const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); // C interfaces between main and libraries pub const Header = extern struct { name_ptr: [*]u8, name_len: usize, value_ptr: [*]u8, value_len: usize, }; pub const Response = extern struct { ptr: [*]u8, len: usize, headers: [*]Header, headers_len: usize, status: usize, reason_ptr: [*]u8, reason_len: usize, }; pub const Request = extern struct { target: [*]const u8, target_len: usize, method: [*:0]u8, method_len: usize, content: [*]u8, content_len: usize, headers: [*]Header, headers_len: usize, }; // If the library is Zig, we can use these helpers threadlocal var allocator: ?*std.mem.Allocator = null; const log = std.log.scoped(.interface); pub const ZigRequest = struct { target: []const u8, method: [:0]u8, content: []u8, headers: []std.http.Header, }; pub const ZigHeader = struct { name: []u8, value: []u8, }; pub const ZigResponse = struct { status: std.http.Status = .ok, reason: ?[]const u8 = null, body: *std.ArrayList(u8), headers: []std.http.Header, request: ZigRequest, prepend: std.ArrayList(u8), pub fn write(res: *ZigResponse, bytes: []const u8) !usize { return res.prepend.writer().write(bytes); } pub fn writeAll(res: *ZigResponse, bytes: []const u8) !void { return res.prepend.writer().writeAll(bytes); } pub fn writer(res: *ZigResponse) { return res.prepend.writer().writer(); } pub fn finish(res: *ZigResponse) !void { if (res.prepend.items.len > 0) try res.body.insertSlice(0, res.prepend.items); res.prepend.deinit(); } }; pub const ZigRequestHandler = *const fn (std.mem.Allocator, *ZigResponse) anyerror!void; /// This function is optional and can be exported by zig libraries for /// initialization. If exported, it will be called once in the beginning of /// a request and will be provided a pointer to std.mem.Allocator, which is /// useful for reusing the parent allocator. If you're planning on using /// the handleRequest helper below, you must use zigInit or otherwise /// set the interface allocator in your own version of zigInit pub fn zigInit(parent_allocator: *anyopaque) callconv(.C) void { allocator = @ptrCast(@alignCast(parent_allocator)); } /// Converts a StringHashMap to the structure necessary for passing through the /// C boundary. This will be called automatically for you via the handleRequest function /// and is also used by the main processing loop to coerce request headers fn toHeaders(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, headers: []const std.http.Header) ![*]Header { var header_array = try std.ArrayList(Header).initCapacity(alloc, headers.len); for (headers) |*field| { header_array.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .name_ptr = @constCast(, .name_len =, .value_ptr = @constCast(field.value.ptr), .value_len = field.value.len, }); } return header_array.items.ptr; } /// handles a request, implementing the C interface to communicate between the /// main program and a zig library. Most importantly, it will catch/report /// errors appropriately and allow zig code to use standard Zig error semantics pub fn handleRequest(request: *Request, zigRequestHandler: ZigRequestHandler) ?*Response { // TODO: implement another library in C or Rust or something to show // that anything using a C ABI can be successful const alloc = if (allocator) |a| a.* else { log.err("zigInit not called prior to handle_request. This is a coding error", .{}); return null; }; // setup response body var response = std.ArrayList(u8).init(alloc); // setup headers var request_headers = std.ArrayList(std.http.Header).init(alloc); for (0..request.headers_len) |i| request_headers.append(.{ .name = request.headers[i].name_ptr[0..request.headers[i].name_len], .value = request.headers[i].value_ptr[0..request.headers[i].value_len], }) catch |e| { logError("Unexpected error processing request: {any}", .{e}, @errorReturnTrace()); return null; }; const prepend = std.ArrayList(u8).init(alloc); var zig_response = ZigResponse{ .headers = &.{}, .body = &response, .prepend = prepend, .request = .{ .content = request.content[0..request.content_len], .target =[0..request.target_len], .method = request.method[0..request.method_len :0], .headers = request_headers.toOwnedSlice() catch |e| { logError("Unexpected error processing request: {any}", .{e}, @errorReturnTrace()); return null; }, }, }; zigRequestHandler( alloc, &zig_response, ) catch |e| { logError("Unexpected error processing request: {any}", .{e}, @errorReturnTrace()); if (zig_response.status == .ok) // this was an unexpected throw zig_response.status = .internal_server_error; return buildResponse(alloc, &zig_response); }; // Marshall data back for handling by server return buildResponse(alloc, &zig_response); } fn logError(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype, stack_trace: anytype) void { if (builtin.is_test) return; log.err(format, args); if (stack_trace) |trace| { std.debug.dumpStackTrace(trace.*); } } fn buildResponse(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, zig_response: *ZigResponse) ?*Response { var rc = alloc.create(Response) catch { log.err("Could not allocate memory for response object. This may be fatal", .{}); return null; }; zig_response.finish() catch { log.err("Could not allocate memory for response object. This may be fatal", .{}); return null; }; rc.ptr = zig_response.body.items.ptr; rc.len = zig_response.body.items.len; rc.headers = toHeaders(alloc, zig_response.headers) catch |e| { log.err("Unexpected error processing request: {any}", .{e}); if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| { std.debug.dumpStackTrace(trace.*); } return null; }; rc.headers_len = zig_response.headers.len; rc.status = if (zig_response.status == .ok) 0 else @intFromEnum(zig_response.status); rc.reason_len = 0; if (zig_response.reason) |*r| { rc.reason_ptr = @constCast(r.ptr); rc.reason_len = r.len; } return rc; }