const std = @import("std"); const awshttp = @import("aws_http.zig"); const json = @import("json.zig"); const url = @import("url.zig"); const case = @import("case.zig"); const date = @import("date.zig"); const servicemodel = @import("servicemodel.zig"); const xml_shaper = @import("xml_shaper.zig"); const log = std.log.scoped(.aws); pub const Options = struct { region: []const u8 = "aws-global", dualstack: bool = false, success_http_code: i64 = 200, client: Client, }; /// Using this constant may blow up build times. Recommed using Services() /// function directly, e.g. const services = Services(.{.sts, .ec2, .s3, .ddb}){}; pub const services =; /// Get a service model by importing specific services only. As an example: /// const services = Services(.{.sts, .ec2, .s3, .ddb}){}; /// /// This will give you a constant with service data for sts, ec2, s3 and ddb only pub const Services = servicemodel.Services; pub const ClientOptions = struct {}; pub const Client = struct { allocator: std.mem.Allocator, aws_http: awshttp.AwsHttp, const Self = @This(); pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, options: ClientOptions) !Self { _ = options; return Self{ .allocator = allocator, .aws_http = try awshttp.AwsHttp.init(allocator), }; } pub fn deinit(self: *Client) void { self.aws_http.deinit(); } /// Calls AWS. Use a comptime request and options. For a runtime interface, /// see Request pub fn call(_: Self, comptime request: anytype, options: Options) !FullResponse(@TypeOf(request).metaInfo().action) { const action = @TypeOf(request).metaInfo().action; return Request(action).call(request, options); } }; /// Establish an AWS request that can be later called with runtime-known /// parameters. If all parameters are known at comptime, the call function /// may be simpler to use. request parameter here refers to the action /// constant from the model, e.g. Request(services.lambda.list_functions) pub fn Request(comptime request_action: anytype) type { return struct { const ActionRequest = action.Request; const FullResponseType = FullResponse(action); const Self = @This(); const action = request_action; const meta_info = ActionRequest.metaInfo(); const service_meta = meta_info.service_metadata; pub fn call(request: ActionRequest, options: Options) !FullResponseType { // every codegenned request object includes a metaInfo function to get // pointers to service and action log.debug("call: prefix {s}, sigv4 {s}, version {s}, action {s}", .{ Self.service_meta.endpoint_prefix, Self.service_meta.sigv4_name, Self.service_meta.version, action.action_name, }); log.debug("proto: {}", .{Self.service_meta.aws_protocol}); // It seems as though there are 3 major branches of the 6 protocols. // 1. query/ec2_query, which are identical until you get to complex // structures. EC2 query does not allow us to request json though, // so we need to handle xml returns from this. // 2. *json*: These three appear identical for input (possible difference // for empty body serialization), but differ in error handling. // We're not doing a lot of error handling here, though. // 3. rest_xml: This is a one-off for S3, never used since switch (Self.service_meta.aws_protocol) { .query, .ec2_query => return Self.callQuery(request, options), .json_1_0, .json_1_1 => return Self.callJson(request, options), .rest_json_1, .rest_xml => return Self.callRest(request, options), } } /// Rest Json is the most complex and so we handle this seperately /// Oddly, Xml is similar enough we can route rest_xml through here as well fn callRest(request: ActionRequest, options: Options) !FullResponseType { // TODO: Does it work to merge restXml into this? const Action = @TypeOf(action); var aws_request: awshttp.HttpRequest = .{ .method = Action.http_config.method, .content_type = "application/json", .path = Action.http_config.uri, .headers = try headersFor(options.client.allocator, request), }; defer freeHeadersFor(options.client.allocator, request, aws_request.headers); log.debug("Rest method: '{s}'", .{aws_request.method}); log.debug("Rest success code: '{d}'", .{Action.http_config.success_code}); log.debug("Rest raw uri: '{s}'", .{Action.http_config.uri}); aws_request.path = try buildPath( options.client.allocator, Action.http_config.uri, ActionRequest, request, !std.mem.eql(u8, Self.service_meta.sdk_id, "S3"), ); defer; log.debug("Rest processed uri: '{s}'", .{aws_request.path}); // TODO: Make sure this doesn't get escaped here for S3 aws_request.query = try buildQuery(options.client.allocator, request); if (aws_request.query.len == 0) { if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, aws_request.path, "?")) |inx| { log.debug("Detected query in path. Adjusting", .{}); // Sometimes (looking at you, s3), the uri in the model // has a query string shoved into it. If that's the case, // we need to parse and straighten this all out const orig_path = aws_request.path; // save as we'll need to dealloc const orig_query = aws_request.query; // save as we'll need to dealloc // We need to chop the query off because apparently the other one whacks the // query string. TODO: RTFM on zig to figure out why aws_request.query = try options.client.allocator.dupe(u8, aws_request.path[inx..]); aws_request.path = try options.client.allocator.dupe(u8, aws_request.path[0..inx]); // log.debug("inx: {d}\n\tnew path: {s}\n\tnew query: {s}", .{ inx, aws_request.path, aws_request.query });;; } } log.debug("Rest query: '{s}'", .{aws_request.query}); defer; // We don't know if we need a body...guessing here, this should cover most var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(options.client.allocator); defer buffer.deinit(); var nameAllocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(options.client.allocator); defer nameAllocator.deinit(); if (Self.service_meta.aws_protocol == .rest_json_1) { if (std.mem.eql(u8, "PUT", aws_request.method) or std.mem.eql(u8, "POST", aws_request.method)) { try json.stringify(request, .{ .whitespace = .{} }, buffer.writer()); } } aws_request.body = buffer.items; if (Self.service_meta.aws_protocol == .rest_xml) { if (std.mem.eql(u8, "PUT", aws_request.method) or std.mem.eql(u8, "POST", aws_request.method)) { if (@hasDecl(ActionRequest, "http_payload")) { // We will assign the body to the value of the field denoted by // the http_payload declaration on the request type. // Hopefully these will always be ?[]const u8, otherwise // we should see a compile error on this line aws_request.body = @field(request, ActionRequest.http_payload).?; } else { return error.NotImplemented; } } } return try Self.callAws(aws_request, .{ .success_http_code = Action.http_config.success_code, .region = options.region, .dualstack = options.dualstack, .client = options.client, }); } /// Calls using one of the json protocols (json_1_0, json_1_1) fn callJson(request: ActionRequest, options: Options) !FullResponseType { const target = try std.fmt.allocPrint(options.client.allocator, "{s}.{s}", .{, action.action_name, }); defer; var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(options.client.allocator); defer buffer.deinit(); // The transformer needs to allocate stuff out of band, but we // can guarantee we don't need the memory after this call completes, // so we'll use an arena allocator to whack everything. // TODO: Determine if sending in null values is ok, or if we need another // tweak to the stringify function to exclude. According to the // smithy spec, "A null value MAY be provided or omitted // for a boxed member with no observable difference." But we're // seeing a lot of differences here between spec and reality // var nameAllocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(options.client.allocator); defer nameAllocator.deinit(); try json.stringify(request, .{ .whitespace = .{} }, buffer.writer()); var content_type: []const u8 = undefined; switch (Self.service_meta.aws_protocol) { .json_1_0 => content_type = "application/x-amz-json-1.0", .json_1_1 => content_type = "application/x-amz-json-1.1", else => unreachable, } return try Self.callAws(.{ .query = "", .body = buffer.items, .content_type = content_type, .headers = @constCast(&[_]awshttp.Header{.{ .name = "X-Amz-Target", .value = target }}), }, options); } // Call using query protocol. This is documented as an XML protocol, but // throwing a JSON accept header seems to work. EC2Query is very simliar to // Query, so we'll handle both here. Realistically we probably don't effectively // handle lists and maps properly anyway yet, so we'll go for it and see // where it breaks. PRs and/or failing test cases appreciated. fn callQuery(request: ActionRequest, options: Options) !FullResponseType { var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(options.client.allocator); defer buffer.deinit(); const writer = buffer.writer(); try url.encode(options.client.allocator, request, writer, .{ .field_name_transformer = &queryFieldTransformer, }); const continuation = if (buffer.items.len > 0) "&" else ""; const query = if (Self.service_meta.aws_protocol == .query) try std.fmt.allocPrint(options.client.allocator, "", .{}) else // EC2 try std.fmt.allocPrint(options.client.allocator, "?Action={s}&Version={s}", .{ action.action_name, Self.service_meta.version, }); defer; // Note: EC2 avoided the Action={s}&Version={s} in the body, but it's // but it's required, so I'm not sure why that code was put in // originally? const body = try std.fmt.allocPrint(options.client.allocator, "Action={s}&Version={s}{s}{s}", .{ action.action_name, Self.service_meta.version, continuation, buffer.items, }); defer; return try Self.callAws(.{ .query = query, .body = body, .content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, options); } fn callAws(aws_request: awshttp.HttpRequest, options: Options) !FullResponseType { const response = try options.client.aws_http.callApi( Self.service_meta.endpoint_prefix, aws_request, .{ .region = options.region, .dualstack = options.dualstack, .sigv4_service_name = Self.service_meta.sigv4_name, }, ); defer response.deinit(); if (response.response_code != options.success_http_code) { try reportTraffic(options.client.allocator, "Call Failed", aws_request, response, log.err); return error.HttpFailure; } var full_response = try getFullResponseFromBody(aws_request, response, options); errdefer full_response.deinit(); // Fill in any fields that require a header. Note doing it post-facto // assumes all response header fields are optional, which may be incorrect if (@hasDecl(action.Response, "http_header")) { log.debug("Checking headers based on type: {s}", .{@typeName(action.Response)}); const HeaderInfo = struct { name: []const u8, T: type, header_name: []const u8, }; comptime var fields = [_]?HeaderInfo{null} ** std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(action.Response.http_header)).len; inline for (std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(action.Response.http_header)), 0..) |f, inx| { fields[inx] = HeaderInfo{ .name =, .T = @TypeOf(@field(full_response.response,, .header_name = @field(action.Response.http_header,, }; } inline for (fields) |f| { for (response.headers) |header| { if (std.mem.eql(u8,, f.?.header_name)) { log.debug("Response header {s} configured for field. Setting {s} = {s}", .{, f.?.name, header.value }); // TODO: Revisit return for this function. At the moment, there // is something in the compiler that is causing the inline for // surrounding this to start repeating elements // // // // This bug is also relevant to some of the many, // many different methods used to try to work around: // // // Note: issues found on zig 0.9.0 setHeaderValue( options.client.allocator, &full_response.response, f.?.name, f.?.T, header.value, ) catch |e| { log.err("Could not set header value: Response header {s}. Field {s}. Value {s}", .{, f.?.name, header.value }); log.err("Error: {}", .{e}); if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| { std.debug.dumpStackTrace(trace.*); } }; break; } } } } return full_response; } fn setHeaderValue( allocator: std.mem.Allocator, response: anytype, comptime field_name: []const u8, comptime field_type: type, value: []const u8, ) !void { // TODO: Fix this. We need to make this much more robust // The deal is we have to do the dupe though // Also, this is a memory leak atm if (field_type == ?[]const u8) { @field(response, field_name) = try allocator.dupe(u8, value); } else { @field(response, field_name) = try coerceFromString(field_type, value); } } fn getFullResponseFromBody(aws_request: awshttp.HttpRequest, response: awshttp.HttpResult, options: Options) !FullResponseType { // First, we need to determine if we care about a response at all // If the expected result has no fields, there's no sense in // doing any more work. Let's bail early var expected_body_field_len = std.meta.fields(action.Response).len; if (@hasDecl(action.Response, "http_header")) expected_body_field_len -= std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(action.Response.http_header)).len; if (@hasDecl(action.Response, "http_payload")) { var rc = FullResponseType{ .response = .{}, .response_metadata = .{ .request_id = try requestIdFromHeaders(aws_request, response, options), }, .parser_options = .{ .json = .{} }, .raw_parsed = .{ .raw = .{} }, .allocator = options.client.allocator, }; var body_field = @field(rc.response, action.Response.http_payload); const BodyField = @TypeOf(body_field); if (BodyField == []const u8 or BodyField == ?[]const u8) { expected_body_field_len = 0; // We can't use body_field for this set - only @field will work @field(rc.response, action.Response.http_payload) = try options.client.allocator.dupe(u8, response.body); return rc; } rc.deinit(); } // We don't care about the body if there are no fields we expect there... if (std.meta.fields(action.Response).len == 0 or expected_body_field_len == 0) { // ^^ This should be redundant, but is necessary. I suspect it's a compiler quirk // // Do we care if an unexpected body comes in? return FullResponseType{ .response = .{}, .response_metadata = .{ .request_id = try requestIdFromHeaders(aws_request, response, options), }, .parser_options = .{ .json = .{} }, .raw_parsed = .{ .raw = .{} }, .allocator = options.client.allocator, }; } const isJson = try isJsonResponse(response.headers); if (!isJson) return try xmlReturn(aws_request, options, response); return try jsonReturn(aws_request, options, response); } fn jsonReturn(aws_request: awshttp.HttpRequest, options: Options, response: awshttp.HttpResult) !FullResponseType { const parser_options = json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = options.client.allocator, .allow_camel_case_conversion = true, // new option .allow_snake_case_conversion = true, // new option .allow_unknown_fields = true, // new option. Cannot yet handle non-struct fields though .allow_missing_fields = false, // new option. Cannot yet handle non-struct fields though }; // Get our possible response types. There are 3: // // 1. A result wrapped with metadata like request ID. This is ServerResponse(action) // 2. A "Normal" result, which starts with { "MyActionResponse": {...} } // 3. A "Raw" result, which is simply {...} without decoration const response_types = jsonResponseTypesForAction(); // Parse the server data. Function will determine which of the three // responses we have, and do the right thing const parsed_data = try parseJsonData(response_types, response.body, options, parser_options); defer parsed_data.deinit(); const parsed_response = parsed_data.parsed_response_ptr.*; if (response_types.NormalResponse == ServerResponse(action)) { // This should only apply to query results, but we're in comptime // type land, so the only thing that matters is whether our // response is a ServerResponse // // Grab the first (and only) object from the data. Server shape expected to be: // { ActionResponse: {ActionResult: {...}, ResponseMetadata: {...} } } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // Next line of code pulls this portion // // // And the response property below will pull whatever is the ActionResult object // We can grab index [0] as structs are guaranteed by zig to be returned in the order // declared, and we're declaring in that order in ServerResponse(). const real_response = @field(parsed_response, @typeInfo(response_types.NormalResponse).Struct.fields[0].name); return FullResponseType{ .response = @field(real_response, @typeInfo(@TypeOf(real_response)).Struct.fields[0].name), .response_metadata = .{ .request_id = try options.client.allocator.dupe(u8, real_response.ResponseMetadata.RequestId), }, .parser_options = .{ .json = parser_options }, .raw_parsed = .{ .server = parsed_response }, .allocator = options.client.allocator, }; } else { // Conditions 2 or 3 (no wrapping) return FullResponseType{ .response = parsed_response, .response_metadata = .{ .request_id = try requestIdFromHeaders(aws_request, response, options), }, .parser_options = .{ .json = parser_options }, .raw_parsed = .{ .raw = parsed_response }, .allocator = options.client.allocator, }; } } fn xmlReturn(request: awshttp.HttpRequest, options: Options, result: awshttp.HttpResult) !FullResponseType { // Server shape be all like: // // // // 0efe31c6-cad5-4882-b275-dfea478cf039 // // // eu-north-1 // // opt-in-not-required // // // // // While our stuff be like: // // struct { // regions: []struct { // region_name: []const u8, // } // } // // Big thing is that requestid, which we'll need to fetch "manually" const xml_options = xml_shaper.ParseOptions{ .allocator = options.client.allocator }; var body: []const u8 = result.body; var free_body = false; if (std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, result.body[result.body.len - 20 ..], "Response>") == null and std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, result.body[result.body.len - 20 ..], "Result>") == null) { free_body = true; // chop the "" from the front const start = if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, result.body, "?>")) |i| i else 0; body = try std.fmt.allocPrint(options.client.allocator, "{s}", .{body[start..]}); } defer if (free_body); const parsed = try xml_shaper.parse(action.Response, body, xml_options); errdefer parsed.deinit(); // This needs to get into FullResponseType somehow: defer parsed.deinit(); const request_id = blk: { if (parsed.document.root.getCharData("requestId")) |elem| break :blk try options.client.allocator.dupe(u8, elem); break :blk try requestIdFromHeaders(request, result, options); }; defer; return FullResponseType{ .response = parsed.parsed_value, .response_metadata = .{ .request_id = try options.client.allocator.dupe(u8, request_id), }, .parser_options = .{ .xml = xml_options }, .raw_parsed = .{ .xml = parsed }, .allocator = options.client.allocator, }; } const ServerResponseTypes = struct { NormalResponse: type, RawResponse: type, isRawPossible: bool, }; fn jsonResponseTypesForAction() ServerResponseTypes { // The shape of the data coming back from the server will // vary quite a bit based on the exact protocol being used, // age of the service, etc. Before we parse the data, we need // to understand what we're expecting. Because types are handled // at comptime, we are restricted in how we handle them. They must // be constants, so first we'll set up an unreasonable "NullType" // we can use in our conditionals below const NullType: type = u0; // Next, we'll provide a "SResponse", or Server Response, for a // "normal" return that modern AWS services provide, that includes // meta information and a result inside it. This could be the // response as described in our models, or it could be a wrapped // response that's only applicable to aws_query smithy protocol // services const SResponse = if (Self.service_meta.aws_protocol != .query) action.Response else ServerResponse(action); // Now, we want to also establish a "SRawResponse", or a raw // response. Some older services (like CloudFront) respect // that we desire application/json data even though they're // considered "rest_xml" protocol. However, they don't wrap // anything, so we actually want to parse the only field in // the response structure. In this case we have to manually // create the type, parse, then set the field. For example: // // Response: type = struct { // key_group_list: ?struct {... // // Normal responses would start parsing on the Response type, // but raw responses need to create an instance of the response // type, and parse "key_group_list" directly before attaching. // // Because we cannot change types at runtime, we need to create // both a SResponse and SRawResponse type in anticipation of either // scenario, then parse as appropriate later const SRawResponse = if (Self.service_meta.aws_protocol != .query and std.meta.fields(action.Response).len == 1) std.meta.fields(action.Response)[0].type else NullType; return .{ .NormalResponse = SResponse, .RawResponse = SRawResponse, .isRawPossible = SRawResponse != NullType, }; } fn ParsedJsonData(comptime T: type) type { return struct { raw_response_parsed: bool, parsed_response_ptr: *T, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, const MySelf = @This(); pub fn deinit(self: MySelf) void { // This feels like it should result in a use after free, but it // seems to be working? if (self.raw_response_parsed) self.allocator.destroy(self.parsed_response_ptr); } }; } fn parseJsonData(comptime response_types: ServerResponseTypes, data: []const u8, options: Options, parser_options: json.ParseOptions) !ParsedJsonData(response_types.NormalResponse) { // Now it's time to start looking at the actual data. Job 1 will // be to figure out if this is a raw response or wrapped // Extract the first json key const key = firstJsonKey(data); const found_normal_json_response = std.mem.eql(u8, key, action.action_name ++ "Response") or std.mem.eql(u8, key, action.action_name ++ "Result"); var raw_response_parsed = false; var stream = json.TokenStream.init(data); const parsed_response_ptr = blk: { if (!response_types.isRawPossible or found_normal_json_response) break :blk &(json.parse(response_types.NormalResponse, &stream, parser_options) catch |e| { log.err( \\Call successful, but unexpected response from service. \\This could be the result of a bug or a stale set of code generated \\service models. \\ \\Model Type: {} \\ \\Response from server: \\ \\{s} \\ , .{ action.Response, data }); return e; }); log.debug("Appears server has provided a raw response", .{}); raw_response_parsed = true; const ptr = try options.client.allocator.create(response_types.NormalResponse); @field(ptr.*, std.meta.fields(action.Response)[0].name) = json.parse(response_types.RawResponse, &stream, parser_options) catch |e| { log.err( \\Call successful, but unexpected response from service. \\This could be the result of a bug or a stale set of code generated \\service models. \\ \\Model Type: {} \\ \\Response from server: \\ \\{s} \\ , .{ action.Response, data }); return e; }; break :blk ptr; }; return ParsedJsonData(response_types.NormalResponse){ .raw_response_parsed = raw_response_parsed, .parsed_response_ptr = @constCast(parsed_response_ptr), //TODO: why doesn't changing const->var above fix this? .allocator = options.client.allocator, }; } }; } fn coerceFromString(comptime T: type, val: []const u8) anyerror!T { if (@typeInfo(T) == .Optional) return try coerceFromString(@typeInfo(T).Optional.child, val); // TODO: This is terrible...fix it switch (T) { bool => return std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(val, "true"), i64 => return parseInt(T, val) catch |e| { log.err("Invalid string representing i64: {s}", .{val}); return e; }, else => return val, } } fn parseInt(comptime T: type, val: []const u8) !T { const rc = std.fmt.parseInt(T, val, 10); if (!std.meta.isError(rc)) return rc; if (T == i64) { return date.parseEnglishToTimestamp(val) catch |e| { log.err("Error coercing date string '{s}' to timestamp value", .{val}); return e; }; } log.err("Error parsing string '{s}' to integer", .{val}); return rc; } fn generalAllocPrint(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, val: anytype) !?[]const u8 { switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(val))) { .Optional => if (val) |v| return generalAllocPrint(allocator, v) else return null, .Array, .Pointer => return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}", .{val}), else => return try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{any}", .{val}), } } fn headersFor(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: anytype) ![]awshttp.Header { log.debug("Checking for headers to include for type {}", .{@TypeOf(request)}); if (!@hasDecl(@TypeOf(request), "http_header")) return &[_]awshttp.Header{}; const http_header = @TypeOf(request).http_header; const fields = std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(http_header)); log.debug("Found {d} possible custom headers", .{fields.len}); // It would be awesome to have a fixed array, but we can't because // it depends on a runtime value based on whether these variables are null var headers = try std.ArrayList(awshttp.Header).initCapacity(allocator, fields.len); inline for (fields) |f| { // Header name = value of field // Header value = value of the field of the request based on field name const val = @field(request,; const final_val: ?[]const u8 = try generalAllocPrint(allocator, val); if (final_val) |v| { headers.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .name = @field(http_header,, .value = v, }); } } return headers.toOwnedSlice(); } fn freeHeadersFor(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: anytype, headers: []awshttp.Header) void { if (!@hasDecl(@TypeOf(request), "http_header")) return; const http_header = @TypeOf(request).http_header; const fields = std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(http_header)); inline for (fields) |f| { const header_name = @field(http_header,; for (headers) |h| { if (std.mem.eql(u8,, header_name)) {; break; } } }; } fn firstJsonKey(data: []const u8) []const u8 { const start = std.mem.indexOf(u8, data, "\"") orelse 0; // Should never be 0 if (start == 0) log.warn("Response body missing json key?!", .{}); var end = std.mem.indexOf(u8, data[start + 1 ..], "\"") orelse 0; if (end == 0) log.warn("Response body only has one double quote?!", .{}); end = end + start + 1; const key = data[start + 1 .. end]; log.debug("First json key: {s}", .{key}); return key; } fn isJsonResponse(headers: []awshttp.Header) !bool { // EC2 ignores our accept type, but technically query protocol only // returns XML as well. So, we'll ignore the protocol here and just // look at the return type var isJson: ?bool = null; for (headers) |h| { if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase("Content-Type", { if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, h.value, "application/json")) { isJson = true; } else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, h.value, "application/x-amz-json-1.0")) { isJson = true; } else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, h.value, "application/x-amz-json-1.1")) { isJson = true; } else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, h.value, "text/xml")) { isJson = false; } else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, h.value, "application/xml")) { isJson = false; } else { log.err("Unexpected content type: {s}", .{h.value}); return error.UnexpectedContentType; } break; } } if (isJson == null) return error.ContentTypeNotFound; return isJson.?; } /// Get request ID from headers. Caller responsible for freeing memory fn requestIdFromHeaders(request: awshttp.HttpRequest, response: awshttp.HttpResult, options: Options) ![]u8 { var rid: ?[]const u8 = null; // This "thing" is called: // * Host ID // * Extended Request ID // * Request ID 2 // // I suspect it identifies the S3 frontend server and they are // trying to obscure that fact. But several SDKs go with host id, // so we'll use that var host_id: ?[]const u8 = null; for (response.headers) |header| { if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(, "x-amzn-requestid")) // CloudFront rid = header.value; if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(, "x-amz-request-id")) // S3 rid = header.value; if (std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(, "x-amz-id-2")) // S3 host_id = header.value; } if (rid) |r| { if (host_id) |h| return try std.fmt.allocPrint(options.client.allocator, "{s}, host_id: {s}", .{ r, h }); return try options.client.allocator.dupe(u8, r); } try reportTraffic(options.client.allocator, "Request ID not found", request, response, log.err); return error.RequestIdNotFound; } fn ServerResponse(comptime action: anytype) type { const T = action.Response; // NOTE: The non-standard capitalization here is used as a performance // enhancement and to reduce allocations in json.zig. These fields are // not (nor are they ever intended to be) exposed outside this codebase const ResponseMetadata = struct { RequestId: []u8, }; const Result = @Type(.{ .Struct = .{ .layout = .Auto, .fields = &[_]std.builtin.Type.StructField{ .{ .name = action.action_name ++ "Result", .type = T, .default_value = null, .is_comptime = false, .alignment = 0, }, .{ .name = "ResponseMetadata", .type = ResponseMetadata, .default_value = null, .is_comptime = false, .alignment = 0, }, }, .decls = &[_]std.builtin.Type.Declaration{}, .is_tuple = false, }, }); return @Type(.{ .Struct = .{ .layout = .Auto, .fields = &[_]std.builtin.Type.StructField{ .{ .name = action.action_name ++ "Response", .type = Result, .default_value = null, .is_comptime = false, .alignment = 0, }, }, .decls = &[_]std.builtin.Type.Declaration{}, .is_tuple = false, }, }); } fn FullResponse(comptime action: anytype) type { return struct { response: action.Response, response_metadata: struct { request_id: []u8, }, parser_options: union(enum) { json: json.ParseOptions, xml: xml_shaper.ParseOptions, }, raw_parsed: union(enum) { server: ServerResponse(action), raw: action.Response, xml: xml_shaper.Parsed(action.Response), }, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, const Self = @This(); pub fn deinit(self: Self) void { switch (self.raw_parsed) { // Server is json only (so far) .server => json.parseFree(ServerResponse(action), self.raw_parsed.server, self.parser_options.json), // Raw is json only (so far) .raw => json.parseFree(action.Response, self.raw_parsed.raw, self.parser_options.json), .xml => |xml| xml.deinit(), }; const Response = @TypeOf(self.response); if (@hasDecl(Response, "http_header")) { inline for (std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(Response.http_header))) |f| { safeFree(self.allocator, @field(self.response,; } } if (@hasDecl(Response, "http_payload")) { var body_field = @field(self.response, Response.http_payload); const BodyField = @TypeOf(body_field); if (BodyField == []const u8) {; } if (BodyField == ?[]const u8) { if (body_field) |f|; } } } }; } fn safeFree(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, obj: anytype) void { switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(obj))) { .Pointer =>, .Optional => if (obj) |o| safeFree(allocator, o), else => {}, } } fn queryFieldTransformer(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, field_name: []const u8, options: url.EncodingOptions) anyerror![]const u8 { _ = options; return try case.snakeToPascal(allocator, field_name); } fn buildPath( allocator: std.mem.Allocator, raw_uri: []const u8, comptime ActionRequest: type, request: anytype, encode_slash: bool, ) ![]const u8 { var buffer = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, raw_uri.len); // const writer = buffer.writer(); defer buffer.deinit(); var in_label = false; var start: usize = 0; for (raw_uri, 0..) |c, inx| { switch (c) { '{' => { in_label = true; start = inx + 1; }, '}' => { in_label = false; // The label may be "greedy" (uses a '+' at the end), but // it's not clear if that effects this processing var end = inx; if (raw_uri[inx - 1] == '+') end -= 1; const replacement_label = raw_uri[start..end]; inline for (std.meta.fields(ActionRequest)) |field| { if (std.mem.eql(u8, request.fieldNameFor(, replacement_label)) { var replacement_buffer = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, raw_uri.len); defer replacement_buffer.deinit(); var encoded_buffer = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, raw_uri.len); defer encoded_buffer.deinit(); const replacement_writer = replacement_buffer.writer(); // std.mem.replacementSize try json.stringify( @field(request,, .{}, replacement_writer, ); const trimmed_replacement_val = std.mem.trim(u8, replacement_buffer.items, "\""); try uriEncode(trimmed_replacement_val, encoded_buffer.writer(), encode_slash); try buffer.appendSlice(encoded_buffer.items); } } }, else => if (!in_label) { try buffer.append(c); } else {}, } } return buffer.toOwnedSlice(); } fn uriEncode(input: []const u8, writer: anytype, encode_slash: bool) !void { for (input) |c| try uriEncodeByte(c, writer, encode_slash); } fn uriEncodeByte(char: u8, writer: anytype, encode_slash: bool) !void { switch (char) { '!' => _ = try writer.write("%21"), '#' => _ = try writer.write("%23"), '$' => _ = try writer.write("%24"), '&' => _ = try writer.write("%26"), '\'' => _ = try writer.write("%27"), '(' => _ = try writer.write("%28"), ')' => _ = try writer.write("%29"), '*' => _ = try writer.write("%2A"), '+' => _ = try writer.write("%2B"), ',' => _ = try writer.write("%2C"), '/' => _ = if (encode_slash) try writer.write("%2F") else try writer.write("/"), ':' => _ = try writer.write("%3A"), ';' => _ = try writer.write("%3B"), '=' => _ = try writer.write("%3D"), '?' => _ = try writer.write("%3F"), '@' => _ = try writer.write("%40"), '[' => _ = try writer.write("%5B"), ']' => _ = try writer.write("%5D"), '%' => _ = try writer.write("%25"), else => { _ = try writer.writeByte(char); }, } } fn buildQuery(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request: anytype) ![]const u8 { // query should look something like this: // pub const http_query = .{ // .master_region = "MasterRegion", // .function_version = "FunctionVersion", // .marker = "Marker", // }; var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); const writer = buffer.writer(); defer buffer.deinit(); var prefix = "?"; if (@hasDecl(@TypeOf(request), "http_query")) { const query_arguments = @field(@TypeOf(request), "http_query"); inline for (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(query_arguments)).Struct.fields) |arg| { const val = @field(request,; if (try addQueryArg(arg.type, prefix, @field(query_arguments,, val, writer)) prefix = "&"; } } return buffer.toOwnedSlice(); } fn addQueryArg(comptime ValueType: type, prefix: []const u8, key: []const u8, value: anytype, writer: anytype) !bool { switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(value))) { .Optional => { if (value) |v| return try addQueryArg(ValueType, prefix, key, v, writer); return false; }, // if this is a pointer, we want to make sure it is more than just a string .Pointer => |ptr| { if (ptr.child == u8 or ptr.size != .Slice) { // This is just a string return try addBasicQueryArg(prefix, key, value, writer); } var p = prefix; for (value) |li| { if (try addQueryArg(ValueType, p, key, li, writer)) p = "&"; } return std.mem.eql(u8, "&", p); }, .Array => |arr| { if (arr.child == u8) return try addBasicQueryArg(prefix, key, value, writer); var p = prefix; for (value) |li| { if (try addQueryArg(ValueType, p, key, li, writer)) p = "&"; } return std.mem.eql(u8, "&", p); }, else => { return try addBasicQueryArg(prefix, key, value, writer); }, } } fn addBasicQueryArg(prefix: []const u8, key: []const u8, value: anytype, writer: anytype) !bool { _ = try writer.write(prefix); // TODO: url escaping try uriEncode(key, writer, true); _ = try writer.write("="); var encoding_writer = uriEncodingWriter(writer); var ignoring_writer = ignoringWriter(encoding_writer.writer(), '"'); try json.stringify(value, .{}, ignoring_writer.writer()); return true; } pub fn uriEncodingWriter(child_stream: anytype) UriEncodingWriter(@TypeOf(child_stream)) { return .{ .child_stream = child_stream }; } /// A Writer that ignores a character pub fn UriEncodingWriter(comptime WriterType: type) type { return struct { child_stream: WriterType, pub const Error = WriterType.Error; pub const Writer =*Self, Error, write); const Self = @This(); pub fn write(self: *Self, bytes: []const u8) Error!usize { try uriEncode(bytes, self.child_stream, true); return bytes.len; // We say that all bytes are "written", even if they're not, as caller may be retrying } pub fn writer(self: *Self) Writer { return .{ .context = self }; } }; } pub fn ignoringWriter(child_stream: anytype, ignore: u8) IgnoringWriter(@TypeOf(child_stream)) { return .{ .child_stream = child_stream, .ignore = ignore }; } /// A Writer that ignores a character pub fn IgnoringWriter(comptime WriterType: type) type { return struct { child_stream: WriterType, ignore: u8, pub const Error = WriterType.Error; pub const Writer =*Self, Error, write); const Self = @This(); pub fn write(self: *Self, bytes: []const u8) Error!usize { for (bytes) |b| { if (b != self.ignore) try self.child_stream.writeByte(b); } return bytes.len; // We say that all bytes are "written", even if they're not, as caller may be retrying } pub fn writer(self: *Self) Writer { return .{ .context = self }; } }; } fn reportTraffic(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, info: []const u8, request: awshttp.HttpRequest, response: awshttp.HttpResult, comptime reporter: fn (comptime []const u8, anytype) void) !void { var msg = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer msg.deinit(); const writer = msg.writer(); try writer.print("{s}\n\n", .{info}); try writer.print("Return status: {d}\n\n", .{response.response_code}); if (request.query.len > 0) try writer.print("Request Query:\n \t{s}\n", .{request.query}); _ = try writer.write("Unique Request Headers:\n"); if (request.headers.len > 0) { for (request.headers) |h| try writer.print("\t{s}: {s}\n", .{, h.value }); } try writer.print("\tContent-Type: {s}\n\n", .{request.content_type}); _ = try writer.write("Request Body:\n"); try writer.print("-------------\n{s}\n", .{request.body}); _ = try writer.write("-------------\n"); _ = try writer.write("Response Headers:\n"); for (response.headers) |h| try writer.print("\t{s}: {s}\n", .{, h.value }); _ = try writer.write("Response Body:\n"); try writer.print("--------------\n{s}\n", .{response.body}); _ = try writer.write("--------------\n"); reporter("{s}\n", .{msg.items}); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // All code below this line is for testing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: Where does this belong really? fn typeForField(comptime T: type, comptime field_name: []const u8) !type { const ti = @typeInfo(T); switch (ti) { .Struct => { inline for (ti.Struct.fields) |field| { if (std.mem.eql(u8,, field_name)) return field.type; } }, else => return error.TypeIsNotAStruct, // should not hit this } return error.FieldNotFound; } test "custom serialization for map objects" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer buffer.deinit(); var tags = try std.ArrayList(@typeInfo(try typeForField(services.lambda.tag_resource.Request, "tags")).Pointer.child).initCapacity(allocator, 2); defer tags.deinit(); tags.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .key = "Foo", .value = "Bar" }); tags.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .key = "Baz", .value = "Qux" }); const req = services.lambda.tag_resource.Request{ .resource = "hello", .tags = tags.items }; try json.stringify(req, .{ .whitespace = .{} }, buffer.writer()); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings( \\{ \\ "Resource": "hello", \\ "Tags": { \\ "Foo": "Bar", \\ "Baz": "Qux" \\ } \\} , buffer.items); } test "REST Json v1 builds proper queries" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const svs = Services(.{.lambda}){}; const request = svs.lambda.list_functions.Request{ .max_items = 1, }; const query = try buildQuery(allocator, request); defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("?MaxItems=1", query); } test "REST Json v1 handles reserved chars in queries" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const svs = Services(.{.lambda}){}; var keys = [_][]const u8{"Foo?I'm a crazy%dude"}; // Would love to have a way to express this without burning a var here const request = svs.lambda.untag_resource.Request{ .tag_keys = keys[0..], .resource = "hello", }; const query = try buildQuery(allocator, request); defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("?tagKeys=Foo%3FI%27m a crazy%25dude", query); } test "REST Json v1 serializes lists in queries" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const svs = Services(.{.lambda}){}; var keys = [_][]const u8{ "Foo", "Bar" }; // Would love to have a way to express this without burning a var here const request = svs.lambda.untag_resource.Request{ .tag_keys = keys[0..], .resource = "hello", }; const query = try buildQuery(allocator, request); defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("?tagKeys=Foo&tagKeys=Bar", query); } test "REST Json v1 buildpath substitutes" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const svs = Services(.{.lambda}){}; const request = svs.lambda.list_functions.Request{ .max_items = 1, }; const input_path = "https://myhost/{MaxItems}/"; const output_path = try buildPath(allocator, input_path, @TypeOf(request), request, true); defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("https://myhost/1/", output_path); } test "REST Json v1 buildpath handles restricted characters" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const svs = Services(.{.lambda}){}; const request = svs.lambda.list_functions.Request{ .marker = ":", }; const input_path = "https://myhost/{Marker}/"; const output_path = try buildPath(allocator, input_path, @TypeOf(request), request, true); defer; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("https://myhost/%3A/", output_path); } test "basic json request serialization" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const svs = Services(.{.dynamo_db}){}; const request = svs.dynamo_db.list_tables.Request{ .limit = 1, }; var buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer buffer.deinit(); // The transformer needs to allocate stuff out of band, but we // can guarantee we don't need the memory after this call completes, // so we'll use an arena allocator to whack everything. // TODO: Determine if sending in null values is ok, or if we need another // tweak to the stringify function to exclude. According to the // smithy spec, "A null value MAY be provided or omitted // for a boxed member with no observable difference." But we're // seeing a lot of differences here between spec and reality // var nameAllocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator); defer nameAllocator.deinit(); try json.stringify(request, .{ .whitespace = .{} }, buffer.writer()); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings( \\{ \\ "ExclusiveStartTableName": null, \\ "Limit": 1 \\} , buffer.items); } test "layer object only" { const TestResponse = struct { arn: ?[]const u8 = null, // uncompressed_code_size: ?i64 = null, pub fn jsonFieldNameFor(_: @This(), comptime field_name: []const u8) []const u8 { const mappings = .{ .arn = "Arn", }; return @field(mappings, field_name); } }; const response = \\ { \\ "UncompressedCodeSize": 2, \\ "Arn": "blah" \\ } ; // const response = // \\ { // \\ "UncompressedCodeSize": 22599541, // \\ "Arn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:layer:PollyNotes-lib:4" // \\ } // ; const allocator = std.testing.allocator; var stream = json.TokenStream.init(response); const parser_options = json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator, .allow_camel_case_conversion = true, // new option .allow_snake_case_conversion = true, // new option .allow_unknown_fields = true, // new option. Cannot yet handle non-struct fields though .allow_missing_fields = false, // new option. Cannot yet handle non-struct fields though }; const r = try json.parse(TestResponse, &stream, parser_options); json.parseFree(TestResponse, r, parser_options); } // Use for debugging json responses of specific requests // test "dummy request" { // const allocator = std.testing.allocator; // const svs = Services(.{.sts}){}; // const request = svs.sts.get_session_token.Request{ // .duration_seconds = 900, // }; // const FullR = FullResponse(request); // const response = // var stream = json.TokenStream.init(response); // // const parser_options = json.ParseOptions{ // .allocator = allocator, // .allow_camel_case_conversion = true, // new option // .allow_snake_case_conversion = true, // new option // .allow_unknown_fields = true, // new option. Cannot yet handle non-struct fields though // .allow_missing_fields = false, // new option. Cannot yet handle non-struct fields though // }; // const SResponse = ServerResponse(request); // const r = try json.parse(SResponse, &stream, parser_options); // json.parseFree(SResponse, r, parser_options); test { // To run nested container tests, either, call `refAllDecls` which will // reference all declarations located in the given argument. // `@This()` is a builtin function that returns the innermost container it is called from. // In this example, the innermost container is this file (implicitly a struct). std.testing.refAllDecls(@This()); std.testing.refAllDecls(awshttp); std.testing.refAllDecls(json); std.testing.refAllDecls(url); std.testing.refAllDecls(case); std.testing.refAllDecls(date); std.testing.refAllDecls(servicemodel); std.testing.refAllDecls(xml_shaper); } const TestOptions = struct { allocator: std.mem.Allocator, server_port: ?u16 = null, server_remaining_requests: usize = 1, server_response: []const u8 = "unset", server_response_headers: [][2][]const u8 = &[_][2][]const u8{}, request_body: []u8 = "", test_server_runtime_uri: ?[]u8 = null, server_ready: bool = false, const Self = @This(); fn waitForReady(self: *Self) !void { // While this doesn't return an error, we can use !void // to prepare for addition of timeout while (!self.server_ready) std.time.sleep(100); } fn deinit(self: Self) void { if (self.request_body.len > 0); if (self.test_server_runtime_uri) |_|; } }; /// This starts a test server. We're not testing the server itself, /// so the main tests will start this thing up and create an arena around the /// whole thing so we can just deallocate everything at once at the end, /// leaks be damned fn threadMain(options: *TestOptions) !void { var server = std.http.Server.init(options.allocator, .{ .reuse_address = true }); // defer server.deinit(); const address = try"", 0); try server.listen(address); options.server_port =; options.test_server_runtime_uri = try std.fmt.allocPrint(options.allocator, "{d}", .{options.server_port.?}); log.debug("server listening at {s}", .{options.test_server_runtime_uri.?}); defer server.deinit();"starting server thread, tid {d}", .{std.Thread.getCurrentId()}); // var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(options.allocator); // defer arena.deinit(); // var aa = arena.allocator(); // We're in control of all requests/responses, so this flag will tell us // when it's time to shut down while (options.server_remaining_requests > 0) { options.server_remaining_requests -= 1; processRequest(options, &server) catch |e| { log.err("Unexpected error processing request: {any}", .{e}); if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| { std.debug.dumpStackTrace(trace.*); } }; } } fn processRequest(options: *TestOptions, server: *std.http.Server) !void { options.server_ready = true; errdefer options.server_ready = false; log.debug( "tid {d} (server): server waiting to accept. requests remaining: {d}", .{ std.Thread.getCurrentId(), options.server_remaining_requests + 1 }, ); var res = try server.accept(.{ .allocator = options.allocator }); options.server_ready = false; defer res.deinit(); defer if (res.headers.owned and res.headers.list.items.len > 0) res.headers.deinit(); defer _ = res.reset(); try res.wait(); // wait for client to send a complete request head const errstr = "Internal Server Error\n"; var errbuf: [errstr.len]u8 = undefined; @memcpy(&errbuf, errstr); var response_bytes: []const u8 = errbuf[0..]; if (res.request.content_length) |l| options.request_body = try res.reader().readAllAlloc(options.allocator, @as(usize, l)); log.debug( "tid {d} (server): {d} bytes read from request", .{ std.Thread.getCurrentId(), options.request_body.len }, ); // try response.headers.append("content-type", "text/plain"); response_bytes = serve(options, &res) catch |e| brk: { res.status = .internal_server_error; // TODO: more about this particular request log.err("Unexpected error from executor processing request: {any}", .{e}); if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| { std.debug.dumpStackTrace(trace.*); } break :brk "Unexpected error generating request to lambda"; }; res.transfer_encoding = .{ .content_length = response_bytes.len }; try; _ = try res.writer().writeAll(response_bytes); try res.finish(); log.debug( "tid {d} (server): sent response", .{std.Thread.getCurrentId()}, ); } fn serve(options: *TestOptions, res: *std.http.Server.Response) ![]const u8 { for (options.server_response_headers) |h| try res.headers.append(h[0], h[1]); // try res.headers.append("content-length", try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{d}", .{server_response.len})); return options.server_response; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // These will replicate the tests that were in src/main.zig // The server_response and server_response_headers come from logs of // a previous run of src/main.zig, with redactions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const TestSetup = struct { allocator: std.mem.Allocator, request_options: TestOptions, server_thread: std.Thread = undefined, creds: aws_auth.Credentials = undefined, client: *Client = undefined, started: bool = false, const Self = @This(); const aws_creds = @import("aws_credentials.zig"); const aws_auth = @import("aws_authentication.zig"); fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, options: TestOptions) Self { return .{ .allocator = allocator, .request_options = options, }; } fn start(self: *Self) !Options { self.server_thread = try std.Thread.spawn( .{}, threadMain, .{&self.request_options}, ); self.started = true; try self.request_options.waitForReady(); awshttp.endpoint_override = self.request_options.test_server_runtime_uri; self.creds = aws_auth.Credentials.init( self.allocator, try self.allocator.dupe(u8, "ACCESS"), try self.allocator.dupe(u8, "SECRET"), null, ); aws_creds.static_credentials = self.creds; var client = try Client.init(self.allocator, .{}); self.client = &client; return .{ .region = "us-west-2", .client = client, }; } fn stop(self: *Self) void { self.server_thread.join(); } fn deinit(self: Self) void { self.request_options.deinit(); if (!self.started) return; awshttp.endpoint_override = null; // creds.deinit(); Creds will get deinited in the course of the call. We don't want to do it twice aws_creds.static_credentials = null; // we do need to reset the static creds for the next user though self.client.deinit(); } }; test "sts get_caller_identity comptime" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; var test_harness = TestSetup.init(allocator, .{ .allocator = allocator, .server_response = \\{"GetCallerIdentityResponse":{"GetCallerIdentityResult":{"Account":"123456789012","Arn":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/admin","UserId":"AIDAYAM4POHXHRVANDQBQ"},"ResponseMetadata":{"RequestId":"8f0d54da-1230-40f7-b4ac-95015c4b84cd"}}} , .server_response_headers = @constCast(&[_][2][]const u8{ .{ "Content-Type", "application/json" }, .{ "x-amzn-RequestId", "8f0d54da-1230-40f7-b4ac-95015c4b84cd" }, }), }); defer test_harness.deinit(); const options = try test_harness.start(); const sts = (Services(.{.sts}){}).sts; const call = try Request(sts.get_caller_identity).call(.{}, options); // const call = try{}, options); defer call.deinit(); test_harness.stop(); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings( \\Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15 , test_harness.request_options.request_body); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings( "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/admin", call.response.arn.?, ); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("AIDAYAM4POHXHRVANDQBQ", call.response.user_id.?); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("123456789012", call.response.account.?); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("8f0d54da-1230-40f7-b4ac-95015c4b84cd", call.response_metadata.request_id); }