{ "smithy": "1.0", "metadata": { "suppressions": [ { "id": "HttpMethodSemantics", "namespace": "*" }, { "id": "HttpResponseCodeSemantics", "namespace": "*" }, { "id": "PaginatedTrait", "namespace": "*" }, { "id": "HttpHeaderTrait", "namespace": "*" }, { "id": "HttpUriConflict", "namespace": "*" }, { "id": "Service", "namespace": "*" } ] }, "shapes": { "com.amazonaws.amplify#AccessToken": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 255 }, "smithy.api#sensitive": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ActiveJobId": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Amplify": { "type": "service", "version": "2017-07-25", "operations": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateApp" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBackendEnvironment" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBranch" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDeployment" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDomainAssociation" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateWebhook" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteApp" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBackendEnvironment" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBranch" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteDomainAssociation" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteJob" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteWebhook" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GenerateAccessLogs" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetApp" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetArtifactUrl" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBackendEnvironment" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBranch" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetDomainAssociation" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetJob" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetWebhook" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListApps" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListArtifacts" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBackendEnvironments" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBranches" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListDomainAssociations" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListJobs" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListTagsForResource" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListWebhooks" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartDeployment" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartJob" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StopJob" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagResource" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UntagResource" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateApp" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateBranch" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateDomainAssociation" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateWebhook" } ], "traits": { "aws.api#service": { "sdkId": "Amplify", "arnNamespace": "amplify", "cloudFormationName": "Amplify", "cloudTrailEventSource": "amplify.amazonaws.com", "endpointPrefix": "amplify" }, "aws.auth#sigv4": { "name": "amplify" }, "aws.protocols#restJson1": {}, "smithy.api#documentation": "
Amplify enables developers to develop and deploy cloud-powered mobile and web apps.\n The Amplify Console provides a continuous delivery and hosting service for web\n applications. For more information, see the Amplify Console User Guide. The\n Amplify Framework is a comprehensive set of SDKs, libraries, tools, and documentation\n for client app development. For more information, see the Amplify Framework.\n
", "smithy.api#title": "AWS Amplify", "smithy.api#xmlNamespace": { "uri": "http://amplify.amazonaws.com" } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#App": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID of the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "appArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "name": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Name", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "tags": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The tag for the Amplify app.
" } }, "description": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Description", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The description for the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "repository": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Repository", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The repository for the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "platform": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Platform", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The platform for the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "createTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Creates a date and time for the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "updateTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Updates the date and time for the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "iamServiceRoleArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ServiceRoleArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for the Amazon Resource\n Name (ARN) of the Amplify app.
" } }, "environmentVariables": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentVariables", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The environment variables for the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "defaultDomain": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DefaultDomain", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The default domain for the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "enableBranchAutoBuild": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBranchAutoBuild", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables the auto-building of branches for the Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "enableBranchAutoDeletion": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBranchAutoDeletion", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Automatically disconnect a branch in the Amplify Console when you delete a branch\n from your Git repository.
" } }, "enableBasicAuth": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBasicAuth", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables basic authorization for the Amplify app's branches.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "basicAuthCredentials": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BasicAuthCredentials", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The basic authorization credentials for branches for the Amplify app.
" } }, "customRules": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomRules", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the custom redirect and rewrite rules for the Amplify app.
" } }, "productionBranch": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ProductionBranch", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the information about a production branch of the Amplify app.
" } }, "buildSpec": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BuildSpec", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the content of the build specification (build spec) for the Amplify app.\n
" } }, "customHeaders": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomHeaders", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the custom HTTP headers for the Amplify app.
" } }, "enableAutoBranchCreation": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoBranchCreation", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables automated branch creation for the Amplify app.
" } }, "autoBranchCreationPatterns": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoBranchCreationPatterns", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the automated branch creation glob patterns for the Amplify app.
" } }, "autoBranchCreationConfig": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoBranchCreationConfig", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the automated branch creation configuration for the Amplify app.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Represents the different branches of a repository for building, deploying, and\n hosting an Amplify app.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppArn": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 20 }, "smithy.api#pattern": "d[a-z0-9]+" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Apps": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#App" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Artifact": { "type": "structure", "members": { "artifactFileName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ArtifactFileName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The file name for the artifact.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "artifactId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ArtifactId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for the artifact.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes an artifact.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ArtifactFileName": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ArtifactId": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ArtifactUrl": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Artifacts": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Artifact" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ArtifactsUrl": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#AssociatedResource": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 2048 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#AssociatedResources": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AssociatedResource" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoBranchCreationConfig": { "type": "structure", "members": { "stage": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Stage", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the current stage for the autocreated branch.
" } }, "framework": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Framework", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The framework for the autocreated branch.
" } }, "enableAutoBuild": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoBuild", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables auto building for the autocreated branch.
" } }, "environmentVariables": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentVariables", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The environment variables for the autocreated branch.
" } }, "basicAuthCredentials": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BasicAuthCredentials", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The basic authorization credentials for the autocreated branch.
" } }, "enableBasicAuth": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBasicAuth", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables basic authorization for the autocreated branch.
" } }, "enablePerformanceMode": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnablePerformanceMode", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables performance mode for the branch.
\nPerformance mode optimizes for faster hosting performance by keeping content cached at the edge for a longer interval. When performance mode is enabled, hosting configuration or code changes can take up to 10 minutes to roll out.
" } }, "buildSpec": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BuildSpec", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The build specification (build spec) for the autocreated branch.
" } }, "enablePullRequestPreview": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnablePullRequestPreview", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables pull request previews for the autocreated branch.
" } }, "pullRequestEnvironmentName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#PullRequestEnvironmentName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amplify environment name for the pull request.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the automated branch creation configuration.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoBranchCreationPattern": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 2048 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoBranchCreationPatterns": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoBranchCreationPattern" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoSubDomainCreationPattern": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 2048 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoSubDomainCreationPatterns": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoSubDomainCreationPattern" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoSubDomainIAMRole": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 }, "smithy.api#pattern": "^$|^arn:aws:iam::\\d{12}:role.+" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironment": { "type": "structure", "members": { "backendEnvironmentArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironmentArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify\n app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "environmentName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "stackName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StackName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The AWS CloudFormation stack name of a backend environment.
" } }, "deploymentArtifacts": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeploymentArtifacts", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of deployment artifacts.
" } }, "createTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The creation date and time for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify app.\n
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "updateTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The last updated date and time for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify\n app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the backend environment for an Amplify app.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironmentArn": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironments": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironment" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ErrorMessage" } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A request contains unexpected data.
", "smithy.api#error": "client", "smithy.api#httpError": 400 } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#BasicAuthCredentials": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 2000 }, "smithy.api#sensitive": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Branch": { "type": "structure", "members": { "branchArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the branch that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "description": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Description", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The description for the branch that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "tags": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The tag for the branch of an Amplify app.
" } }, "stage": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Stage", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The current stage for the branch that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "displayName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DisplayName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The display name for the branch. This is used as the default domain prefix.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "enableNotification": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableNotification", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables notifications for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "createTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The creation date and time for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "updateTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The last updated date and time for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "environmentVariables": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentVariables", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The environment variables specific to a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "enableAutoBuild": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoBuild", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables auto-building on push for a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "customDomains": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomDomains", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The custom domains for a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "framework": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Framework", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The framework for a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "activeJobId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ActiveJobId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The ID of the active job for a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "totalNumberOfJobs": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TotalNumberOfJobs", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The total number of jobs that are part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "enableBasicAuth": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBasicAuth", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables basic authorization for a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "enablePerformanceMode": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnablePerformanceMode", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables performance mode for the branch.
\nPerformance mode optimizes for faster hosting performance by keeping content cached at the edge for a longer interval. When performance mode is enabled, hosting configuration or code changes can take up to 10 minutes to roll out.
" } }, "thumbnailUrl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ThumbnailUrl", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The thumbnail URL for the branch of an Amplify app.
" } }, "basicAuthCredentials": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BasicAuthCredentials", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The basic authorization credentials for a branch of an Amplify app.
" } }, "buildSpec": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BuildSpec", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The build specification (build spec) content for the branch of an Amplify app.\n
" } }, "ttl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TTL", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The content Time to Live (TTL) for the website in seconds.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "associatedResources": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AssociatedResources", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of custom resources that are linked to this branch.
" } }, "enablePullRequestPreview": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnablePullRequestPreview", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables pull request previews for the branch.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "pullRequestEnvironmentName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#PullRequestEnvironmentName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amplify environment name for the pull request.
" } }, "destinationBranch": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The destination branch if the branch is a pull request branch.
" } }, "sourceBranch": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The source branch if the branch is a pull request branch.
" } }, "backendEnvironmentArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironmentArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify\n app.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The branch for an Amplify app, which maps to a third-party repository branch.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchArn": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Branches": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Branch" }, "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#BuildSpec": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The build specification (build spec) file for an Amplify app build.
", "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 25000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CertificateVerificationDNSRecord": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Code": { "type": "string" }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CommitId": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CommitMessage": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 10000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CommitTime": { "type": "timestamp" }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Condition": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 2048 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Context": { "type": "string" }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateApp": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateAppRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateAppResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Creates a new Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateAppRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "name": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Name", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "description": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Description", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The description for an Amplify app.
" } }, "repository": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Repository", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The repository for an Amplify app.
" } }, "platform": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Platform", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The platform or framework for an Amplify app.
" } }, "iamServiceRoleArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ServiceRoleArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for an Amplify app.
" } }, "oauthToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#OauthToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The OAuth token for a third-party source control system for an Amplify app. The OAuth\n token is used to create a webhook and a read-only deploy key. The OAuth token is not\n stored.
" } }, "accessToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AccessToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The personal access token for a third-party source control system for an Amplify app.\n The personal access token is used to create a webhook and a read-only deploy key. The\n token is not stored.
" } }, "environmentVariables": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentVariables", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The environment variables map for an Amplify app.
" } }, "enableBranchAutoBuild": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBranchAutoBuild", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables the auto building of branches for an Amplify app.
" } }, "enableBranchAutoDeletion": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBranchAutoDeletion", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Automatically disconnects a branch in the Amplify Console when you delete a branch\n from your Git repository.
" } }, "enableBasicAuth": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBasicAuth", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables basic authorization for an Amplify app. This will apply to all branches that\n are part of this app.
" } }, "basicAuthCredentials": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BasicAuthCredentials", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The credentials for basic authorization for an Amplify app.
" } }, "customRules": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomRules", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The custom rewrite and redirect rules for an Amplify app.
" } }, "tags": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The tag for an Amplify app.
" } }, "buildSpec": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BuildSpec", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The build specification (build spec) for an Amplify app.
" } }, "customHeaders": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomHeaders", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The custom HTTP headers for an Amplify app.
" } }, "enableAutoBranchCreation": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoBranchCreation", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables automated branch creation for an Amplify app.
" } }, "autoBranchCreationPatterns": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoBranchCreationPatterns", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The automated branch creation glob patterns for an Amplify app.
" } }, "autoBranchCreationConfig": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoBranchCreationConfig", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The automated branch creation configuration for an Amplify app.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure used to create apps in Amplify.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateAppResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "app": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#App", "traits": { "smithy.api#required": {} } } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBackendEnvironment": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBackendEnvironmentRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBackendEnvironmentResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Creates a new backend environment for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/backendenvironments", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBackendEnvironmentRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "environmentName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the backend environment.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "stackName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StackName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The AWS CloudFormation stack name of a backend environment.
" } }, "deploymentArtifacts": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeploymentArtifacts", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of deployment artifacts.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the backend environment create request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBackendEnvironmentResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "backendEnvironment": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironment", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the backend environment for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the create backend environment request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBranch": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBranchRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBranchResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Creates a new branch for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBranchRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the branch.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "description": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Description", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The description for the branch.
" } }, "stage": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Stage", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the current stage for the branch.
" } }, "framework": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Framework", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The framework for the branch.
" } }, "enableNotification": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableNotification", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables notifications for the branch.
" } }, "enableAutoBuild": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoBuild", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables auto building for the branch.
" } }, "environmentVariables": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentVariables", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The environment variables for the branch.
" } }, "basicAuthCredentials": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BasicAuthCredentials", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The basic authorization credentials for the branch.
" } }, "enableBasicAuth": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBasicAuth", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables basic authorization for the branch.
" } }, "enablePerformanceMode": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnablePerformanceMode", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables performance mode for the branch.
\nPerformance mode optimizes for faster hosting performance by keeping content cached at the edge for a longer interval. When performance mode is enabled, hosting configuration or code changes can take up to 10 minutes to roll out.
" } }, "tags": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The tag for the branch.
" } }, "buildSpec": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BuildSpec", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The build specification (build spec) for the branch.
" } }, "ttl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TTL", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The content Time To Live (TTL) for the website in seconds.
" } }, "displayName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DisplayName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The display name for a branch. This is used as the default domain prefix.
" } }, "enablePullRequestPreview": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnablePullRequestPreview", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables pull request previews for this branch.
" } }, "pullRequestEnvironmentName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#PullRequestEnvironmentName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amplify environment name for the pull request.
" } }, "backendEnvironmentArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironmentArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify\n app.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the create branch request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateBranchResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "branch": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Branch", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the branch for an Amplify app, which maps to a third-party repository\n branch.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for create branch request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDeployment": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDeploymentRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDeploymentResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Creates a deployment for a manually deployed Amplify app. Manually deployed apps are\n not connected to a repository.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}/deployments", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDeploymentRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the branch, for the job.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "fileMap": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#FileMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "An optional file map that contains the file name as the key and the file content md5\n hash as the value. If this argument is provided, the service will generate a unique\n upload URL per file. Otherwise, the service will only generate a single upload URL for\n the zipped files.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the create a new deployment request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDeploymentResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "jobId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The job ID for this deployment. will supply to start deployment api.
" } }, "fileUploadUrls": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#FileUploadUrls", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": " When the fileMap
argument is provided in the request,\n fileUploadUrls
will contain a map of file names to upload URLs.
When the fileMap
argument is not provided in the request, this\n zipUploadUrl
is returned.
The result structure for the create a new deployment request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDomainAssociation": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDomainAssociationRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDomainAssociationResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Creates a new domain association for an Amplify app. This action associates a custom\n domain with the Amplify app
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/domains", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDomainAssociationRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "domainName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The domain name for the domain association.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "enableAutoSubDomain": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoSubDomain", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables the automated creation of subdomains for branches.
" } }, "subDomainSettings": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#SubDomainSettings", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The setting for the subdomain.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "autoSubDomainCreationPatterns": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoSubDomainCreationPatterns", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Sets the branch patterns for automatic subdomain creation.
" } }, "autoSubDomainIAMRole": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoSubDomainIAMRole", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for the Amazon\n Resource Name (ARN) for automatically creating subdomains.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the create domain association request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateDomainAssociationResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "domainAssociation": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainAssociation", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the structure of a domain association, which associates a custom domain\n with an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the create domain association request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateTime": { "type": "timestamp" }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateWebhook": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateWebhookRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateWebhookResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Creates a new webhook on an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/webhooks", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateWebhookRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "description": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Description", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The description for a webhook.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the create webhook request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateWebhookResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "webhook": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Webhook", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes a webhook that connects repository events to an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the create webhook request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomDomain": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomDomains": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomDomain" }, "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomHeaders": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 25000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomRule": { "type": "structure", "members": { "source": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Source", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "target": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Target", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "status": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Status", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
\n \nRepresents a 200 rewrite rule.
\nRepresents a 301 (moved pemanently) redirect rule. This and all future requests should be directed to the target URL.
\nRepresents a 302 temporary redirect rule.
\nRepresents a 404 redirect rule.
\nRepresents a 404 rewrite rule.
\nThe condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, such as a country code.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes a custom rewrite or redirect rule.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomRules": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomRule" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DNSRecord": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DefaultDomain": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteApp": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteAppRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteAppResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Deletes an existing Amplify app specified by an app ID.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "DELETE", "uri": "/apps/{appId}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteAppRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the request structure for the delete app request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteAppResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "app": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#App", "traits": { "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the delete app request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBackendEnvironment": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBackendEnvironmentRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBackendEnvironmentResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Deletes a backend environment for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "DELETE", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/backendenvironments/{environmentName}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBackendEnvironmentRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "environmentName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of a backend environment of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the delete backend environment request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBackendEnvironmentResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "backendEnvironment": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironment", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the backend environment for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure of the delete backend environment result.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBranch": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBranchRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBranchResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Deletes a branch for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "DELETE", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBranchRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the branch.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the delete branch request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteBranchResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "branch": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Branch", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The branch for an Amplify app, which maps to a third-party repository branch.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the delete branch request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteDomainAssociation": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteDomainAssociationRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteDomainAssociationResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Deletes a domain association for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "DELETE", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/domains/{domainName}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteDomainAssociationRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique id for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "domainName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the domain.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the delete domain association request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteDomainAssociationResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "domainAssociation": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainAssociation", "traits": { "smithy.api#required": {} } } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteJob": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteJobRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteJobResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Deletes a job for a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "DELETE", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}/jobs/{jobId}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteJobRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the branch, for the job.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "jobId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for the job.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the delete job request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteJobResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "jobSummary": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobSummary", "traits": { "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the delete job request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteWebhook": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteWebhookRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteWebhookResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Deletes a webhook.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "DELETE", "uri": "/webhooks/{webhookId}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteWebhookRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "webhookId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#WebhookId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for a webhook.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the delete webhook request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeleteWebhookResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "webhook": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Webhook", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes a webhook that connects repository events to an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the delete webhook request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ErrorMessage" } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "An operation failed because a dependent service threw an exception.
", "smithy.api#error": "server", "smithy.api#httpError": 503 } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DeploymentArtifacts": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Description": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DisplayName": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainAssociation": { "type": "structure", "members": { "domainAssociationArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainAssociationArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the domain association.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "domainName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the domain.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "enableAutoSubDomain": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoSubDomain", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables the automated creation of subdomains for branches.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "autoSubDomainCreationPatterns": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoSubDomainCreationPatterns", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Sets branch patterns for automatic subdomain creation.
" } }, "autoSubDomainIAMRole": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoSubDomainIAMRole", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for the Amazon\n Resource Name (ARN) for automatically creating subdomains.
" } }, "domainStatus": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainStatus", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The current status of the domain association.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "statusReason": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StatusReason", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The reason for the current status of the domain association.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "certificateVerificationDNSRecord": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CertificateVerificationDNSRecord", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The DNS record for certificate verification.
" } }, "subDomains": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#SubDomains", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The subdomains for the domain association.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes a domain association that associates a custom domain with an Amplify app.\n
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainAssociationArn": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainAssociations": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainAssociation" }, "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainName": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainPrefix": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainStatus": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "PENDING_VERIFICATION", "name": "PENDING_VERIFICATION" }, { "value": "IN_PROGRESS", "name": "IN_PROGRESS" }, { "value": "AVAILABLE", "name": "AVAILABLE" }, { "value": "PENDING_DEPLOYMENT", "name": "PENDING_DEPLOYMENT" }, { "value": "FAILED", "name": "FAILED" }, { "value": "CREATING", "name": "CREATING" }, { "value": "REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE", "name": "REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE" }, { "value": "UPDATING", "name": "UPDATING" } ] } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoBranchCreation": { "type": "boolean", "traits": { "smithy.api#box": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoBuild": { "type": "boolean", "traits": { "smithy.api#box": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoSubDomain": { "type": "boolean", "traits": { "smithy.api#box": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBasicAuth": { "type": "boolean", "traits": { "smithy.api#box": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBranchAutoBuild": { "type": "boolean", "traits": { "smithy.api#box": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBranchAutoDeletion": { "type": "boolean", "traits": { "smithy.api#box": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableNotification": { "type": "boolean", "traits": { "smithy.api#box": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnablePerformanceMode": { "type": "boolean", "traits": { "smithy.api#box": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnablePullRequestPreview": { "type": "boolean", "traits": { "smithy.api#box": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EndTime": { "type": "timestamp" }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvKey": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvValue": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentName": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentVariables": { "type": "map", "key": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvKey" }, "value": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvValue" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ErrorMessage": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#FileMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#FileName" }, "value": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#MD5Hash" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#FileName": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#FileUploadUrls": { "type": "map", "key": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#FileName" }, "value": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UploadUrl" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Framework": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GenerateAccessLogs": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GenerateAccessLogsRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GenerateAccessLogsResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns the website access logs for a specific time range using a presigned URL.\n
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/accesslogs", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GenerateAccessLogsRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "startTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The time at which the logs should start. The time range specified is inclusive of the\n start time.
" } }, "endTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EndTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The time at which the logs should end. The time range specified is inclusive of the\n end time.
" } }, "domainName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the domain.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the generate access logs request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GenerateAccessLogsResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "logUrl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LogUrl", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The pre-signed URL for the requested access logs.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the generate access logs request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetApp": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetAppRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetAppResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns an existing Amplify app by appID.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetAppRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the get app request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetAppResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "app": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#App", "traits": { "smithy.api#required": {} } } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetArtifactUrl": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetArtifactUrlRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetArtifactUrlResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns the artifact info that corresponds to an artifact id.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/artifacts/{artifactId}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetArtifactUrlRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "artifactId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ArtifactId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an artifact.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns the request structure for the get artifact request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetArtifactUrlResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "artifactId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ArtifactId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an artifact.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "artifactUrl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ArtifactUrl", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The presigned URL for the artifact.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns the result structure for the get artifact request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBackendEnvironment": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBackendEnvironmentRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBackendEnvironmentResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns a backend environment for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/backendenvironments/{environmentName}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBackendEnvironmentRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique id for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "environmentName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the backend environment.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the get backend environment request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBackendEnvironmentResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "backendEnvironment": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironment", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the backend environment for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the get backend environment result.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBranch": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBranchRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBranchResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns a branch for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBranchRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the branch.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the get branch request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetBranchResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "branch": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Branch", "traits": { "smithy.api#required": {} } } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetDomainAssociation": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetDomainAssociationRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetDomainAssociationResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns the domain information for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/domains/{domainName}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetDomainAssociationRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique id for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "domainName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the domain.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the get domain association request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetDomainAssociationResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "domainAssociation": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainAssociation", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the structure of a domain association, which associates a custom domain\n with an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the get domain association request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetJob": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetJobRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetJobResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns a job for a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}/jobs/{jobId}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetJobRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The branch name for the job.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "jobId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for the job.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the get job request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetJobResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "job": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Job", "traits": { "smithy.api#required": {} } } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetWebhook": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetWebhookRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetWebhookResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns the webhook information that corresponds to a specified webhook ID.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/webhooks/{webhookId}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetWebhookRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "webhookId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#WebhookId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for a webhook.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the get webhook request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#GetWebhookResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "webhook": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Webhook", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the structure of a webhook.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the get webhook request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ErrorMessage" } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The service failed to perform an operation due to an internal issue.
", "smithy.api#error": "server", "smithy.api#httpError": 500 } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Job": { "type": "structure", "members": { "summary": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobSummary", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the summary for an execution job for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "steps": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Steps", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The execution steps for an execution job, for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes an execution job for an Amplify app.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobArn": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobId": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobReason": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobStatus": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "PENDING", "name": "PENDING" }, { "value": "PROVISIONING", "name": "PROVISIONING" }, { "value": "RUNNING", "name": "RUNNING" }, { "value": "FAILED", "name": "FAILED" }, { "value": "SUCCEED", "name": "SUCCEED" }, { "value": "CANCELLING", "name": "CANCELLING" }, { "value": "CANCELLED", "name": "CANCELLED" } ] } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobSummaries": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobSummary" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "jobArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the job.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "jobId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for the job.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "commitId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CommitId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The commit ID from a third-party repository provider for the job.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "commitMessage": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CommitMessage", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The commit message from a third-party repository provider for the job.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "commitTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CommitTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The commit date and time for the job.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "startTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The start date and time for the job.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "status": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobStatus", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The current status for the job.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "endTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EndTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The end date and time for the job.
" } }, "jobType": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobType", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": " The type for the job. If the value is RELEASE
, the job was manually\n released from its source by using the StartJob
API. If the value is\n RETRY
, the job was manually retried using the StartJob
\n API. If the value is WEB_HOOK
, the job was automatically triggered by\n webhooks.
Describes the summary for an execution job for an Amplify app.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobType": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "RELEASE", "name": "RELEASE" }, { "value": "RETRY", "name": "RETRY" }, { "value": "MANUAL", "name": "MANUAL" }, { "value": "WEB_HOOK", "name": "WEB_HOOK" } ], "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 10 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#LastDeployTime": { "type": "timestamp" }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ErrorMessage" } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A resource could not be created because service quotas were exceeded.
", "smithy.api#error": "client", "smithy.api#httpError": 429 } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListApps": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListAppsRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListAppsResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns a list of the existing Amplify apps.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListAppsRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. If non-null, the pagination token is returned in a result. Pass\n its value in another request to retrieve more entries.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "nextToken" } }, "maxResults": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#MaxResults", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "maxResults" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the list apps request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListAppsResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "apps": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Apps", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of Amplify apps.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. Set to null to start listing apps from start. If non-null, the\n pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its value in here to list more projects.\n
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for an Amplify app list request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListArtifacts": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListArtifactsRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListArtifactsResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns a list of artifacts for a specified app, branch, and job.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}/jobs/{jobId}/artifacts", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListArtifactsRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "jobId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for a job.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. Set to null to start listing artifacts from start. If a non-null\n pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in here to list more artifacts.\n
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "nextToken" } }, "maxResults": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#MaxResults", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "maxResults" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the request structure for the list artifacts request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListArtifactsResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "artifacts": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Artifacts", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of artifacts.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its\n value in another request to retrieve more entries.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the list artifacts request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBackendEnvironments": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBackendEnvironmentsRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBackendEnvironmentsResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Lists the backend environments for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/backendenvironments", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBackendEnvironmentsRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "environmentName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the backend environment
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "environmentName" } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. Set to null to start listing backend environments from the start.\n If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in here to list\n more backend environments.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "nextToken" } }, "maxResults": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#MaxResults", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "maxResults" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the list backend environments request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBackendEnvironmentsResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "backendEnvironments": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironments", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The list of backend environments for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its\n value in another request to retrieve more entries.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the list backend environments result.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBranches": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBranchesRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBranchesResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Lists the branches of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBranchesRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. Set to null to start listing branches from the start. If a\n non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in here to list more\n branches.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "nextToken" } }, "maxResults": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#MaxResults", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "maxResults" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the list branches request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListBranchesResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "branches": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Branches", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of branches for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its\n value in another request to retrieve more entries.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the list branches request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListDomainAssociations": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListDomainAssociationsRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListDomainAssociationsResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns the domain associations for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/domains", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListDomainAssociationsRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. Set to null to start listing apps from the start. If non-null, a\n pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its value in here to list more projects.\n
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "nextToken" } }, "maxResults": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#MaxResults", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "maxResults" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the list domain associations request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListDomainAssociationsResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "domainAssociations": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainAssociations", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of domain associations.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. If non-null, a pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its\n value in another request to retrieve more entries.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the list domain association request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListJobs": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListJobsRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListJobsResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Lists the jobs for a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}/jobs", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListJobsRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for a branch.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. Set to null to start listing steps from the start. If a non-null\n pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in here to list more steps.\n
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "nextToken" } }, "maxResults": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#MaxResults", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "maxResults" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the list jobs request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListJobsResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "jobSummaries": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobSummaries", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the list job result request.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. If non-null the pagination token is returned in a result. Pass\n its value in another request to retrieve more entries.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListTagsForResource": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListTagsForResourceRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListTagsForResourceResponse" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ResourceNotFoundException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns a list of tags for a specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/tags/{resourceArn}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListTagsForResourceRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "resourceArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ResourceArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use to list tags.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure to use to list tags for a resource.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListTagsForResourceResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "tags": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of tags for the specified The Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The response for the list tags for resource request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListWebhooks": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListWebhooksRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListWebhooksResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Returns a list of webhooks for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/webhooks", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListWebhooksRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. Set to null to start listing webhooks from the start. If\n non-null,the pagination token is returned in a result. Pass its value in here to list\n more webhooks.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "nextToken" } }, "maxResults": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#MaxResults", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The maximum number of records to list in a single response.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "maxResults" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the list webhooks request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ListWebhooksResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "webhooks": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Webhooks", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of webhooks.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "nextToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token. If non-null, the pagination token is returned in a result. Pass\n its value in another request to retrieve more entries.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the list webhooks request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#LogUrl": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#MD5Hash": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 32 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#MaxResults": { "type": "integer", "traits": { "smithy.api#range": { "min": 0, "max": 100 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Name": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#NextToken": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 2000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ErrorMessage" } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "An entity was not found during an operation.
", "smithy.api#error": "client", "smithy.api#httpError": 404 } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#OauthToken": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 }, "smithy.api#sensitive": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Platform": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "WEB", "name": "WEB" } ] } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ProductionBranch": { "type": "structure", "members": { "lastDeployTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LastDeployTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The last deploy time of the production branch.
" } }, "status": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Status", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The status of the production branch.
" } }, "thumbnailUrl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ThumbnailUrl", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The thumbnail URL for the production branch.
" } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The branch name for the production branch.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the information about a production branch for an Amplify app.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#PullRequestEnvironmentName": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 20 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Repository": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ResourceArn": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#pattern": "^arn:aws:amplify:.*" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ResourceNotFoundException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "code": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Code", "traits": { "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ErrorMessage", "traits": { "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "An operation failed due to a non-existent resource.
", "smithy.api#error": "client", "smithy.api#httpError": 404 } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Screenshots": { "type": "map", "key": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ThumbnailName" }, "value": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ThumbnailUrl" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ServiceRoleArn": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Source": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 2048 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#SourceUrl": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StackName": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Stage": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#enum": [ { "value": "PRODUCTION", "name": "PRODUCTION" }, { "value": "BETA", "name": "BETA" }, { "value": "DEVELOPMENT", "name": "DEVELOPMENT" }, { "value": "EXPERIMENTAL", "name": "EXPERIMENTAL" }, { "value": "PULL_REQUEST", "name": "PULL_REQUEST" } ] } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartDeployment": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartDeploymentRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartDeploymentResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Starts a deployment for a manually deployed app. Manually deployed apps are not\n connected to a repository.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}/deployments/start", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartDeploymentRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the branch, for the job.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "jobId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The job ID for this deployment, generated by the create deployment request.
" } }, "sourceUrl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#SourceUrl", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The source URL for this deployment, used when calling start deployment without create\n deployment. The source URL can be any HTTP GET URL that is publicly accessible and\n downloads a single .zip file.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the start a deployment request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartDeploymentResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "jobSummary": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobSummary", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The summary for the job.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the start a deployment request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartJob": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartJobRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartJobResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Starts a new job for a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}/jobs", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartJobRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The branch name for the job.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "jobId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": " The unique ID for an existing job. This is required if the value of\n jobType
Describes the type for the job. The job type RELEASE
starts a new job\n with the latest change from the specified branch. This value is available only for apps\n that are connected to a repository. The job type RETRY
retries an existing\n job. If the job type value is RETRY
, the jobId
is also\n required.
A descriptive reason for starting this job.
" } }, "commitId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CommitId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The commit ID from a third-party repository provider for the job.
" } }, "commitMessage": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CommitMessage", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The commit message from a third-party repository provider for the job.
" } }, "commitTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CommitTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The commit date and time for the job.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the start job request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartJobResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "jobSummary": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobSummary", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The summary for the job.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the run job request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartTime": { "type": "timestamp" }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Status": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 3, "max": 7 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StatusReason": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Step": { "type": "structure", "members": { "stepName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StepName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the execution step.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "startTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StartTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The start date and time of the execution step.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "status": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobStatus", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The status of the execution step.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "endTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EndTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The end date and time of the execution step.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "logUrl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LogUrl", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The URL to the logs for the execution step.
" } }, "artifactsUrl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ArtifactsUrl", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The URL to the artifact for the execution step.
" } }, "testArtifactsUrl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TestArtifactsUrl", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The URL to the test artifact for the execution step.
" } }, "testConfigUrl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TestConfigUrl", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The URL to the test configuration for the execution step.
" } }, "screenshots": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Screenshots", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The list of screenshot URLs for the execution step, if relevant.
" } }, "statusReason": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StatusReason", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The reason for the current step status.
" } }, "context": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Context", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The context for the current step. Includes a build image if the step is build.\n
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes an execution step, for an execution job, for an Amplify app.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StepName": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Steps": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Step" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StopJob": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StopJobRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#StopJobResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#LimitExceededException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Stops a job that is in progress for a branch of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "DELETE", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}/jobs/{jobId}/stop", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StopJobRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the branch, for the job.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "jobId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique id for the job.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the stop job request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#StopJobResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "jobSummary": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#JobSummary", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The summary for the job.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the stop job request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#SubDomain": { "type": "structure", "members": { "subDomainSetting": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#SubDomainSetting", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the settings for the subdomain.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "verified": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Verified", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The verified status of the subdomain
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "dnsRecord": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DNSRecord", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The DNS record for the subdomain.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The subdomain for the domain association.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#SubDomainSetting": { "type": "structure", "members": { "prefix": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainPrefix", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The prefix setting for the subdomain.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The branch name setting for the subdomain.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the settings for the subdomain.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#SubDomainSettings": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#SubDomainSetting" }, "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#SubDomains": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#SubDomain" }, "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TTL": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The content Time to Live (TTL) for the website in seconds.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagKey": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 128 }, "smithy.api#pattern": "^(?!aws:)[a-zA-Z+-=._:/]+$" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagKeyList": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagKey" }, "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 50 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagKey" }, "value": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagValue" }, "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 50 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagResource": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagResourceRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagResourceResponse" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ResourceNotFoundException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Tags the resource with a tag key and value.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/tags/{resourceArn}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagResourceRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "resourceArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ResourceArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use to tag a resource.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "tags": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagMap", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The tags used to tag the resource.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure to tag a resource with a tag key and value.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagResourceResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {}, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The response for the tag resource request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagValue": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 256 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Target": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 2048 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TestArtifactsUrl": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TestConfigUrl": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ThumbnailName": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 256 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#ThumbnailUrl": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 1, "max": 2000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#TotalNumberOfJobs": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException": { "type": "structure", "members": { "message": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ErrorMessage" } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "An operation failed due to a lack of access.
", "smithy.api#error": "client", "smithy.api#httpError": 401 } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UntagResource": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UntagResourceRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UntagResourceResponse" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ResourceNotFoundException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Untags a resource with a specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "DELETE", "uri": "/tags/{resourceArn}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UntagResourceRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "resourceArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ResourceArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use to untag a resource.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "tagKeys": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TagKeyList", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The tag keys to use to untag a resource.
", "smithy.api#httpQuery": "tagKeys", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the untag resource request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UntagResourceResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {}, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The response for the untag resource request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateApp": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateAppRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateAppResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Updates an existing Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateAppRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "name": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Name", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for an Amplify app.
" } }, "description": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Description", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The description for an Amplify app.
" } }, "platform": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Platform", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The platform for an Amplify app.
" } }, "iamServiceRoleArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#ServiceRoleArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for an Amplify app.
" } }, "environmentVariables": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentVariables", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The environment variables for an Amplify app.
" } }, "enableBranchAutoBuild": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoBuild", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables branch auto-building for an Amplify app.
" } }, "enableBranchAutoDeletion": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBranchAutoDeletion", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Automatically disconnects a branch in the Amplify Console when you delete a branch\n from your Git repository.
" } }, "enableBasicAuth": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBasicAuth", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables basic authorization for an Amplify app.
" } }, "basicAuthCredentials": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BasicAuthCredentials", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The basic authorization credentials for an Amplify app.
" } }, "customRules": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomRules", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The custom redirect and rewrite rules for an Amplify app.
" } }, "buildSpec": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BuildSpec", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The build specification (build spec) for an Amplify app.
" } }, "customHeaders": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CustomHeaders", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The custom HTTP headers for an Amplify app.
" } }, "enableAutoBranchCreation": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoBranchCreation", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables automated branch creation for an Amplify app.
" } }, "autoBranchCreationPatterns": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoBranchCreationPatterns", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the automated branch creation glob patterns for an Amplify app.
" } }, "autoBranchCreationConfig": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoBranchCreationConfig", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The automated branch creation configuration for an Amplify app.
" } }, "repository": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Repository", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the repository for an Amplify app
" } }, "oauthToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#OauthToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The OAuth token for a third-party source control system for an Amplify app. The token\n is used to create a webhook and a read-only deploy key. The OAuth token is not stored.\n
" } }, "accessToken": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AccessToken", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The personal access token for a third-party source control system for an Amplify app.\n The token is used to create webhook and a read-only deploy key. The token is not stored.\n
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the update app request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateAppResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "app": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#App", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Represents the updated Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for an Amplify app update request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateBranch": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateBranchRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateBranchResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Updates a branch for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/branches/{branchName}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateBranchRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for the branch.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "description": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Description", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The description for the branch.
" } }, "framework": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Framework", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The framework for the branch.
" } }, "stage": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Stage", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the current stage for the branch.
" } }, "enableNotification": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableNotification", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables notifications for the branch.
" } }, "enableAutoBuild": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoBuild", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables auto building for the branch.
" } }, "environmentVariables": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnvironmentVariables", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The environment variables for the branch.
" } }, "basicAuthCredentials": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BasicAuthCredentials", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The basic authorization credentials for the branch.
" } }, "enableBasicAuth": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableBasicAuth", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables basic authorization for the branch.
" } }, "enablePerformanceMode": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnablePerformanceMode", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables performance mode for the branch.
\nPerformance mode optimizes for faster hosting performance by keeping content cached at the edge for a longer interval. When performance mode is enabled, hosting configuration or code changes can take up to 10 minutes to roll out.
" } }, "buildSpec": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BuildSpec", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The build specification (build spec) for the branch.
" } }, "ttl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#TTL", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The content Time to Live (TTL) for the website in seconds.
" } }, "displayName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DisplayName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The display name for a branch. This is used as the default domain prefix.
" } }, "enablePullRequestPreview": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnablePullRequestPreview", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables pull request previews for this branch.
" } }, "pullRequestEnvironmentName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#PullRequestEnvironmentName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amplify environment name for the pull request.
" } }, "backendEnvironmentArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BackendEnvironmentArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a backend environment that is part of an Amplify\n app.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the update branch request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateBranchResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "branch": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Branch", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The branch for an Amplify app, which maps to a third-party repository branch.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the update branch request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateDomainAssociation": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateDomainAssociationRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateDomainAssociationResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Creates a new domain association for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/apps/{appId}/domains/{domainName}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateDomainAssociationRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "appId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AppId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "domainName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the domain.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "enableAutoSubDomain": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#EnableAutoSubDomain", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Enables the automated creation of subdomains for branches.
" } }, "subDomainSettings": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#SubDomainSettings", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes the settings for the subdomain.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "autoSubDomainCreationPatterns": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoSubDomainCreationPatterns", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Sets the branch patterns for automatic subdomain creation.
" } }, "autoSubDomainIAMRole": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#AutoSubDomainIAMRole", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role for the Amazon\n Resource Name (ARN) for automatically creating subdomains.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the update domain association request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateDomainAssociationResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "domainAssociation": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DomainAssociation", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes a domain association, which associates a custom domain with an Amplify app.\n
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the update domain association request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateTime": { "type": "timestamp" }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateWebhook": { "type": "operation", "input": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateWebhookRequest" }, "output": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateWebhookResult" }, "errors": [ { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BadRequestException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#DependentServiceFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#InternalFailureException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#NotFoundException" }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UnauthorizedException" } ], "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Updates a webhook.
", "smithy.api#http": { "method": "POST", "uri": "/webhooks/{webhookId}", "code": 200 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateWebhookRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "webhookId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#WebhookId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The unique ID for a webhook.
", "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
" } }, "description": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Description", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The description for a webhook.
" } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The request structure for the update webhook request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateWebhookResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "webhook": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Webhook", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes a webhook that connects repository events to an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The result structure for the update webhook request.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#UploadUrl": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Verified": { "type": "boolean", "traits": { "smithy.api#box": {} } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Webhook": { "type": "structure", "members": { "webhookArn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#WebhookArn", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the webhook.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "webhookId": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#WebhookId", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The ID of the webhook.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "webhookUrl": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#WebhookUrl", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The URL of the webhook.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "branchName": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#BranchName", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The name for a branch that is part of an Amplify app.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "description": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Description", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The description for a webhook.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "createTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#CreateTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The create date and time for a webhook.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } }, "updateTime": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#UpdateTime", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Updates the date and time for a webhook.
", "smithy.api#required": {} } } }, "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes a webhook that connects repository events to an Amplify app.
" } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#WebhookArn": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#WebhookId": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 255 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#WebhookUrl": { "type": "string", "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, "max": 1000 } } }, "com.amazonaws.amplify#Webhooks": { "type": "list", "member": { "target": "com.amazonaws.amplify#Webhook" } } } }