#!/bin/sh if [ -n "${INPUT_PUBLIC_KEY}" ]; then curl -sLO "${INPUT_PUBLIC_KEY}" public_key fi dir="$(dirname "${INPUT_FILES}")" glob="$(basename "${INPUT_FILES}")" if [ "${glob}" = "**" ]; then all_files="$(find "$dir" -type f)" else all_files="$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -name "${glob}")" fi while IFS= read -r f; do sign_dir="$(dirname "$f")" sign_file="$(basename "$f")" dest_sig="${sign_dir}/${sign_file}.sig" echo "Signing file $f. Signature file destination: ${dest_sig}" # We can't use a volume mount because it will use the host volume, and we're # not on the host, but in a container. So we'll create a container, copy # the file to sign in place, get the signature and copy that back container="$(docker create \ -v /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm:/run/pcscd/pcscd.comm:ro \ -e INPUT_PIN \ git.lerch.org/lobo/pkcs11:1 \ -s --id "${INPUT_SLOT}" -m SHA256-RSA-PKCS -i artifact -o signature --pin env:INPUT_PIN)" docker cp "$f" "${container}":/home/user/artifact docker start -a "$container" # let container run, pick up the exit code ec=$? if [ $ec -ne 0 ]; then docker rm "$container" exit $ec fi # We are clear. Copy signature back into the workspace and remove the container docker cp "${container}":/home/user/signature "${dest_sig}" docker rm "${container}" if [ -n "${INPUT_PUBLIC_KEY}" ]; then echo "Public key specified. Uploading to sigstore public transparency log" rekor upload --artifact "$f" --signature "${dest_sig}" --pki-format x509 --public-key public_key ec=$? if [ $ec -ne 0 ]; then exit $ec fi fi done <