, operator, sys, time, six logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class JLink(object): __doc__ = 'Python interface for the SEGGER J-Link.\n\n This is a wrapper around the J-Link C SDK to provide a Python interface\n to it. The shared library is loaded and used to call the SDK methods.\n ' MAX_BUF_SIZE = 336 MAX_NUM_CPU_REGISTERS = 256 MAX_JTAG_SPEED = 12000 MIN_JTAG_SPEED = 5 INVALID_JTAG_SPEED = 65534 AUTO_JTAG_SPEED = 0 ADAPTIVE_JTAG_SPEED = 65535 MAX_NUM_MOES = 8 def minimum_required(version): """Decorator to specify the minimum SDK version required. Args: version (str): valid version string Returns: A decorator function. """ def _minimum_required(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if list(self.version) < list(version): raise errors.JLinkException('Version %s required.' % version) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return _minimum_required def open_required(func): """Decorator to specify that the J-Link DLL must be opened, and a J-Link connection must be established. Args: func (function): function being decorated Returns: The wrapper function. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.opened(): raise errors.JLinkException('J-Link DLL is not open.') else: if not self.connected(): raise errors.JLinkException('J-Link connection has been lost.') return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def connection_required(func): """Decorator to specify that a target connection is required in order for the given method to be used. Args: func (function): function being decorated Returns: The wrapper function. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.target_connected(): raise errors.JLinkException('Target is not connected.') return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def interface_required(interface): """Decorator to specify that a particular interface type is required for the given method to be used. Args: interface (int): attribute of ``JLinkInterfaces`` Returns: A decorator function. """ def _interface_required(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.tif != interface: raise errors.JLinkException('Unsupported for current interface.') return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return _interface_required def __init__(self, lib=None, log=None, detailed_log=None, error=None, warn=None, unsecure_hook=None, serial_no=None, ip_addr=None, open_tunnel=False): """Initializes the J-Link interface object. Note: By default, the unsecure dialog will reject unsecuring the device on connection. If you wish to change this behaviour (to have the device be unsecured and erased), pass a callback that returns ``JLinkFlags.DLG_BUTTON_YES`` as its return value. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance lib (Library): a valid ``Library`` instance (not ``None`` dll) log (function): function to be called to write out log messages, by default this writes to standard out detailed_log (function): function to be called to write out detailed log messages, by default this writes to standard out error (function): function to be called to write out error messages, default this writes to standard error warn (function): function to be called to write out warning messages, default this his writes to standard error unsecure_hook (function): function to be called for the unsecure dialog serial_no (int): serial number of the J-Link ip_addr (str): IP address and port of the J-Link (e.g. open_tunnel (bool, None): If ``False`` (default), the ``open`` method will be called when entering the context manager using the ``serial_no`` and ``ip_addr`` provided here. If ``True`` ``open_tunnel`` method will be called instead of ``open`` method. If ``None``, the driver will not be opened automatically (however, it is still closed when exiting the context manager). Returns: ``None`` Raises: TypeError: if lib's DLL is ``None`` """ self._initialized = False if lib is None: lib = library.Library() if lib.dll() is None: raise TypeError('Expected to be given a valid DLL.') self._library = lib self._dll = lib.dll() self._tif = enums.JLinkInterfaces.JTAG self._unsecure_hook = unsecure_hook or util.unsecure_hook_dialog self._log_handler = None self._warning_handler = None self._error_handler = None self._detailed_log_handler = None self._swo_enabled = False self._lock = None self._device = None self._open_refcount = 0 self._dll.JLINKARM_OpenEx.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char) self._dll.JLINKARM_GetCompileDateTime.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char) self._dll.JLINKARM_GetRegisterName.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char) self.error_handler = lambda s: error or logger.error(s.decode()) self.warning_handler = lambda s: warn or logger.warning(s.decode()) self.log_handler = lambda s: log or logger.info(s.decode()) self.detailed_log_handler = lambda s: detailed_log or logger.debug(s.decode()) self._JLink__serial_no = serial_no self._JLink__ip_addr = ip_addr self._JLink__open_tunnel = open_tunnel self._initialized = True def __del__(self): """Destructor for the ``JLink`` instance. Closes the J-Link connection if one exists. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._finalize() def __enter__(self): """Connects to the J-Link emulator (defaults to USB) using context manager. Parameters passed to __init__ are used for open() function. Returns: the ``JLink`` instance Raises: JLinkException: if fails to open (i.e. if device is unplugged) TypeError: if ``serial_no`` is present, but not ``int`` coercible. AttributeError: if ``serial_no`` and ``ip_addr`` are both ``None``. """ if self._JLink__open_tunnel is False: self.open(serial_no=(self._JLink__serial_no), ip_addr=(self._JLink__ip_addr)) else: if self._JLink__open_tunnel is True: self.open_tunnel(serial_no=(self._JLink__serial_no)) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Closes the JLink connection on exit of the context manager. Stops the SWO if enabled and closes the J-Link connection if one exists. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance exc_type (BaseExceptionType, None): the exception class, if any raised inside the context manager exc_val (BaseException, None): the exception object, if any raised inside the context manager exc_tb (TracebackType, None): the exception traceback, if any exception was raised inside the context manager. Returns: ``True`` if exception raised inside the context manager was handled and shall be suppressed (not propagated), ``None`` otherwise. """ self._finalize() def _finalize(self): """Finalizer ("destructor") for the ``JLink`` instance. Stops the SWO if enabled and closes the J-Link connection if one exists. Called when exiting the context manager or when this object is destructed (garbage collected). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ if self._initialized: if self.connected(): if self.swo_enabled(): self.swo_stop() if self.opened(): self.close() def _get_register_index_from_name(self, register): """ Converts a register name to a register index Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance register (str): the register name Returns: ``int`` """ regs = list((self.register_name(idx) for idx in self.register_list())) if isinstance(register, six.string_types): try: result = regs.index(register) except ValueError: error_message = 'No register found matching name: {}. (available registers: {})' raise errors.JLinkException(error_message.format(register, ', '.join(regs))) return result def opened(self): """Returns whether the DLL is open. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if the J-Link is open, otherwise ``False``. """ return bool(self._dll.JLINKARM_IsOpen()) def connected(self): """Returns whether a J-Link is connected. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if the J-Link is open and connected, otherwise ``False``. """ return self.opened() and bool(self._dll.JLINKARM_EMU_IsConnected()) def target_connected(self): """Returns whether a target is connected to the J-Link. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if a target is connected, otherwise ``False``. """ return self.connected() and bool(self._dll.JLINKARM_IsConnected()) @property def log_handler(self): """Returns the log handler function. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` if the log handler was not set, otherwise a ``ctypes.CFUNCTYPE``. """ return self._log_handler @log_handler.setter def log_handler(self, handler): """Setter for the log handler function. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ if not self.opened(): handler = handler or util.noop self._log_handler = enums.JLinkFunctions.LOG_PROTOTYPE(handler) self._dll.JLINKARM_EnableLog(self._log_handler) @property def detailed_log_handler(self): """Returns the detailed log handler function. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` if the detailed log handler was not set, otherwise a ``ctypes.CFUNCTYPE``. """ return self._detailed_log_handler @detailed_log_handler.setter def detailed_log_handler(self, handler): """Setter for the detailed log handler function. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ if not self.opened(): handler = handler or util.noop self._detailed_log_handler = enums.JLinkFunctions.LOG_PROTOTYPE(handler) self._dll.JLINKARM_EnableLogCom(self._detailed_log_handler) @property def error_handler(self): """Returns the error handler function. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` if the error handler was not set, otherwise a ``ctypes.CFUNCTYPE``. """ return self._error_handler @error_handler.setter def error_handler(self, handler): """Setter for the error handler function. If the DLL is open, this function is a no-op, so it should be called prior to calling ``open()``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance handler (function): function to call on error messages Returns: ``None`` """ if not self.opened(): handler = handler or util.noop self._error_handler = enums.JLinkFunctions.LOG_PROTOTYPE(handler) self._dll.JLINKARM_SetErrorOutHandler(self._error_handler) @property def warning_handler(self): """Returns the warning handler function. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` if the warning handler was not set, otherwise a ``ctypes.CFUNCTYPE``. """ return self._warning_handler @warning_handler.setter def warning_handler(self, handler): """Setter for the warning handler function. If the DLL is open, this function is a no-op, so it should be called prior to calling ``open()``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance handler (function): function to call on warning messages Returns: ``None`` """ if not self.opened(): handler = handler or util.noop self._warning_handler = enums.JLinkFunctions.LOG_PROTOTYPE(handler) self._dll.JLINKARM_SetWarnOutHandler(self._warning_handler) def num_connected_emulators(self): """Returns the number of emulators which are connected via USB to the host. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The number of connected emulators. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_EMU_GetNumDevices() def connected_emulators(self, host=enums.JLinkHost.USB): """Returns a list of all the connected emulators. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance host (int): host type to search (default: ``JLinkHost.USB``) Returns: List of ``JLinkConnectInfo`` specifying the connected emulators. Raises: JLinkException: if fails to enumerate devices. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_EMU_GetList(host, 0, 0) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) num_devices = res info = (structs.JLinkConnectInfo * num_devices)() num_found = self._dll.JLINKARM_EMU_GetList(host, info, num_devices) if num_found < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(num_found) return list(info)[:num_found] def num_supported_devices(self): """Returns the number of devices that are supported by the opened J-Link DLL. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Number of devices the J-Link DLL supports. """ return int(self._dll.JLINKARM_DEVICE_GetInfo(-1, 0)) def supported_device(self, index=0): """Gets the device at the given ``index``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance index (int): the index of the device whose information to get Returns: A ``JLinkDeviceInfo`` describing the requested device. Raises: ValueError: if index is less than 0 or >= supported device count. """ if not util.is_natural(index) or index >= self.num_supported_devices(): raise ValueError('Invalid index.') info = structs.JLinkDeviceInfo() result = self._dll.JLINKARM_DEVICE_GetInfo(index, ctypes.byref(info)) return info def open(self, serial_no=None, ip_addr=None): """Connects to the J-Link emulator (defaults to USB). If ``serial_no`` and ``ip_addr`` are both given, this function will connect to the J-Link over TCP/IP. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance serial_no (int): serial number of the J-Link ip_addr (str): IP address and port of the J-Link (e.g. Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: if fails to open (i.e. if device is unplugged) TypeError: if ``serial_no`` is present, but not ``int`` coercible. AttributeError: if ``serial_no`` and ``ip_addr`` are both ``None``. """ if self._open_refcount > 0: self._open_refcount += 1 return self.close() if ip_addr is not None: addr, port = ip_addr.rsplit(':', 1) if serial_no is None: result = self._dll.JLINKARM_SelectIP(addr.encode(), int(port)) if result == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Could not connect to emulator at %s.' % ip_addr) else: self._dll.JLINKARM_EMU_SelectIPBySN(int(serial_no)) else: if serial_no is not None: result = self._dll.JLINKARM_EMU_SelectByUSBSN(int(serial_no)) if result < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('No emulator with serial number %s found.' % serial_no) else: result = self._dll.JLINKARM_SelectUSB(0) if result != 0: raise errors.JlinkException('Could not connect to default emulator.') if serial_no is not None: self._lock = jlock.JLock(serial_no) if not self._lock.acquire(): raise errors.JLinkException('J-Link is already open.') result = self._dll.JLINKARM_OpenEx(self.log_handler, self.error_handler) result = ctypes.cast(result, ctypes.c_char_p).value if result is not None: raise errors.JLinkException(result.decode()) unsecure_hook = self._unsecure_hook if unsecure_hook is not None: if hasattr(self._dll, 'JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog'): func = enums.JLinkFunctions.UNSECURE_HOOK_PROTOTYPE(unsecure_hook) self._dll.JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(func) self._open_refcount = 1 def open_tunnel(self, serial_no, port=19020): """Connects to the J-Link emulator (over SEGGER tunnel). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance serial_no (int): serial number of the J-Link port (int): optional port number (default to 19020). Returns: ``None`` """ return self.open(ip_addr=('tunnel:' + str(serial_no) + ':' + str(port))) def close(self): """Closes the open J-Link. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: if there is no connected JLink. """ if self._open_refcount == 0: return self._open_refcount -= 1 if self._open_refcount > 0: return self._dll.JLINKARM_Close() if self._lock is not None: del self._lock self._lock = None def test(self): """Performs a self test. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if test passed, otherwise ``False``. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_Test() return res == 0 @open_required def invalidate_firmware(self): """Invalidates the emulator's firmware. This method is useful for downgrading the firmware on an emulator. By calling this method, the current emulator's firmware is invalidated, which will make the emulator download the firmware of the J-Link SDK DLL that this instance was created with. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on hardware error. """ self.exec_command('InvalidateFW') @open_required def update_firmware(self): """Performs a firmware update. If there is a newer version of firmware available for the J-Link device, then updates the firmware. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Checksum of the new firmware on update, ``0`` if the firmware was not changed. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_UpdateFirmwareIfNewer() @open_required def sync_firmware(self): """Syncs the emulator's firmware version and the DLL's firmware. This method is useful for ensuring that the firmware running on the J-Link matches the firmware supported by the DLL. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ serial_no = self.serial_number if self.firmware_newer(): try: self.invalidate_firmware() self.update_firmware() except errors.JLinkException as e: try: pass finally: e = None del e res = self.open(serial_no=serial_no) if self.firmware_newer(): raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to sync firmware version.') return res if self.firmware_outdated(): try: self.update_firmware() except errors.JLinkException as e: try: pass finally: e = None del e if self.firmware_outdated(): raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to sync firmware version.') return self.open(serial_no=serial_no) def exec_command(self, cmd): """Executes the given command. This method executes a command by calling the DLL's exec method. Direct API methods should be prioritized over calling this method. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance cmd (str): the command to run Returns: The return code of running the command. Raises: JLinkException: if the command is invalid or fails. See Also: For a full list of the supported commands, please see the SEGGER J-Link documentation, `UM08001 `__. """ err_buf = (ctypes.c_char * self.MAX_BUF_SIZE)() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_ExecCommand(cmd.encode(), err_buf, self.MAX_BUF_SIZE) err_buf = ctypes.string_at(err_buf).decode() if len(err_buf) > 0: raise errors.JLinkException(err_buf.strip()) return res @minimum_required('5.02') def enable_dialog_boxes(self): """Enables showing dialog boxes on certain methods. Note: Dialog boxes only appear on Windows platforms. Note: This can be used for batch or automized test running. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self.exec_command('SetBatchMode = 0') @minimum_required('5.02') def disable_dialog_boxes(self): """Disables showing dialog boxes on certain methods. Note: Dialog boxes only appear on Windows platforms. Warning: This has the effect of also silencing dialog boxes that appear when updating firmware / to confirm updating firmware. Dialog boxes will be shown for a brief period of time (approximately five seconds), before being automatically hidden, and the default option chosen. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self.exec_command('SilentUpdateFW') self.exec_command('SuppressInfoUpdateFW') self.exec_command('SetBatchMode = 1') @open_required def jtag_configure(self, instr_regs=0, data_bits=0): """Configures the JTAG scan chain to determine which CPU to address. Must be called if the J-Link is connected to a JTAG scan chain with multiple devices. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance instr_regs (int): length of instruction registers of all devices closer to TD1 then the addressed CPU data_bits (int): total number of data bits closer to TD1 than the addressed CPU Returns: ``None`` Raises: ValueError: if ``instr_regs`` or ``data_bits`` are not natural numbers """ if not util.is_natural(instr_regs): raise ValueError('IR value is not a natural number.') if not util.is_natural(data_bits): raise ValueError('Data bits is not a natural number.') self._dll.JLINKARM_ConfigJTAG(instr_regs, data_bits) @open_required @minimum_required('4.98e') def coresight_configure(self, ir_pre=0, dr_pre=0, ir_post=0, dr_post=0, ir_len=0, perform_tif_init=True): """Prepares target and J-Link for CoreSight function usage. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance ir_pre (int): sum of instruction register length of all JTAG devices in the JTAG chain, close to TDO than the actual one, that J-Link shall communicate with dr_pre (int): number of JTAG devices in the JTAG chain, closer to TDO than the actual one, that J-Link shall communicate with ir_post (int): sum of instruction register length of all JTAG devices in the JTAG chain, following the actual one, that J-Link shall communicate with dr_post (int): Number of JTAG devices in the JTAG chain, following the actual one, J-Link shall communicate with ir_len (int): instruction register length of the actual device that J-Link shall communicate with perform_tif_init (bool): if ``False``, then do not output switching sequence on completion Returns: ``None`` Note: This must be called before calling ``coresight_read()`` or ``coresight_write()``. """ if self.tif == enums.JLinkInterfaces.SWD: res = self._dll.JLINKARM_CORESIGHT_Configure('') if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return config_string = 'IRPre=%s;DRPre=%s;IRPost=%s;DRPost=%s;IRLenDevice=%s;' config_string = config_string % (ir_pre, dr_pre, ir_post, dr_post, ir_len) if not perform_tif_init: config_string = config_string + 'PerformTIFInit=0;' res = self._dll.JLINKARM_CORESIGHT_Configure(config_string.encode()) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) @open_required def connect(self, chip_name, speed='auto', verbose=False): """Connects the J-Link to its target. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance chip_name (str): target chip name speed (int): connection speed, one of ``{5-12000, 'auto', 'adaptive'}`` verbose (bool): boolean indicating if connection should be verbose in logging Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: if connection fails to establish. TypeError: if given speed is invalid """ if verbose: self.exec_command('EnableRemarks = 1') self.exec_command('Device = %s' % chip_name) if speed == 'auto': self.set_speed(auto=True) else: if speed == 'adaptive': self.set_speed(adaptive=True) else: self.set_speed(speed) result = self._dll.JLINKARM_Connect() if result < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(result) try: self.halted() except errors.JLinkException: pass for index in range(self.num_supported_devices()): device = self.supported_device(index) if device.name.lower() == chip_name.lower(): self._device = device break else: raise errors.JLinkException('Unsupported device was connected to.') @property def error(self): """DLL internal error state. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The DLL internal error state. This is set if any error occurs in underlying DLL, otherwise it is ``None``. """ error = int(self._dll.JLINKARM_HasError()) if error == 0: return return error def clear_error(self): """Clears the DLL internal error state. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The error state before the clear. """ error = self.error self._dll.JLINKARM_ClrError() return error @property def compile_date(self): """Returns a string specifying the date and time at which the DLL was translated. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Datetime string. """ result = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetCompileDateTime() return ctypes.cast(result, ctypes.c_char_p).value.decode() @property def version(self): """Returns the device's version. The device's version is returned as a string of the format: M.mr where ``M`` is major number, ``m`` is minor number, and ``r`` is revision character. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Device version string. """ version = int(self._dll.JLINKARM_GetDLLVersion()) major = version / 10000 minor = version / 100 % 100 rev = version % 100 rev = '' if rev == 0 else chr(rev + ord('a') - 1) return '%d.%02d%s' % (major, minor, rev) @property @open_required def compatible_firmware_version(self): """Returns the DLL's compatible J-Link firmware version. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The firmware version of the J-Link that the DLL is compatible with. Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ identifier = self.firmware_version.split('compiled')[0] buf_size = self.MAX_BUF_SIZE buf = (ctypes.c_char * buf_size)() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetEmbeddedFWString(identifier.encode(), buf, buf_size) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return ctypes.string_at(buf).decode() @open_required def firmware_outdated(self): """Returns whether the J-Link's firmware version is older than the one that the DLL is compatible with. Note: This is not the same as calling ``not jlink.firmware_newer()``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if the J-Link's firmware is older than the one supported by the DLL, otherwise ``False``. """ datefmt = ' %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S' compat_date = self.compatible_firmware_version.split('compiled')[1] compat_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(compat_date, datefmt) fw_date = self.firmware_version.split('compiled')[1] fw_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(fw_date, datefmt) return compat_date > fw_date @open_required def firmware_newer(self): """Returns whether the J-Link's firmware version is newer than the one that the DLL is compatible with. Note: This is not the same as calling ``not jlink.firmware_outdated()``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if the J-Link's firmware is newer than the one supported by the DLL, otherwise ``False``. """ if self.firmware_outdated(): return False return self.firmware_version != self.compatible_firmware_version @property @open_required def hardware_info(self, mask=4294967295): """Returns a list of 32 integer values corresponding to the bitfields specifying the power consumption of the target. The values returned by this function only have significance if the J-Link is powering the target. The words, indexed, have the following significance: 0. If ``1``, target is powered via J-Link. 1. Overcurrent bitfield: 0: No overcurrent. 1: Overcurrent happened. 2ms @ 3000mA 2: Overcurrent happened. 10ms @ 1000mA 3: Overcurrent happened. 40ms @ 400mA 2. Power consumption of target (mA). 3. Peak of target power consumption (mA). 4. Peak of target power consumption during J-Link operation (mA). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance mask (int): bit mask to decide which hardware information words are returned (defaults to all the words). Returns: List of bitfields specifying different states based on their index within the list and their value. Raises: JLinkException: on hardware error. """ buf = (ctypes.c_uint32 * 32)() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetHWInfo(mask, ctypes.byref(buf)) if res != 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return list(buf) @property @open_required def hardware_status(self): """Retrieves and returns the hardware status. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: A ``JLinkHardwareStatus`` describing the J-Link hardware. """ stat = structs.JLinkHardwareStatus() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetHWStatus(ctypes.byref(stat)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Error in reading hardware status.') return stat @property @open_required def hardware_version(self): """Returns the hardware version of the connected J-Link as a major.minor string. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Hardware version string. """ version = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetHardwareVersion() major = version / 10000 % 100 minor = version / 100 % 100 return '%d.%02d' % (major, minor) @property @open_required def firmware_version(self): """Returns a firmware identification string of the connected J-Link. It consists of the following: - Product Name (e.g. J-Link) - The string: compiled - Compile data and time. - Optional additional information. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Firmware identification string. """ buf = (ctypes.c_char * self.MAX_BUF_SIZE)() self._dll.JLINKARM_GetFirmwareString(buf, self.MAX_BUF_SIZE) return ctypes.string_at(buf).decode() @property @open_required def capabilities(self): """Returns a bitwise combination of the emulator's capabilities. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Bitfield of emulator capabilities. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetEmuCaps() @property @open_required def extended_capabilities(self): """Gets the capabilities of the connected emulator as a list. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: List of 32 integers which define the extended capabilities based on their value and index within the list. """ buf = (ctypes.c_uint8 * 32)() self._dll.JLINKARM_GetEmuCapsEx(buf, 32) return list(buf) @open_required def extended_capability(self, capability): """Checks if the emulator has the given extended capability. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance capability (int): capability being queried Returns: ``True`` if the emulator has the given extended capability, otherwise ``False``. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_EMU_HasCapEx(capability) return res == 1 @property @open_required def features(self): """Returns a list of the J-Link embedded features. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: A list of strings, each a feature. Example: ``[ 'RDI', 'FlashBP', 'FlashDL', 'JFlash', 'GDB' ]`` """ buf = (ctypes.c_char * self.MAX_BUF_SIZE)() self._dll.JLINKARM_GetFeatureString(buf) result = ctypes.string_at(buf).decode().strip() if len(result) == 0: return list() return result.split(', ') @property @open_required def product_name(self): """Returns the product name of the connected J-Link. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Product name. """ buf = (ctypes.c_char * self.MAX_BUF_SIZE)() self._dll.JLINKARM_EMU_GetProductName(buf, self.MAX_BUF_SIZE) return ctypes.string_at(buf).decode() @property @open_required def serial_number(self): """Returns the serial number of the connected J-Link. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Serial number as an integer. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetSN() @property @open_required def oem(self): """Retrieves and returns the OEM string of the connected J-Link. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The string of the OEM. If this is an original SEGGER product, then ``None`` is returned instead. Raises: JLinkException: on hardware error. """ buf = (ctypes.c_char * self.MAX_BUF_SIZE)() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetOEMString(ctypes.byref(buf)) if res != 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to grab OEM string.') oem = ctypes.string_at(buf).decode() if len(oem) == 0: return return oem @property @open_required def index(self): """Retrieves and returns the index number of the actual selected J-Link. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Index of the currently connected J-Link. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetSelDevice() @property @open_required def speed(self): """Returns the current JTAG connection speed. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: JTAG connection speed. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetSpeed() @open_required def set_speed(self, speed=None, auto=False, adaptive=False): """Sets the speed of the JTAG communication with the ARM core. If no arguments are present, automatically detects speed. If a ``speed`` is provided, the speed must be no larger than ``JLink.MAX_JTAG_SPEED`` and no smaller than ``JLink.MIN_JTAG_SPEED``. The given ``speed`` can also not be ``JLink.INVALID_JTAG_SPEED``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance speed (int): the speed in kHz to set the communication at auto (bool): automatically detect correct speed adaptive (bool): select adaptive clocking as JTAG speed Returns: ``None`` Raises: TypeError: if given speed is not a natural number. ValueError: if given speed is too high, too low, or invalid. """ if speed is None: speed = 0 else: if not util.is_natural(speed): raise TypeError('Expected positive number for speed, given %s.' % speed) else: if speed > self.MAX_JTAG_SPEED: raise ValueError('Given speed exceeds max speed of %d.' % self.MAX_JTAG_SPEED) else: if speed < self.MIN_JTAG_SPEED: raise ValueError('Given speed is too slow. Minimum is %d.' % self.MIN_JTAG_SPEED) if auto: speed = speed | self.AUTO_JTAG_SPEED if adaptive: speed = speed | self.ADAPTIVE_JTAG_SPEED self._dll.JLINKARM_SetSpeed(speed) @open_required def set_max_speed(self): """Sets JTAG communication speed to the maximum supported speed. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_SetMaxSpeed() @property @open_required def speed_info(self): """Retrieves information about supported target interface speeds. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The ``JLinkSpeedInfo`` instance describing the supported target interface speeds. """ speed_info = structs.JLinkSpeedInfo() self._dll.JLINKARM_GetSpeedInfo(ctypes.byref(speed_info)) return speed_info @property @open_required def licenses(self): """Returns a string of the built-in licenses the J-Link has. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: String of the contents of the built-in licenses the J-Link has. """ buf_size = self.MAX_BUF_SIZE buf = (ctypes.c_char * buf_size)() res = self._dll.JLINK_GetAvailableLicense(buf, buf_size) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return ctypes.string_at(buf).decode() @property @open_required @minimum_required('4.98b') def custom_licenses(self): """Returns a string of the installed licenses the J-Link has. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: String of the contents of the custom licenses the J-Link has. """ buf = (ctypes.c_char * self.MAX_BUF_SIZE)() result = self._dll.JLINK_EMU_GetLicenses(buf, self.MAX_BUF_SIZE) if result < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(result) return ctypes.string_at(buf).decode() @open_required @minimum_required('4.98b') def add_license(self, contents): """Adds the given ``contents`` as a new custom license to the J-Link. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance contents: the string contents of the new custom license Returns: ``True`` if license was added, ``False`` if license already existed. Raises: JLinkException: if the write fails. Note: J-Link V9 and J-Link ULTRA/PRO V4 have 336 Bytes of memory for licenses, while older versions of 80 bytes. """ buf_size = len(contents) buf = (ctypes.c_char * (buf_size + 1))(*contents.encode()) res = self._dll.JLINK_EMU_AddLicense(buf) if res == -1: raise errors.JLinkException('Unspecified error.') else: if res == -2: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to read/write license area.') else: if res == -3: raise errors.JLinkException('J-Link out of space.') return res == 0 @open_required @minimum_required('4.98b') def erase_licenses(self): """Erases the custom licenses from the connected J-Link. Note: This method will erase all licenses stored on the J-Link. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` on success, otherwise ``False``. """ res = self._dll.JLINK_EMU_EraseLicenses() return res == 0 @property @open_required def tif(self): """Returns the current target interface of the J-Link. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Integer specifying the current target interface. """ return self._tif @open_required def supported_tifs(self): """Returns a bitmask of the supported target interfaces. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Bitfield specifying which target interfaces are supported. """ buf = ctypes.c_uint32() self._dll.JLINKARM_TIF_GetAvailable(ctypes.byref(buf)) return buf.value @open_required def set_tif(self, interface): """Selects the specified target interface. Note that a restart must be triggered for this to take effect. Args: self (Jlink): the ``JLink`` instance interface (int): integer identifier of the interface Returns: ``True`` if target was updated, otherwise ``False``. Raises: JLinkException: if the given interface is invalid or unsupported. """ if not 1 << interface & self.supported_tifs(): raise errors.JLinkException('Unsupported target interface: %s' % interface) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TIF_Select(interface) if res != 0: return False self._tif = interface return True @open_required def gpio_properties(self): """Returns the properties of the user-controllable GPIOs. Provided the device supports user-controllable GPIOs, they will be returned by this method. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: A list of ``JLinkGPIODescriptor`` instances totalling the number of requested properties. Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ res = self._dll.JLINK_EMU_GPIO_GetProps(0, 0) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) num_props = res buf = (structs.JLinkGPIODescriptor * num_props)() res = self._dll.JLINK_EMU_GPIO_GetProps(ctypes.byref(buf), num_props) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return list(buf) @open_required def gpio_get(self, pins=None): """Returns a list of states for the given pins. Defaults to the first four pins if an argument is not given. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance pins (list): indices of the GPIO pins whose states are requested Returns: A list of states. Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ if pins is None: pins = range(4) size = len(pins) indices = (ctypes.c_uint8 * size)(*pins) statuses = (ctypes.c_uint8 * size)() result = self._dll.JLINK_EMU_GPIO_GetState(ctypes.byref(indices), ctypes.byref(statuses), size) if result < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(result) return list(statuses) @open_required def gpio_set(self, pins, states): """Sets the state for one or more user-controllable GPIOs. For each of the given pins, sets the the corresponding state based on the index. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance pins (list): list of GPIO indices states (list): list of states to set Returns: A list of updated states. Raises: JLinkException: on error. ValueError: if ``len(pins) != len(states)`` """ if len(pins) != len(states): raise ValueError('Length mismatch between pins and states.') size = len(pins) indices = (ctypes.c_uint8 * size)(*pins) states = (ctypes.c_uint8 * size)(*states) result_states = (ctypes.c_uint8 * size)() result = self._dll.JLINK_EMU_GPIO_SetState(ctypes.byref(indices), ctypes.byref(states), ctypes.byref(result_states), size) if result < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(result) return list(result_states) @open_required def comm_supported(self): """Returns true if the connected emulator supports ``comm_*`` functions. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if the emulator supports ``comm_*`` functions, otherwise ``False``. """ return bool(self._dll.JLINKARM_EMU_COM_IsSupported()) @open_required def power_on(self, default=False): """Turns on the power supply over pin 19 of the JTAG connector. If given the optional ``default`` parameter, activates the power supply by default. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance default (bool): boolean indicating if to set power by default Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: if J-Link does not support powering the target. """ if default: return self.exec_command('SupplyPowerDefault = 1') return self.exec_command('SupplyPower = 1') @open_required def power_off(self, default=False): """Turns off the power supply over pin 19 of the JTAG connector. If given the optional ``default`` parameter, deactivates the power supply by default. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance default (bool): boolean indicating if to set power off by default Returns: The current ``JLink`` instance Raises: JLinkException: if J-Link does not support powering the target. """ if default: return self.exec_command('SupplyPowerDefault = 0') return self.exec_command('SupplyPower = 0') @connection_required def unlock(self): """Unlocks the device connected to the J-Link. Unlocking a device allows for access to read/writing memory, as well as flash programming. Note: Unlock is not supported on all devices. Supported Devices: Kinetis Returns: ``True``. Raises: JLinkException: if the device fails to unlock. """ if not unlockers.unlock(self, self._device.manufacturer): raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to unlock device.') return True @connection_required def cpu_capability(self, capability): """Checks whether the J-Link has support for a CPU capability. This method checks if the emulator has built-in intelligence to handle the given CPU capability for the target CPU it is connected to. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance capability (int): the capability to check for Returns: ``True`` if the J-Link has built-in intelligence to support the given ``capability`` for the CPU it is connected to, otherwise ``False``. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_EMU_HasCPUCap(capability) return res == 1 @connection_required def set_trace_source(self, source): """Sets the source to be used for tracing. The ``source`` must be one of the ones provided by ``enums.JLinkTraceSource``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. source (int): the source to use. Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_SelectTraceSource(source) @connection_required def set_etb_trace(self): """Sets the trace source to ETB. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: ``None`` """ return self.set_trace_source(enums.JLinkTraceSource.ETB) @connection_required def set_etm_trace(self): """Sets the trace source to ETM. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: ``None`` """ return self.set_trace_source(enums.JLinkTraceSource.ETM) @connection_required def set_reset_strategy(self, strategy): """Sets the reset strategy for the target. The reset strategy defines what happens when the target is reset. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance strategy (int): the reset strategy to use Returns: The previous reset streategy. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_SetResetType(strategy) @connection_required def set_reset_pin_high(self): """Sets the reset pin high. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_SetRESET() @connection_required def set_reset_pin_low(self): """Sets the reset pin low. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_ClrRESET() @connection_required def set_tck_pin_high(self): """Sets the TCK pin to the high value (1). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: if the emulator does not support this feature. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SetTCK() if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Feature not supported.') @connection_required def set_tck_pin_low(self): """Sets the TCK pin to the low value (0). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: if the emulator does not support this feature. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_ClrTCK() if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Feature not supported.') @connection_required def set_tdi_pin_high(self): """Sets the test data input to logical ``1``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_SetTDI() @connection_required def set_tdi_pin_low(self): """Clears the test data input. TDI is set to logical ``0`` (Ground). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_ClrTDI() @connection_required def set_tms_pin_high(self): """Sets the test mode select to logical ``1``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_SetTMS() @connection_required def set_tms_pin_low(self): """Clears the test mode select. TMS is set to logical ``0`` (Ground). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_ClrTMS() @connection_required def set_trst_pin_high(self): """Sets the TRST pin to high (``1``). Deasserts the TRST pin. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_SetTRST() @connection_required def set_trst_pin_low(self): """Sets the TRST pin to low (``0``). This asserts the TRST pin. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_ClrTRST() @connection_required def erase(self): """Erases the flash contents of the device. This erases the flash memory of the target device. If this method fails, the device may be left in an inoperable state. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Number of bytes erased. """ try: if not self.halted(): self.halt() except errors.JLinkException: pass res = self._dll.JLINK_EraseChip() if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkEraseException(res) return res @connection_required def flash(self, data, addr, on_progress=None, power_on=False, flags=0): """Flashes the target device. The given ``on_progress`` callback will be called as ``on_progress(action, progress_string, percentage)`` periodically as the data is written to flash. The action is one of ``Compare``, ``Erase``, ``Verify``, ``Flash``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance data (list): list of bytes to write to flash addr (int): start address on flash which to write the data on_progress (function): callback to be triggered on flash progress power_on (boolean): whether to power the target before flashing flags (int): reserved, do not use Returns: Number of bytes flashed. This number may not necessarily be equal to ``len(data)``, but that does not indicate an error. Raises: JLinkException: on hardware errors. """ if flags != 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Flags are reserved for future use.') if on_progress is not None: func = enums.JLinkFunctions.FLASH_PROGRESS_PROTOTYPE(on_progress) self._dll.JLINK_SetFlashProgProgressCallback(func) else: self._dll.JLINK_SetFlashProgProgressCallback(0) if power_on: self.power_on() try: if not self.halted(): self.halt() except errors.JLinkException: pass res = self.flash_write(addr, data, flags=flags) return res @connection_required def flash_file(self, path, addr, on_progress=None, power_on=False): """Flashes the target device. The given ``on_progress`` callback will be called as ``on_progress(action, progress_string, percentage)`` periodically as the data is written to flash. The action is one of ``Compare``, ``Erase``, ``Verify``, ``Flash``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance path (str): absolute path to the source file to flash addr (int): start address on flash which to write the data on_progress (function): callback to be triggered on flash progress power_on (boolean): whether to power the target before flashing Returns: Integer value greater than or equal to zero. Has no significance. Raises: JLinkException: on hardware errors. """ if on_progress is not None: func = enums.JLinkFunctions.FLASH_PROGRESS_PROTOTYPE(on_progress) self._dll.JLINK_SetFlashProgProgressCallback(func) else: self._dll.JLINK_SetFlashProgProgressCallback(0) if power_on: self.power_on() try: if not self.halted(): self.halt() except errors.JLinkException: pass bytes_flashed = self._dll.JLINK_DownloadFile(path.encode(), addr) if bytes_flashed < 0: raise errors.JLinkFlashException(bytes_flashed) return bytes_flashed @connection_required def reset(self, ms=0, halt=True): """Resets the target. This method resets the target, and by default toggles the RESET and TRST pins. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance ms (int): Amount of milliseconds to delay after reset (default: 0) halt (bool): if the CPU should halt after reset (default: True) Returns: Number of bytes read. """ self._dll.JLINKARM_SetResetDelay(ms) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_Reset() if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) else: if not halt: self._dll.JLINKARM_Go() return res @connection_required def reset_tap(self): """Resets the TAP controller via TRST. Note: This must be called at least once after power up if the TAP controller is to be used. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_ResetTRST() @connection_required def restart(self, num_instructions=0, skip_breakpoints=False): """Restarts the CPU core and simulates/emulates instructions. Note: This is a no-op if the CPU isn't halted. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance num_instructions (int): number of instructions to simulate, defaults to zero skip_breakpoints (bool): skip current breakpoint (default: ``False``) Returns: ``True`` if device was restarted, otherwise ``False``. Raises: ValueError: if instruction count is not a natural number. """ if not util.is_natural(num_instructions): raise ValueError('Invalid instruction count: %s.' % num_instructions) if not self.halted(): return False flags = 0 if skip_breakpoints: flags = flags | enums.JLinkFlags.GO_OVERSTEP_BP self._dll.JLINKARM_GoEx(num_instructions, flags) return True @connection_required @decorators.async_decorator def halt(self): """Halts the CPU Core. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if halted, ``False`` otherwise. """ res = int(self._dll.JLINKARM_Halt()) if res == 0: time.sleep(1) return True return False @connection_required def halted(self): """Returns whether the CPU core was halted. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if the CPU core is halted, otherwise ``False``. Raises: JLinkException: on device errors. """ result = int(self._dll.JLINKARM_IsHalted()) if result < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(result) return result > 0 @connection_required def core_id(self): """Returns the identifier of the target ARM core. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Integer identifier of ARM core. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetId() @connection_required def core_cpu(self): """Returns the identifier of the core CPU. Note: This is distinct from the value returned from ``core_id()`` which is the ARM specific identifier. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The identifier of the CPU core. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_CORE_GetFound() @connection_required def core_name(self): """Returns the name of the target ARM core. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The target core's name. """ buf_size = self.MAX_BUF_SIZE buf = (ctypes.c_char * buf_size)() self._dll.JLINKARM_Core2CoreName(self.core_cpu(), buf, buf_size) return ctypes.string_at(buf).decode() @connection_required def ir_len(self): """Counts and returns the total length of instruction registers of all the devices in the JTAG scan chain. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Total instruction register length. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetIRLen() @connection_required def scan_len(self): """Retrieves and returns the length of the scan chain select register. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Length of the scan chain select register. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetScanLen() @connection_required def scan_chain_len(self, scan_chain): """Retrieves and returns the number of bits in the scan chain. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance scan_chain (int): scan chain to be measured Returns: Number of bits in the specified scan chain. Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_MeasureSCLen(scan_chain) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return res @connection_required def device_family(self): """Returns the device family of the target CPU. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Integer identifier of the device family. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetDeviceFamily() @connection_required def register_list(self): """Returns a list of the indices for the CPU registers. The returned indices can be used to read the register content or grab the register name. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: List of registers. """ num_items = self.MAX_NUM_CPU_REGISTERS buf = (ctypes.c_uint32 * num_items)() num_regs = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetRegisterList(buf, num_items) return buf[:num_regs] @connection_required def register_name(self, register_index): """Retrives and returns the name of an ARM CPU register. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance register_index (int): index of the register whose name to retrieve Returns: Name of the register. """ result = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetRegisterName(register_index) return ctypes.cast(result, ctypes.c_char_p).value.decode() @connection_required def cpu_speed(self, silent=False): """Retrieves the CPU speed of the target. If the target does not support CPU frequency detection, this function will return ``0``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance silent (bool): ``True`` if the CPU detection should not report errors to the error handler on failure. Returns: The measured CPU frequency on success, otherwise ``0`` if the core does not support CPU frequency detection. Raises: JLinkException: on hardware error. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_MeasureCPUSpeedEx(-1, 1, int(silent)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return res @connection_required def cpu_halt_reasons(self): """Retrives the reasons that the CPU was halted. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: A list of ``JLInkMOEInfo`` instances specifying the reasons for which the CPU was halted. This list may be empty in the case that the CPU is not halted. Raises: JLinkException: on hardware error. """ buf_size = self.MAX_NUM_MOES buf = (structs.JLinkMOEInfo * buf_size)() num_reasons = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetMOEs(buf, buf_size) if num_reasons < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(num_reasons) return list(buf)[:num_reasons] @connection_required def jtag_create_clock(self): """Creates a JTAG clock on TCK. Note: This function only needs to be called once. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The state of the TDO pin: either ``0`` or ``1``. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_Clock() @connection_required def jtag_send(self, tms, tdi, num_bits): """Sends data via JTAG. Sends data via JTAG on the rising clock edge, TCK. At on each rising clock edge, on bit is transferred in from TDI and out to TDO. The clock uses the TMS to step through the standard JTAG state machine. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance tms (int): used to determine the state transitions for the Test Access Port (TAP) controller from its current state tdi (int): input data to be transferred in from TDI to TDO num_bits (int): a number in the range ``[1, 32]`` inclusively specifying the number of meaningful bits in the ``tms`` and ``tdi`` parameters for the purpose of extracting state and data information Returns: ``None`` Raises: ValueError: if ``num_bits < 1`` or ``num_bits > 32``. See Also: `JTAG Technical Overview `_. """ if util.is_natural(num_bits) and num_bits <= 0 or num_bits > 32: raise ValueError('Number of bits must be >= 1 and <= 32.') self._dll.JLINKARM_StoreBits(tms, tdi, num_bits) @connection_required def jtag_flush(self): """Flushes the internal JTAG buffer. Note: The buffer is automatically flushed when a response from the target is expected, or the buffer is full. This can be used after a ``memory_write()`` in order to flush the buffer. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_WriteBits() @interface_required(enums.JLinkInterfaces.SWD) @connection_required def swd_read8(self, offset): """Gets a unit of ``8`` bits from the input buffer. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance offset (int): the offset (in bits) from which to start reading Returns: The integer read from the input buffer. """ value = self._dll.JLINK_SWD_GetU8(offset) return ctypes.c_uint8(value).value @interface_required(enums.JLinkInterfaces.SWD) @connection_required def swd_read16(self, offset): """Gets a unit of ``16`` bits from the input buffer. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance offset (int): the offset (in bits) from which to start reading Returns: The integer read from the input buffer. """ value = self._dll.JLINK_SWD_GetU16(offset) return ctypes.c_uint16(value).value @interface_required(enums.JLinkInterfaces.SWD) @connection_required def swd_read32(self, offset): """Gets a unit of ``32`` bits from the input buffer. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance offset (int): the offset (in bits) from which to start reading Returns: The integer read from the input buffer. """ value = self._dll.JLINK_SWD_GetU32(offset) return ctypes.c_uint32(value).value @interface_required(enums.JLinkInterfaces.SWD) @connection_required def swd_write(self, output, value, nbits): """Writes bytes over SWD (Serial Wire Debug). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance output (int): the output buffer offset to write to value (int): the value to write to the output buffer nbits (int): the number of bits needed to represent the ``output`` and ``value`` Returns: The bit position of the response in the input buffer. """ pDir = binpacker.pack(output, nbits) pIn = binpacker.pack(value, nbits) bitpos = self._dll.JLINK_SWD_StoreRaw(pDir, pIn, nbits) if bitpos < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(bitpos) return bitpos @interface_required(enums.JLinkInterfaces.SWD) @connection_required def swd_write8(self, output, value): """Writes one byte over SWD (Serial Wire Debug). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance output (int): the output buffer offset to write to value (int): the value to write to the output buffer Returns: The bit position of the response in the input buffer. """ return self.swd_write(output, value, 8) @interface_required(enums.JLinkInterfaces.SWD) @connection_required def swd_write16(self, output, value): """Writes two bytes over SWD (Serial Wire Debug). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance output (int): the output buffer offset to write to value (int): the value to write to the output buffer Returns: The bit position of the response in the input buffer. """ return self.swd_write(output, value, 16) @interface_required(enums.JLinkInterfaces.SWD) @connection_required def swd_write32(self, output, value): """Writes four bytes over SWD (Serial Wire Debug). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance output (int): the output buffer offset to write to value (int): the value to write to the output buffer Returns: The bit position of the response in the input buffer. """ return self.swd_write(output, value, 32) @interface_required(enums.JLinkInterfaces.SWD) @connection_required def swd_sync(self, pad=False): """Causes a flush to write all data remaining in output buffers to SWD device. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance pad (bool): ``True`` if should pad the data to full byte size Returns: ``None`` """ if pad: self._dll.JLINK_SWD_SyncBytes() else: self._dll.JLINK_SWD_SyncBits() @connection_required def flash_write(self, addr, data, nbits=None, flags=0): """Writes data to the flash region of a device. The given number of bits, if provided, must be either ``8``, ``16``, or ``32``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): starting flash address to write to data (list): list of data units to write nbits (int): number of bits to use for each unit Returns: Number of bytes written to flash. """ self._dll.JLINKARM_BeginDownload(flags) self.memory_write(addr, data, nbits=nbits) bytes_flashed = self._dll.JLINKARM_EndDownload() if bytes_flashed < 0: raise errors.JLinkFlashException(bytes_flashed) return bytes_flashed @connection_required def flash_write8(self, addr, data): """Writes bytes to the flash region of a device. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): starting flash address to write to data (list): list of bytes to write Returns: Number of bytes written to flash. """ return self.flash_write(addr, data, 8) @connection_required def flash_write16(self, addr, data): """Writes halfwords to the flash region of a device. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): starting flash address to write to data (list): list of halfwords to write Returns: Number of bytes written to flash. """ return self.flash_write(addr, data, 16) @connection_required def flash_write32(self, addr, data): """Writes words to the flash region of a device. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): starting flash address to write to data (list): list of words to write Returns: Number of bytes written to flash. """ return self.flash_write(addr, data, 32) @connection_required def code_memory_read(self, addr, num_bytes): """Reads bytes from code memory. Note: This is similar to calling ``memory_read`` or ``memory_read8``, except that this uses a cache and reads ahead. This should be used in instances where you want to read a small amount of bytes at a time, and expect to always read ahead. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): starting address from which to read num_bytes (int): number of bytes to read Returns: A list of bytes read from the target. Raises: JLinkException: if memory could not be read. """ buf_size = num_bytes buf = (ctypes.c_uint8 * buf_size)() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_ReadCodeMem(addr, buf_size, buf) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return list(buf)[:res] @connection_required def num_memory_zones(self): """Returns the number of memory zones supported by the target. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: An integer count of the number of memory zones supported by the target. Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ count = self._dll.JLINK_GetMemZones(0, 0) if count < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(count) return count @connection_required def memory_zones(self): """Gets all memory zones supported by the current target. Some targets support multiple memory zones. This function provides the ability to get a list of all the memory zones to facilate using the memory zone routing functions. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: A list of all the memory zones as ``JLinkMemoryZone`` structures. Raises: JLinkException: on hardware errors. """ count = self.num_memory_zones() if count == 0: return list() buf = (structs.JLinkMemoryZone * count)() res = self._dll.JLINK_GetMemZones(buf, count) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return list(buf) @connection_required def memory_read(self, addr, num_units, zone=None, nbits=None): """Reads memory from a target system or specific memory zone. The optional ``zone`` specifies a memory zone to access to read from, e.g. ``IDATA``, ``DDATA``, or ``CODE``. The given number of bits, if provided, must be either ``8``, ``16``, or ``32``. If not provided, always reads ``num_units`` bytes. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): start address to read from num_units (int): number of units to read zone (str): optional memory zone name to access nbits (int): number of bits to use for each unit Returns: List of units read from the target system. Raises: JLinkException: if memory could not be read. ValueError: if ``nbits`` is not ``None``, and not in ``8``, ``16``, or ``32``. """ buf_size = num_units buf = None access = 0 if nbits is None: buf = (ctypes.c_uint8 * buf_size)() access = 0 else: if nbits == 8: buf = (ctypes.c_uint8 * buf_size)() access = 1 else: if nbits == 16: buf = (ctypes.c_uint16 * buf_size)() access = 2 buf_size = buf_size * access else: if nbits == 32: buf = (ctypes.c_uint32 * buf_size)() access = 4 buf_size = buf_size * access else: raise ValueError('Given bit size is invalid: %s' % nbits) args = [ addr, buf_size, buf, access] method = self._dll.JLINKARM_ReadMemEx if zone is not None: method = self._dll.JLINKARM_ReadMemZonedEx args.append(zone.encode()) units_read = method(*args) if units_read < 0: raise errors.JLinkReadException(units_read) return buf[:units_read] @connection_required def memory_read8(self, addr, num_bytes, zone=None): """Reads memory from the target system in units of bytes. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): start address to read from num_bytes (int): number of bytes to read zone (str): memory zone to read from Returns: List of bytes read from the target system. Raises: JLinkException: if memory could not be read. """ return self.memory_read(addr, num_bytes, zone=zone, nbits=8) @connection_required def memory_read16(self, addr, num_halfwords, zone=None): """Reads memory from the target system in units of 16-bits. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): start address to read from num_halfwords (int): number of half words to read zone (str): memory zone to read from Returns: List of halfwords read from the target system. Raises: JLinkException: if memory could not be read """ return self.memory_read(addr, num_halfwords, zone=zone, nbits=16) @connection_required def memory_read32(self, addr, num_words, zone=None): """Reads memory from the target system in units of 32-bits. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): start address to read from num_words (int): number of words to read zone (str): memory zone to read from Returns: List of words read from the target system. Raises: JLinkException: if memory could not be read """ return self.memory_read(addr, num_words, zone=zone, nbits=32) @connection_required def memory_read64(self, addr, num_long_words): """Reads memory from the target system in units of 64-bits. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): start address to read from num_long_words (int): number of long words to read Returns: List of long words read from the target system. Raises: JLinkException: if memory could not be read """ buf_size = num_long_words buf = (ctypes.c_ulonglong * buf_size)() units_read = self._dll.JLINKARM_ReadMemU64(addr, buf_size, buf, 0) if units_read < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(units_read) return buf[:units_read] @connection_required def memory_write(self, addr, data, zone=None, nbits=None): """Writes memory to a target system or specific memory zone. The optional ``zone`` specifies a memory zone to access to write to, e.g. ``IDATA``, ``DDATA``, or ``CODE``. The given number of bits, if provided, must be either ``8``, ``16``, or ``32``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): start address to write to data (list): list of data units to write zone (str): optional memory zone name to access nbits (int): number of bits to use for each unit Returns: Number of units written. Raises: JLinkException: on write hardware failure. ValueError: if ``nbits`` is not ``None``, and not in ``8``, ``16`` or ``32``. """ buf_size = len(data) buf = None access = 0 if nbits is None: packed_data = map(lambda d: reversed(binpacker.pack(d)) , data) packed_data = list((itertools.chain)(*packed_data)) buf_size = len(packed_data) buf = (ctypes.c_uint8 * buf_size)(*packed_data) access = 0 else: if nbits == 8: buf = (ctypes.c_uint8 * buf_size)(*data) access = 1 else: if nbits == 16: buf = (ctypes.c_uint16 * buf_size)(*data) access = 2 buf_size = buf_size * access else: if nbits == 32: buf = (ctypes.c_uint32 * buf_size)(*data) access = 4 buf_size = buf_size * access else: raise ValueError('Given bit size is invalid: %s' % nbits) args = [ addr, buf_size, buf, access] method = self._dll.JLINKARM_WriteMemEx if zone is not None: method = self._dll.JLINKARM_WriteMemZonedEx args.append(zone.encode()) units_written = method(*args) if units_written < 0: raise errors.JLinkWriteException(units_written) return units_written @connection_required def memory_write8(self, addr, data, zone=None): """Writes bytes to memory of a target system. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): start address to write to data (list): list of bytes to write zone (str): optional memory zone to access Returns: Number of bytes written to target. Raises: JLinkException: on memory access error. """ return self.memory_write(addr, data, zone, 8) @connection_required def memory_write16(self, addr, data, zone=None): """Writes half-words to memory of a target system. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): start address to write to data (list): list of half-words to write zone (str): optional memory zone to access Returns: Number of half-words written to target. Raises: JLinkException: on memory access error. """ return self.memory_write(addr, data, zone, 16) @connection_required def memory_write32(self, addr, data, zone=None): """Writes words to memory of a target system. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): start address to write to data (list): list of words to write zone (str): optional memory zone to access Returns: Number of words written to target. Raises: JLinkException: on memory access error. """ return self.memory_write(addr, data, zone, 32) @connection_required def memory_write64(self, addr, data, zone=None): """Writes long words to memory of a target system. Note: This is little-endian. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): start address to write to data (list): list of long words to write zone (str): optional memory zone to access Returns: Number of long words written to target. Raises: JLinkException: on memory access error. """ words = [] bitmask = 4294967295 for long_word in data: words.append(long_word & bitmask) words.append(long_word >> 32 & bitmask) return self.memory_write32(addr, words, zone=zone) @connection_required def register_read(self, register_index): """Reads the value from the given register. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance register_index (int/str): the register to read Returns: The value stored in the given register. """ if isinstance(register_index, six.string_types): register_index = self._get_register_index_from_name(register_index) return self._dll.JLINKARM_ReadReg(register_index) @connection_required def register_read_multiple(self, register_indices): """Retrieves the values from the registers specified. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance register_indices (list): list of registers to read Returns: A list of values corresponding one-to-one for each of the given register indices. The returned list of values are the values in order of which the indices were specified. Raises: JLinkException: if a given register is invalid or an error occurs. """ register_indices = register_indices[:] num_regs = len(register_indices) for idx, indice in enumerate(register_indices): if isinstance(indice, six.string_types): register_indices[idx] = self._get_register_index_from_name(indice) buf = (ctypes.c_uint32 * num_regs)(*register_indices) data = ctypes.c_uint32 * num_regs(0) statuses = ctypes.c_uint8 * num_regs(0) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_ReadRegs(buf, data, statuses, num_regs) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return list(data) @connection_required def register_write(self, reg_index, value): """Writes into an ARM register. Note: The data is not immediately written, but is cached before being transferred to the CPU on CPU start. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance reg_index (int/str): the ARM register to write to value (int): the value to write to the register Returns: The value written to the ARM register. Raises: JLinkException: on write error. """ if isinstance(reg_index, six.string_types): reg_index = self._get_register_index_from_name(reg_index) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_WriteReg(reg_index, value) if res != 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Error writing to register %d' % reg_index) return value @connection_required def register_write_multiple(self, register_indices, values): """Writes to multiple CPU registers. Writes the values to the given registers in order. There must be a one-to-one correspondence between the values and the registers specified. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance register_indices (list): list of registers to write to values (list): list of values to write to the registers Returns: ``None`` Raises: ValueError: if ``len(register_indices) != len(values)`` JLinkException: if a register could not be written to or on error """ register_indices = register_indices[:] if len(register_indices) != len(values): raise ValueError('Must be an equal number of registers and values') num_regs = len(register_indices) for idx, indice in enumerate(register_indices): if isinstance(indice, six.string_types): register_indices[idx] = self._get_register_index_from_name(indice) buf = (ctypes.c_uint32 * num_regs)(*register_indices) data = (ctypes.c_uint32 * num_regs)(*values) statuses = ctypes.c_uint8 * num_regs(0) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_WriteRegs(buf, data, statuses, num_regs) if res != 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) @connection_required def ice_register_read(self, register_index): """Reads a value from an ARM ICE register. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance register_index (int): the register to read Returns: The value read from the register. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_ReadICEReg(register_index) @connection_required def ice_register_write(self, register_index, value, delay=False): """Writes a value to an ARM ICE register. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance register_index (int): the ICE register to write to value (int): the value to write to the ICE register delay (bool): boolean specifying if the write should be delayed Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_WriteICEReg(register_index, int(value), int(delay)) @connection_required def etm_supported(self): """Returns if the CPU core supports ETM. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: ``True`` if the CPU has the ETM unit, otherwise ``False``. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_ETM_IsPresent() if res == 1: return True info = ctypes.c_uint32(0) index = enums.JLinkROMTable.ETM res = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetDebugInfo(index, ctypes.byref(info)) if res == 1: return False return True @connection_required def etm_register_read(self, register_index): """Reads a value from an ETM register. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. register_index (int): the register to read. Returns: The value read from the ETM register. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_ETM_ReadReg(register_index) @connection_required def etm_register_write(self, register_index, value, delay=False): """Writes a value to an ETM register. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. register_index (int): the register to write to. value (int): the value to write to the register. delay (bool): boolean specifying if the write should be buffered. Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_ETM_WriteReg(int(register_index), int(value), int(delay)) @connection_required def coresight_read(self, reg, ap=True): """Reads an Ap/DP register on a CoreSight DAP. Wait responses and special handling are both handled by this method. Note: ``coresight_configure()`` must be called prior to calling this method. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance reg (int): index of DP/AP register to read ap (bool): ``True`` if reading from an Access Port register, otherwise ``False`` for Debug Port Returns: Data read from register. Raises: JLinkException: on hardware error """ data = ctypes.c_uint32() ap = 1 if ap else 0 res = self._dll.JLINKARM_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(reg, ap, ctypes.byref(data)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return data.value @connection_required def coresight_write(self, reg, data, ap=True): """Writes an Ap/DP register on a CoreSight DAP. Note: ``coresight_configure()`` must be called prior to calling this method. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance reg (int): index of DP/AP register to write data (int): data to write ap (bool): ``True`` if writing to an Access Port register, otherwise ``False`` for Debug Port Returns: Number of repetitions needed until write request accepted. Raises: JLinkException: on hardware error """ ap = 1 if ap else 0 res = self._dll.JLINKARM_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(reg, ap, data) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return res @connection_required def enable_reset_pulls_reset(self): """Enables RESET pin toggling on the JTAG bus on resets. When ``.reset()`` is called, it will also toggle the RESET pin on the JTAG bus. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_ResetPullsRESET(1) @connection_required def disable_reset_pulls_reset(self): """Disables RESET pin toggling on the JTAG bus on resets. When ``.reset()`` is called, it will not toggle the RESET pin on the JTAG bus. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_ResetPullsRESET(0) @connection_required def enable_reset_pulls_trst(self): """Enables TRST pin toggling on the JTAG bus on resets. When ``.reset()`` is called, it will also toggle the TRST pin on the JTAG bus. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_ResetPullsTRST(1) @connection_required def disable_reset_pulls_trst(self): """Disables TRST pin toggling on the JTAG bus on resets. When ``.reset()`` is called, it will not toggle the TRST pin on the JTAG bus. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_ResetPullsTRST(0) @connection_required def enable_reset_inits_registers(self): """Enables CPU register initialization on resets. When ``.reset()`` is called, it will initialize the CPU registers. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if was previously enabled, otherwise ``False``. """ return bool(self._dll.JLINKARM_SetInitRegsOnReset(1)) @connection_required def disable_reset_inits_registers(self): """Disables CPU register initialization on resets. When ``.reset()`` is called, the CPU registers will be read and not initialized. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if was previously enabled, otherwise ``False``. """ return bool(self._dll.JLINKARM_SetInitRegsOnReset(0)) @connection_required def set_little_endian(self): """Sets the target hardware to little endian. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if target was big endian before call, otherwise ``False``. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SetEndian(0) return res == 1 @connection_required def set_big_endian(self): """Sets the target hardware to big endian. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if target was little endian before call, otherwise ``False``. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SetEndian(1) return res == 0 @connection_required def set_vector_catch(self, flags): """Sets vector catch bits of the processor. The CPU will jump to a vector if the given vector catch is active, and will enter a debug state. This has the effect of halting the CPU as well, meaning the CPU must be explicitly restarted. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_WriteVectorCatch(flags) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) @connection_required def step(self, thumb=False): """Executes a single step. Steps even if there is a breakpoint. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance thumb (bool): boolean indicating if to step in thumb mode Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error """ method = self._dll.JLINKARM_Step if thumb: method = self._dll.JLINKARM_StepComposite res = method() if res != 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to step over instruction.') @connection_required def enable_soft_breakpoints(self): """Enables software breakpoints. Note: This should be called before calling ``software_breakpoint_set()``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_EnableSoftBPs(1) @connection_required def disable_soft_breakpoints(self): """Disables software breakpoints. Note: After this function is called, ``software_breakpoint_set()`` cannot be used without first calling ``enable_soft_breakpoints()``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` """ self._dll.JLINKARM_EnableSoftBPs(0) @connection_required def num_active_breakpoints(self): """Returns the number of currently active breakpoints. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The number of breakpoints that are currently set. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetNumBPs() @connection_required def num_available_breakpoints(self, arm=False, thumb=False, ram=False, flash=False, hw=False): """Returns the number of available breakpoints of the specified type. If ``arm`` is set, gets the number of available ARM breakpoint units. If ``thumb`` is set, gets the number of available THUMB breakpoint units. If ``ram`` is set, gets the number of available software RAM breakpoint units. If ``flash`` is set, gets the number of available software flash breakpoint units. If ``hw`` is set, gets the number of available hardware breakpoint units. If a combination of the flags is given, then ``num_available_breakpoints()`` returns the number of breakpoints specified by the given flags. If no flags are specified, then the count of available breakpoint units is returned. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance arm (bool): Boolean indicating to get number of ARM breakpoints. thumb (bool): Boolean indicating to get number of THUMB breakpoints. ram (bool): Boolean indicating to get number of SW RAM breakpoints. flash (bool): Boolean indicating to get number of Flash breakpoints. hw (bool): Boolean indicating to get number of Hardware breakpoints. Returns: The number of available breakpoint units of the specified type. """ flags = [ enums.JLinkBreakpoint.ARM, enums.JLinkBreakpoint.THUMB, enums.JLinkBreakpoint.SW_RAM, enums.JLinkBreakpoint.SW_FLASH, enums.JLinkBreakpoint.HW] set_flags = [ arm, thumb, ram, flash, hw] if not any(set_flags): flags = enums.JLinkBreakpoint.ANY else: flags = list((f for i, f in enumerate(flags) if set_flags[i])) flags = functools.reduce(operator.__or__, flags, 0) return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetNumBPUnits(flags) @connection_required def breakpoint_info(self, handle=0, index=-1): """Returns the information about a set breakpoint. Note: Either ``handle`` or ``index`` can be specified. If the ``index`` is not provided, the ``handle`` must be set, and vice-versa. If both ``index`` and ``handle`` are provided, the ``index`` overrides the provided ``handle``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance handle (int): option handle of a valid breakpoint index (int): optional index of the breakpoint. Returns: An instance of ``JLinkBreakpointInfo`` specifying information about the breakpoint. Raises: JLinkException: on error. ValueError: if both the handle and index are invalid. """ if index < 0: if handle == 0: raise ValueError('Handle must be provided if index is not set.') bp = structs.JLinkBreakpointInfo() bp.Handle = int(handle) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetBPInfoEx(index, ctypes.byref(bp)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to get breakpoint info.') return bp @connection_required def breakpoint_find(self, addr): """Returns the handle of a breakpoint at the given address, if any. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): the address to search for the breakpoint Returns: A non-zero integer if a breakpoint was found at the given address, otherwise zero. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_FindBP(addr) @connection_required def breakpoint_set(self, addr, thumb=False, arm=False): """Sets a breakpoint at the specified address. If ``thumb`` is ``True``, the breakpoint is set in THUMB-mode, while if ``arm`` is ``True``, the breakpoint is set in ARM-mode, otherwise a normal breakpoint is set. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): the address where the breakpoint will be set thumb (bool): boolean indicating to set the breakpoint in THUMB mode arm (bool): boolean indicating to set the breakpoint in ARM mode Returns: An integer specifying the breakpoint handle. This handle should be retained for future breakpoint operations. Raises: TypeError: if the given address is not an integer. JLinkException: if the breakpoint could not be set. """ flags = enums.JLinkBreakpoint.ANY if thumb: flags = flags | enums.JLinkBreakpoint.THUMB else: if arm: flags = flags | enums.JLinkBreakpoint.ARM handle = self._dll.JLINKARM_SetBPEx(int(addr), flags) if handle <= 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Breakpoint could not be set.') return handle @connection_required def software_breakpoint_set(self, addr, thumb=False, arm=False, flash=False, ram=False): """Sets a software breakpoint at the specified address. If ``thumb`` is ``True``, the breakpoint is set in THUMB-mode, while if ``arm`` is ``True``, the breakpoint is set in ARM-mode, otherwise a normal breakpoint is set. If ``flash`` is ``True``, the breakpoint is set in flash, otherwise if ``ram`` is ``True``, the breakpoint is set in RAM. If both are ``True`` or both are ``False``, then the best option is chosen for setting the breakpoint in software. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): the address where the breakpoint will be set thumb (bool): boolean indicating to set the breakpoint in THUMB mode arm (bool): boolean indicating to set the breakpoint in ARM mode flash (bool): boolean indicating to set the breakpoint in flash ram (bool): boolean indicating to set the breakpoint in RAM Returns: An integer specifying the breakpoint handle. This handle should sbe retained for future breakpoint operations. Raises: TypeError: if the given address is not an integer. JLinkException: if the breakpoint could not be set. """ if flash and not ram: flags = enums.JLinkBreakpoint.SW_FLASH else: if not flash or ram: flags = enums.JLinkBreakpoint.SW_RAM else: flags = enums.JLinkBreakpoint.SW if thumb: flags = flags | enums.JLinkBreakpoint.THUMB else: if arm: flags = flags | enums.JLinkBreakpoint.ARM handle = self._dll.JLINKARM_SetBPEx(int(addr), flags) if handle <= 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Software breakpoint could not be set.') return handle @connection_required def hardware_breakpoint_set(self, addr, thumb=False, arm=False): """Sets a hardware breakpoint at the specified address. If ``thumb`` is ``True``, the breakpoint is set in THUMB-mode, while if ``arm`` is ``True``, the breakpoint is set in ARM-mode, otherwise a normal breakpoint is set. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr (int): the address where the breakpoint will be set thumb (bool): boolean indicating to set the breakpoint in THUMB mode arm (bool): boolean indicating to set the breakpoint in ARM mode Returns: An integer specifying the breakpoint handle. This handle should sbe retained for future breakpoint operations. Raises: TypeError: if the given address is not an integer. JLinkException: if the breakpoint could not be set. """ flags = enums.JLinkBreakpoint.HW if thumb: flags = flags | enums.JLinkBreakpoint.THUMB else: if arm: flags = flags | enums.JLinkBreakpoint.ARM handle = self._dll.JLINKARM_SetBPEx(int(addr), flags) if handle <= 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Hardware breakpoint could not be set.') return handle @connection_required def breakpoint_clear(self, handle): """Removes a single breakpoint. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance handle (int): the handle of the breakpoint to be removed Returns: ``True`` if the breakpoint was cleared, otherwise ``False`` if the breakpoint was not valid. """ return not self._dll.JLINKARM_ClrBPEx(handle) @connection_required def breakpoint_clear_all(self): """Removes all breakpoints that have been set. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if they were cleared, otherwise ``False``. """ return not self._dll.JLINKARM_ClrBPEx(4294967295) @connection_required def num_active_watchpoints(self): """Returns the number of currently active watchpoints. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The number of watchpoints that are currently set. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetNumWPs() @connection_required def num_available_watchpoints(self): """Returns the number of available watchpoints. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The number of watchpoints that are available to be set. """ return self._dll.JLINKARM_GetNumWPUnits() @connection_required def watchpoint_info(self, handle=0, index=-1): """Returns information about the specified watchpoint. Note: Either ``handle`` or ``index`` can be specified. If the ``index`` is not provided, the ``handle`` must be set, and vice-versa. If both ``index`` and ``handle`` are provided, the ``index`` overrides the provided ``handle``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance handle (int): optional handle of a valid watchpoint. index (int): optional index of a watchpoint. Returns: An instance of ``JLinkWatchpointInfo`` specifying information about the watchpoint if the watchpoint was found, otherwise ``None``. Raises: JLinkException: on error. ValueError: if both handle and index are invalid. """ if index < 0: if handle == 0: raise ValueError('Handle must be provided if index is not set.') wp = structs.JLinkWatchpointInfo() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetWPInfoEx(index, ctypes.byref(wp)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to get watchpoint info.') for i in range(res): res = self._dll.JLINKARM_GetWPInfoEx(i, ctypes.byref(wp)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to get watchpoint info.') if wp.Handle == handle or wp.WPUnit == index: return wp @connection_required def watchpoint_set(self, addr, addr_mask=0, data=0, data_mask=0, access_size=None, read=False, write=False, privileged=False): """Sets a watchpoint at the given address. This method allows for a watchpoint to be set on an given address or range of addresses. The watchpoint can then be triggered if the data at the given address matches the specified ``data`` or range of data as determined by ``data_mask``, on specific access size events, reads, writes, or privileged accesses. Both ``addr_mask`` and ``data_mask`` are used to specify ranges. Bits set to ``1`` are masked out and not taken into consideration when comparison against an address or data value. E.g. an ``addr_mask`` with a value of ``0x1`` and ``addr`` with value ``0xdeadbeef`` means that the watchpoint will be set on addresses ``0xdeadbeef`` and ``0xdeadbeee``. If the ``data`` was ``0x11223340`` and the given ``data_mask`` has a value of ``0x0000000F``, then the watchpoint would trigger for data matching ``0x11223340 - 0x1122334F``. Note: If both ``read`` and ``write`` are specified, then the watchpoint will trigger on both read and write events to the given address. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance addr_mask (int): optional mask to use for determining which address the watchpoint should be set on data (int): optional data to set the watchpoint on in order to have the watchpoint triggered when the value at the specified address matches the given ``data`` data_mask (int): optional mask to use for determining the range of data on which the watchpoint should be triggered access_size (int): if specified, this must be one of ``{8, 16, 32}`` and determines the access size for which the watchpoint should trigger read (bool): if ``True``, triggers the watchpoint on read events write (bool): if ``True``, triggers the watchpoint on write events privileged (bool): if ``True``, triggers the watchpoint on privileged accesses Returns: The handle of the created watchpoint. Raises: ValueError: if an invalid access size is given. JLinkException: if the watchpoint fails to be set. """ access_flags = 0 access_mask_flags = 0 if access_size is None: access_mask_flags = access_mask_flags | enums.JLinkAccessMaskFlags.SIZE else: if access_size == 8: access_flags = access_flags | enums.JLinkAccessFlags.SIZE_8BIT else: if access_size == 16: access_flags = access_flags | enums.JLinkAccessFlags.SIZE_16BIT else: if access_size == 32: access_flags = access_flags | enums.JLinkAccessFlags.SIZE_32BIT else: raise ValueError('Invalid access size given: %d' % access_size) if read and write: access_mask_flags = access_mask_flags | enums.JLinkAccessMaskFlags.DIR else: if read: access_flags = access_flags | enums.JLinkAccessFlags.READ else: if write: access_flags = access_flags | enums.JLinkAccessFlags.WRITE if privileged: access_flags = access_flags | enums.JLinkAccessFlags.PRIV else: access_mask_flags = access_mask_flags | enums.JLinkAccessMaskFlags.PRIV wp = structs.JLinkDataEvent() wp.Addr = addr wp.AddrMask = addr_mask wp.Data = data wp.DataMask = data_mask wp.Access = access_flags wp.AccessMask = access_mask_flags handle = ctypes.c_uint32() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SetDataEvent(ctypes.pointer(wp), ctypes.pointer(handle)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkDataException(res) return handle.value @connection_required def watchpoint_clear(self, handle): """Clears the watchpoint with the specified handle. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance handle (int): the handle of the watchpoint Returns: ``True`` if watchpoint was removed, otherwise ``False``. """ return not self._dll.JLINKARM_ClrDataEvent(handle) @connection_required def watchpoint_clear_all(self): """Removes all watchpoints that have been set. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if they were cleared, otherwise ``False``. """ return not self._dll.JLINKARM_ClrDataEvent(4294967295) def disassemble_instruction(self, instruction): """Disassembles and returns the assembly instruction string. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. instruction (int): the instruction address. Returns: A string corresponding to the assembly instruction string at the given instruction address. Raises: JLinkException: on error. TypeError: if ``instruction`` is not a number. """ if not util.is_integer(instruction): raise TypeError('Expected instruction to be an integer.') buf_size = self.MAX_BUF_SIZE buf = (ctypes.c_char * buf_size)() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_DisassembleInst(ctypes.byref(buf), buf_size, instruction) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to disassemble instruction.') return ctypes.string_at(buf).decode() @connection_required def strace_configure(self, port_width): """Configures the trace port width for tracing. Note that configuration cannot occur while STRACE is running. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance port_width (int): the trace port width to use. Returns: ``None`` Raises: ValueError: if ``port_width`` is not ``1``, ``2``, or ``4``. JLinkException: on error. """ if port_width not in (1, 2, 4): raise ValueError('Invalid port width: %s' % str(port_width)) config_string = 'PortWidth=%d' % port_width res = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Config(config_string.encode()) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to configure STRACE port') @connection_required def strace_start(self): """Starts the capturing of STRACE data. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ res = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Start() if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to start STRACE.') @connection_required def strace_stop(self): """Stops the sampling of STRACE data. Any capturing of STRACE data is automatically stopped when the CPU is halted. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ res = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Stop() if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to stop STRACE.') @connection_required def strace_read(self, num_instructions): """Reads and returns a number of instructions captured by STRACE. The number of instructions must be a non-negative value of at most ``0x10000`` (``65536``). Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. num_instructions (int): number of instructions to fetch. Returns: A list of instruction addresses in order from most recently executed to oldest executed instructions. Note that the number of instructions returned can be less than the number of instructions requested in the case that there are not ``num_instructions`` in the trace buffer. Raises: JLinkException: on error. ValueError: if ``num_instructions < 0`` or ``num_instructions > 0x10000``. """ if num_instructions < 0 or num_instructions > 65536: raise ValueError('Invalid instruction count.') buf = (ctypes.c_uint32 * num_instructions)() buf_size = num_instructions res = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Read(ctypes.byref(buf), buf_size) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to read from STRACE buffer.') return list(buf)[:res] @connection_required def strace_code_fetch_event(self, operation, address, address_range=0): """Sets an event to trigger trace logic when an instruction is fetched. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. operation (int): one of the operations in ``JLinkStraceOperation``. address (int): the address of the instruction that is fetched. address_range (int): optional range of address to trigger event on. Returns: An integer specifying the trace event handle. This handle should be retained in order to clear the event at a later time. Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ cmd = enums.JLinkStraceCommand.TRACE_EVENT_SET event_info = structs.JLinkStraceEventInfo() event_info.Type = enums.JLinkStraceEvent.CODE_FETCH event_info.Op = operation event_info.Addr = int(address) event_info.AddrRangeSize = int(address_range) handle = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(event_info)) if handle < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(handle) return handle @connection_required def strace_data_access_event(self, operation, address, data, data_mask=None, access_width=4, address_range=0): """Sets an event to trigger trace logic when data access is made. Data access corresponds to either a read or write. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. operation (int): one of the operations in ``JLinkStraceOperation``. address (int): the address of the load/store data. data (int): the data to be compared the event data to. data_mask (int): optional bitmask specifying bits to ignore in comparison. acess_width (int): optional access width for the data. address_range (int): optional range of address to trigger event on. Returns: An integer specifying the trace event handle. This handle should be retained in order to clear the event at a later time. Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ cmd = enums.JLinkStraceCommand.TRACE_EVENT_SET event_info = structs.JLinkStraceEventInfo() event_info.Type = enums.JLinkStraceEvent.DATA_ACCESS event_info.Op = operation event_info.AccessSize = int(access_width) event_info.Addr = int(address) event_info.Data = int(data) event_info.DataMask = int(data_mask or 0) event_info.AddrRangeSize = int(address_range) handle = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(event_info)) if handle < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(handle) return handle @connection_required def strace_data_load_event(self, operation, address, address_range=0): """Sets an event to trigger trace logic when data read access is made. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. operation (int): one of the operations in ``JLinkStraceOperation``. address (int): the address of the load data. address_range (int): optional range of address to trigger event on. Returns: An integer specifying the trace event handle. This handle should be retained in order to clear the event at a later time. Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ cmd = enums.JLinkStraceCommand.TRACE_EVENT_SET event_info = structs.JLinkStraceEventInfo() event_info.Type = enums.JLinkStraceEvent.DATA_LOAD event_info.Op = operation event_info.Addr = int(address) event_info.AddrRangeSize = int(address_range) handle = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(event_info)) if handle < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(handle) return handle @connection_required def strace_data_store_event(self, operation, address, address_range=0): """Sets an event to trigger trace logic when data write access is made. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. operation (int): one of the operations in ``JLinkStraceOperation``. address (int): the address of the store data. address_range (int): optional range of address to trigger event on. Returns: An integer specifying the trace event handle. This handle should be retained in order to clear the event at a later time. Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ cmd = enums.JLinkStraceCommand.TRACE_EVENT_SET event_info = structs.JLinkStraceEventInfo() event_info.Type = enums.JLinkStraceEvent.DATA_STORE event_info.Op = operation event_info.Addr = int(address) event_info.AddrRangeSize = int(address_range) handle = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(event_info)) if handle < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(handle) return handle @connection_required def strace_clear(self, handle): """Clears the trace event specified by the given handle. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. handle (int): handle of the trace event. Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ data = ctypes.c_int(handle) res = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Control(enums.JLinkStraceCommand.TRACE_EVENT_CLR, ctypes.byref(data)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to clear STRACE event.') @connection_required def strace_clear_all(self): """Clears all STRACE events. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ data = 0 res = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Control(enums.JLinkStraceCommand.TRACE_EVENT_CLR_ALL, data) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to clear all STRACE events.') @connection_required def strace_set_buffer_size(self, size): """Sets the STRACE buffer size. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ size = ctypes.c_uint32(size) res = self._dll.JLINK_STRACE_Control(enums.JLinkStraceCommand.SET_BUFFER_SIZE, size) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to set the STRACE buffer size.') @connection_required def trace_start(self): """Starts collecting trace data. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: ``None`` """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.START res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, 0) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to start trace.') @connection_required def trace_stop(self): """Stops collecting trace data. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: ``None`` """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.STOP res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, 0) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to stop trace.') @connection_required def trace_flush(self): """Flushes the trace buffer. After this method is called, the trace buffer is empty. This method is best called when the device is reset. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: ``None`` """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.FLUSH res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, 0) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to flush the trace buffer.') @connection_required def trace_sample_count(self): """Retrieves the number of samples in the trace buffer. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: Number of samples in the trace buffer. """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.GET_NUM_SAMPLES data = ctypes.c_uint32(self.trace_max_buffer_capacity()) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(data)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to get trace sample count.') return data.value @connection_required def trace_buffer_capacity(self): """Retrieves the trace buffer's current capacity. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: The current capacity of the trace buffer. This is not necessarily the maximum possible size the buffer could be configured with. """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.GET_CONF_CAPACITY data = ctypes.c_uint32(0) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(data)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to get trace buffer size.') return data.value @connection_required def trace_set_buffer_capacity(self, size): """Sets the capacity for the trace buffer. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. size (int): the new capacity for the trace buffer. Returns: ``None`` """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.SET_CAPACITY data = ctypes.c_uint32(size) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(data)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to set trace buffer size.') @connection_required def trace_min_buffer_capacity(self): """Retrieves the minimum capacity the trace buffer can be configured with. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: The minimum configurable capacity for the trace buffer. """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.GET_MIN_CAPACITY data = ctypes.c_uint32(0) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(data)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to get min trace buffer size.') return data.value @connection_required def trace_max_buffer_capacity(self): """Retrieves the maximum size the trace buffer can be configured with. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: The maximum configurable capacity for the trace buffer. """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.GET_MAX_CAPACITY data = ctypes.c_uint32(0) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(data)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to get max trace buffer size.') return data.value @connection_required def trace_set_format(self, fmt): """Sets the format for the trace buffer to use. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. fmt (int): format for the trace buffer; this is one of the attributes of ``JLinkTraceFormat``. Returns: ``None`` """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.SET_FORMAT data = ctypes.c_uint32(fmt) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(data)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to set trace format.') @connection_required def trace_format(self): """Retrieves the current format the trace buffer is using. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: The current format the trace buffer is using. This is one of the attributes of ``JLinkTraceFormat``. """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.GET_FORMAT data = ctypes.c_uint32(0) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(data)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to get trace format.') return data.value @connection_required def trace_region_count(self): """Retrieves a count of the number of available trace regions. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. Returns: Count of the number of available trace regions. """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.GET_NUM_REGIONS data = ctypes.c_uint32(0) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(data)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to get trace region count.') return data.value @connection_required def trace_region(self, region_index): """Retrieves the properties of a trace region. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. region_index (int): the trace region index. Returns: An instance of ``JLinkTraceRegion`` describing the specified region. """ cmd = enums.JLinkTraceCommand.GET_REGION_PROPS_EX region = structs.JLinkTraceRegion() region.RegionIndex = int(region_index) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Control(cmd, ctypes.byref(region)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to get trace region.') return region @connection_required def trace_read(self, offset, num_items): """Reads data from the trace buffer and returns it. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance. offset (int): the offset from which to start reading from the trace buffer. num_items (int): number of items to read from the trace buffer. Returns: A list of ``JLinkTraceData`` instances corresponding to the items read from the trace buffer. Note that this list may have size less than ``num_items`` in the event that there are not ``num_items`` items in the trace buffer. Raises: JLinkException: on error. """ buf_size = ctypes.c_uint32(num_items) buf = (structs.JLinkTraceData * num_items)() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_TRACE_Read(buf, int(offset), ctypes.byref(buf_size)) if res == 1: raise errors.JLinkException('Failed to read from trace buffer.') return list(buf)[:int(buf_size.value)] def swo_enabled(self): """Returns whether or not SWO is enabled. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``True`` if SWO is enabled, otherwise ``False``. """ return self._swo_enabled @connection_required def swo_start(self, swo_speed=9600): """Starts collecting SWO data. Note: If SWO is already enabled, it will first stop SWO before enabling it again. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance swo_speed (int): the frequency in Hz used by the target to communicate Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error """ if self.swo_enabled(): self.swo_stop() info = structs.JLinkSWOStartInfo() info.Speed = swo_speed res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_Control(enums.JLinkSWOCommands.START, ctypes.byref(info)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) self._swo_enabled = True @connection_required def swo_stop(self): """Stops collecting SWO data. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_Control(enums.JLinkSWOCommands.STOP, 0) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) @connection_required def swo_enable(self, cpu_speed, swo_speed=9600, port_mask=1): """Enables SWO output on the target device. Configures the output protocol, the SWO output speed, and enables any ITM & stimulus ports. This is equivalent to calling ``.swo_start()``. Note: If SWO is already enabled, it will first stop SWO before enabling it again. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance cpu_speed (int): the target CPU frequency in Hz swo_speed (int): the frequency in Hz used by the target to communicate port_mask (int): port mask specifying which stimulus ports to enable Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error """ if self.swo_enabled(): self.swo_stop() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_EnableTarget(cpu_speed, swo_speed, enums.JLinkSWOInterfaces.UART, port_mask) if res != 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) self._swo_enabled = True @connection_required def swo_disable(self, port_mask): """Disables ITM & Stimulus ports. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance port_mask (int): mask specifying which ports to disable Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_DisableTarget(port_mask) if res != 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) @connection_required def swo_flush(self, num_bytes=None): """Flushes data from the SWO buffer. After this method is called, the flushed part of the SWO buffer is empty. If ``num_bytes`` is not present, flushes all data currently in the SWO buffer. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance num_bytes (int): the number of bytes to flush Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error """ if num_bytes is None: num_bytes = self.swo_num_bytes() buf = ctypes.c_uint32(num_bytes) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_Control(enums.JLinkSWOCommands.FLUSH, ctypes.byref(buf)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) @connection_required def swo_speed_info(self): """Retrieves information about the supported SWO speeds. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: A ``JLinkSWOSpeedInfo`` instance describing the target's supported SWO speeds. Raises: JLinkException: on error """ info = structs.JLinkSWOSpeedInfo() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_Control(enums.JLinkSWOCommands.GET_SPEED_INFO, ctypes.byref(info)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return info @connection_required def swo_num_bytes(self): """Retrives the number of bytes in the SWO buffer. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: Number of bytes in the SWO buffer. Raises: JLinkException: on error """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_Control(enums.JLinkSWOCommands.GET_NUM_BYTES, 0) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return res @connection_required def swo_set_host_buffer_size(self, buf_size): """Sets the size of the buffer used by the host to collect SWO data. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance buf_size (int): the new size of the host buffer Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error """ buf = ctypes.c_uint32(buf_size) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_Control(enums.JLinkSWOCommands.SET_BUFFERSIZE_HOST, ctypes.byref(buf)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) @connection_required def swo_set_emu_buffer_size(self, buf_size): """Sets the size of the buffer used by the J-Link to collect SWO data. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance buf_size (int): the new size of the emulator buffer Returns: ``None`` Raises: JLinkException: on error """ buf = ctypes.c_uint32(buf_size) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_Control(enums.JLinkSWOCommands.SET_BUFFERSIZE_EMU, ctypes.byref(buf)) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) @connection_required def swo_supported_speeds(self, cpu_speed, num_speeds=3): """Retrives a list of SWO speeds supported by both the target and the connected J-Link. The supported speeds are returned in order from highest to lowest. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance cpu_speed (int): the target's CPU speed in Hz num_speeds (int): the number of compatible speeds to return Returns: A list of compatible SWO speeds in Hz in order from highest to lowest. """ buf_size = num_speeds buf = (ctypes.c_uint32 * buf_size)() res = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_GetCompatibleSpeeds(cpu_speed, 0, buf, buf_size) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return list(buf)[:res] @connection_required def swo_read(self, offset, num_bytes, remove=False): """Reads data from the SWO buffer. The data read is not automatically removed from the SWO buffer after reading unless ``remove`` is ``True``. Otherwise the callee must explicitly remove the data by calling ``.swo_flush()``. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance offset (int): offset of first byte to be retrieved num_bytes (int): number of bytes to read remove (bool): if data should be removed from buffer after read Returns: A list of bytes read from the SWO buffer. """ buf_size = ctypes.c_uint32(num_bytes) buf = ctypes.c_uint8 * num_bytes(0) self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_Read(buf, offset, ctypes.byref(buf_size)) buf_size = buf_size.value if remove: self.swo_flush(buf_size) return list(buf)[:buf_size] @connection_required def swo_read_stimulus(self, port, num_bytes): """Reads the printable data via SWO. This method reads SWO for one stimulus port, which is all printable data. Note: Stimulus port ``0`` is used for ``printf`` debugging. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance port (int): the stimulus port to read from, ``0 - 31`` num_bytes (int): number of bytes to read Returns: A list of bytes read via SWO. Raises: ValueError: if ``port < 0`` or ``port > 31`` """ if port < 0 or port > 31: raise ValueError('Invalid port number: %s' % port) buf_size = num_bytes buf = (ctypes.c_uint8 * buf_size)() bytes_read = self._dll.JLINKARM_SWO_ReadStimulus(port, buf, buf_size) return list(buf)[:bytes_read] @open_required def rtt_start(self): """Starts RTT processing, including background read of target data. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Raises: JLinkRTTException if the underlying JLINK_RTTERMINAL_Control call fails. """ self.rtt_control(enums.JLinkRTTCommand.START, None) @open_required def rtt_stop(self): """Stops RTT on the J-Link and host side. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Raises: JLinkRTTException if the underlying JLINK_RTTERMINAL_Control call fails. """ self.rtt_control(enums.JLinkRTTCommand.STOP, None) @open_required def rtt_get_num_up_buffers(self): """After starting RTT, get the current number of up buffers. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The number of configured up buffers on the target. Raises: JLinkRTTException if the underlying JLINK_RTTERMINAL_Control call fails. """ cmd = enums.JLinkRTTCommand.GETNUMBUF dir = ctypes.c_int(enums.JLinkRTTDirection.UP) return self.rtt_control(cmd, dir) @open_required def rtt_get_num_down_buffers(self): """After starting RTT, get the current number of down buffers. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance Returns: The number of configured down buffers on the target. Raises: JLinkRTTException if the underlying JLINK_RTTERMINAL_Control call fails. """ cmd = enums.JLinkRTTCommand.GETNUMBUF dir = ctypes.c_int(enums.JLinkRTTDirection.DOWN) return self.rtt_control(cmd, dir) @open_required def rtt_read(self, buffer_index, num_bytes): """Reads data from the RTT buffer. This method will read at most num_bytes bytes from the specified RTT buffer. The data is automatically removed from the RTT buffer. If there are not num_bytes bytes waiting in the RTT buffer, the entire contents of the RTT buffer will be read. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance buffer_index (int): the index of the RTT buffer to read from num_bytes (int): the maximum number of bytes to read Returns: A list of bytes read from RTT. Raises: JLinkRTTException if the underlying JLINK_RTTERMINAL_Read call fails. """ buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * num_bytes)() bytes_read = self._dll.JLINK_RTTERMINAL_Read(buffer_index, buf, num_bytes) if bytes_read < 0: raise errors.JLinkRTTException(bytes_read) return list(buf)[:bytes_read] @open_required def rtt_write(self, buffer_index, data): """Writes data to the RTT buffer. This method will write at most len(data) bytes to the specified RTT buffer. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance buffer_index (int): the index of the RTT buffer to write to data (list): the list of bytes to write to the RTT buffer Returns: The number of bytes successfully written to the RTT buffer. Raises: JLinkRTTException if the underlying JLINK_RTTERMINAL_Write call fails. """ buf_size = len(data) buf = (ctypes.c_ubyte * buf_size)(*bytearray(data)) bytes_written = self._dll.JLINK_RTTERMINAL_Write(buffer_index, buf, buf_size) if bytes_written < 0: raise errors.JLinkRTTException(bytes_written) return bytes_written @open_required def rtt_control(self, command, config): """Issues an RTT Control command. All RTT control is done through a single API call which expects specifically laid-out configuration structures. Args: self (JLink): the ``JLink`` instance command (int): the command to issue (see enums.JLinkRTTCommand) config (ctypes type): the configuration to pass by reference. Returns: An integer containing the result of the command. """ config_byref = ctypes.byref(config) if config is not None else None res = self._dll.JLINK_RTTERMINAL_Control(command, config_byref) if res < 0: raise errors.JLinkRTTException(res) return res @connection_required def cp15_present(self): """Returns whether target has CP15 co-processor. Returns: ``True`` if the target has CP15 co-processor, otherwise ``False``. """ result = False if self._dll.JLINKARM_CP15_IsPresent() != 0: result = True return result @open_required def cp15_register_read(self, cr_n, op_1, cr_m, op_2): """Reads value from specified coprocessor register. Args: cr_n (int): CRn value op_1 (int): Op1 value cr_m (int): CRm value op_2 (int): Op2 value Returns: An integer containing the value of coprocessor register Raises: JLinkException: on error """ value = ctypes.c_uint32(0) p_value = ctypes.pointer(value) res = self._dll.JLINKARM_CP15_ReadEx(cr_n, cr_m, op_1, op_2, p_value) if res != 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) else: value = value.value return value @open_required def cp15_register_write(self, cr_n, op_1, cr_m, op_2, value): """Writes value to specified coprocessor register. Args: cr_n (int): CRn value op_1 (int): Op1 value cr_m (int): CRm value op_2 (int): Op2 value value (int): value to write Returns: An integer containing the result of the command Raises: JLinkException: on error """ res = self._dll.JLINKARM_CP15_WriteEx(cr_n, cr_m, op_1, op_2, value) if res != 0: raise errors.JLinkException(res) return res # okay decompiling ./pylink/jlink.pyc