//! Publish Date: 2022-01-12 //! This file is hosted at ??? and is meant to be copied //! to projects that use it. Sample usage: //! //! const version = VersionStep.create(b, null); //! exe.step.dependOn(&version.step); const std = @import("std"); const Step = @This(); step: std.build.Step, builder: *std.build.Builder, version_path: []const u8, // Creates a step that will add the git version info in a file in src/ // so it can be consumed by additional code. If version_path is not specified, // it will default to "git_version.zig". This should be part of .gitignore pub fn create(b: *std.build.Builder, version_path: ?[]const u8) *Step { var result = b.allocator.create(Step) catch @panic("memory"); result.* = Step{ .step = std.build.Step.init(.custom, "create version file", b.allocator, make), .builder = b, .version_path = std.fs.path.resolve(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8{ b.build_root, "src", version_path orelse "git_version.zig", }) catch @panic("memory"), }; return result; } fn make(step: *std.build.Step) !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(Step, "step", step); const file = try std.fs.createFileAbsolute(self.version_path, .{}); defer file.close(); const version = try getGitVersion( self.builder.allocator, self.builder.build_root, self.builder.env_map, ); defer version.deinit(); try file.writer().print( \\pub const hash = "{s}"; \\pub const abbreviated_hash = "{s}"; \\pub const commit_date = "{s}"; \\pub const branch = "{s}"; \\pub const dirty = {}; \\pub const pretty_version = "{s}"; , .{ version.hash, version.abbreviated_hash, version.commit_date, version.branch, version.dirty, version.pretty_version, }); } const GitVersion = struct { hash: []const u8, abbreviated_hash: []const u8, commit_date: []const u8, branch: []const u8, dirty: bool, pretty_version: []const u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, const Self = @This(); pub fn deinit(self: Self) void { self.allocator.free(self.hash); self.allocator.free(self.abbreviated_hash); self.allocator.free(self.commit_date); self.allocator.free(self.branch); self.allocator.free(self.pretty_version); } }; fn getGitVersion(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, git_working_root: ?[]const u8, env: anytype) !GitVersion { // git log -1 --pretty="%H%n%h%n%ci%n%D" // 3bf6adc13e4aa653a7b75b1b5e9c9db5215df8e1 // 3bf6adc // 2022-01-12 12:21:28 -0800 // HEAD -> zig-native const log_output = run( allocator, &[_][]const u8{ "git", "log", "-1", "--pretty=%H%n%h%n%ci%n%D", }, git_working_root, env, ) catch |e| { if (std.os.getenv("DRONE_COMMIT_SHA") != null) return getGitVersionFromDrone(allocator); return e; }; defer allocator.free(log_output); const line_data = try getLines(allocator, 4, log_output); const hash = line_data[0]; const abbrev_hash = line_data[1]; const date = line_data[2]; const branch = line_data[3]; // git status --porcelain const status_output = try run( allocator, &[_][]const u8{ "git", "status", "--porcelain", }, git_working_root, env, ); const dirty = blk: { if (status_output.len > 0) { allocator.free(status_output); break :blk true; } break :blk false; }; const dirty_str = blk: { if (dirty) { break :blk " (dirty)"; } break :blk ""; }; return GitVersion{ .hash = hash, .abbreviated_hash = abbrev_hash, .commit_date = date, .branch = branch, .allocator = allocator, .dirty = dirty, .pretty_version = try prettyVersion(allocator, abbrev_hash, date, dirty_str), }; } fn prettyVersion(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, abbrev_hash: []const u8, date: []const u8, dirty_str: []const u8) ![]const u8 { const pretty_version: []const u8 = try std.fmt.allocPrint( allocator, "version {s}, committed at {s}{s}", .{ abbrev_hash, date, dirty_str, }, ); return pretty_version; } fn getGitVersionFromDrone(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !GitVersion { const abbrev_hash = std.os.getenv("DRONE_COMMIT_SHA").?[0..7]; // This isn't quite how git works, but ok const date = std.os.getenv("DRONE_BUILD_STARTED").?; // this is a timestamp :( return GitVersion{ .hash = std.os.getenv("DRONE_COMMIT_SHA").?, .abbreviated_hash = abbrev_hash, .commit_date = date, .branch = std.os.getenv("DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH").?, .allocator = allocator, .dirty = false, .pretty_version = try prettyVersion(allocator, abbrev_hash, date, ""), }; } fn getLines(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime line_count: u32, data: []const u8) ![line_count][]u8 { var line: u32 = 0; var start: u32 = 0; var current: u32 = 0; var line_data: [line_count][]u8 = undefined; errdefer { while (line > 0) { allocator.free(line_data[line]); line -= 1; } } for (data) |c| { // try std.io.getStdErr().writer().print("line: {d}, c: {c}, cur: {d}, strt: {d}\n", .{ line, c, current, start }); if (c == '\n') { line_data[line] = try allocator.dupe(u8, data[start..current]); // try std.io.getStdErr().writer().print("c: {d}, s: {d}, data: '{s}'\n", .{ current, start, line_data[line] }); start = current + 1; line += 1; } current += 1; } return line_data; } // env is a std.process.BufMap, but that's private, which is a little weird tbh fn run(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, argv: []const []const u8, cwd: ?[]const u8, env: anytype) ![]const u8 { { var msg = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer msg.deinit(); const writer = msg.writer(); var prefix: []const u8 = ""; for (argv) |arg| { try writer.print("{s}\"{s}\"", .{ prefix, arg }); prefix = " "; } // std.log.debug("[RUN] {s}", .{msg.items}); } const result = try std.ChildProcess.exec(.{ .allocator = allocator, .argv = argv, .cwd = cwd, .env_map = env, }); defer if (result.stderr.len > 0) allocator.free(result.stderr); try std.io.getStdErr().writer().writeAll(result.stderr); switch (result.term) { .Exited => |code| if (code != 0) { std.log.err("process failed with exit code: {}", .{code}); std.os.exit(0xff); }, else => { std.log.err("process failed due to exception: {}", .{result}); std.os.exit(0xff); }, } return result.stdout; }