const builtin = @import("builtin"); const std = @import("std"); const testing = std.testing; /// This is 128 bits - Even with 2^54 cache entries, the probably of a collision would be under 10^-6 const bin_digest_len = 16; const hex_digest_len = bin_digest_len * 2; const hex_multihash_len = 2 * multihash_len; const MultiHashHexDigest = [hex_multihash_len]u8; const hex_charset = "0123456789abcdef"; const Hash = std.crypto.hash.sha2.Sha256; const multihash_len = 1 + 1 + Hash.digest_length; const MultihashFunction = enum(u16) { identity = 0x00, sha1 = 0x11, @"sha2-256" = 0x12, @"sha2-512" = 0x13, @"sha3-512" = 0x14, @"sha3-384" = 0x15, @"sha3-256" = 0x16, @"sha3-224" = 0x17, @"sha2-384" = 0x20, @"sha2-256-trunc254-padded" = 0x1012, @"sha2-224" = 0x1013, @"sha2-512-224" = 0x1014, @"sha2-512-256" = 0x1015, @"blake2b-256" = 0xb220, _, }; const HashedFile = struct { fs_path: []const u8, normalized_path: []const u8, hash: [Hash.digest_length]u8, failure: Error!void, const Error = std.fs.File.OpenError || std.fs.File.ReadError || std.fs.File.StatError; fn lessThan(context: void, lhs: *const HashedFile, rhs: *const HashedFile) bool { _ = context; return std.mem.lessThan(u8, lhs.normalized_path, rhs.normalized_path); } }; const multihash_function: MultihashFunction = switch (Hash) { std.crypto.hash.sha2.Sha256 => .@"sha2-256", else => @compileError("unreachable"), }; comptime { // We avoid unnecessary uleb128 code in hexDigest by asserting here the // values are small enough to be contained in the one-byte encoding. std.debug.assert(@intFromEnum(multihash_function) < 127); std.debug.assert(Hash.digest_length < 127); } const Package = @This(); root_src_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory, /// Whether to free `root_src_directory` on `destroy`. root_src_directory_owned: bool = false, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, pub const Dependency = struct { url: []const u8, hash: ?[]const u8, }; pub fn deinit(self: *Package) void { if (self.root_src_directory_owned) self.root_src_directory.closeAndFree(self.allocator); } pub fn fetchOneAndUnpack( allocator: std.mem.Allocator, cache_directory: []const u8, // directory to store things dep: Dependency, // thing to download ) !*Package { var http_client: std.http.Client = .{ .allocator = allocator }; defer http_client.deinit(); var global_cache_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory = .{ .handle = try std.fs.cwd().makeOpenPath(cache_directory, .{}), .path = cache_directory, }; var thread_pool: std.Thread.Pool = undefined; try thread_pool.init(.{ .allocator = allocator }); defer thread_pool.deinit(); var progress: std.Progress = .{ .dont_print_on_dumb = true }; const root_prog_node = progress.start("Fetch Packages", 0); defer root_prog_node.end(); return try fetchAndUnpack( &thread_pool, &http_client, global_cache_directory, dep, dep.url, root_prog_node, ); } pub fn fetchAndUnpack( thread_pool: *std.Thread.Pool, // thread pool for hashing things in parallel http_client: *std.http.Client, // client to download stuff global_cache_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory, // directory to store things dep: Dependency, // thing to download fqn: []const u8, // used as name for thing downloaded root_prog_node: *std.Progress.Node, // used for outputting to terminal ) !*Package { const gpa = http_client.allocator; const s = std.fs.path.sep_str; // Check if the expected_hash is already present in the global package // cache, and thereby avoid both fetching and unpacking. if (dep.hash) |h| cached: { const hex_digest = h[0..hex_multihash_len]; const pkg_dir_sub_path = "p" ++ s ++ hex_digest; const build_root = try global_cache_directory.join(gpa, &.{pkg_dir_sub_path}); errdefer; var pkg_dir = global_cache_directory.handle.openDir(pkg_dir_sub_path, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) { error.FileNotFound => break :cached, else => |e| return e, }; errdefer pkg_dir.close(); root_prog_node.completeOne(); const ptr = try gpa.create(Package); errdefer gpa.destroy(ptr); ptr.* = .{ .root_src_directory = .{ .path = build_root, .handle = pkg_dir, }, .root_src_directory_owned = true, .allocator = gpa, }; return ptr; } var pkg_prog_node = root_prog_node.start(fqn, 0); defer pkg_prog_node.end(); pkg_prog_node.activate(); pkg_prog_node.context.refresh(); const uri = try std.Uri.parse(dep.url); const rand_int =; const tmp_dir_sub_path = "tmp" ++ s ++ hex64(rand_int); const actual_hash = a: { var tmp_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory = d: { const path = try global_cache_directory.join(gpa, &.{tmp_dir_sub_path}); errdefer; const iterable_dir = try global_cache_directory.handle.makeOpenPathIterable(tmp_dir_sub_path, .{}); errdefer iterable_dir.close(); break :d .{ .path = path, .handle = iterable_dir.dir, }; }; defer tmp_directory.closeAndFree(gpa); var h = std.http.Headers{ .allocator = gpa }; defer h.deinit(); var req = try http_client.request(.GET, uri, h, .{}); defer req.deinit(); try req.start(); try req.wait(); if (req.response.status != .ok) { std.log.err("Expected response status '200 OK' got '{} {s}'", .{ @intFromEnum(req.response.status), req.response.status.phrase() orelse "", }); return error.UnexpectedResponseStatus; } const content_type = req.response.headers.getFirstValue("Content-Type") orelse return error.MissingContentTypeHeader; var prog_reader: ProgressReader(std.http.Client.Request.Reader) = .{ .child_reader = req.reader(), .prog_node = &pkg_prog_node, .unit = if (req.response.content_length) |content_length| unit: { const kib = content_length / 1024; const mib = kib / 1024; if (mib > 0) { pkg_prog_node.setEstimatedTotalItems(@intCast(mib)); pkg_prog_node.setUnit("MiB"); break :unit .mib; } else { pkg_prog_node.setEstimatedTotalItems(@intCast(@max(1, kib))); pkg_prog_node.setUnit("KiB"); break :unit .kib; } } else .any, }; pkg_prog_node.context.refresh(); if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(content_type, "application/gzip") or std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(content_type, "application/x-gzip") or std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(content_type, "application/tar+gzip")) { // I observed the gzip stream to read 1 byte at a time, so I am using a // buffered reader on the front of it. try unpackTarball(gpa, prog_reader.reader(), tmp_directory.handle, std.compress.gzip); } else if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(content_type, "application/x-xz")) { // I have not checked what buffer sizes the xz decompression implementation uses // by default, so the same logic applies for buffering the reader as for gzip. try unpackTarball(gpa, prog_reader.reader(), tmp_directory.handle, std.compress.xz); } else if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(content_type, "application/octet-stream")) { // support gitlab tarball urls such as // whose content-disposition header is: 'attachment; filename="-.tar.gz"' const content_disposition = req.response.headers.getFirstValue("Content-Disposition") orelse return error.@"Missing 'Content-Disposition' header for Content-Type=application/octet-stream"; if (isTarAttachment(content_disposition)) { try unpackTarball(gpa, prog_reader.reader(), tmp_directory.handle, std.compress.gzip); } else { std.log.err("Unsupported 'Content-Disposition' header value: '{s}' for Content-Type=application/octet-stream", .{content_disposition}); return error.UnsupportedContentDispositionHeader; } } else { std.log.err("Unsupported 'Content-Type' header value: '{s}'", .{content_type}); return error.UnsupportedContentTypeHeader; } // Download completed - stop showing downloaded amount as progress pkg_prog_node.setEstimatedTotalItems(0); pkg_prog_node.setCompletedItems(0); pkg_prog_node.context.refresh(); // TODO: delete files not included in the package prior to computing the package hash. // for example, if the ini file has directives to include/not include certain files, // apply those rules directly to the filesystem right here. This ensures that files // not protected by the hash are not present on the file system. // TODO: raise an error for files that have illegal paths on some operating systems. // For example, on Linux a path with a backslash should raise an error here. // Of course, if the ignore rules above omit the file from the package, then everything // is fine and no error should be raised. break :a try computePackageHash(thread_pool, .{ .dir = tmp_directory.handle }); }; const pkg_dir_sub_path = "p" ++ s ++ hexDigest(actual_hash); try renameTmpIntoCache(global_cache_directory.handle, tmp_dir_sub_path, pkg_dir_sub_path); const actual_hex = hexDigest(actual_hash); if (dep.hash) |h| { if (!std.mem.eql(u8, h, &actual_hex)) { std.log.err("hash mismatch: expected: {s}, found: {s}", .{ h, actual_hex, }); return error.HashMismatch; } } else { std.log.err("No hash supplied. Expecting hash \"{s}\"", .{actual_hex}); return error.NoHashSupplied; } const build_root = try global_cache_directory.join(gpa, &.{pkg_dir_sub_path}); defer; const mod = try createWithDir(gpa, global_cache_directory, pkg_dir_sub_path); return mod; } fn hex64(x: u64) [16]u8 { var result: [16]u8 = undefined; var i: usize = 0; while (i < 8) : (i += 1) { const byte = @as(u8, @truncate(x >> @as(u6, @intCast(8 * i)))); result[i * 2 + 0] = hex_charset[byte >> 4]; result[i * 2 + 1] = hex_charset[byte & 15]; } return result; } fn ProgressReader(comptime ReaderType: type) type { return struct { child_reader: ReaderType, bytes_read: u64 = 0, prog_node: *std.Progress.Node, unit: enum { kib, mib, any, }, pub const Error = ReaderType.Error; pub const Reader =*@This(), Error, read); pub fn read(self: *@This(), buf: []u8) Error!usize { const amt = try; self.bytes_read += amt; const kib = self.bytes_read / 1024; const mib = kib / 1024; switch (self.unit) { .kib => self.prog_node.setCompletedItems(@intCast(kib)), .mib => self.prog_node.setCompletedItems(@intCast(mib)), .any => { if (mib > 0) { self.prog_node.setUnit("MiB"); self.prog_node.setCompletedItems(@intCast(mib)); } else { self.prog_node.setUnit("KiB"); self.prog_node.setCompletedItems(@intCast(kib)); } }, } self.prog_node.context.maybeRefresh(); return amt; } pub fn reader(self: *@This()) Reader { return .{ .context = self }; } }; } fn isTarAttachment(content_disposition: []const u8) bool { const disposition_type_end = std.ascii.indexOfIgnoreCase(content_disposition, "attachment;") orelse return false; var value_start = std.ascii.indexOfIgnoreCasePos(content_disposition, disposition_type_end + 1, "filename") orelse return false; value_start += "filename".len; if (content_disposition[value_start] == '*') { value_start += 1; } if (content_disposition[value_start] != '=') return false; value_start += 1; var value_end = std.mem.indexOfPos(u8, content_disposition, value_start, ";") orelse content_disposition.len; if (content_disposition[value_end - 1] == '\"') { value_end -= 1; } return std.ascii.endsWithIgnoreCase(content_disposition[value_start..value_end], ".tar.gz"); } fn computePackageHash( thread_pool: *std.Thread.Pool, pkg_dir: std.fs.IterableDir, ) ![Hash.digest_length]u8 { const gpa = thread_pool.allocator; // We'll use an arena allocator for the path name strings since they all // need to be in memory for sorting. var arena_instance = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa); defer arena_instance.deinit(); const arena = arena_instance.allocator(); // Collect all files, recursively, then sort. var all_files = std.ArrayList(*HashedFile).init(gpa); defer all_files.deinit(); var walker = try pkg_dir.walk(gpa); defer walker.deinit(); { // The final hash will be a hash of each file hashed independently. This // allows hashing in parallel. var wait_group: std.Thread.WaitGroup = .{}; defer wait_group.wait(); while (try |entry| { switch (entry.kind) { .directory => continue, .file => {}, else => return error.IllegalFileTypeInPackage, } const hashed_file = try arena.create(HashedFile); const fs_path = try arena.dupe(u8, entry.path); hashed_file.* = .{ .fs_path = fs_path, .normalized_path = try normalizePath(arena, fs_path), .hash = undefined, // to be populated by the worker .failure = undefined, // to be populated by the worker }; wait_group.start(); try thread_pool.spawn(workerHashFile, .{ pkg_dir.dir, hashed_file, &wait_group }); try all_files.append(hashed_file); } } std.mem.sort(*HashedFile, all_files.items, {}, HashedFile.lessThan); var hasher = Hash.init(.{}); var any_failures = false; for (all_files.items) |hashed_file| { hashed_file.failure catch |err| { any_failures = true; std.log.err("unable to hash '{s}': {s}", .{ hashed_file.fs_path, @errorName(err) }); }; hasher.update(&hashed_file.hash); } if (any_failures) return error.PackageHashUnavailable; return hasher.finalResult(); } fn hexDigest(digest: [Hash.digest_length]u8) [multihash_len * 2]u8 { var result: [multihash_len * 2]u8 = undefined; result[0] = hex_charset[@intFromEnum(multihash_function) >> 4]; result[1] = hex_charset[@intFromEnum(multihash_function) & 15]; result[2] = hex_charset[Hash.digest_length >> 4]; result[3] = hex_charset[Hash.digest_length & 15]; for (digest, 0..) |byte, i| { result[4 + i * 2] = hex_charset[byte >> 4]; result[5 + i * 2] = hex_charset[byte & 15]; } return result; } fn renameTmpIntoCache( cache_dir: std.fs.Dir, tmp_dir_sub_path: []const u8, dest_dir_sub_path: []const u8, ) !void { std.debug.assert(dest_dir_sub_path[1] == std.fs.path.sep); var handled_missing_dir = false; while (true) { cache_dir.rename(tmp_dir_sub_path, dest_dir_sub_path) catch |err| switch (err) { error.FileNotFound => { if (handled_missing_dir) return err; cache_dir.makeDir(dest_dir_sub_path[0..1]) catch |mkd_err| switch (mkd_err) { error.PathAlreadyExists => handled_missing_dir = true, else => |e| return e, }; continue; }, error.PathAlreadyExists, error.AccessDenied => { // Package has been already downloaded and may already be in use on the system. cache_dir.deleteTree(tmp_dir_sub_path) catch |del_err| { std.log.warn("unable to delete temp directory: {s}", .{@errorName(del_err)}); }; }, else => |e| return e, }; break; } } fn createWithDir( gpa: std.mem.Allocator, directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory, /// Relative to `directory`. If null, means `directory` is the root src dir /// and is owned externally. root_src_dir_path: ?[]const u8, ) !*Package { const ptr = try gpa.create(Package); errdefer gpa.destroy(ptr); if (root_src_dir_path) |p| { const owned_dir_path = try directory.join(gpa, &[1][]const u8{p}); errdefer; ptr.* = .{ .root_src_directory = .{ .path = owned_dir_path, .handle = try directory.handle.openDir(p, .{}), }, .root_src_directory_owned = true, .allocator = gpa, }; } else { ptr.* = .{ .root_src_directory = directory, .root_src_directory_owned = false, .allocator = gpa, }; } return ptr; } /// Make a file system path identical independently of operating system path inconsistencies. /// This converts backslashes into forward slashes. fn normalizePath(arena: std.mem.Allocator, fs_path: []const u8) ![]const u8 { const canonical_sep = '/'; if (std.fs.path.sep == canonical_sep) return fs_path; const normalized = try arena.dupe(u8, fs_path); for (normalized) |*byte| { switch (byte.*) { std.fs.path.sep => byte.* = canonical_sep, else => continue, } } return normalized; } fn workerHashFile(dir: std.fs.Dir, hashed_file: *HashedFile, wg: *std.Thread.WaitGroup) void { defer wg.finish(); hashed_file.failure = hashFileFallible(dir, hashed_file); } fn hashFileFallible(dir: std.fs.Dir, hashed_file: *HashedFile) HashedFile.Error!void { var buf: [8000]u8 = undefined; var file = try dir.openFile(hashed_file.fs_path, .{}); defer file.close(); var hasher = Hash.init(.{}); hasher.update(hashed_file.normalized_path); hasher.update(&.{ 0, @intFromBool(try isExecutable(file)) }); while (true) { const bytes_read = try; if (bytes_read == 0) break; hasher.update(buf[0..bytes_read]); }; } fn isExecutable(file: std.fs.File) !bool { if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) { // TODO check the ACL on Windows. // Until this is implemented, this could be a false negative on // Windows, which is why we do not yet set executable_bit_only above // when unpacking the tarball. return false; } else { const stat = try file.stat(); return (stat.mode & std.os.S.IXUSR) != 0; } } // Create/Write a file, close it, then grab its stat.mtime timestamp. fn testGetCurrentFileTimestamp(dir: std.fs.Dir) !i128 { const test_out_file = "test-filetimestamp.tmp"; var file = try dir.createFile(test_out_file, .{ .read = true, .truncate = true, }); defer { file.close(); dir.deleteFile(test_out_file) catch {}; } return (try file.stat()).mtime; } // These functions come from src/Package.zig, src/Manifest.zig in the compiler, // not the standard library fn unpackTarball( gpa: std.mem.Allocator, req_reader: anytype, out_dir: std.fs.Dir, comptime compression: type, ) !void { var br =, req_reader); var decompress = try compression.decompress(gpa, br.reader()); defer decompress.deinit(); try std.tar.pipeToFileSystem(out_dir, decompress.reader(), .{ .strip_components = 1, // TODO: we would like to set this to executable_bit_only, but two // things need to happen before that: // 1. the tar implementation needs to support it // 2. the hashing algorithm here needs to support detecting the is_executable // bit on Windows from the ACLs (see the isExecutable function). .mode_mode = .ignore, }); } test { std.testing.refAllDecls(@This()); } test "cache a file and recall it" { if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi) { // return error.SkipZigTest; } var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{}); defer tmp.cleanup(); const temp_file = "test.txt"; const temp_file2 = "test2.txt"; const temp_manifest_dir = "temp_manifest_dir"; try tmp.dir.writeFile(temp_file, "Hello, world!\n"); try tmp.dir.writeFile(temp_file2, "yo mamma\n"); // Wait for file timestamps to tick const initial_time = try testGetCurrentFileTimestamp(tmp.dir); while ((try testGetCurrentFileTimestamp(tmp.dir)) == initial_time) { std.time.sleep(1); } var digest1: [hex_digest_len]u8 = undefined; var digest2: [hex_digest_len]u8 = undefined; { var cache ={ .gpa = testing.allocator, .manifest_dir = try tmp.dir.makeOpenPath(temp_manifest_dir, .{}), }; cache.addPrefix(.{ .path = null, .handle = tmp.dir }); defer cache.manifest_dir.close(); { var ch = cache.obtain(); defer ch.deinit(); ch.hash.add(true); ch.hash.add(@as(u16, 1234)); ch.hash.addBytes("1234"); _ = try ch.addFile(temp_file, null); // There should be nothing in the cache try testing.expectEqual(false, try ch.hit()); digest1 =; try ch.writeManifest(); } { var ch = cache.obtain(); defer ch.deinit(); ch.hash.add(true); ch.hash.add(@as(u16, 1234)); ch.hash.addBytes("1234"); _ = try ch.addFile(temp_file, null); // Cache hit! We just "built" the same file try testing.expect(try ch.hit()); digest2 =; try testing.expectEqual(false, ch.have_exclusive_lock); } try testing.expectEqual(digest1, digest2); } } test "fetch and unpack" { const alloc = std.testing.allocator; var http_client: std.http.Client = .{ .allocator = alloc }; defer http_client.deinit(); var global_cache_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory = .{ .handle = try std.fs.cwd().makeOpenPath("test-pkg", .{}), .path = "test-pkg", }; var thread_pool: std.Thread.Pool = undefined; try thread_pool.init(.{ .allocator = alloc }); defer thread_pool.deinit(); var progress: std.Progress = .{ .dont_print_on_dumb = true }; const root_prog_node = progress.start("Fetch Packages", 0); defer root_prog_node.end(); const pkg = try fetchAndUnpack( &thread_pool, &http_client, global_cache_directory, .{ .url = "", .hash = "1220a414719bff14c9362fb1c695e3346fa12ec2e728bae5757a57aae7738916ffd2", }, "", root_prog_node, ); defer alloc.destroy(pkg); defer pkg.deinit(); } test "fetch one and unpack" { const pkg = try fetchOneAndUnpack( std.testing.allocator, "test-pkg", .{ .url = "", .hash = "1220a414719bff14c9362fb1c695e3346fa12ec2e728bae5757a57aae7738916ffd2", }, ); defer std.testing.allocator.destroy(pkg); defer pkg.deinit(); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings( "test-pkg/p/1220a414719bff14c9362fb1c695e3346fa12ec2e728bae5757a57aae7738916ffd2", pkg.root_src_directory.path.?, ); } test "isTarAttachment" { try std.testing.expect(isTarAttachment("attaChment; FILENAME=\"stuff.tar.gz\"; size=42")); try std.testing.expect(isTarAttachment("attachment; filename*=\"stuff.tar.gz\"")); try std.testing.expect(isTarAttachment("ATTACHMENT; filename=\"stuff.tar.gz\"")); try std.testing.expect(isTarAttachment("attachment; FileName=\"stuff.tar.gz\"")); try std.testing.expect(isTarAttachment("attachment; FileName*=UTF-8\'\'xyz%2Fstuff.tar.gz")); try std.testing.expect(!isTarAttachment("attachment FileName=\"stuff.tar.gz\"")); try std.testing.expect(!isTarAttachment("attachment; FileName=\"stuff.tar\"")); try std.testing.expect(!isTarAttachment("attachment; FileName\"stuff.gz\"")); try std.testing.expect(!isTarAttachment("attachment; size=42")); try std.testing.expect(!isTarAttachment("inline; size=42")); try std.testing.expect(!isTarAttachment("FileName=\"stuff.tar.gz\"; attachment;")); try std.testing.expect(!isTarAttachment("FileName=\"stuff.tar.gz\";")); }