const std = @import("std"); const expectEqualStrings = std.testing.expectEqualStrings; pub fn fromPascalCase(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, name: []const u8) ![]u8 { var utf8_name = (std.unicode.Utf8View.init(name) catch unreachable).iterator(); var target_inx: u64 = 0; var previous_codepoint: ?u21 = null; var cp = utf8_name.nextCodepoint(); if (cp == null) { return try allocator.dupeZ(u8, name); } // TODO: fix bug if single letter uppercase var codepoint = cp.?; const rc = try allocator.alloc(u8, name.len * 2); // This is overkill, but is > the maximum length possibly needed while (utf8_name.nextCodepoint()) |next_codepoint| { if (codepoint > 0xff) return error{UnicodeNotSupported}.UnicodeNotSupported; if (next_codepoint > 0xff) return error{UnicodeNotSupported}.UnicodeNotSupported; const ascii_char = @truncate(u8, codepoint); if (next_codepoint == ' ') continue; // ignore all spaces in name if (ascii_char >= 'A' and ascii_char < 'Z') { const lowercase_char = ascii_char + ('a' - 'A'); if (previous_codepoint == null) { rc[target_inx] = lowercase_char; target_inx = target_inx + 1; } else { if (next_codepoint >= 'A' and next_codepoint <= 'Z' and previous_codepoint.? >= 'A' and previous_codepoint.? <= 'Z') { //we are in an acronym - don't snake, just lower rc[target_inx] = lowercase_char; target_inx = target_inx + 1; } else { rc[target_inx] = '_'; rc[target_inx + 1] = lowercase_char; target_inx = target_inx + 2; } } } else { // if (ascii_char == ' ') { // rc[target_inx] = '_'; // } else { rc[target_inx] = ascii_char; // } target_inx = target_inx + 1; } previous_codepoint = codepoint; codepoint = next_codepoint; } // work in the last codepoint - force lowercase rc[target_inx] = @truncate(u8, codepoint); if (rc[target_inx] >= 'A' and rc[target_inx] <= 'Z') { const lowercase_char = rc[target_inx] + ('a' - 'A'); rc[target_inx] = lowercase_char; } target_inx = target_inx + 1; rc[target_inx] = 0; return rc[0..target_inx]; } test "converts from PascalCase to snake_case" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const snake_case = try fromPascalCase(allocator, "MyPascalCaseThing"); defer; try expectEqualStrings("my_pascal_case_thing", snake_case); } test "handles from PascalCase acronyms to snake_case" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const snake_case = try fromPascalCase(allocator, "SAMLMySAMLAcronymThing"); defer; try expectEqualStrings("saml_my_saml_acronym_thing", snake_case); } test "spaces in the name" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; const snake_case = try fromPascalCase(allocator, "API Gateway"); defer; try expectEqualStrings("api_gateway", snake_case); }