const std = @import("std"); const awshttp = @import("awshttp.zig"); const json = @import("json.zig"); const url = @import("url.zig"); const case = @import("case.zig"); const servicemodel = @import("servicemodel.zig"); const log = std.log.scoped(.aws); pub const Options = struct { region: []const u8 = "aws-global", dualstack: bool = false, }; /// Using this constant may blow up build times. Recommed using Services() /// function directly, e.g. const services = Services(.{.sts, .ec2, .s3, .ddb}){}; pub const services =; /// Get a service model by importing specific services only. As an example: /// const services = Services(.{.sts, .ec2, .s3, .ddb}){}; /// /// This will give you a constant with service data for sts, ec2, s3 and ddb only pub const Services = servicemodel.Services; pub const Aws = struct { allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, aws_http: awshttp.AwsHttp, const Self = @This(); pub fn init(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) Self { return .{ .allocator = allocator, .aws_http = awshttp.AwsHttp.init(allocator), }; } pub fn deinit(self: *Aws) void { self.aws_http.deinit(); } pub fn call(self: Self, comptime request: anytype, options: Options) !FullResponse(request) { // every codegenned request object includes a metaInfo function to get // pointers to service and action const meta_info = request.metaInfo(); const service_meta = meta_info.service_metadata; const action = meta_info.action; log.debug("call: prefix {s}, sigv4 {s}, version {s}, action {s}", .{ service_meta.endpoint_prefix, service_meta.sigv4_name, service_meta.version, action.action_name, }); log.debug("proto: {s}", .{service_meta.aws_protocol}); // It seems as though there are 3 major branches of the 6 protocols. // 1. query/ec2_query, which are identical until you get to complex // structures. TBD if the shortcut we're taking for query to make // it return json will work on EC2, but my guess is yes. // 2. *json*: These three appear identical for input (possible difference // for empty body serialization), but differ in error handling. // We're not doing a lot of error handling here, though. // 3. rest_xml: This is a one-off for S3, never used since switch (service_meta.aws_protocol) { .query, .ec2_query => return self.callQuery(request, service_meta, action, options), .rest_json_1, .json_1_0, .json_1_1 => @compileError("REST Json, Json 1.0/1.1 protocol not yet supported"), .rest_xml => @compileError("REST XML protocol not yet supported"), } } // Call using query protocol. This is documented as an XML protocol, but // throwing a JSON accept header seems to work. EC2Query is very simliar to // Query, so we'll handle both here. Realistically we probably don't effectively // handle lists and maps properly anyway yet, so we'll go for it and see // where it breaks. PRs and/or failing test cases appreciated. fn callQuery(self: Self, comptime request: anytype, service_meta: anytype, action: anytype, options: Options) !FullResponse(request) { var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator); defer buffer.deinit(); const writer = buffer.writer(); try url.encode(request, writer, .{ .field_name_transformer = &queryFieldTransformer, .allocator = self.allocator, }); const continuation = if (buffer.items.len > 0) "&" else ""; const body = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.allocator, "Action={s}&Version={s}{s}{s}\n", .{ action.action_name, service_meta.version, continuation, buffer.items }); defer; const FullR = FullResponse(request); const response = try self.aws_http.callApi( service_meta.endpoint_prefix, .{ .body = body, }, .{ .region = options.region, .dualstack = options.dualstack, .sigv4_service_name = service_meta.sigv4_name, }, ); // TODO: Can response handling be reused? defer response.deinit(); if (response.response_code != 200) { log.err("call failed! return status: {d}", .{response.response_code}); log.err("Request:\n |{s}\nResponse:\n |{s}", .{ body, response.body }); return error.HttpFailure; } // log.debug("Successful return from server:\n |{s}", .{response.body}); // TODO: Check status code for badness var stream = json.TokenStream.init(response.body); const parser_options = json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = self.allocator, .allow_camel_case_conversion = true, // new option .allow_snake_case_conversion = true, // new option .allow_unknown_fields = true, // new option. Cannot yet handle non-struct fields though .allow_missing_fields = false, // new option. Cannot yet handle non-struct fields though }; const SResponse = ServerResponse(request); const parsed_response = json.parse(SResponse, &stream, parser_options) catch |e| { log.err( \\Call successful, but unexpected response from service. \\This could be the result of a bug or a stale set of code generated \\service models. Response from server: \\ \\{s} \\ , .{response.body}); return e; }; // Grab the first (and only) object from the server. Server shape expected to be: // { ActionResponse: {ActionResult: {...}, ResponseMetadata: {...} } } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // Next line of code pulls this portion // // // And the response property below will pull whatever is the ActionResult object // We can grab index [0] as structs are guaranteed by zig to be returned in the order // declared, and we're declaring in that order in ServerResponse(). const real_response = @field(parsed_response, @typeInfo(SResponse).Struct.fields[0].name); return FullR{ .response = @field(real_response, @typeInfo(@TypeOf(real_response)).Struct.fields[0].name), .response_metadata = .{ .request_id = real_response.ResponseMetadata.RequestId, }, .parser_options = parser_options, .raw_parsed = parsed_response, }; } }; fn ServerResponse(comptime request: anytype) type { const T = Response(request); const action = request.metaInfo().action; // NOTE: The non-standard capitalization here is used as a performance // enhancement and to reduce allocations in json.zig. These fields are // not (nor are they ever intended to be) exposed outside this codebase const ResponseMetadata = struct { RequestId: []u8, }; const Result = @Type(.{ .Struct = .{ .layout = .Auto, .fields = &[_]std.builtin.TypeInfo.StructField{ .{ .name = action.action_name ++ "Result", .field_type = T, .default_value = null, .is_comptime = false, .alignment = 0, }, .{ .name = "ResponseMetadata", .field_type = ResponseMetadata, .default_value = null, .is_comptime = false, .alignment = 0, }, }, .decls = &[_]std.builtin.TypeInfo.Declaration{}, .is_tuple = false, }, }); return @Type(.{ .Struct = .{ .layout = .Auto, .fields = &[_]std.builtin.TypeInfo.StructField{ .{ .name = action.action_name ++ "Response", .field_type = Result, .default_value = null, .is_comptime = false, .alignment = 0, }, }, .decls = &[_]std.builtin.TypeInfo.Declaration{}, .is_tuple = false, }, }); } fn FullResponse(comptime request: anytype) type { return struct { response: Response(request), response_metadata: struct { request_id: []u8, }, parser_options: json.ParseOptions, raw_parsed: ServerResponse(request), const Self = @This(); pub fn deinit(self: Self) void { json.parseFree(ServerResponse(request), self.raw_parsed, self.parser_options); } }; } fn Response(comptime request: anytype) type { return request.metaInfo().action.Response; } fn queryFieldTransformer(field_name: []const u8, encoding_options: url.EncodingOptions) anyerror![]const u8 { return try case.snakeToPascal(encoding_options.allocator.?, field_name); } // Use for debugging json responses of specific requests // test "dummy request" { // const allocator = std.testing.allocator; // const svs = Services(.{.sts}){}; // const request = svs.sts.get_session_token.Request{ // .duration_seconds = 900, // }; // const FullR = FullResponse(request); // const response = // var stream = json.TokenStream.init(response); // // const parser_options = json.ParseOptions{ // .allocator = allocator, // .allow_camel_case_conversion = true, // new option // .allow_snake_case_conversion = true, // new option // .allow_unknown_fields = true, // new option. Cannot yet handle non-struct fields though // .allow_missing_fields = false, // new option. Cannot yet handle non-struct fields though // }; // const SResponse = ServerResponse(request); // const r = try json.parse(SResponse, &stream, parser_options); // json.parseFree(SResponse, r, parser_options); // }