{ "smithy": "1.0", "metadata": { "suppressions": [ { "id": "HttpMethodSemantics", "namespace": "*" }, { "id": "HttpResponseCodeSemantics", "namespace": "*" }, { "id": "PaginatedTrait", "namespace": "*" }, { "id": "HttpHeaderTrait", "namespace": "*" }, { "id": "HttpUriConflict", "namespace": "*" }, { "id": "Service", "namespace": "*" } ] }, "shapes": { "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#AWSHabaneroPublicAPI": { "type": "service", "version": "2020-07-13", "operations": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#CreateChangeset" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetProgrammaticAccessCredentials" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetWorkingLocation" } ], "traits": { "aws.api#service": { "sdkId": "finspace data", "arnNamespace": "finspace-api", "cloudFormationName": "Finspacedata", "cloudTrailEventSource": "finspacedata.amazonaws.com", "endpointPrefix": "finspace-api" }, "aws.auth#sigv4": { "name": "finspace-api" }, "aws.protocols#restJson1": {}, "smithy.api#documentation": "

The FinSpace APIs let you take actions inside the FinSpace environment.

", "smithy.api#title": "FinSpace Public API" } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#AccessDeniedException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#errorMessage" } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.

", "smithy.api#error": "client", "smithy.api#httpError": 403 } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ChangeType": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "REPLACE", "name": "REPLACE" }, { "value": "APPEND", "name": "APPEND" }, { "value": "MODIFY", "name": "MODIFY" } ] } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ChangesetInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "id": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#IdType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Unique identifier for a changeset.

" } }, "changesetArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#arn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The ARN identifier of the changeset.

" } }, "datasetId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#IdType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The unique identifier for the FinSpace dataset in which the changeset is created.

" } }, "changeType": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ChangeType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Change type indicates how a changeset is applied to a dataset.

\n " } }, "sourceType": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#SourceType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Type of the data source from which the files to create the changeset are sourced.

\n " } }, "sourceParams": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Source path from which the files to create the changeset are sourced.

" } }, "formatType": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#FormatType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Format type of the input files loaded into the changeset.

" } }, "formatParams": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Structure of the source file(s).

" } }, "createTimestamp": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#Timestamp", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The timestamp at which the changeset was created in FinSpace.

" } }, "status": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ChangesetStatus", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The status of changeset creation operation.

" } }, "errorInfo": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ErrorInfo", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The structure with error messages.

" } }, "changesetLabels": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Tags associated with the changeset.

" } }, "updatesChangesetId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValue", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Unique identifier of the changeset that is updated.

" } }, "updatedByChangesetId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValue", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Unique identifier of the changeset that is updated a changeset.

" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

A changeset is unit of data in a dataset.

" } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ChangesetStatus": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "PENDING", "name": "PENDING" }, { "value": "FAILED", "name": "FAILED" }, { "value": "SUCCESS", "name": "SUCCESS" }, { "value": "RUNNING", "name": "RUNNING" }, { "value": "STOP_REQUESTED", "name": "STOP_REQUESTED" } ] } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#CreateChangeset": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#CreateChangesetRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#CreateChangesetResponse" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#AccessDeniedException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#InternalServerException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ThrottlingException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ValidationException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Creates a new changeset in a FinSpace dataset.

", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/datasets/{datasetId}/changesets", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#CreateChangesetRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "datasetId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#IdType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The unique identifier for the FinSpace dataset in which the changeset will be\n created.

", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "changeType": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ChangeType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Option to indicate how a changeset will be applied to a dataset.

\n ", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "sourceType": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#SourceType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Type of the data source from which the files to create the changeset will be\n sourced.

\n ", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "sourceParams": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Source path from which the files to create the changeset will be sourced.

", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "formatType": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#FormatType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Format type of the input files being loaded into the changeset.

" } }, "formatParams": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Options that define the structure of the source file(s).

" } }, "tags": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Metadata tags to apply to this changeset.

" } } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#CreateChangesetResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "changeset": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ChangesetInfo", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Returns the changeset details.

" } } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#Credentials": { "type": "structure", "members": { "accessKeyId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueLength1to255", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The access key identifier.

" } }, "secretAccessKey": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueMaxLength1000", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The access key.

" } }, "sessionToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueMaxLength1000", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The session token.

" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Set short term API credentials.

" } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ErrorCategory": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "The_inputs_to_this_request_are_invalid", "name": "VALIDATION" }, { "value": "Service_limits_have_been_exceeded", "name": "SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED" }, { "value": "Missing_required_permission_to_perform_this_request", "name": "ACCESS_DENIED" }, { "value": "One_or_more_inputs_to_this_request_were_not_found", "name": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND" }, { "value": "The_system_temporarily_lacks_sufficient_resources_to_process_the_request", "name": "THROTTLING" }, { "value": "An_internal_error_has_occurred", "name": "INTERNAL_SERVICE_EXCEPTION" }, { "value": "Cancelled", "name": "CANCELLED" }, { "value": "A_user_recoverable_error_has_occurred", "name": "USER_RECOVERABLE" } ] } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ErrorInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "errorMessage": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueMaxLength1000", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The text of the error message.

" } }, "errorCategory": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ErrorCategory", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The category of the error.

\n " } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Error message.

" } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#FormatType": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "CSV", "name": "CSV" }, { "value": "JSON", "name": "JSON" }, { "value": "PARQUET", "name": "PARQUET" }, { "value": "XML", "name": "XML" } ] } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetProgrammaticAccessCredentials": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetProgrammaticAccessCredentialsRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetProgrammaticAccessCredentialsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#AccessDeniedException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#InternalServerException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ThrottlingException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Request programmatic credentials to use with Habanero SDK.

", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/credentials/programmatic", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetProgrammaticAccessCredentialsRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "durationInMinutes": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#SessionDuration", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The time duration in which the credentials remain valid.

", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "durationInMinutes" } }, "environmentId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#IdType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The habanero environment identifier.

", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "environmentId", "smithy.api#required": {} } } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetProgrammaticAccessCredentialsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "credentials": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#Credentials", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Returns the programmatic credentials.

" } }, "durationInMinutes": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#SessionDuration", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Returns the duration in which the credentials will remain valid.

" } } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetWorkingLocation": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetWorkingLocationRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetWorkingLocationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#AccessDeniedException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#InternalServerException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ThrottlingException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ValidationException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

A temporary Amazon S3 location to copy your files from a source location to stage or use\n as a scratch space in Habanero notebook.

", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/workingLocationV1", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetWorkingLocationRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "locationType": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#locationType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Specify the type of the working location.

\n " } } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#GetWorkingLocationResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "s3Uri": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueLength1to1024", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Returns the Amazon S3 URI for the working location.

" } }, "s3Path": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueLength1to1024", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Returns the Amazon S3 Path for the working location.

" } }, "s3Bucket": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueLength1to63", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

Returns the Amazon S3 bucket name for the working location.

" } } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#IdType": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 26 } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#InternalServerException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#errorMessage" } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or\n failure.

", "smithy.api#error": "server", "smithy.api#httpError": 500 } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ResourceNotFoundException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#errorMessage" } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

One or more resources can't be found.

", "smithy.api#error": "client", "smithy.api#httpError": 404 } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#SessionDuration": { "type": "long", "traits": { "smithy.api#range": { "min": 60, "max": 720 } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#SourceType": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "S3", "name": "S3" } ] } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ThrottlingException": { "type": "structure", "members": {}, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The request was denied due to request throttling.

", "smithy.api#error": "client", "smithy.api#httpError": 429 } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#Timestamp": { "type": "timestamp" }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#ValidationException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#errorMessage" } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "

The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by an AWS service.

", "smithy.api#error": "client", "smithy.api#httpError": 400 } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#arn": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 20, "max": 2048 } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#errorMessage": { "type": "string" }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#locationType": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "INGESTION", "name": "INGESTION" }, { "value": "SAGEMAKER", "name": "SAGEMAKER" } ] } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMapKey" }, "value": { "target": "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMapValue" } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMapKey": { "type": "string" }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringMapValue": { "type": "string" }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValue": { "type": "string" }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueLength1to1024": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 1024 }, "smithy.api#pattern": ".*\\S.*" } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueLength1to255": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueLength1to63": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 63 }, "smithy.api#pattern": ".*\\S.*" } }, "com.amazonaws.finspacedata#stringValueMaxLength1000": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } } } }