const std = @import("std"); fn defaultTransformer(field_name: []const u8, _: EncodingOptions) anyerror![]const u8 { return field_name; } pub const FieldNameTransformer = fn ([]const u8, EncodingOptions) anyerror![]const u8; pub const EncodingOptions = struct { allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator = null, field_name_transformer: *const FieldNameTransformer = &defaultTransformer, }; pub fn encode(obj: anytype, writer: anytype, options: EncodingOptions) !void { _ = try encodeInternal("", "", true, obj, writer, options); } fn encodeStruct(parent: []const u8, first: bool, obj: anytype, writer: anytype, options: EncodingOptions) !bool { var rc = first; inline for (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(obj)).Struct.fields) |field| { const field_name = try options.field_name_transformer.*(, options); defer if (options.field_name_transformer.* != defaultTransformer) if (options.allocator) |a|; // @compileLog(@typeInfo(field.field_type).Pointer); rc = try encodeInternal(parent, field_name, rc, @field(obj,, writer, options); } return rc; } pub fn encodeInternal(parent: []const u8, field_name: []const u8, first: bool, obj: anytype, writer: anytype, options: EncodingOptions) !bool { // @compileLog(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(obj))); var rc = first; switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(obj))) { .Optional => if (obj) |o| { rc = try encodeInternal(parent, field_name, first, o, writer, options); }, .Pointer => |ti| if (ti.size == .One) { rc = try encodeInternal(parent, field_name, first, obj.*, writer, options); } else { if (!first) _ = try writer.write("&"); try writer.print("{s}{s}={s}", .{ parent, field_name, obj }); rc = false; }, .Struct => if (std.mem.eql(u8, "", field_name)) { rc = try encodeStruct(parent, first, obj, writer, options); } else { // TODO: It would be lovely if we could concat at compile time or allocPrint at runtime // XOR have compile time allocator support. Alas, neither are possible: // Comptime detection (feels like foot gun) // Comptime allocator const allocator = options.allocator orelse return error.AllocatorRequired; const new_parent = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}{s}.", .{ parent, field_name }); defer; rc = try encodeStruct(new_parent, first, obj, writer, options); // try encodeStruct(parent ++ field_name ++ ".", first, obj, writer, options); }, .Array => { if (!first) _ = try writer.write("&"); try writer.print("{s}{s}={s}", .{ parent, field_name, obj }); rc = false; }, .Int, .ComptimeInt, .Float, .ComptimeFloat => { if (!first) _ = try writer.write("&"); try writer.print("{s}{s}={d}", .{ parent, field_name, obj }); rc = false; }, // BUGS! any doesn't work - a lot. Check this out: // else => { if (!first) _ = try writer.write("&"); try writer.print("{s}{s}={any}", .{ parent, field_name, obj }); rc = false; }, } return rc; } fn testencode(expected: []const u8, value: anytype, options: EncodingOptions) !void { const ValidationWriter = struct { const Self = @This(); pub const Writer =*Self, Error, write); pub const Error = error{ TooMuchData, DifferentData, }; expected_remaining: []const u8, fn init(exp: []const u8) Self { return .{ .expected_remaining = exp }; } pub fn writer(self: *Self) Writer { return .{ .context = self }; } fn write(self: *Self, bytes: []const u8) Error!usize { // std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{bytes}); if (self.expected_remaining.len < bytes.len) { std.log.warn( \\====== expected this output: ========= \\{s} \\======== instead found this: ========= \\{s} \\====================================== , .{ self.expected_remaining, bytes, }); return error.TooMuchData; } if (!std.mem.eql(u8, self.expected_remaining[0..bytes.len], bytes)) { std.log.warn( \\====== expected this output: ========= \\{s} \\======== instead found this: ========= \\{s} \\====================================== , .{ self.expected_remaining[0..bytes.len], bytes, }); return error.DifferentData; } self.expected_remaining = self.expected_remaining[bytes.len..]; return bytes.len; } }; var vos = ValidationWriter.init(expected); try encode(value, vos.writer(), options); if (vos.expected_remaining.len > 0) return error.NotEnoughData; } test "can urlencode an object" { try testencode( "Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2021-01-01", .{ .Action = "GetCallerIdentity", .Version = "2021-01-01" }, .{}, ); } test "can urlencode an object with integer" { try testencode( "Action=GetCallerIdentity&Duration=32", .{ .Action = "GetCallerIdentity", .Duration = 32 }, .{}, ); } const UnsetValues = struct { action: ?[]const u8 = null, duration: ?i64 = null, val1: ?i64 = null, val2: ?[]const u8 = null, }; test "can urlencode an object with unset values" { // var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(std.testing.allocator); // defer buffer.deinit(); // const writer = buffer.writer(); // try encode( // UnsetValues{ .action = "GetCallerIdentity", .duration = 32 }, // writer, // .{ .allocator = std.testing.allocator }, // ); // std.debug.print("{s}", .{buffer.items}); try testencode( "action=GetCallerIdentity&duration=32", UnsetValues{ .action = "GetCallerIdentity", .duration = 32 }, .{}, ); } test "can urlencode a complex object" { try testencode( "Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2021-01-01&complex.innermember=foo", .{ .Action = "GetCallerIdentity", .Version = "2021-01-01", .complex = .{ .innermember = "foo" } }, .{ .allocator = std.testing.allocator }, ); }