const std = @import("std"); const smithy = @import("smithy"); const snake = @import("snake.zig"); pub fn main() anyerror!void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const allocator = &arena.allocator; const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator); defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args); const stdout =; const manifest_file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile("service_manifest.zig", .{}); defer manifest_file.close(); const manifest = manifest_file.writer(); var inx: u32 = 0; for (args) |arg| { if (inx == 0) { inx = inx + 1; continue; } try processFile(arg, stdout, manifest); inx = inx + 1; } if (args.len == 0) _ = try generateServices(allocator, ";",, stdout); } fn processFile(arg: []const u8, stdout: anytype, manifest: anytype) !void { // It's probably best to create our own allocator here so we can deint at the end and // toss all allocations related to the services in this file // I can't guarantee we're not leaking something, and at the end of the // day I'm not sure we want to track down leaks var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const allocator = &arena.allocator; var writer = &stdout; var file: std.fs.File = undefined; const filename = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}.zig", .{arg}); defer; file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile(filename, .{ .truncate = true }); errdefer file.close(); writer = &file.writer(); _ = try writer.write("const smithy = @import(\"smithy\");\n\n");"Processing file: {s}", .{arg}); const service_names = generateServicesForFilePath(allocator, ";", arg, writer) catch |err| { std.log.crit("Error processing file: {s}", .{arg}); return err; }; defer { for (service_names) |name|;; } file.close(); for (service_names) |name| { try manifest.print("pub const {s} = @import(\"{s}\");\n", .{ name, std.fs.path.basename(filename) }); } } fn generateServicesForFilePath(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, comptime terminator: []const u8, path: []const u8, writer: anytype) ![][]const u8 { const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(path, .{ .read = true, .write = false }); defer file.close(); return try generateServices(allocator, terminator, file, writer); } fn generateServices(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, comptime _: []const u8, file: std.fs.File, writer: anytype) ![][]const u8 { const json = try file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, 1024 * 1024 * 1024); defer; const model = try smithy.parse(allocator, json); defer model.deinit(); const ShapeInfo = @TypeOf(model.shapes[0]); // assume we have at least one shape var shapes = std.StringHashMap(ShapeInfo).init(allocator); defer shapes.deinit(); var services = std.ArrayList(ShapeInfo).init(allocator); defer services.deinit(); for (model.shapes) |shape| { try shapes.put(, shape); switch (shape.shape) { .service => try services.append(shape), else => {}, } } var constant_names = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator); defer constant_names.deinit(); for (services.items) |service| { var sdk_id: []const u8 = undefined; var version: []const u8 = service.shape.service.version; var name: []const u8 =; var arn_namespace: []const u8 = undefined; var sigv4_name: []const u8 = undefined; var endpoint_prefix: []const u8 = undefined; var aws_protocol: smithy.AwsProtocol = undefined; for (service.shape.service.traits) |trait| { // need the info/get the info switch (trait) { .aws_api_service => { arn_namespace = trait.aws_api_service.arn_namespace; sdk_id = trait.aws_api_service.sdk_id; endpoint_prefix = trait.aws_api_service.endpoint_prefix; }, .aws_auth_sigv4 => sigv4_name =, .aws_protocol => aws_protocol = trait.aws_protocol, else => {}, } } // Service struct // name of the field will be snake_case of whatever comes in from // sdk_id. Not sure this will simple... const constant_name = try constantName(allocator, sdk_id); try constant_names.append(constant_name); try writer.print("const Self = @This();\n", .{}); try writer.print("pub const version: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{version}); try writer.print("pub const sdk_id: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{sdk_id}); try writer.print("pub const arn_namespace: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{arn_namespace}); try writer.print("pub const endpoint_prefix: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{endpoint_prefix}); try writer.print("pub const sigv4_name: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{sigv4_name}); try writer.print("pub const name: []const u8 = \"{s}\";\n", .{name}); // TODO: This really should just be ".whatevs". We're fully qualifying here, which isn't typical try writer.print("pub const aws_protocol: smithy.AwsProtocol = smithy.{s};\n\n", .{aws_protocol}); _ = try writer.write("pub const service_metadata : struct {\n"); try writer.print(" version: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{version}); try writer.print(" sdk_id: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{sdk_id}); try writer.print(" arn_namespace: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{arn_namespace}); try writer.print(" endpoint_prefix: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{endpoint_prefix}); try writer.print(" sigv4_name: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{sigv4_name}); try writer.print(" name: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{name}); // TODO: This really should just be ".whatevs". We're fully qualifying here, which isn't typical try writer.print(" aws_protocol: smithy.AwsProtocol = smithy.{s},\n", .{aws_protocol}); _ = try writer.write("} = .{};\n"); // Operations for (service.shape.service.operations) |op| try generateOperation(allocator, shapes.get(op).?, shapes, writer, constant_name); } return constant_names.toOwnedSlice(); } fn constantName(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, id: []const u8) ![]const u8 { // There are some ids that don't follow consistent rules, so we'll // look for the exceptions and, if not found, revert to the snake case // algorithm // This one might be a bug in snake, but it's the only example so HPDL if (std.mem.eql(u8, id, "SESv2")) return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "ses_v2", .{}); // IoT is an acryonym, but snake wouldn't know that. Interestingly not all // iot services are capitalizing that way. if (std.mem.eql(u8, id, "IoTSiteWise")) return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "iot_site_wise", .{}); //sitewise? if (std.mem.eql(u8, id, "IoTFleetHub")) return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "iot_fleet_hub", .{}); if (std.mem.eql(u8, id, "IoTSecureTunneling")) return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "iot_secure_tunneling", .{}); if (std.mem.eql(u8, id, "IoTThingsGraph")) return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "iot_things_graph", .{}); // snake turns this into dev_ops, which is a little weird if (std.mem.eql(u8, id, "DevOps Guru")) return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "devops_guru", .{}); if (std.mem.eql(u8, id, "FSx")) return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "fsx", .{}); // Not a special case - just snake it return try snake.fromPascalCase(allocator, id); } fn generateOperation(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, operation: smithy.ShapeInfo, shapes: anytype, writer: anytype, service: []const u8) !void { const snake_case_name = try snake.fromPascalCase(allocator,; defer; const prefix = " "; var type_stack = std.ArrayList(*const smithy.ShapeInfo).init(allocator); defer type_stack.deinit(); // indent should start at 4 spaces here const operation_name = avoidReserved(snake_case_name); try writer.print("pub const {s}: struct ", .{operation_name}); _ = try writer.write("{\n"); try writer.print(" action_name: []const u8 = \"{s}\",\n", .{}); _ = try writer.write(" Request: type = "); if (operation.shape.operation.input) |member| { try generateTypeFor(allocator, member, shapes, writer, prefix, false, &type_stack, false); _ = try writer.write("\n"); try generateMetadataFunction(service, operation_name, prefix, writer); } else { _ = try writer.write("struct {\n"); try generateMetadataFunction(service, operation_name, prefix, writer); } _ = try writer.write(",\n"); _ = try writer.write(" Response: type = "); if (operation.shape.operation.output) |member| { try generateTypeFor(allocator, member, shapes, writer, " ", false, &type_stack, true); } else _ = try writer.write("struct {}"); // we want to maintain consistency with other ops _ = try writer.write(",\n"); if (operation.shape.operation.errors) |errors| { _ = try writer.write(" ServiceError: type = error{\n"); for (errors) |err| { const err_name = getErrorName(shapes.get(err).?.name); // need to remove "exception" try writer.print(" {s},\n", .{err_name}); } _ = try writer.write(" },\n"); } _ = try writer.write("} = .{};\n"); } fn generateMetadataFunction(_: []const u8, operation_name: []const u8, comptime prefix: []const u8, writer: anytype) !void { // TODO: Shove these lines in here, and also the else portion // pub fn metaInfo(self: @This()) struct { service: @TypeOf(sts), action: @TypeOf(sts.get_caller_identity) } { // return .{ .service = sts, .action = sts.get_caller_identity }; // } // We want to add a short "get my parents" function into the response try writer.print("{s} ", .{prefix}); _ = try writer.write("pub fn metaInfo(_: @This()) struct { "); try writer.print("service_metadata: @TypeOf(service_metadata), action: @TypeOf({s})", .{operation_name}); _ = try writer.write(" } {\n" ++ prefix ++ " return .{ .service_metadata = service_metadata, "); try writer.print(".action = {s}", .{operation_name}); _ = try writer.write(" };\n" ++ prefix ++ " }\n" ++ prefix ++ "}"); } fn getErrorName(err_name: []const u8) []const u8 { if (endsWith("Exception", err_name)) return err_name[0 .. err_name.len - "Exception".len]; if (endsWith("Fault", err_name)) return err_name[0 .. err_name.len - "Fault".len]; return err_name; } fn endsWith(item: []const u8, str: []const u8) bool { if (str.len < item.len) return false; return std.mem.eql(u8, item, str[str.len - item.len ..]); } /// return type is anyerror!void as this is a recursive function, so the compiler cannot properly infer error types fn generateTypeFor(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, shape_id: []const u8, shapes: anytype, writer: anytype, prefix: []const u8, all_required: bool, type_stack: anytype, end_structure: bool) anyerror!void { if (shapes.get(shape_id) == null) { std.debug.print("Shape ID not found. This is most likely a bug. Shape ID: {s}\n", .{shape_id}); return error.InvalidType; } // We assume it must exist const shape_info = shapes.get(shape_id).?; const shape = shape_info.shape; // Check for ourselves up the stack var self_occurences: u8 = 0; for (type_stack.items) |i| { // NOTE: shapes.get isn't providing a consistent pointer - is it allocating each time? // we will therefore need to compare ids if (std.mem.eql(u8, i.*.id, self_occurences = self_occurences + 1; } // Debugging // if (std.mem.eql(u8,, "Expression")) { //" Type stack len: {d}, occurences: {d}\n", .{ type_stack.items.len, self_occurences }); // if (type_stack.items.len > 15) { //" Type stack:\n", .{}); // for (type_stack.items) |i| //" {s}: {*}", .{ i.*.id, i }); // return error.BugDetected; // } // } // End Debugging if (self_occurences > 2) { // TODO: What's the appropriate number here? // TODO: Determine if this warrants the creation of another public // type to properly reference. Realistically, AWS or the service // must be blocking deep recursion somewhere or this would be a great // DOS attack try generateSimpleTypeFor("nothing", "[]const u8", writer, all_required); std.log.warn("Type cycle detected, limiting depth. Type: {s}", .{shape_id}); //" Type stack:\n", .{}); // for (type_stack.items) |i| //" {s}", .{i.*.id}); return; } try type_stack.append(&shape_info); switch (shape) { .structure => { try generateComplexTypeFor(allocator, shape.structure.members, "struct", shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack); if (end_structure) { // epilog try writer.print("{s}", .{prefix}); _ = try writer.write("}"); } }, .uniontype => { try generateComplexTypeFor(allocator, shape.uniontype.members, "union", shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack); // epilog try writer.print("{s}", .{prefix}); _ = try writer.write("}"); }, .string => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "[]const u8", writer, all_required), .integer => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "i64", writer, all_required), .list => { _ = try writer.write("[]"); try generateTypeFor(allocator, shape.list.member_target, shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack, true); }, .set => { _ = try writer.write("[]"); try generateTypeFor(allocator, shape.set.member_target, shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack, true); }, .timestamp => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "i64", writer, all_required), .blob => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "[]const u8", writer, all_required), .boolean => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "bool", writer, all_required), .double => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "f64", writer, all_required), .float => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "f32", writer, all_required), .long => |s| try generateSimpleTypeFor(s, "i64", writer, all_required), .map => { _ = try writer.write("[]struct {\n"); const new_prefix = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, " {s}", .{prefix}); defer; try writer.print("{s} key: ", .{prefix}); if (!all_required) try writeOptional(, writer, null); try generateTypeFor(allocator,, shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack, true); if (!all_required) try writeOptional(, writer, " = null"); _ = try writer.write(",\n"); try writer.print("{s} value: ", .{prefix}); if (!all_required) try writeOptional(, writer, null); try generateTypeFor(allocator,, shapes, writer, prefix, all_required, type_stack, true); if (!all_required) try writeOptional(, writer, " = null"); _ = try writer.write(",\n"); _ = try writer.write(prefix); _ = try writer.write("}"); }, else => { std.log.err("encountered unimplemented shape type {s} for shape_id {s}. Generated code will not compile", .{ @tagName(shape), shape_id }); // Not sure we want to return here - I think we want an exhaustive list // return error{UnimplementedShapeType}.UnimplementedShapeType; }, } _ = type_stack.pop(); } // fn generateSimpleTypeFor(shape: anytype, type_name: []const u8, writer: anytype, _: bool) !void { fn generateSimpleTypeFor(_: anytype, type_name: []const u8, writer: anytype, all_required: bool) !void { // current compiler checks unused variables, but can't handle multiple unused // function parameters. We don't want to change the signature in case we need to work with // these in the future, so this stupid code is only here to trick the compiler if (all_required or !all_required) _ = try writer.write(type_name); // This had required stuff but the problem was elsewhere. Better to leave as function just in case } fn generateComplexTypeFor(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, members: []smithy.TypeMember, type_type_name: []const u8, shapes: anytype, writer: anytype, prefix: []const u8, all_required: bool, type_stack: anytype) anyerror!void { // prolog. We'll rely on caller to get the spacing correct here _ = try writer.write(type_type_name); _ = try writer.write(" {\n"); for (members) |member| { const new_prefix = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, " {s}", .{prefix}); defer; const snake_case_member = try snake.fromPascalCase(allocator,; defer; try writer.print("{s} {s}: ", .{ prefix, avoidReserved(snake_case_member) }); if (!all_required) try writeOptional(member.traits, writer, null); try generateTypeFor(allocator,, shapes, writer, new_prefix, all_required, type_stack, true); if (!all_required and !std.mem.eql(u8, "union", type_type_name)) try writeOptional(member.traits, writer, " = null"); _ = try writer.write(",\n"); } } fn writeOptional(traits: ?[]smithy.Trait, writer: anytype, value: ?[]const u8) !void { if (traits) |ts| { for (ts) |t| if (t == .required) return; } // not required if (value) |v| { _ = try writer.write(v); } else _ = try writer.write("?"); } fn camelCase(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, name: []const u8) ![]const u8 { const first_letter = name[0] + ('a' - 'A'); return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{c}{s}", .{ first_letter, name[1..] }); } fn avoidReserved(snake_name: []const u8) []const u8 { if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "error")) return "@\"error\""; if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "return")) return "@\"return\""; if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "not")) return "@\"not\""; if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "and")) return "@\"and\""; if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "or")) return "@\"or\""; if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "test")) return "@\"test\""; if (std.mem.eql(u8, snake_name, "null")) return "@\"null\""; return snake_name; }