const std = @import("std"); const base = @import("aws_http_base.zig"); const auth = @import("aws_authentication.zig"); const date = @import("date.zig"); const log = std.log.scoped(.aws_signing); // TODO: Remove this?! This is an aws_signing, so we should know a thing // or two about aws. So perhaps the right level of abstraction here // is to have our service signing idiosyncracies dealt with in this // code base. Pretty much all these flags are specific to use with S3 // except omit_session_token, which will likely apply to serveral services, // just not sure which one yet. I'll leave this here, commented for now // in case we need to revisit the decision // // see // pub const ConfigFlags = packed struct { // // We assume the uri will be encoded once in preparation for transmission. Certain services // // do not decode before checking signature, requiring us to actually double-encode the uri in the canonical // // request in order to pass a signature check. // // use_double_uri_encode: bool = true, // // // Controls whether or not the uri paths should be normalized when building the canonical request // should_normalize_uri_path: bool = true, // // // Controls whether "X-Amz-Security-Token" is omitted from the canonical request. // // "X-Amz-Security-Token" is added during signing, as a header or // // query param, when credentials have a session token. // // If false (the default), this parameter is included in the canonical request. // // If true, this parameter is still added, but omitted from the canonical request. // omit_session_token: bool = true, // }; pub const Credentials = auth.Credentials; pub const Config = struct { // These two should be all you need to set most of the time service: []const u8, credentials: Credentials, region: []const u8 = "aws-global", // algorithm: enum { v4, v4a } = .v4, // // config_type: ?? // CRT only has one value. We'll ignore for now // signature_type: enum { headers, // we only support this query_params, request_chunk, request_event, // not implemented by CRT canonical_request_headers, canonical_request_query_params, } = .headers, /// Used for testing. If null, will use current time signing_time: ?i64 = null, // In the CRT, should_sign_header is a function to allow header filtering. // The _ud would be a anyopaque user defined data for the function to use // .should_sign_header = null, // .should_sign_header_ud = null, // In the CRT, this is only used if the body has been precalculated. We don't have // this use case, and we'll ignore // .signed_body_value = c.aws_byte_cursor_from_c_str(""), signed_body_header: SignatureType = .sha256, // // This is more complex in the CRT. We'll just take the creds. Someone // else can use a provider and get them in advance // // If non-zero and the signing transform is query param, then signing will add X-Amz-Expires to the query // string, equal to the value specified here. If this value is zero or if header signing is being used then // this parameter has no effect. expiration_in_seconds: u64 = 0, // flags: ConfigFlags = .{}, }; pub const SignatureType = enum { sha256, none }; pub const SigningError = error{ NotImplemented, S3NotImplemented, // There are a number of forbidden headers that the signing process // basically "owns". For clarity, and because zig does not have a way // to provide an error message // /// Used if the request headers already includes X-Amz-Date /// If a specific date is required, use a specific signing_time in config XAmzDateHeaderInRequest, /// Used if the request headers already includes Authorization AuthorizationHeaderInRequest, /// Used if the request headers already includes x-amz-content-sha256 XAmzContentSha256HeaderInRequest, /// Used if the request headers already includes x-amz-signature XAmzSignatureHeaderInRequest, /// Used if the request headers already includes x-amz-algorithm XAmzAlgorithmHeaderInRequest, /// Used if the request headers already includes x-amz-credential XAmzCredentialHeaderInRequest, /// Used if the request headers already includes x-amz-signedheaders XAmzSignedHeadersHeaderInRequest, /// Used if the request headers already includes x-amz-security-token XAmzSecurityTokenHeaderInRequest, /// Used if the request headers already includes x-amz-expires XAmzExpiresHeaderInRequest, /// Used if the request headers already includes x-amz-region-set XAmzRegionSetHeaderInRequest, } || std.fmt.AllocPrintError; const forbidden_headers = .{ .{ .name = "x-amz-content-sha256", .err = SigningError.XAmzContentSha256HeaderInRequest }, .{ .name = "Authorization", .err = SigningError.AuthorizationHeaderInRequest }, .{ .name = "X-Amz-Signature", .err = SigningError.XAmzSignatureHeaderInRequest }, .{ .name = "X-Amz-Algorithm", .err = SigningError.XAmzAlgorithmHeaderInRequest }, .{ .name = "X-Amz-Credential", .err = SigningError.XAmzCredentialHeaderInRequest }, .{ .name = "X-Amz-Date", .err = SigningError.XAmzDateHeaderInRequest }, .{ .name = "X-Amz-SignedHeaders", .err = SigningError.XAmzSignedHeadersHeaderInRequest }, .{ .name = "X-Amz-Security-Token", .err = SigningError.XAmzSecurityTokenHeaderInRequest }, .{ .name = "X-Amz-Expires", .err = SigningError.XAmzExpiresHeaderInRequest }, .{ .name = "X-Amz-Region-Set", .err = SigningError.XAmzRegionSetHeaderInRequest }, }; const skipped_headers = .{ "x-amzn-trace-id", "User-Agent", "connection", "sec-websocket-key", "sec-websocket-protocol", "sec-websocket-version", "upgrade", }; /// Signs a request. Only header signing is currently supported. Note that /// This adds two headers to the request, which will need to be freed by the /// caller. Use freeSignedRequest with the same parameters to free pub fn signRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: base.Request, config: Config) SigningError!base.Request { try validateConfig(config); for (request.headers) |h| { inline for (forbidden_headers) |f| { if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(, return f.err; } } var rc = request; const signing_time = config.signing_time orelse std.time.timestamp(); const signed_date = date.timestampToDateTime(signing_time); const signing_iso8601 = try std.fmt.allocPrint( allocator, "{:0>4}{:0>2}{:0>2}T{:0>2}{:0>2}{:0>2}Z", .{ signed_date.year, signed_date.month,, signed_date.hour, signed_date.minute, signed_date.second, }, ); errdefer freeSignedRequest(allocator, &rc, config); var additional_header_count: u3 = 3; if (config.credentials.session_token != null) additional_header_count += 1; const newheaders = try allocator.alloc(base.Header, rc.headers.len + additional_header_count); errdefer; const oldheaders = rc.headers; if (config.credentials.session_token) |t| { newheaders[newheaders.len - 4] = base.Header{ .name = "X-Amz-Security-Token", .value = try allocator.dupe(u8, t), }; } errdefer freeSignedRequest(allocator, &rc, config); std.mem.copy(base.Header, newheaders, oldheaders); newheaders[newheaders.len - 3] = base.Header{ .name = "X-Amz-Date", .value = signing_iso8601, }; // From the AWS nitro enclaves SDK, it appears that there is no reason // to avoid *ALWAYS* adding the x-amz-content-sha256 header // const payload_hash = try hash(allocator, request.body, config.signed_body_header); // This will be freed in freeSignedRequest // defer; newheaders[newheaders.len - 2] = base.Header{ .name = "x-amz-content-sha256", .value = payload_hash, }; rc.headers = newheaders[0 .. newheaders.len - 1]; log.debug("Signing with access key: {s}", .{config.credentials.access_key}); const canonical_request = try createCanonicalRequest(allocator, rc, payload_hash, config); defer {;;;; } log.debug("Canonical request:\n{s}", .{canonical_request.arr}); log.debug("Canonical request hash: {s}", .{canonical_request.hash}); const scope = try std.fmt.allocPrint( allocator, "{:0>4}{:0>2}{:0>2}/{s}/{s}/aws4_request", .{ signed_date.year, signed_date.month,, config.region, config.service, }, ); defer; log.debug("Scope: {s}", .{scope}); //Algorithm + \n + //RequestDateTime + \n + //CredentialScope + \n + //HashedCanonicalRequest const string_to_sign_fmt = \\AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 \\{s} \\{s} \\{s} ; const string_to_sign = try std.fmt.allocPrint( allocator, string_to_sign_fmt, .{ signing_iso8601, scope, canonical_request.hash, }, ); defer; log.debug("String to sign:\n{s}", .{string_to_sign}); const signing_key = try getSigningKey(allocator, scope[0..8], config); defer; const signature = try hmac(allocator, signing_key, string_to_sign); defer; newheaders[newheaders.len - 1] = base.Header{ .name = "Authorization", .value = try std.fmt.allocPrint( allocator, "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={s}/{s}, SignedHeaders={s}, Signature={s}", .{ config.credentials.access_key, scope, canonical_request.headers.signed_headers, std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(signature), }, ), }; rc.headers = newheaders; return rc; } /// Frees allocated resources for the request, including the headers array pub fn freeSignedRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: *base.Request, config: Config) void { validateConfig(config) catch |e| { log.err("Signing validation failed during signature free: {}", .{e}); if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| { std.debug.dumpStackTrace(trace.*); } return; }; for (request.headers) |h| { if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(, "X-Amz-Date") or std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(, "Authorization") or std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(, "X-Amz-Security-Token") or std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(, "x-amz-content-sha256")); }; } pub const credentialsFn = *const fn ([]const u8) ?Credentials; pub fn verify(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: std.http.Server.Request, request_body_reader: anytype, credentials_fn: credentialsFn) !bool { // Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=ACCESS/20230908/us-west-2/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept;content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date;x-amz-storage-class, Signature=fcc43ce73a34c9bd1ddf17e8a435f46a859812822f944f9eeb2aabcd64b03523 const auth_header = request.headers.getFirstValue("Authorization").?; if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, auth_header, "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256")) return error.UnsupportedAuthorizationType; var credential: ?[]const u8 = null; var signed_headers: ?[]const u8 = null; var signature: ?[]const u8 = null; var split_iterator = std.mem.splitSequence(u8, auth_header, " "); while ( |auth_part| { // NOTE: auth_part likely to end with , if (std.ascii.startsWithIgnoreCase(auth_part, "Credential=")) { credential = std.mem.trim(u8, auth_part["Credential=".len..], ","); continue; } if (std.ascii.startsWithIgnoreCase(auth_part, "SignedHeaders=")) { signed_headers = std.mem.trim(u8, auth_part["SignedHeaders=".len..], ","); continue; } if (std.ascii.startsWithIgnoreCase(auth_part, "Signature=")) { signature = std.mem.trim(u8, auth_part["Signature=".len..], ","); continue; } } if (credential == null) return error.AuthorizationHeaderMissingCredential; if (signed_headers == null) return error.AuthorizationHeaderMissingSignedHeaders; if (signature == null) return error.AuthorizationHeaderMissingSignature; return verifyParsedAuthorization( allocator, request, request_body_reader, credential.?, signed_headers.?, signature.?, credentials_fn, ); } fn verifyParsedAuthorization( allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: std.http.Server.Request, request_body_reader: anytype, credential: []const u8, signed_headers: []const u8, signature: []const u8, credentials_fn: credentialsFn, ) !bool { // AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 // Credential=ACCESS/20230908/us-west-2/s3/aws4_request // SignedHeaders=accept;content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date;x-amz-storage-class // Signature=fcc43ce73a34c9bd1ddf17e8a435f46a859812822f944f9eeb2aabcd64b03523 var credential_iterator = std.mem.split(u8, credential, "/"); const access_key =; const credentials = credentials_fn(access_key) orelse return error.CredentialsNotFound; // TODO: // For now I want to see this test pass const normalized_iso_date = request.headers.getFirstValue("x-amz-date") orelse request.headers.getFirstValue("Date").?; log.debug("Got date: {s}", .{normalized_iso_date}); _ =; // skip the date...I don't think we need this const region =; const service =; const aws4_request =; if (!std.mem.eql(u8, aws4_request, "aws4_request")) return error.UnexpectedCredentialValue; var config = Config{ .service = service, .credentials = credentials, .region = region, .algorithm = .v4, .signature_type = .headers, .signed_body_header = .sha256, .expiration_in_seconds = 0, .signing_time = try date.dateTimeToTimestamp(try date.parseIso8601ToDateTime(normalized_iso_date)), }; var headers = try allocator.alloc(base.Header, std.mem.count(u8, signed_headers, ";") + 1); defer; var signed_headers_iterator = std.mem.splitSequence(u8, signed_headers, ";"); var inx: usize = 0; while ( |signed_header| { var is_forbidden = false; inline for (forbidden_headers) |forbidden| { if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(, signed_header)) { is_forbidden = true; break; } } if (is_forbidden) continue; headers[inx] = .{ .name = signed_header, .value = request.headers.getFirstValue(signed_header).?, }; inx += 1; } var target_iterator = std.mem.splitSequence(u8,, "?"); var signed_request = base.Request{ .path = target_iterator.first(), .headers = headers[0..inx], .method = @tagName(request.method), .content_type = request.headers.getFirstValue("content-type").?, }; signed_request.query =[signed_request.path.len..]; // TODO: should this be +1? query here would include '?' signed_request.body = try request_body_reader.readAllAlloc(allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize)); defer; signed_request = try signRequest(allocator, signed_request, config); defer freeSignedRequest(allocator, &signed_request, config); return verifySignedRequest(signed_request, signature); } fn verifySignedRequest(signed_request: base.Request, signature: []const u8) !bool { // We're not doing a lot of error checking here...we are all in control of this code const auth_header = blk: { for (signed_request.headers) |header| { if (std.mem.eql(u8,, "Authorization")) break :blk header.value; } break :blk null; }; var split_iterator = std.mem.splitSequence(u8, auth_header.?, " "); const calculated_signature = blk: { while ( |auth_part| { if (std.ascii.startsWithIgnoreCase(auth_part, "Signature=")) { break :blk std.mem.trim(u8, auth_part["Signature=".len..], ","); } } break :blk null; }; return std.mem.eql(u8, signature, calculated_signature.?); } fn getSigningKey(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, signing_date: []const u8, config: Config) ![]const u8 { // TODO: This is designed for lots of caching. We need to work that out // kSecret = your secret access key // kDate = HMAC("AWS4" + kSecret, Date) // kRegion = HMAC(kDate, Region) // kService = HMAC(kRegion, Service) // kSigning = HMAC(kService, "aws4_request") log.debug( \\signing key params: \\ key: (you wish) \\ date: {s} \\ region: {s} \\ service: {s} , .{ signing_date, config.region, config.service }); var secret = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "AWS4{s}", .{config.credentials.secret_key}); defer { // secureZero avoids compiler optimizations that may say // "WTF are you doing this thing? Looks like nothing to me. It's silly and we will remove it" std.crypto.utils.secureZero(u8, secret); // zero our copy of secret; } // log.debug("secret: {s}", .{secret}); const k_date = try hmac(allocator, secret, signing_date); defer; const k_region = try hmac(allocator, k_date, config.region); defer; const k_service = try hmac(allocator, k_region, config.service); defer; const k_signing = try hmac(allocator, k_service, "aws4_request"); return k_signing; } fn validateConfig(config: Config) SigningError!void { if (config.signature_type != .headers or config.signed_body_header != .sha256 or config.expiration_in_seconds != 0 or config.algorithm != .v4) return SigningError.NotImplemented; } fn hmac(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, key: []const u8, data: []const u8) ![]const u8 { var out: [std.crypto.auth.hmac.sha2.HmacSha256.mac_length]u8 = undefined; std.crypto.auth.hmac.sha2.HmacSha256.create(out[0..], data, key); return try allocator.dupe(u8, out[0..]); } const Hashed = struct { arr: []const u8, hash: []const u8, headers: CanonicalHeaders, }; fn createCanonicalRequest(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: base.Request, payload_hash: []const u8, config: Config) !Hashed { // CanonicalRequest = // HTTPRequestMethod + '\n' + // CanonicalURI + '\n' + // CanonicalQueryString + '\n' + // CanonicalHeaders + '\n' + // SignedHeaders + '\n' + // HexEncode(Hash(RequestPayload)) const fmt = \\{s} \\{s} \\{s} \\{s} \\{s} \\{s} ; // TODO: This is all better as a writer - less allocations/copying const canonical_method = try canonicalRequestMethod(request.method); // Let's not mess around here...s3 is the oddball const double_encode = !std.mem.eql(u8, config.service, "s3"); const canonical_url = try canonicalUri(allocator, request.path, double_encode); defer; log.debug("final uri: {s}", .{canonical_url}); const canonical_query = try canonicalQueryString(allocator, request.query); defer; log.debug("canonical query: {s}", .{canonical_query}); const canonical_headers = try canonicalHeaders(allocator, request.headers, config.service); const canonical_request = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, fmt, .{ canonical_method, canonical_url, canonical_query, canonical_headers.str, canonical_headers.signed_headers, payload_hash, }); errdefer; log.debug("Canonical_request (just calculated):\n{s}", .{canonical_request}); const hashed = try hash(allocator, canonical_request, config.signed_body_header); return Hashed{ .arr = canonical_request, .hash = hashed, .headers = canonical_headers, }; } fn canonicalRequestMethod(method: []const u8) ![]const u8 { return method; // We assume it's good } fn canonicalUri(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, path: []const u8, double_encode: bool) ![]const u8 { // Add the canonical URI parameter, followed by a newline character. The // canonical URI is the URI-encoded version of the absolute path component // of the URI, which is everything in the URI from the HTTP host to the // question mark character ("?") that begins the query string parameters (if any). // // Normalize URI paths according to RFC 3986. Remove redundant and relative // path components. Each path segment must be URI-encoded twice // (except for Amazon S3 which only gets URI-encoded once). // // Note: In exception to this, you do not normalize URI paths for requests // to Amazon S3. For example, if you have a bucket with an object // named my-object//example//photo.user, use that path. Normalizing // the path to my-object/example/photo.user will cause the request to // fail. For more information, see Task 1: Create a Canonical Request in // the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference. // // If the absolute path is empty, use a forward slash (/) // // For now, we will "Remove redundant and relative path components". This // doesn't apply to S3 anyway, and we'll make it the callers's problem if (path.len == 0 or path[0] == '?' or path[0] == '#') return try allocator.dupe(u8, "/"); log.debug("encoding path: {s}", .{path}); var encoded_once = try encodeUri(allocator, path); log.debug("encoded path (1): {s}", .{encoded_once}); if (!double_encode or std.mem.indexOf(u8, path, "%") != null) { // TODO: Is the indexOf condition universally true? if (std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, encoded_once, "?")) |i| { _ = allocator.resize(encoded_once, i); return encoded_once[0..i]; } return encoded_once; } defer; var encoded_twice = try encodeUri(allocator, encoded_once); log.debug("encoded path (2): {s}", .{encoded_twice}); if (std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, encoded_twice, "?")) |i| { _ = allocator.resize(encoded_twice, i); return encoded_twice[0..i]; } return encoded_twice; } fn encodeParamPart(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, path: []const u8) ![]const u8 { const unreserved_marks = "-_.!~*'()"; var encoded = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, path.len); defer encoded.deinit(); for (path) |c| { var should_encode = true; for (unreserved_marks) |r| if (r == c) { should_encode = false; break; }; if (should_encode and std.ascii.isAlphanumeric(c)) should_encode = false; if (!should_encode) { try encoded.append(c); continue; } // Whatever remains, encode it try encoded.append('%'); const hex = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexUpper(&[_]u8{c})}); defer; try encoded.appendSlice(hex); } return encoded.toOwnedSlice(); } // URI encode every byte except the unreserved characters: // 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9', '-', '.', '_', and '~'. // // The space character is a reserved character and must be encoded as "%20" // (and not as "+"). // // Each URI encoded byte is formed by a '%' and the two-digit hexadecimal value of the byte. // // Letters in the hexadecimal value must be uppercase, for example "%1A". // // Encode the forward slash character, '/', everywhere except in the object key // name. For example, if the object key name is photos/Jan/sample.jpg, the // forward slash in the key name is not encoded. fn encodeUri(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, path: []const u8) ![]u8 { const reserved_characters = ";,/?:@&=+$#"; const unreserved_marks = "-_.!~*'()"; var encoded = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, path.len); defer encoded.deinit(); // if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, path, "/2017-03-31/tags/arn")) { // try encoded.appendSlice("/2017-03-31/tags/arn%25253Aaws%25253Alambda%25253Aus-west-2%25253A550620852718%25253Afunction%25253Aawsome-lambda-LambdaStackawsomeLambda"); // return encoded.toOwnedSlice(); // } for (path) |c| { var should_encode = true; for (reserved_characters) |r| if (r == c) { should_encode = false; break; }; if (should_encode) { for (unreserved_marks) |r| if (r == c) { should_encode = false; break; }; } if (should_encode and std.ascii.isAlphanumeric(c)) should_encode = false; if (!should_encode) { try encoded.append(c); continue; } // Whatever remains, encode it try encoded.append('%'); const hex = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexUpper(&[_]u8{c})}); defer; try encoded.appendSlice(hex); } return encoded.toOwnedSlice(); } fn canonicalQueryString(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, path: []const u8) ![]const u8 { // To construct the canonical query string, complete the following steps: // // Sort the parameter names by character code point in ascending order. // Parameters with duplicate names should be sorted by value. For example, // a parameter name that begins with the uppercase letter F precedes a // parameter name that begins with a lowercase letter b. // // URI-encode each parameter name and value according to the following rules: // // Do not URI-encode any of the unreserved characters that RFC 3986 // defines: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen ( - ), underscore ( _ ), period ( . ), and tilde ( ~ ). // // Percent-encode all other characters with %XY, where X and Y are // hexadecimal characters (0-9 and uppercase A-F). For example, the // space character must be encoded as %20 (not using '+', as some // encoding schemes do) and extended UTF-8 characters must be in the // form %XY%ZA%BC. // // Double-encode any equals ( = ) characters in parameter values. // // Build the canonical query string by starting with the first parameter // name in the sorted list. // // For each parameter, append the URI-encoded parameter name, followed by // the equals sign character (=), followed by the URI-encoded parameter // value. Use an empty string for parameters that have no value. // // Append the ampersand character (&) after each parameter value, except // for the last value in the list. // // One option for the query API is to put all request parameters in the query // string. For example, you can do this for Amazon S3 to create a presigned // URL. In that case, the canonical query string must include not only // parameters for the request, but also the parameters used as part of the // signing process—the hashing algorithm, credential scope, date, and signed // headers parameters. // // The following example shows a query string that includes authentication // information. The example is formatted with line breaks for readability, but // the canonical query string must be one continuous line of text in your code. const first_question = std.mem.indexOf(u8, path, "?"); if (first_question == null) return try allocator.dupe(u8, ""); // We have a query string const query = path[first_question.? + 1 ..]; // Split this by component var portions = std.mem.split(u8, query, "&"); var sort_me = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); defer sort_me.deinit(); while ( |item| try sort_me.append(item); std.sort.pdq([]const u8, sort_me.items, {}, lessThanBinary); var normalized = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, path.len); defer normalized.deinit(); var first = true; for (sort_me.items) |i| { if (!first) try normalized.append('&'); first = false; var first_equals = std.mem.indexOf(u8, i, "="); if (first_equals == null) { // Rare. This is "foo=" const normed_item = try encodeUri(allocator, i); defer; try normalized.appendSlice(i); // This should be encoded try normalized.append('='); continue; } // normal key=value stuff const key = try encodeParamPart(allocator, i[0..first_equals.?]); defer; const value = try encodeParamPart(allocator, i[first_equals.? + 1 ..]); defer; // Double-encode any = in the value. But not anything else? const weird_equals_in_value_thing = try replace(allocator, value, "%3D", "%253D"); defer; try normalized.appendSlice(key); try normalized.append('='); try normalized.appendSlice(weird_equals_in_value_thing); } return normalized.toOwnedSlice(); } fn replace(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, haystack: []const u8, needle: []const u8, replacement_value: []const u8) ![]const u8 { var buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, std.mem.replacementSize(u8, haystack, needle, replacement_value)); _ = std.mem.replace(u8, haystack, needle, replacement_value, buffer); return buffer; } fn lessThanBinary(context: void, lhs: []const u8, rhs: []const u8) bool { _ = context; return std.mem.lessThan(u8, lhs, rhs); } const CanonicalHeaders = struct { str: []const u8, signed_headers: []const u8, }; fn canonicalHeaders(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, headers: []base.Header, service: []const u8) !CanonicalHeaders { // // Doc example. Original: // //\n // Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8\n // My-header1: a b c \n // X-Amz-Date:20150830T123600Z\n // My-Header2: "a b c" \n // // Canonical form: // content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8\n //\n // my-header1:a b c\n // my-header2:"a b c"\n // x-amz-date:20150830T123600Z\n var dest = try std.ArrayList(base.Header).initCapacity(allocator, headers.len); defer { for (dest.items) |h| {;; } dest.deinit(); } var total_len: usize = 0; var total_name_len: usize = 0; for (headers) |h| { var skip = false; inline for (skipped_headers) |s| { if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(s, { skip = true; break; } } // Well, this is fun ( // // When you add the X-Amz-Security-Token parameter to the query string, // some services require that you include this parameter in the // canonical (signed) request. For other services, you add this // parameter at the end, after you calculate the signature. For // details, see the API reference documentation for that service. if (!std.mem.eql(u8, service, "s3") and std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(, "X-Amz-Security-Token")) { skip = true; } if (skip) continue; total_len += ( + h.value.len + 2); total_name_len += ( + 1); const value = try canonicalHeaderValue(allocator, h.value); defer; const n = try std.ascii.allocLowerString(allocator,; const v = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}", .{value}); try dest.append(.{ .name = n, .value = v }); } std.sort.pdq(base.Header, dest.items, {}, lessThan); var dest_str = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, total_len); defer dest_str.deinit(); var signed_headers = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, total_name_len); defer signed_headers.deinit(); var first = true; for (dest.items) |h| { dest_str.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(; dest_str.appendAssumeCapacity(':'); dest_str.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(h.value); dest_str.appendAssumeCapacity('\n'); if (!first) signed_headers.appendAssumeCapacity(';'); first = false; signed_headers.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(; } return CanonicalHeaders{ .str = try dest_str.toOwnedSlice(), .signed_headers = try signed_headers.toOwnedSlice(), }; } fn canonicalHeaderValue(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, value: []const u8) ![]const u8 { var started = false; var in_quote = false; var start: usize = 0; const rc = try allocator.alloc(u8, value.len); var rc_inx: usize = 0; for (value, 0..) |c, i| { if (!started and !std.ascii.isWhitespace(c)) { started = true; start = i; } if (started) { if (!in_quote and i > 0 and std.ascii.isWhitespace(c) and std.ascii.isWhitespace(value[i - 1])) continue; // if (c == '"') in_quote = !in_quote; rc[rc_inx] = c; rc_inx += 1; } } // Trim end while (std.ascii.isWhitespace(rc[rc_inx - 1])) rc_inx -= 1; _ = allocator.resize(rc, rc_inx); return rc[0..rc_inx]; } fn lessThan(context: void, lhs: base.Header, rhs: base.Header) bool { _ = context; return std.ascii.lessThanIgnoreCase(,; } fn hash(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, payload: []const u8, sig_type: SignatureType) ![]const u8 { if (sig_type != .sha256) return error.NotImplemented; const to_hash = blk: { if (payload.len > 0) { break :blk payload; } break :blk ""; }; var out: [std.crypto.hash.sha2.Sha256.digest_length]u8 = undefined; std.crypto.hash.sha2.Sha256.hash(to_hash, &out, .{}); return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}", .{std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(&out)}); } // SignedHeaders + '\n' + // HexEncode(Hash(RequestPayload)) test "canonical method" { const actual = try canonicalRequestMethod("GET"); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("GET", actual); } test "canonical uri" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const path = "/documents and settings/?foo=bar"; const expected = "/documents%2520and%2520settings/"; const actual = try canonicalUri(allocator, path, true); defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, actual); const slash = try canonicalUri(allocator, "", true); defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("/", slash); } test "canonical query" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const path = "blahblahblah?foo=bar&zed=dead&qux&equals=x=y&Action=ListUsers&Version=2010-05-08"; // { // std.testing.log_level = .debug; // _ = try"\n"); // } const expected = "Action=ListUsers&Version=2010-05-08&equals=x%253Dy&foo=bar&qux=&zed=dead"; const actual = try canonicalQueryString(allocator, path); defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, actual); } test "canonical headers" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; var headers = try std.ArrayList(base.Header).initCapacity(allocator, 5); defer headers.deinit(); try headers.append(.{ .name = "Host", .value = "" }); try headers.append(.{ .name = "Content-Type", .value = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" }); try headers.append(.{ .name = "User-Agent", .value = "This header should be skipped" }); try headers.append(.{ .name = "My-header1", .value = " a b c " }); try headers.append(.{ .name = "X-Amz-Date", .value = "20150830T123600Z" }); try headers.append(.{ .name = "My-header2", .value = " \"a b c\" " }); const expected = \\content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8 \\ \\my-header1:a b c \\my-header2:"a b c" \\x-amz-date:20150830T123600Z \\ ; const actual = try canonicalHeaders(allocator, headers.items, "dummy"); defer; defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, actual.str); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("content-type;host;my-header1;my-header2;x-amz-date", actual.signed_headers); } test "canonical request" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; var headers = try std.ArrayList(base.Header).initCapacity(allocator, 5); defer headers.deinit(); try headers.append(.{ .name = "User-agent", .value = "c sdk v1.0" }); // In contrast to AWS CRT (aws-c-auth), we add the date as part of the // signing operation. They add it as part of the canonicalization try headers.append(.{ .name = "X-Amz-Date", .value = "20150830T123600Z" }); try headers.append(.{ .name = "Host", .value = "" }); const req = base.Request{ .path = "/", .method = "GET", .headers = headers.items, }; const access_key = try allocator.dupe(u8, "AKIDEXAMPLE"); const secret_key = try allocator.dupe(u8, "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"); const credential = Credentials.init(allocator, access_key, secret_key, null); defer credential.deinit(); const request = try createCanonicalRequest(allocator, req, "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", .{ .region = "us-west-2", // us-east-1 .service = "sts", // service .credentials = credential, .signing_time = 1440938160, // 20150830T123600Z }); defer; defer; defer; defer; const expected = \\GET \\/ \\ \\ \\x-amz-date:20150830T123600Z \\ \\host;x-amz-date \\e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 ; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, request.arr); } test "can sign" { // [debug] (aws): call: prefix sts, sigv4 sts, version 2011-06-15, action GetCallerIdentity // [debug] (aws): proto: AwsProtocol.query // [debug] (awshttp): host:, scheme: https, port: 443 // [debug] (awshttp): Calling endpoint // [debug] (awshttp): Path: / // [debug] (awshttp): Query: // [debug] (awshttp): Method: POST // [debug] (awshttp): body length: 43 // [debug] (awshttp): Body // ==== // Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15 // ==== // [debug] (awshttp): All Request Headers: // [debug] (awshttp): Accept: application/json // [debug] (awshttp): Host: // [debug] (awshttp): User-Agent: zig-aws 1.0, Powered by the AWS Common Runtime. // [debug] (awshttp): Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded // [debug] (awshttp): Content-Length: 43 const allocator = std.testing.allocator; var headers = try std.ArrayList(base.Header).initCapacity(allocator, 5); defer headers.deinit(); try headers.append(.{ .name = "Content-Type", .value = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" }); try headers.append(.{ .name = "Content-Length", .value = "13" }); try headers.append(.{ .name = "Host", .value = "" }); var req = base.Request{ .path = "/", .query = "", .body = "Param1=value1", .method = "POST", .content_type = "application/json", .headers = headers.items, }; // { // std.testing.log_level = .debug; // _ = try"\n"); // } const access_key = try allocator.dupe(u8, "AKIDEXAMPLE"); const secret_key = try allocator.dupe(u8, "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"); const credential = Credentials.init(allocator, access_key, secret_key, null); defer credential.deinit(); // we could look at sigv4 signing tests at: // const config = Config{ .region = "us-east-1", .service = "service", .credentials = credential, .signing_time = 1440938160, // 20150830T123600Z }; // TODO: There is an x-amz-content-sha256. Investigate var signed_req = try signRequest(allocator, req, config); defer freeSignedRequest(allocator, &signed_req, config); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("X-Amz-Date", signed_req.headers[signed_req.headers.len - 3].name); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("20150830T123600Z", signed_req.headers[signed_req.headers.len - 3].value); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("x-amz-content-sha256", signed_req.headers[signed_req.headers.len - 2].name); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("9095672bbd1f56dfc5b65f3e153adc8731a4a654192329106275f4c7b24d0b6e", signed_req.headers[signed_req.headers.len - 2].value); // c_aws_auth tests don't seem to have valid data. Live endpoint is // accepting what we're doing const expected_auth = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIDEXAMPLE/20150830/us-east-1/service/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=328d1b9eaadca9f5818ef05e8392801e091653bafec24fcab71e7344e7f51422"; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("Authorization", signed_req.headers[signed_req.headers.len - 1].name); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected_auth, signed_req.headers[signed_req.headers.len - 1].value); } var test_credential: ?Credentials = null; test "can verify" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const access_key = try allocator.dupe(u8, "ACCESS"); const secret_key = try allocator.dupe(u8, "SECRET"); test_credential = Credentials.init(allocator, access_key, secret_key, null); defer test_credential.?.deinit(); var headers = std.http.Headers.init(allocator); defer headers.deinit(); try headers.append("Connection", "keep-alive"); try headers.append("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, zstd"); try headers.append("TE", "gzip, deflate, trailers"); try headers.append("Accept", "application/json"); try headers.append("Host", ""); try headers.append("User-Agent", "zig-aws 1.0"); try headers.append("Content-Type", "text/plain"); try headers.append("x-amz-storage-class", "STANDARD"); try headers.append("Content-Length", "3"); try headers.append("X-Amz-Date", "20230908T170252Z"); try headers.append("x-amz-content-sha256", "fcde2b2edba56bf408601fb721fe9b5c338d10ee429ea04fae5511b68fbf8fb9"); try headers.append("Authorization", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=ACCESS/20230908/us-west-2/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept;content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date;x-amz-storage-class, Signature=fcc43ce73a34c9bd1ddf17e8a435f46a859812822f944f9eeb2aabcd64b03523"); var buf = "bar".*; var fis =; var request = std.http.Server.Request{ .method = std.http.Method.PUT, .target = "/mysfitszj3t6webstack-hostingbucketa91a61fe-1ep3ezkgwpxr0/i/am/a/teapot/foo?x-id=PutObject", .version = .@"HTTP/1.1", .content_length = 3, .headers = headers, .parser = std.http.protocol.HeadersParser.initDynamic(std.math.maxInt(usize)), }; // std.testing.log_level = .debug; try std.testing.expect(try verify(allocator, request, fis.reader(), struct { cred: Credentials, const Self = @This(); fn getCreds(access: []const u8) ?Credentials { if (std.mem.eql(u8, access, "ACCESS")) return test_credential.?; return null; } }.getCreds)); }